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    AH Get Together Dinner In Dallas During Dallas Safari Club (DSC) Convention 2024

    Thanks to everyone who made this event happen, was a great time!
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    Blaser R8 - Why do African PH’s and Alaskan Bear Guides Choose Not To Use Blaser R8’s?

    Amen. You would think it would be common sense, especially with such vast opportunities in the US. But the stats on personal finance are glaringly opposite, and personal responsibility is disappearing like common sense. As a generalization though, this is a group that does or desires strongly...
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    Free Booze and Food! January 11th 2024

    Thank you for hosting such a fun event! You and your family's generosity as well as the other sponsors of the door prizes is so much appreciated!
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    Blaser R8 - Why do African PH’s and Alaskan Bear Guides Choose Not To Use Blaser R8’s?

    I cant speak for the rest of the world, and understand that's partially what this thread is about, but I can definitely say financial irresponsibility is an epidemic in the USA and "if you want it bad enough" is absolutely spot on. Could go on for hours, but will leave it at that. I'm sure an...
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    Elephant with a bow?

    Had an example of this my last safari. Had a Nyala take a step right when I released and the hit was a little far back, not a ton but a bit. I shoot 4 blade grim reapers and use hybrids when in Africa for added peace of mind. It was down in less than 40 yards (I think it was 30). I finished it...
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    Elephant with a bow?

    I'm not sure if it's the lack of shock (and additional adrenaline from that), or lack of noise, or both but I tend to agree that I've seen many animals properly shot with proper archery equipment go less distance than properly shot with a firearm. Its counterintuitive unless you see it, but it's...
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    ZIMBABWE: First Hunt In Africa, First Hunting Report, Dalton & York Safaris

    Congrats on a successful first safari with excellent animals!
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    Free Booze and Food! January 11th 2024

    This was a good time last year! Me +3 (wife, dad, uncle) would love to attend in 2024! Please let us know if theres anything we can bring
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    Largest Hunting Concession South Africa?

    I've hunted RSA once and the experience was exactly as expected. Actually, it was harder hunting. Any fences, high or low, never had an impact on the hunt or the animals across 3 areas of the country, but especially in the eastern cape. And the research and selection process really wasnt that...
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    AH Get Together Dinner In Dallas During Dallas Safari Club (DSC) Convention 2023

    Is this event always on Friday? Making travel plans and want to accommodate to make sure I make this as last year was my first and it was a great time!
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    USFWS denial in 2022 of 2018 Elephant import permit from Namibia (email string)

    Just hire a professional. Its a small portion of what this trip cost. As stated before, your frustration was obvious and trying to tell a government entity what they're supposed to do is never going to get you results, no matter how right you may be. Giving up now would be silly IMO, but I dont...
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    AH Get Together Dinner In Dallas During Dallas Safari Club (DSC) Convention 2023

    If someone could post the link here for the 2024 thread when it gets started that would be appreciated!
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    TANZANIA: Bullet Safaris - August 2022 - Return To Rungwa

    Look forward to the rest of the story! Hope you are doing well!
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    Building my Arrows

    In MY opinion, the only time 2 blades should be used is when penetration is the primary focus (buffalo, etc.). A two blade wound channel can be pressed closed. Yes, a cut heart or lungs will be a kill, but it helps to have blood exit to aid in tracking and the bigger the hole the faster the...
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    What to look for with an import agent?

    Trust your gut. You're all paying separately, you're crated ship separately. If you go with their choice and something goes wrong (or even if it just produces extra stress/time/etc), you'll forever regret it. Just my .02, not that it was asked for lol
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    Weird stuff to bring for tips / gratuities

    Yup, gifts always in addition if you're going to do it, not as a substitute! We take for granted that our way of life isnt the same as there. Not possible there turn a $200 pair of binos into $200 easily like we can. IF they could sell them at all, it would be a fraction of the value, especially...
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    Considering rhino hunt or dart hunt

    Definitely. But rhino are part of the big 5 for a reason, lots more videos of them being ornery than getting fed sugar cubes lol
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    Starting to look for my first Double for Buffalo and need some advice from folks smarter than me...

    I'm partial but I'd highly recommend looking for a Blaser S2. They're not easy to find because they're discontinued, but still serviced and supported by Blaser and Blaser USA. Amazing triggers, easy scope mounting options, impressive and adjustable regulation , etc. I was fortunate enough to...
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    4457 Question

    We are probably one of the only countries that doesnt have "registrations" for our long guns though (and most states the same applies for handguns), so at least the 4457 works, because "we dont do that in the USA" only works here lol
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    Deep Thoughts on trophy shipping

    What importer did you use?
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    Considering rhino hunt or dart hunt

    Was that property known for hunting them? Or breeding? Or just a few for viewing? Theres videos of people walking up to Cape Buffalo eating hay. Theres others that dont get their buff even on "high fence". Theres Texas exotics ranches where you could probably kill certain species with a knife...
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    What to look for with an import agent?

    Correct. I used SSI for my 2021 safari and will continue to use them. Wyatt is great and got everything here safely (including CITES). Be careful who you use. I talked to a couple "importers" at DSC to gather info about a CITES species that's next on my list, and the misinformation and/or lack...
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    Going to SA to hunt? Be prepared for power blackouts

    How is this effecting your area @KMG Hunting Safaris
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    Deep Thoughts on trophy shipping

    Wyatt at Safari Specialty Importers
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    4457 Question

    Can someone tell me what, if anything, is supposed to go in this section: "Number"? Couldnt find and answer on Google or the CBP page where i got the form, the old version I used last time (2021), didnt have this field. TIA
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    Westley Richards Shotgun Help

    I ended up going with a Beretta 486 Parallelo. Appreciate the wealth of knowledge in this community and look forward to learning more about the vintage guns and possibly revisit that at a later date. For now, the Beretta I found has nice wood to complement their engravings, screw-in chokes...
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    Who is your preferred taxidermist?

    I would also recommend Kanati, chose them for my first safari after lots of research
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    Westley Richards Shotgun Help

    That's probably an exaggeration lol. But I do shoot over unders quite a bit. This would get minimal use comparatively but easily 1000 rounds a year, maybe more
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    Transitioning To A Blaser R8 - A Two Months / 500 Rounds Review

    You can find some smoking deals on them if you're patient, just saying lol. Got mine for 7k, I think theres a 308 right now listed for 8500 ish. Most of the time they're closer to 11k
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    Am I overthinking this?

    Wolf springs are well known to be great. I've used them for all types of competition guns and magazines. I think the cleaning advice is along the right track but also think having the firing pin spring properly replaced and sufficiently testing is the route I'd go in addition. I disagree with...
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    Westley Richards Shotgun Help

    They said they have a 30 day return policy if it doesnt measure well. John Hosford is local to me so he could check it out. It didnt meet Reserve, I havent followed up yet as I'm still looking into options of other guns and brands. Debating mostly between something classic like this or just get...
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    Westley Richards Shotgun Help

    The seller is unable to provide wall thickness. So that's concerning based on my little bit of knowledge I've accumulated this week. It was definitely restocked. It looks to me like one barrel has matching serials and the other does not, so likely was just bought and added to the package at...
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    Westley Richards Shotgun Help

    Thank you guys! I'm quickly diving into the SxS world and learning (or trying to). Since it's been restocked already, would having it converted to 2 3/4" devalue much? Next question is...I've run across info that the NP 1 1/4 barrels are ok with modern 1oz target loads. What about the 1 1/8...
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    Westley Richards Shotgun Help

    Can anyone shed some light on this WR 12 gauge? Everything look legit? Approximate value? Thanks in advance!
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    What is the best car you have ever owned?

    That very well may be the most beautifully spec'd Cullinan I've seen. I am admittedly biased to blue paint and that beautiful wood paneling. The orange sets it off but isnt too much bright color either. Even as a huge Rolls fan, I can help but laugh at an SUV being described as more "usuable"...
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    Transitioning To A Blaser R8 - A Two Months / 500 Rounds Review

    Yes, I just picked up a Carbon fiber Professional success not too long ago. The thumbhole-type setup of the professional success is super comfortable. I cant weigh the gun right now as it's at the gunsmith for a custom project I hope to soon share
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    Blaser R8 scope mount question

    I'd be curious to see Blaser QD weight vs traditional base and rings. I'd wager there isnt close to a significant difference
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    470 NE Reloading Help Please

    Thanks! Buddy of mine said the same, also suggested a different lube. So will be trying both. Good news is I think I got the a-frame load pretty good. Summary is from 30-100 yards all the shots from both different barrels are within 2.25-2.5", and groupings out of the same barrel are basically...
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    470 NE Reloading Help Please

    Not trying to hijack the thread, but the title is very applicable This one is worse than most but any idea what's up with this? Sizing die in contact with shell holder. Wont happen if I back off the sizing die, but then it doesnt size the full length of the neck, can actually see it step up in...
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    Euro mounts- Am I smoking the devils lettuce?

    And that's why its often worth, IMO, to have them skinned, salted and shipped. Skinning and salting costs nothing, the shipping is marginal because the horns are usually the large part. If you dont decide to use them, either the taxidermist can or pitch them. But once they're left in Africa...
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    Pre Safari Physical Training P.T.

    I did something similar and doctor guided a couple years ago. Worked but it wasnt sustainable after the weight cut phase. Not something I could do forever (6oz lean protein, 6oz fruit, 6oz green vegetables). I dont need to eat terribly, but I do enjoy food. Have fallen several steps back and am...
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    Gracy Travel or Travel Express?

    This answers some questions for me! Steve helped me in 2021 answering firearms questions when I was committed to using another agent and declined my offer to pay for that knowledge. So he was the top of my list to plan my 2022 trip. I broke my wrist shortly before the trip and it was postponed...
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    Gracy Travel or Travel Express?

    I had a similar experience with Gracy. The only reason we didnt miss our flight was by pure chance of getting there early enough as it had been moved up and we ended up literally running around the airport. Gracy never told us of that schedule change. They also provided zero assistance or even...
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    .470 NE Reloads and Fillers?

    When you guys find a nicely regulated soft load, do you bump it down a couple grains and work up with solids or start with the same charge?
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    Info On "SORAI"?

    Anyone have any info on the organization "SORAI"? "Save Our Rhinos Africa/India", particularly their stance on hunting? The research I have done they seem to use words like "illegal wildlife trade" and "poachers" so my guess is they are not opposed. But would like to confirm and figured if...
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    Best AR triggers

    That's very cool, I looked up to him since i started 3 gun and got to take a multiple day class and shoot on his squad for a major match, we got along really well and he is a really nice guy. Shooting legend IMO too
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    Best AR triggers

    Most of mine are straight, I do have 1 or 2 curved I think though. Never bothered me, but I also cant stand big triggers like the plastic shoe that's an option on hiperfires. Personal preference obviously. Not to get too sidetracked but what type of matches did you shoot with Daniel?