Search results

  1. Salome de Villiers

    HELP NEEDED To Find Scott van Zyl Gone Missing In Zimbabwe

    In the little time we knew Scott, selfless, caring, humble, honest and kind are some of the words that comes to mind. He had such a passion for people, always helped wherever he could and never asked for anything in return. That was Scott’s story. To Scott's wife, Suré and their two children...
  2. Salome de Villiers

    HELP NEEDED To Find Scott van Zyl Gone Missing In Zimbabwe

    Update #17: FINAL UPDATE FROM OUR GO FUND ME SAR MISSION FUND. President of LHLF , Phillip Bronkhorts: " Like most of you know the unofficial official Search and Rescue for Scott van Zyl by his fellow professional hunters, friends and family with the help of several cross border organizations...
  3. Salome de Villiers

    HELP NEEDED To Find Scott van Zyl Gone Missing In Zimbabwe

    I honestly believe the family would appreciate & need the support.. my advise would be not to overwhelm the family but to rather contact the LHLF on the following email address and consult with them for further guidance on possible needs. Thanks for your consideration
  4. Salome de Villiers

    HELP NEEDED To Find Scott van Zyl Gone Missing In Zimbabwe

    Evening everyone.. i am waiting on a final update from our LHLF president but this is what i do know to be a fact and confirmed by the SAR team; the part of the boot that was found in one of the crocodiles was indeed Scott's. The search wasn't completely called off, we still have people visiting...
  5. Salome de Villiers

    HELP NEEDED To Find Scott van Zyl Gone Missing In Zimbabwe

    UPDATE #16: Friday, 14 April 2017 - Feedback from the chairman at the Limpopo Hunters Liason Forum (LHLF) - Mr. Phillip Bronkhorst: "Today exactly a week ago fellow PH, friend and family man Scott van Zyl went missing on the banks of the Limpopo River. The search and rescue team has done...
  6. Salome de Villiers

    HELP NEEDED To Find Scott van Zyl Gone Missing In Zimbabwe

    I think they refered to the human remains that "can be linked" to Scott but firstly the tests needs to show that it is indeed human remains before that possible link can be made.
  7. Salome de Villiers

    HELP NEEDED To Find Scott van Zyl Gone Missing In Zimbabwe

    They failed to mention the word "possible" - it is not confirmed that it's human remains yet. Tests are being done.
  8. Salome de Villiers

    HELP NEEDED To Find Scott van Zyl Gone Missing In Zimbabwe

    UPDATE #15: Evening everyone, herewith the latest update from the SAR team. The search has continued today focussing mostly on the river again. Here is a message received directly from the SAR co-ordinator: "Possible human remains found in crocodiles shot today by the Zimbabwe police. Samples...
  9. Search for Scott van Zyl

    Search for Scott van Zyl

    Distribution of reward flyers into the community.
  10. Salome de Villiers

    HELP NEEDED To Find Scott van Zyl Gone Missing In Zimbabwe

    Search for Scott van Zyl by BRICKBURN posted Apr 12, 2017 at 7:54 AM
  11. Salome de Villiers

    HELP NEEDED To Find Scott van Zyl Gone Missing In Zimbabwe

    UPDATE #12: We need your help again, all efforts are made to find Scott and if this clip can go viral there might just be somebody out there that can help us with information on Scott's whereabouts!! In short, $5000 reward for positive information that will lead us to find him. Contact Col...
  12. Salome de Villiers

    HELP NEEDED To Find Scott van Zyl Gone Missing In Zimbabwe

    UPDATE #11: Evening everyone, the search for Scott continued today. Again we had choppers in the air and boots on the ground. A dive team was called in from the Zimbabwean police to assist with an underwater search. The search for Scott still continues. If i learn more i'll be sure to keep all...
  13. Helicopters


  14. Salome de Villiers

    HELP NEEDED To Find Scott van Zyl Gone Missing In Zimbabwe

    UPDATE #8: Hi Everyone, i got permission to share this photo with you all. Here's the helicopters that you guys keep in the sky with all your donations. Here they are waiting for re-fueling, the large helicopter from Harare is not in this picture, these three helicopters are working the Limpopo...
  15. Salome de Villiers

    HELP NEEDED To Find Scott van Zyl Gone Missing In Zimbabwe

    Morning everyone, the search continues.. Let's hope and pray for a positive outcome today. There's a massive full scale search effort going on, working both sides of the Limpopo using all the resources available to them, ground teams, choppers, dogs etc. Thanks again to all who contributed we...
  16. Salome de Villiers

    HELP NEEDED To Find Scott van Zyl Gone Missing In Zimbabwe

    UPDATE #6: Good evening everyone, my apologies for not giving updates today. Most of the search parties are in extremely challenging terrain with little to no mobile/cellphone coverage therefore updates did not come in during the day. The search party is confident they've locked down a search...
  17. Salome de Villiers

    HELP NEEDED To Find Scott van Zyl Gone Missing In Zimbabwe

    Hi everyone, i would like to give thanks to each and everyone of you who've made a donation towards our search and rescue mission on Go Fund Me. I can't stress enough how much we appreciate it! Thank you!! Here is the link again if you guys won't mind sharing to your friends...