Search results

  1. C

    What do you do for a living?

    @mdwest expressed many truths, follow these while you are young, and never waver: then understand these truths and then pass along to the next generation. - Pay attention to and learn from the experiences of your elders. - Support your people that make things happen, in all circumstances...
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    What do you do for a living?

    I think you are really asking 2 questions: 1. What do you do for a living (work, skills, experiences, economic sector)? 2. How do you afford your safaris? Others here have provided good answers on question 2, planning, budget, review, discipline, level of living. Repeat. I am in that mode...
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    Big bore Shooting range

    A relative near my farm, had this style stand fabricated by a local welder with 2 3/8" drill pipe, available here as oilfield pipe, no longer used for drilling. Many ranchers build corrals for cattle out of these pipes. Heavy as hell, just move once on a trailer to your range. Depending on...
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    Want To Buy Whitworth SightHood

    @rookhawk, always appreciate your detailed information about all classic arms. I will check out NECG.
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    Want To Buy Whitworth SightHood

    Thanks, that is what mine looks like, Williams front sight. Appreciate the heads up.
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    DG calibers/energy laws versus rifle competency

    I understand and agree we don't need more hoops to jump through. Practice is a fleeting thought for some people, the below comments about the PH needing tell a hunter to "reload" speaks to the proficiency factor. What I see at the local ranges (not a substantive sample) just astounds me...
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    Ruger New Model Blackhawk 41 Magnum

    Very nice Blackhawk. For the single action aficionados, a great revolver, just reload and shoot.
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    Indulge me...Ruger no 1 thoughts.

    My next dream project is to rebarrel/ rebore to a 26inch barrel in 450/400 NE (a Ruger No. 1 .220 Swift may be a good donor), weighted and balanced at the hinge pin, to 9.5 pounds, tungsten shot strategically JB Welded in the forearm and buttstock. An XS ghost ring rear peep, and a NECG banded...
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    DG calibers/energy laws versus rifle competency

    The current thread on the 9.3x62 for dangerous (thick skinned) game has set me to pondering. Many great hunters prefer the 9.3 due to extra magazine capacity, lower recoil for a fast second shot. Many are accomplished riflemen and women, with a 9.3x 62, and PH's evaluation of field use, by...
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    Want To Buy Whitworth SightHood

    Can the NECG sight hood, with window, be fitted to the existing Whitworth front sight base?
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    Want To Buy Whitworth SightHood

    It's somewhere in the pasture. I'll keep looking for you.:cool:
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    Indulge me...Ruger no 1 thoughts.

    The fit of the Ruger #1, for me at least, is critical in calibers above 375 H&H. My first Number 1 was in this caliber, fit me well (an older 131 series) and was pleasant to shot. I was hooked. I've since owned .30-06, .270 .35 Whelen, for the mid calibers. Moving up, I owned a .416...
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    Want To Buy Whitworth SightHood

    Please post pics when you get it sorted by your gunsmith. My Whitworth. 458 is the best handling rifle I own; it just fits me.
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    Bringing 2 guns on a dangerous game hunt?

    Thinking the same. Practice with your rifle leads to competence.
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    Mossberg Shockwave

    Your Mom has good taste in firearms. Your other posts with S&W revolvers is great. I shot my 870 with 3” magnum 00 buck one handed, once was enough.
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    Looking to buy 458wm ammo

    Search on Ammo Seek dot com. Some Barnes and Norma available.
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    Chinese mine causes environmental disaster in zambia on the kafue river

    Thank you for the scientific information. Very informative. As in the Chinese food industry, it’s probably the same that for some, scientific details of substances in products, and by-products, are just a hindrance to profit.
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    Chinese mine causes environmental disaster in zambia on the kafue river

    I am always curious and want to learn. What metal ores, minerals are NORM? Cobalt, cesium, others?
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    .458 win mag brass

    Yes, on GB but I prefer to deal directly with suppliers. @RAVEN ROCKS PRECISION is a solid member here, communicates promptly and efficiently. Well regarded. Give them a call, support our sponsors. If long lead time and you need some quickly, others are available.
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    Thank you for the information. I figured as much, with a lot of paperwork annually for the law abiding citizens, and the poachers do what they want illegally.
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    Help me join the 21st century regarding scopes

    Especially if you want to buy a hunting (non-tactical) fixed 4x scope!
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    Want To Buy M70 safari 416 Remington

    In order to help out potential buyer, that is a New Haven made Classic Super Express barreled action in a Safari Express stock (Classic Super Express had a Monte Carlo style stock). This is noted by the folding rear sight, welded barrel sling swivel, and serial number. Still, a really good price.
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    Recoil reducers

    Agreed. Tungsten insert in the fore end can help balance lead in the stock, to maintain that correct balance point, really needed for big bore rifles. Limbsavers are good, but I prefer the classic look and mounting of the Pachmayer D752B Decelerator, and it noticeably helps reduce the sting of...
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    What are the Tanzania laws on owning/ using a handgun while farming? If legal and available, a 357 magnum revolver is a versatile tool to have, on your person to deal with a sudden encounter with feral animals, that may attack and kill your livestock. I understand the not wanting the “Western...
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    Chinese mine causes environmental disaster in zambia on the kafue river

    And the imperial colonizers today are??? The Chinese are a menace.
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    Chinese mine causes environmental disaster in zambia on the kafue river

    Damn Right! And how many animals, fish, hence people will die from this decades on? I wonder what the BBC thinks? Not that I give a damn.
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    Chinese mine causes environmental disaster in zambia on the kafue river

    4.1 pH is devastating to flora and fauna. Wildlife and plants cannot survive in those conditions. “The solution to pollution is dilution.” Here’s hoping that this Commie Chinese disaster will not last long, but it will take a lot of rain, flooding and washout, hopefully sparing the Zambian...
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    Chinese mine causes environmental disaster in zambia on the kafue river

    Too much money involved, wherever it ends up. Sad for Zambians.
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    Win M70 ejector adjustment (CRF-models)

    Seriously suggest to not alter the extractor. That series of Model 70 Winchester, and I have owned a few, have poor quality spring steel extractors, and if bent to modify, lose the proper tension to reliably extract a case. I have had a M70 .375H&H fail to extract a case tight in the chamber...
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    Range issues

    These events are so unfortunate for your grandson. I'm so lucky that my primary range officers, learning to shoot at 11 years old, were my grandfather and my father. Small farm, a .22 rifle and a 20 gauge shotgun. Gun safety first, then technique in shooting. Through my teenage years, many...
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    Opinions on 1” Quick Detach Picatinny Rings

    The Leupold version of Cross slot Weaver rings are solid and reliable. Warnes are good, but heavy. I expect a 458 B&M to be somewhat of a carbine, wanting a lighter weight scope system...
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    SOUTH AFRICA: Free Range Elephant Hunting In The Open System

    "And I thirst for Africa..." Excellent pictures.
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    Want To Trade 4 lbs RL25 for 2 lbs of RL17 (Virginia)

    True sign of the times these days. I was in the same place couple of years ago to get some Reloder 15 for double regulation loads. Good Luck, I bet someone here will come up with some offer.
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    Want To Sell Beautiful Interarms Mannlicher stocked 30-06

    The early 1980s Interarms commercial Mausers are fine rifles, have owned a few and still own a Whitworth .458. If you reload, the 20" barrel 30-06 is a perfect " walking around rifle" and for the deer stand. Great Price. GLWS.
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    Big Bore DG Rifle - Recoil Energy - How Much is Too Much?

    @Mark A Ouellette describes the "recoil impulse" phenomenon well, rifle weight, Recoil Velocity, and the Amplitude of Muzzle Blast Pressure. The muzzle blast amplitude, and duration of pressure is what gets to my brain. I cannot refocus instantly for a second shot when muzzle blast is too...
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    Ruger RSM 458 Lott (NIB) For Sale

    The RSMs are truly special rifles, considering from an American mass producer. Having owned all 3 calibers, the.458 Lott is my favorites. The 416 Rigby is just special. Keep looking, they do come up for sale every now and then, rarely NIB as this one. @krish has some truly fine rifles, all...
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    My m70 safety is stuck in the fire position

    Important question. I have had a safety issue with a 2008 South Carolina FN Model 70. A burr on the second notch.
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    Cz 550, American Safari 500 Jeffery (NIB)

    Gentlemen and Ladies, consider this rifle carefully for the .500 caliber category. If you want to move up in power, this is the path. You will pay a LOT more for a .500 build from a rifle maker nowadays. My previously owned CZ 550 in .500 Jefferey was a hefty rifle, in weight (10.8 pounds with...
  39. C

    Attacked by dangerous game while hunting something else?

    A Black Mamba would just ruin my day. Can you carry a sidearm (like a Ruger .44 Special loaded with #4, #8 shot and a few hollow points) in Namibia with proper permits?
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    Tonight is going to be a very long night

    Prayers to you @CZDiesel in taking care of Charlie. Vets can do incredible things now. They saved our first family pet, Daisy. They gave her 6 months, after stomach cancer surgery. I didn’t have the money at that time, paid everything I had to on credit. We had Daisy for 3 more years. Every...
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    An all round rifle caliber , for Africa and elsewhere

    Your situation, in the UK, illustrates why we are so fortunate in the USA in our choice of rifles, guns, and handguns. I would truly despise a situation that a "government official" must validate my choice in weapons.
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    Want To Sell 7x57 Factory Ammunition (buy 6, get 3 free!)

    Great offer. The Federal 175 and PPU 139 ammunition shoots great in my M70 7x57. GLWS.
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    When to hunt Mozambique Short Answer

    That Gaboon Viper looks too frightful for me. But I don’t like snakes. At all. What are the Mozambique laws on carrying a revolver sidearm? Thinking a Ruger .44 special, duplex #9 and #6 shot. Works well on water moccasins.
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    Has anyone heard Alliant is stopping sales of powder for reloading?

    Is there a powder comparison chart from Alliant or Hodgon to Vihtavouri powders for rifles? I have read many "burn rate charts" but some variation exists based on cartridges. Vihtavouri powders are good, I use VN-165 in a .270.
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    Lipsey's Ruger 77/22 22 Hornet African Released.

    Ruger should make a 77/357 and or a 77/44 African. A great 100-yard deer/pig rifle with Lil Gun handloads and premium bullets. .357 Magnum rifles, though limited range, are fun to shoot, and an African version just about perfect for Deep South, thick deer woods. I have been thinking of...
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    American Hunter Killed in Uganda

    @Hunter-Habib, thank you Sir for the information on the rifle caliber and the human perspective of DG hunting. The information on the rifle malfunction and what happened may one day save the life of another PH or hunter. i remember watching Africa hunting shows with Ian Gibson. He seemed...
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    Swarovski Habicht 1.5-6x42

    Scope weight?