Search results

  1. horn

    Wildlife Artist Marcello Pettineo

    If someone is intersting in a work of Marcello ( here there are his works Orchape : Organisation Chasse et Pche - Voyages de chasse et de peche) feel free to contact me with a pm. I well know Marcello and could advantage you with price!
  2. horn


    Mbuyu Safaris Hi MBUYU SAFARIS sorry for my question... i saw your site and your gallery of trophy... but i didn't understand what kind of animal is the second after the nyala. It look like a hyena but i don't think is.... let me know please, i guess that this forum/site must be, first of all...
  3. horn

    What one animal from Africa, finally pushed you to hunt in Africa?

    At the top of my wish-list african animals there are bongo and cape buffalo... i read the book of Count Zsigmond Szechenyi, and the tale about Bongo make me fall in love with it! i guess that there is nothing of more exciting than hunting bongo into the pluvial central forest... a dream, hope...
  4. horn

    Free Hunt for Two Hunters from Koedoeberg for 2011

    Kudu 53 Eland 37 Wildebeest 24.5 Warthog 12
  5. horn

    Hello everybody from Italy!

    Hi and good afternoon at all members of this beautiful site/forum. I'm a young hunter with a great passion of Africa in general and big game hunting in particular. Fisrt of all sorry if my american/english will not be perfect and clear, i will improve! I like reading old library about africa...