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  1. Wild Dogs Mozambique

    Wild Dogs Mozambique

  2. Scanos

    MOZAMBIQUE: Very Successful Safari With KWALATA SAFARIS 2024

    Here are some wild dogs from L9 from last years trip. It is a great block. Jaco and team are top notch.
  3. Scanos

    Bolt Guns are Better than Doubles?

    I have learned several lessons over time. What I do is bring a scoped Mauser .375 H&H as my second rifle. I use it for plains game. It is also an alternative to my double. If I am presented with a shot on dangerous game that is too long or the vitals are obscured due to cover, I can transition...
  4. Scanos

    Bolt Guns are Better than Doubles?

    You can read about it on here in the thread titled "Pain and Redemption in Niassa". If you read the comments after the story the PH weighs in as well.
  5. Scanos

    Bolt Guns are Better than Doubles?

    No bolt action can replace the quick second shot of a double. It is probably a rare occasion for a client hunter to need that quick second shot. But I can attest to the fact it can happen. The picture below was taken immediately after I was mauled by a buffalo. My rifle is under the buffalo...
  6. Scanos

    is it worth 15 extra hours to fly Qatar vs Delta?

    I am a huge fan of Qatar Business Class. In my experience you end up with layovers on most trips. With some airlines they will get you to Joburg faster. But you end up laying over there. If you are only going to Joburg then that may make sense. But for me, the business class service and comfort...
  7. Scanos

    In memoriam - Professional Hunter Greg Michelson killed by Buffalo

    A quote from the late great Col. Jeff Cooper related to hunting Buffalo comes to mind. "....I came to understand.... that if you always do everything right you will never have any trouble. This is true, but people--even excellent people--do not always do everything right. We do our best, or we...
  8. Scanos

    First Convention: SCI or DSC?

    DSC life member. I absolutely refuse to go to Atlanta. I am very familiar with Atlanta. It is not my destination of choice. Like many, I work and only have time to take in one show. SCI in Nashville is a great fit for SCI and was a great event last year. There really is no choice if you only...
  9. Scanos

    How many client hunters have been charged, and how many have been hurt or wounded while on Safari?

    Check out Pain and Redemption in Niassa. I was nailed by a buffalo. I was lucky to have survived, if not for some great shooting by the PH and his tracker. I had cracked ribs and a broken toe as my only injuries. It is rare, but it does happen. I can attest to that.
  10. Scanos

    In memoriam - Professional Hunter Greg Michelson killed by Buffalo

    Terrible to hear. Thoughts and prayers to his family.
  11. Scanos

    The Draw of the Sporting Double Rifle

    My RB Rodda .500 Nitro Express. Due to their records burning in a fire it is hard to age. But, I estimate it as early 1900's. It has an oval designating that it was owned by an Indian Raj. Handles like a dream and still shoots 1 1/2" all day. You have to love the old English rifles. If only this...
  12. Scanos

    Solid bullets for Buffalo? Yes or No?

    The right answer is ask your PH. Quality softs are probably the recommendation. However, depending on what cover you are likely shooting through a PH may recommend solids. I have made a few buffalo hunts in Moz with a PH that prefers solids because the shot will likely be through thick cover and...
  13. Scanos

    Woodleigh Bullets - Feedback for Production Requested

    .510 570 grain .483 480 grain .458 480 grain .375 350 grain
  14. Scanos

    Michael Sipple mauled by Cape buffalo prayer request

    Prayers for a speedy recovery. Having a level headed tracker who can shoot saved the day. Kudos to the trackers!
  15. Scanos

    500 Stuff (Lots)

    I will take all the Woodleigh 570's. Thanks
  16. Scanos

    500 NE 3" load data

    Quickload is designed for bottle neck cases and isn't as accurate with straight wall cases. The author confirms this.....suspect part of your problem. Hogdons website is showing 42k pressure with a max 106.3 gr. load. Suspect Quickload is your issue. Try Hogdons online load data.
  17. Scanos

    500 NE 3" load data

    I don't have data for 600 grains. Since most .500 Nitro reloaders are for a double rifles, for us it is more about regulation than maximizing velocity. I have had good luck with 103 to 106 grains of H4350. I would work your way up until you achieve desired velocity without over pressure.
  18. Scanos

    Fell in love with a working girl

    Love those Army Navy working rifles!
  19. Scanos

    Best practice vs good enough for hunting

    I am glad you started this thread. As a dedicated reloader who hunts only with reloads, for me reloading is all part of the joy of hunting. Hunting with my rifle, my chosen bullet, powder and primer gives me the ultimate control over the process and extends my hunting season into the off-season...
  20. Scanos

    Cz550 sight question

    I am not a fan of a 6 o'clock hold. If you want to resolve the issue you actually need a taller front sight. This will lower your impact. They can be purchased at New England Custom Guns. Good luck!
  21. Scanos

    MOZAMBIQUE: Has Anyone Hunted With Sengasenga Safaris?

    I have not heard of them and I have hunted Niassa a few times including last year. If you want to hunt Niassa I can highly recommend Kwalata(Jaco Strauss) or Kambako(Jumbo Moore). Kwalata is a site sponsor and they run a nice camp and have great logistics to get you to their camp and home safely.
  22. Scanos

    NAMIBIA: 2023 Non-Trophy Bull Elephant With Karl Stumpfe / ndumo HUNTING SAFARIS

    Thanks for sharing. What an exciting hunt! I booked this same hunt at SCI with Karl for 2025. I am looking forward to it.
  23. Scanos

    Benefits of Joining SCI or DSC

    International hunting has never been in more jeopardy. The UK was close to banning trophy imports from Africa last year. They managed to kill it in the House of Lord's. A new bill has already been reintroduced this year. It would be surprising if it didn't eventually pass. European liberal ideas...
  24. Scanos

    thats why I dont like doubles (have one)

    The solid vs soft discussion is not quite so straight forward as many like to make it seem. Bullet performance at impact is only part of the equation. Depending upon what vegetation you are shooting through you are much less likely to have a significant deflection with a solid than a soft...
  25. Scanos

    Favourite quotes - Here's mine, Quite a long list. What's yours?

    The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted. D.H. Lawrence, 1923
  26. Buffalo Hunt Mozambique

    Buffalo Hunt Mozambique

  27. Eland Hunt Mozambique

    Eland Hunt Mozambique

  28. Buffalo Hunt Mozambique

    Buffalo Hunt Mozambique

  29. Nyasaland Wildebeest Hunt Mozambique

    Nyasaland Wildebeest Hunt Mozambique

  30. Scanos

    Outfitters operating in the Niassa Special Reserve, Mozambique

    I have hunted out of the Kwalata camp and the Kambako camp. Both are excellent! Niassa is some of the best buffalo hunting in Africa. Jaco Strauss and team will show you a great time and hunt in a traditional tent camp. The Kambako camp is a little more upscale. I can recommend both. Feel free...
  31. Scanos

    Making my way to irons

    I grew up shooting with irons. I was trained in the military to shoot irons. I would recommend shooting a .22 with irons on a regular basis to practice. Then transition to practicing with your hunting rifles. But you will have limitations while hunting. Target identification is going to be more...
  32. Scanos

    .470 Capstick

    This was a pacnor .475 barrel. Thanks I'll keep it for now. I have a .500 Jeffery and a .500 NE so it doesn't really fill a need but it turned out so nice I want to keep it and take a buffalo with it.
  33. Scanos

    .470 Capstick

    I finished this build a year or so ago. It is on a BRNO 602 action. It is a great shooter. 500 grains at 2300 fps will get your attention.
  34. Scanos

    John Talbot Clifton Rigby .275

    Fantastic rifle with a great history. If only that rifle could talk!
  35. Scanos

    Lion hunting SA

    And this is the problem with the may be the downfall of humanity
  36. Scanos

    Lion hunting SA

    Thanks, that's helpful!
  37. Scanos

    Lion hunting SA

    Interesting discussion. It is too bad this subject seemed to cause some to break out the soap boxes. CBL would not be my cup of tea. But, I can understand the attraction to the hunting method ie tracking. I for one despise sitting in a blind. I have spent too much of my life hunting from blinds...
  38. Scanos

    Mid life crisis?

    A little inspiration for you. Nothing like buffalo with a double.
  39. Scanos

    In memoriam - Zimbabwe Professional Hunter killed by enraged buffalo

    My condolences to the family. An unnecessary loss due to poaching.
  40. Scanos

    Greetings from Oklahoma

    Welcome to the site! I think you will find it a great resource. I was born and raised, learned to hunt in Oklahoma. Where are you from?
  41. Scanos

    Double rifle safeties

    Since your original question was about double rifles and has now digressed into a rehash of the African carry discussion and the absolute necessity that all new african hunters must use a sling at all times, I will try to give you an experienced answer to your original question related to double...
  42. Scanos

    .510 Woodleigh Bullets

    I'll take these. Sending you a message. Thanks
  43. Scanos

    New guy from Colorado

    Welcome from another Colorado resident. I think you will find the forum a great resource. It certainly helped me prepare for my trips to Africa over the last few years.
  44. Scanos

    First Buffalo hunt: Mozambique vs. South Africa

    I have hunted South Africa and I have hunted Niassa twice. There is really no comparison. Niassa is really the Rolls Royce of Buffalo hunting. Niassa is adjacent to the Selous in Tanzania, separated by a corridor. Logistics are important when traveling to some place like Niassa. With that in...
  45. Scanos

    Questions about the African Carry and Others

    I for one have had no issue controlling where my muzzle points while african carrying. All one has to do is drop the elbow and lay the rifle more across the shoulders pointing the muzzle away from anyone to the front of you. I agree it is not a great option for picking your way through the Jess...
  46. Scanos

    MOZAMBIQUE: Niassa Reserve With KWALATA SAFARIS October 2023

    Wow what a great hunt on the leopard! It was great to share camp with you! Hopefully our paths will cross again.
  47. Scanos


    John, It was great to meet you and Katherine in camp. Glad you had a great hunt. Niassa is a truly special place and it was great to share camp with you both. Hope to see you around a campfire again.
  48. Scanos

    Woodleigh 570 Grain Weldcore SN 25 Count

    I will take these. Sent you a message. thanks