Search results

  1. Glenn Slaven

    Cartridges you just hate

    Yes. The .375 RUM. And when speaking of lever guns I should have said .38-55 and .375 Winchester. If I said Remington that was a mistake on me. I was on a roll. Lol
  2. Glenn Slaven

    Cartridges you just hate

    and I will add I hate the .458 WM. Just make it a Lott already. Thats like buying a .38 Spl over a .357. And I do not like .375 HH. I have two, but everybody likes them too much and I hear them drone on and on about how good of an all around cartridge it is. I would much rather take a 286 gr...
  3. Glenn Slaven

    Cartridges you just hate

    This is one of the best things I have ever read on here. I’m a cartridge nerd. The stranger the better. It makes no sense but I love the .300 Savage, but hate the .308. I hate .243 but love my 6mm Rem and .24 York. I have never met a 9.3 I didn’t love. I’m probably the only guy in the world...
  4. Glenn Slaven

    9.3x74R powder experiments

    I’m going to have to make up some 250 AB loads then.
  5. Glenn Slaven

    .470 Empire?

    Thank y’all for the input. I’m thinking for the feeding I’m going to get a Wyatt’s center feed. Solved my .404 Jeff feed issue right away.
  6. Glenn Slaven

    For Sale Custom 416 Taylor On Remington 700 - Houston

    Yeah, sorry about that. Lol
  7. Glenn Slaven

    What Brass Are You Hunting For?

    .404 Jeff and .416 Ruger. I would love to see Norma start importing powder again. I have several rifles that like the MRP. Idk if we will see it in the future tho…
  8. Glenn Slaven

    9.3x74R powder experiments

    I had been trying to find a load for my No 1 and was getting so so results. I threw in some Lapua factory and realized there is no need for me to reload for that gun. lol
  9. Glenn Slaven

    .470 Empire?

    Talked to Pete at Qual Cart and he has a bunch of .470 Empire brass that needs to be used. So I have a project to build the gun now. Anybody have any experience with it or load data? It’s a .460 Weatherby cut back to fit in standard action, necked up to .474”. I wouldn’t even know where to...
  10. Glenn Slaven

    Lipsey's Ruger 77/22 22 Hornet African Released.

    I’ve had one come through the shop for a customer. I’m still waiting on mine and Cody’s. My sales rep swears they are not a limited run. I have all the others, except this and the .270 WCF. Looking forward to it coming in.
  11. Glenn Slaven

    For Sale Custom 416 Taylor On Remington 700 - Houston

    Pretty much likes anything it seems
  12. Glenn Slaven

    For Sale Custom 416 Taylor On Remington 700 - Houston

    When I get back from Moz it will probably be due for a deep clean. I’ll try to remember to look
  13. Glenn Slaven

    For Sale Custom 416 Taylor On Remington 700 - Houston

    It shoots so well I’m scared to even look directly at it for too long. Lol
  14. Glenn Slaven

    For Sale Custom 416 Taylor On Remington 700 - Houston

    Well guess what is making the trip for sure... I have to admit, I probably have some guns better suited, but I wanted to kick this thread back up again. Right not it is shooting 350gr TSX over 73.5 grains of RL15 about 2360 fps. .737" three shot at 100. 1.45" at 200, so I am happy...
  15. Glenn Slaven

    R8 Custom Barrels-Dream Come True!

    Curious, do you screw the barrels in out or do you change out like regular Blaser barrel. I think this is a great thing either way.
  16. Glenn Slaven

    9.3x64 Brenneke

    Still looking for some? I can check with Pete and see what a minimum order we would need.
  17. Glenn Slaven

    Brass and Ammo clean out

    I’ll take the 6.5 PRC.
  18. Glenn Slaven

    Bullets For Sale

    7mm ABLR are sold pending funds.
  19. Glenn Slaven

    Bullets For Sale

    Bullets for sale: Nosler .308 RDF 175 grain. 90 bullets in the box. (Opened box). $35 Nosler .357 125 grain JHP (pistol bullets) sealed box of 100. $15 Nosler .257 100 grain ETip. Sealed box of 50. $45 Nosler .257 120 grain Partition. Sealed box of 50. $50 Nosler .284...
  20. Glenn Slaven

    Ruger 77 .375 Ruger NIB

    That works. $1000 and actual shipping? PM me. I’m on Hotrod Power Tour this week. Will be in town Monday.
  21. Glenn Slaven

    Ruger 77 .375 Ruger NIB

    For sale is Ruger Hawkeye African in .375 Ruger. New in the box and still in A&D book. Has box and all the extras. Small dent/tear on the box, but not bad. Shoot me message if the box is that big of a deal and I can send pics. $1100 plus actual shipping.
  22. Glenn Slaven

    The 460 G & A

    I had not considered a .458 RUM. That is prob a lot easier to do and easier to get brass. I still want a 9.3 RUM or a 9.3 Nosler.
  23. Glenn Slaven

    .416 Rem Mag Issue

    The Zeiss 1-4. I ended up using liquid electrical tape and just cementing that thing into the mounts. Do it is dedicated to that barrel now. Lol. Figured it’s only money and the rifle and scope are tools. So I just said “send it” and ended up with a buff
  24. Glenn Slaven

    R8 Custom Barrels-Dream Come True!

    Pale Horse Zero came through. Got my barrel in and some loads worked up.
  25. Glenn Slaven

    .405 Winchester Brass For Sale

    I agree. I buy quite a bit from him and it’s the first time I have seen that. I know he is having issues with getting the materials to make bigger stuff like .460 G&A.
  26. Glenn Slaven

    .405 Winchester Brass For Sale

    Yes sir. I do. How many bag you need?
  27. Glenn Slaven

    Smith & Wesson 1000 For Sale

    12 gauge S&W 1000 shotgun for sale. Overall a good looking hunting shotgun. No it’s not new and it has small imperfections here and there, but you can see nothing major. 2 3/4” shells only. Buyer pays actual shipping to your FFL. $500 takes it.
  28. Glenn Slaven

    .405 Winchester Brass For Sale

    5 bags left
  29. Glenn Slaven

    .405 Winchester Brass For Sale

    I had never noticed that. Lol
  30. Glenn Slaven

    .405 Winchester Brass For Sale

    Have 140 pieces of new JBA headstamp .405 Winchester brass. $50 per bag, 20 pieces per bag. Will mail in flat rate shipping box, buyer pays actual shipping. Buy one or buy them all, whatever makes you happy.
  31. Glenn Slaven

    For Sale Custom 416 Taylor On Remington 700 - Houston

    As a matter of fact I have now converted it to an AR to look like a bar of Irish Spring soap. I do think I’m going to take it with me to Moz in 2025 just to have something to post pictures with it here.
  32. Glenn Slaven

    Wanted Ruger African In .416 Ruger

    Looking for a Ruger African in .416 Ruger. It’s the last one I need to complete the set. Anyone have one laying around? I don’t need a box and all the extras, just want a shooter/representative example.
  33. Glenn Slaven

    .303 Brit & .300 WM Ammunition For Sale

    Win Mag ammo sold.
  34. Glenn Slaven

    .303 Brit & .300 WM Ammunition For Sale

    The Hornady are 165 gr GMX. Sorry I didn't realize I had failed to note that
  35. Glenn Slaven

    .303 Brit & .300 WM Ammunition For Sale

    7 boxes of Hornady Full Boar 300 WM $40@ plus actual shipping or $35@ if you want them all plus actual shipping. 5 boxes PMP .303 British 174gr SP $40@ plus actual shipping or $35@ if you want them all plus actual shipping.
  36. Glenn Slaven

    NIB Magnum Research 1911

    Trying to get the pics to upload.
  37. Glenn Slaven

    NIB Magnum Research 1911

    This was a banquet gun from CCA. I signed out from my A&D book about 2 years ago. It has been in box and gun safe since. (Selling from my personal collection not from company inventory.) $825 plus actual shipping to your FFL.
  38. Glenn Slaven

    Wanted Blaser R8 Stock

    Mines the cheapo aluminum. My wife may have talked me out of selling. It was rifle I took on first safari with the Pops. Idk.
  39. Glenn Slaven

    Wanted Blaser R8 Stock

    Give me a day or so to try and talk myself into selling my stock. It is the Savanah Brown, and I don't think it is bad looking. I'll look for marks and dings when I get to the house. I can send pics in PM if you hit me up
  40. Glenn Slaven

    R8 Custom Barrels-Dream Come True!

    If anyone talks to him, ask him if he will send my rifle to you!? Lol.
  41. Glenn Slaven

    R8 Custom Barrels-Dream Come True!

    For what it is worth, I’m still trying to get my MRC back from him. Going on almost 3 years. Sent him a pretty crappy and to the point email and I still have yet to get a response. I told him if there was a balance or if I owed money, let my know and I’ll pay. Crickets…. So he’s doing...
  42. Glenn Slaven

    Reboring .416 to.423

    I’m with you. Dan was a nice guy but 2 years later and my .318 WR was cut too short and my 300 RUM to .404 Jeff didn’t have the sights and barrel band put on and it would not feed. I think he is closed now.
  43. Glenn Slaven

    Wanted .333 Bullets & 405 Win Brass & Bullets

    I just got some .412” in from Northward Precision. Haven’t shot them yet, but he was a pleasure to work with and I’ve heard good things about his bullets.
  44. Glenn Slaven

    .360 Remington Buckhammer!

    No joke!! I think the .366 Camelknuckler would let us retire early. @Bullthrower338 we have dibs. Still like .366 PW but may be a bit too much. Lol
  45. Glenn Slaven

    Come Live The Dream With EXECUTIVE HUNT AFRICA

    I’ve hunted with Johan twice and have had a great experience both times. I enjoyed the family atmosphere and Johan and family are great people. Love the tent camp, I much prefer that to living in what looks like a hotel room some places have. Hot water from a donkey… what could be better? The...
  46. Glenn Slaven

    375/350 Rem Mag For Sale

    I was just a little late. Haha. do you happen to have any of your load data? Seems like recipes aren’t abundant.
  47. Glenn Slaven

    375/350 Rem Mag For Sale

    Still for sale?