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  1. Vashper

    Who hunted bear with a knife?

    The opinion of a familiar bear hunter: A knife for a bear is useful only when you need to cut off YOUR balls to be angrier. If a misfire or a cartridge case gets stuck, only dogs can stop, put a bear on its ass, and there will be a chance to reload and shoot. A wounded bear won't stop and dogs...
  2. Vashper

    on a lighter note...

    In general, you are right. Bears are dangerous animals, and they are unlikely to ever become pets, although, in my opinion, fighting dogs are no less dangerous. In any case, I would not like my neighbors to keep at least a tame bear on the site. Who knows, in nature, a bear can devour someone...
  3. Vashper

    on a lighter note...

    I was watching the cartoon "Open Season" with my grandchildren right now. Cool, there's a Greenpeace gamekeeper, etc.But I remembered about the tame bear. About 20 years ago, animals were kept at hunting bases to test hunting dogs - foxes, badgers, wild boars. It is forbidden now. I knew such a...
  4. Vashper

    on a lighter note...

    A monument was erected to him in Yekaterinburg
  5. Vashper

    on a lighter note...

    Once upon a time I was at a village feast. Two sturdy grandfathers were sitting opposite me (about 60 years old, they seemed old to me). We started talking about age. One said, "give me an 18-year-old now, I'll teach her everything and she'll be happy." The second one said, "and I'll bring a...
  6. Vashper

    on a lighter note...

    and what happens if the second lucky monkey turns out to be a brother too?
  7. Vashper

    on a lighter note...

    "I Need Your Clothes, Your Boots, and Your Motorcycle"
  8. Vashper

    on a lighter note...

    I've heard that you can get rid of him if you put a bed on bricks
  9. Vashper

    on a lighter note...

    As a child, I often played in the neighboring yard, and sometimes we ran into the house. There were several rooms on the ground floor, each with someone living in it, and one shared kitchen. There we drank tap water, in my opinion, without even asking anyone's permission. That was 60 years ago...
  10. Vashper

    on a lighter note...

    It would be better to check her adam's apple
  11. Vashper

    on a lighter note...

    There is a roadside farm in Austria where kangaroos are bred. Just so that the autotourists would think a little.
  12. Vashper

    on a lighter note...

    I can't make out the model of the wristwatch
  13. Vashper


    And I would love to see it - if, of course, they have everything in order with their marching drill.
  14. Vashper

    on a lighter note...

    A friend breeds pigs. He's not exactly like that guy from Guy Ritchie's movie, but... Once I looked at them in the pen and asked: is that piglet feeling unwell? A friend says, "No, he can't afford to feel bad. He will be devoured immediately."
  15. Vashper

    on a lighter note...

    a vivid example of the so-called "f...king art"
  16. Vashper

    "Lighter Politics" Humour

    This is a character from an old children's cartoon - "Kuzya the home elf". He has recently become popular again.
  17. Vashper

    on a lighter note...

    One day I was walking along the embankment in Dublin. There were yachts there, some of them had already sunk, masts sticking out of the water and drops of oil rising. I thought it was sad, but maybe for the better: one of my friends, who has a yacht, maintains a captain all year round. One day...
  18. Vashper

    on a lighter note...

    Well, the Movalis tablet is always with me, just for such cases. And I share it in half with my dog, he's 14 years old, and he has a prescription. And I don't have a prescription - why spend money on a visit to a human doctor? After all, the veterinarian never refuses advice to the owner.
  19. Vashper

    on a lighter note...

    Bears were traditionally tamed in our country. Now, however, animal rights activists are very much in the way. In the old days, peasants of some certain regions went to fairs with them, bears showed different things - how children steal peas, how a drunken peasant dances, how a soldier marches...
  20. Vashper

    on a lighter note...

    A couple of days ago, I asked a lady, "is this really a real diamond?" She replied that she did not know, an unsuccessful admirer gave it to her many years ago. One word! And how do I get rid of the diamond ads now? But my wife sometimes looks over my shoulder:(
  21. Vashper

    on a lighter note...

    His name is Stepan
  22. Vashper

    on a lighter note...

    It's also better not to (by the way - not Photoshop):
  23. Vashper

    on a lighter note...

    But after all, the welfare of the people has grown significantly since then
  24. Vashper


    Dear PHOENIX PHIL, you are, as always, absolutely right. But in this case we are talking about the events after the First World War, when Churchill first undertook, so to speak, a foreign policy action as a statesman. At that time, Lenin was prime minister in Russia, and, in my opinion, Trotsky...
  25. Vashper


    Dear Red Leg, well, what else could Churchill have written? He was the main organizer of the invasion of 14 powers into Russia, with completely incomprehensible goals. Did he want to change the government, or what? By the way, the 339th regiment of the US Army fought in my native places, it is...
  26. Vashper


    Well, what's so surprising about that? I was there last year, but not for long. I played a little beach volleyball. Turks can even be said to be happy with the situation, because Western Europe has tightened visa policy for Russians, and it is difficult to get a tourist visa there, plus...
  27. Vashper

    Best balls

    Oh my God, how hungry you have to be to eat goat balls. Perhaps eating them is an atavism of some kind of hunting magic. The liver is quite edible during hunting, it is even a kind of ritual at club hunts. You need to be able to cook it so as not to overcook it. I fry in butter, sometimes they...
  28. Vashper


    In the article, especially towards the end, it is written, in my opinion, correctly. The indiscriminate shelling of the big city of Belgorod with unguided shells caused the need for a "buffer zone". There are many forests in the area of Volchansk, convenient for masking rocket launchers. But...
  29. Vashper

    on a lighter note...

    with pliers
  30. Vashper

    What problems have you encountered with your Blaser R8?

    I am not the owner of the R8. Once I could have become the owner of R93, but after reviewing it, I refused, and even participated in Internet battles as a critic of this system. So, having familiarized myself with R8 now, I can say that it has fixed all or almost all the "jambs", and this system...
  31. Vashper

    on a lighter note...

    It's OK, but GammaX is chinees too. Perhaps the Chinese have a better way with bicycles than with cars.
  32. Vashper

    Well boys, what's your temperature like now?

    I like winter. It's a pity that it is so short
  33. Vashper


    As far as I remember, at the 1999 NATO summit, when Putin was in his infancy, new Eastern European NATO members already participated, and the Partnership for Peace program was launched for the rest. Putin's ambitions were still very far away. "Perhaps while you are consulting your...
  34. Vashper

    More thoughts on 9.3x64

    Maybe it's not quite topical: I saw an adapter for training shooting with 9.3x64 by rounds of Makarov pistol. This is the only 9 mm pistol caliber that uses bullets with a true diameter of 9.3 mm.
  35. Vashper

    Favourite quotes - Here's mine, Quite a long list. What's yours?

    They write that the authorship belongs to a certain Madame de Sevigne (hell knows who it is), and then it was quoted by Heinrich Heine, who was read and quoted by Hitler. Nevertheless, the remark is correct. A dog is a highly moral being.
  36. Vashper

    Favourite quotes - Here's mine, Quite a long list. What's yours?

    I recently met a guy who was once my subordinate. And he remembered my favorite remark (I forgot it myself): A hasty hare always has a dirty ass
  37. Vashper

    Favourite quotes - Here's mine, Quite a long list. What's yours?

    Grandmother said: sewing and unraveling - there will be no free time
  38. Vashper


    A long time ago, I wrote a fantastic story about protectionism. The plot was as follows: earthlings find two primitive civilizations. One is quite pretty, and the earthlings begin to help it. The other one does not correspond to the ideas of earthlings about beauty, and it is left in a state of...
  39. Vashper


    Dear Red Leg, I sincerely apologize for the unintentional distortion of your nickname, I used a Google translator for speed, and blindly did not check the text on my smartphone. People tend to make mistakes, and not only politicians, alas.
  40. Vashper


    Red Foot, there's some kind of confusion. Skobeeva called Boris Johnson "our" - "our British Johnson." And this one with glasses is "the Johnson there, American." She loves Boris dearly and came up with the nickname...
  41. Vashper

    on a lighter note...

    Your turntable probably had 33 revolutions, but it should have been 77
  42. Vashper

    on a lighter note...

    A man leaves his mistress and asks what to give her as a souvenir. She answers: "A penknife, but a very good one. The guy scoured the whole city, found her a knife, just super, brought it, gives it back. She opens a drawer, and there are a lot of knives there. Well, the guy is interested, he...
  43. Vashper

    on a lighter note...

    I have a friend who shoots them from 222, in the neck. The huntsmen love him very much, he is a Muslim and does not eat pork, he gives it to the huntsmen.
  44. Vashper

    My name is_______ and I have a problem

    There is one in Moscow that costs about 25 thousand for your money. An interesting option (although I will have to sell the apartment, I'm afraid my wife will be against it).
  45. Vashper

    on a lighter note...

    The big mosquito replied, "No, I have Therapeutic Use Exemption"
  46. Vashper

    on a lighter note...

    As it is in "Alf" - "you ask for something crunchy in a restaurant, and they bring you a cat with arthritis"
  47. Vashper

    on a lighter note...

    Many, many years ago, I got a part-time job at a summer children's camp on the shore of the Sea of Azov. I worked in the kitchen at the dining room, I had electric boilers in my care, with a volume of probably 100 liters. And one day there was an incident. In general, there were strict sanitary...
  48. Vashper

    Mannlicher-Schoenauer, history, models, performance, features, storys

    Here is the rotary magazine. The body is made of Ergal type alloy. I don't know how compatible this store is with the real MS. Those carbines also had seats for optics, similar to some kind of MS model.