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  1. ianevans

    Hi Richard , Yes it went very well and Emirates were very organised and helpfull. are you...

    Hi Richard , Yes it went very well and Emirates were very organised and helpfull. are you staying in South africa or going on to somewhere else Cheers Ian
  2. ianevans

    Wanted Elephant Hunting Video Ivan Carter

    Hi , it was hunting the african elephant and the guy i loaned it to has just brought iy back . Thanks anyway
  3. ianevans

    Wanted Elephant Hunting Video Ivan Carter

    hi all , Hoping someone can help ,I am planning my next ele hunt and have given my DVD on ele hunting by Ivan Carter and Craig Bodington to someone ( who i have forgotten ) who has not returned it . I am unable to find another so can anyone help with a copy .
  4. ianevans

    One Last Elephant Hunt - Changes In The Wind

    Hi I have a really good set of tusks ,what is the chance of finding a big old bull with broken tusks as i'm not bothered about another trophy to bring home . a memorable hunt is all i require
  5. ianevans

    Elephant Hunting In The Klasserie With THAT'S AFRICA SAFARI

    great bull and hunt ,but is it only residents who can do an ele hunt
  6. ianevans

    Has anyone from the UK taken a rifle to Zimbabwe for a hunt?

    Hi I took my rifle in 2019 . got outfitter in SA to invite me to hunt did all paperwork ,imported rifle to SA then with seperate ticket flew to Harare and went throuhg the customs there . had a meet and greet in SA to avoid problems.
  7. ianevans

    Best binos with rangefinder

    have Swarovski 10x42 which are excellent
  8. ianevans

    Transiting firearms through Dubai

    Hi Many thanks that was what i was hoping to here . yes emirates uk to dubai then on to JNB
  9. ianevans

    Transiting firearms through Dubai

    Hi Everyone Hoping someone can help . I am getting conflicting info from Dubai Police and customs about trnsiting my firearms through dubai . Emirates are quite easy about it and supplied a form to fill in . Has anyone been through there recently . Ian Evans
  10. ianevans

    CZ 550 trigger system.. complex?

    I fitted a Timney to my 550 .big difference .very pleased
  11. ianevans

    South Africa Free Range Buffalo Hunt

    I did a non trophy up to 34" in Klaserie last month . awesome .
  12. ianevans

    Any feedback comparing British Airways vs Qatar travelling to SA with firearm?

    Just returned from SA on friday using BA You will be charged for ammo seperately from rifle also staff in Joberg had no idea what to do and overcharged me about $100 . decided to pay it and try and reclaim over here when i can communicate better with them . allow a lot of time. I stood at...
  13. ianevans

    375 H&H Steyr Mannlicher Model S For Sale

    I have exactly the same rifle .lover her to bits .shoots just as accurately
  14. ianevans

    Field Aging Buffalo Bulls

    Thanks for article ,very informative as i'm going on a non trophy very old bull in mid march .
  15. ianevans

    Importation or Transiting Procedures Through Countries with Weapons & Ammunition

    Hi All .hoping someone can .help .planing gonig to johannesberg in march using Emirates and connecting in Dubai .What do i need to get firearms through Dubai airport
  16. ianevans

    ZIMBABWE: Hunting Elephant Near Hwange With Mbalabala Safaris

    excellent ,can't wait for the rest of the story
  17. ianevans

    BOTSWANA: Elephant Hunt With Johan Calitz Safaris In June 2021

    well done that are is on my wish list
  18. ianevans

    Hello from an Africa dreamer in the uk

    Welcome from Scotland ,Africa is my drug
  19. ianevans

    .375 H&H Magnum bullets : Light weight hunting bullets for longer hunting distances in the Kalahari

    I use the Speer 235 grain and found they work really well
  20. ianevans

    416 Rigby Velocity

    I shoot 350 gr Barnes at normal velocity ,bit kinder on the recoil and lets me practice a lot . i use proper factory ammo in Africa
  21. ianevans

    Dangerous Game for a first Safari?

    My first african animal was a buffalo ,just happened to bump a herd with a hard bossed bull and was told to shoot , was many years ago and wouldn't do it that way again ,though ok as last animal in a 2 week hunt ,
  22. ianevans

    Updates from this year with Mbizi Safaris Zambia

    well done on your hard anti-poaching work .really paying dividends . just going to look at your prices !!
  23. ianevans

    375 H&H or 416 RIgby

    have done buffalo with both ,but now will take my 416 in next years buffalo hunt
  24. ianevans

    ZAMBIA: Zambezi Valley Hunt In Zambia With Shamwari Safaris

    I hunted chewore last october ,awseome enjoy your hunt
  25. ianevans

    Hello from the UK

    Hi I live 14 miles south of Newton Stewart
  26. ianevans

    Hello from the UK

    SW Scotland we can see Isle of Man also
  27. ianevans

    Hello from the UK

    Hi And welcome . ,i am very much like you but being a bit older have been and hunted buffalo ( again next March ) i also live not far from you as we see NW england over the sea on a clear day
  28. ianevans

    ZIMBABWE Hunting Information

    yes for me to hunt in zim last october i had to have letter of invitation to hunt in SA and land in jo'burgh and put gun through customs then repeat to go to Harare
  29. ianevans

    Hello from Scotland

    Hi Euan welcome from a fellow scot
  30. ianevans

    Update from South African Air NEW FEES

    BA charged me£259 from Glasgow via LHR to Jo'berg and £300 for return journey
  31. ianevans

    ZIMBABWE: Zimbabwe Elephant Hunt

    Hi Martin ,we had a great time got a superb old buff on day 6 and a very old tuskless cow on day 10
  32. ianevans

    ZIMBABWE: Zimbabwe Elephant Hunt

    I was in same camp at same time awesome place and well done again
  33. ianevans

    ZIMBABWE: Zambezi Valley -- Shit HOT

    great report thanks . i'm just back from a tuskless and buffalo hunt in Chewore so can appreciate your comments about the heat .also had wrong socks so got a lot of lovely painfull blisters . fantastic experience though . Africa in the raw
  34. ianevans

    REPORT: Has anyone had any experience with Bullseye Taxidermy in South Africa?

    yes i have used bullseye a few times and found them excellent
  35. ianevans

    African Outfitter magazine

    I am the same am due 2 copies that are paid for and am not getting replys to emails
  36. ianevans

    Preparing for the heat

    Yes we played Loretto, when wewre you there
  37. ianevans

    Preparing for the heat

    Hi Everyone , many many thanks for all your replys and very useful hints, which i assure you i have taken on board and will act on . My friend Ant a South African PH is coming along for a holiday so i know i'm in good hands . i'm walking about 2 miles a day 5 days a week as well as being a...