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  1. Tom Leoni

    Chapuis barrel change question

    Hi--it looks like your rifle is a small-frame double, similar to an RGEX. Although that precedes my involvement with Chapuis, I am fairly confident that it is built on a 28 or 20-gauge Progress frame. That means that if you want a second set of barrels, they most definitely can't be anything...
  2. Tom Leoni


    BTW, Re. Chapuis and red-dot adapters, Andy Larsson of Skinner Sights is making me a number of them to carry as catalog items in 2025. So every Chapuis Elan and Iphisi will be able to accommodate them.
  3. Tom Leoni

    Factory Mauser Sporter?

    One more vote for a type-B sporter. Original.
  4. Tom Leoni

    Which Second Rifle?

    @chashardy - No, I have a strict policy of "my own hunts, my own antique rifle collection." I've spent a lifetime (in my own small way) collecting good vintage English rifles--plus the occasional Germanic piece. So my policy is not to spend my own money on a hunt unless I can do so with a rifle...
  5. Tom Leoni

    Which Second Rifle?

    Wow! Thank you for the replies, gentlemen! So far, the .318 seems to be the favorite by far, with the 6.5 in the middle. Surprised that there's zero love for the double--perhaps too iffy a caliber with the lead bullet?
  6. Tom Leoni

    Which Second Rifle?

    After a couple years' hiatus from the Dark Continent, I am planning my next South African safari in 2025. On the menu is plains game--I want to do my Springbuck slam as well as hunt other species to add to my collection. Perhaps red Hartebeest, or Waterbuck, or whatever the Gods send my way...
  7. Tom Leoni

    Wanted - Smaller Caliber Double Rifle - Side by Side

    Hi, Tank--it's hard to say how the Beretta ownership has affected prices in the US, because prior to Benelli USA's involvement (we are now the sole distributor), Chapuis was imported into the US by no fewer than 13 different independent companies. So it's hard for me to pinpoint a general...
  8. Tom Leoni

    Wanted - Smaller Caliber Double Rifle - Side by Side

    Hi, thank you for your message. I’ll see what I can do to ensure that Chapuis questions from customers are always channeled to me—we are part of Benelli USA and our customer service are swamped with 5 different brands (not that it’s an excuse) so something slips through the cracks from time to...
  9. Tom Leoni

    Wanted - Smaller Caliber Double Rifle - Side by Side

    Not because I'm the brand's product manager, but if I was going to get a small-caliber side-by-side double, I'd get a Chapuis. As others have said, the X4 is easy to scope and re-regulate, is short, light and handy, it retails for mid $7k and it comes in .30-06 and 9.3x74R. Also, I believe that...
  10. Tom Leoni

    Thanks for welcoming me to the Africa Hunting forum

    Welcome, @Buffalo375 ! Between your handle (I'm a big proponent of the .375), the fact that you're reading Taylor's magnum opus and that you reload, I think we're going to get along just fine. Have fun on AH!
  11. Tom Leoni

    .308 Win for SA Plains Game

    Try though I may, I don't see a single thing wrong with your selection. Don't give it another thought. Provided that you place your bullets well (duh) and that you are not unfamiliar with shooting off sticks (again duh) an African guided plains-game hunt is as easy-peasy as it gets. Enjoy the...
  12. Tom Leoni

    Any Experience with .400/360 Westley Richards?

    The seller just contacted me. While he confessed that he was more a shotgun guy and not too used to slugging bores, he tentatively measured the groove diameter at .364." Also, he said that the grooves are fairly dark (pitted). Hmmmm....
  13. Tom Leoni

    Any Experience with .400/360 Westley Richards?

    @degoins - I'm seriously considering it... Just waiting on the seller to tell me what the groove diameter is. I want to make sure that I can get jacketed bullets for it. :)
  14. Tom Leoni

    Any Experience with .400/360 Westley Richards?

    Thanks, I saw that thread--I was looking for more information if it's available.
  15. Tom Leoni

    Any Experience with .400/360 Westley Richards?

    Hello, I've been flirting with the idea of buying a Westley Richards single shot chambered for the .400/360--proved for 41gr cordite and 314gr max bullet. I wanted to know if anyone here has any experience with this cartridge--specifically the Westley Richards variety. I've read conflicting...
  16. Tom Leoni

    African Huntin Boots

    Courteney Safari all day and twice on Sunday. I use them as hiking boots as well, and after a good shining they make excellent smart-sporty shoes with heaps of character. Comfy, light, lots of traction and—of course—look the part. Will never switch.
  17. Tom Leoni

    Chapius Iphisi 375h&h

    @DAK - Thank you! It is always great to talk to knowledgeable and passionate hunters.
  18. Tom Leoni

    Show your work horses and bubba rifles

    The closest thing to a Bubba rifle I have is this. What makes it "Bubba"? If we are to believe etymologists, the word is an alteration of "brother".... in this case, this rifle is like the little brother who doesn't want to be left behind and insists on coming along:
  19. Tom Leoni

    Chapius Iphisi 375h&h

    Of course, it can be factory regulated to any load. Choosing Hornady DGX was purely a business decision--this load is the most popular .375 H&H sold in the US market. BTW, I'd be willing to do a batch of five or more (2025 or later) regulated for other loads. @Altitude sickness - all Chapuis...
  20. Tom Leoni

    Chapius Iphisi 375h&h

    Sorry, Kevin--I must have misunderstood you. I thought the idea was to have users--i.e., independent people other than the Chapuis product manager--offer unbiased opinions about the rifle. The Iphisi's functioning is exactly like all other Chapuis African doubles (Brousse and Jungle, called...
  21. Tom Leoni

    Chapius Iphisi 375h&h

    Hi, Kevin—what specific questions do you have for me?
  22. Tom Leoni

    Hats on safari

    Call me eccentric, but one of the reasons I go to Africa is to pay homage to tradition. Therefore, strictly no camo or ballcaps for me. The hat is a crushable unlined Borsalino, taupe color. I know, I know--but we're all "dudes" as safari clients. I say just embrace it and enjoy.
  23. Tom Leoni

    Mispronounced gun names

    Franchi (when pronounced "fran-chee" instead of "franki" as it should be pronounced). And my personal least favorite: Manurhin (when pronounced "man-urine" instead of "m'nureen" as it should be pronounced).
  24. Tom Leoni

    Show off your 100-year-old guns

    Does an (almost) 300 year old gun count? Meet my .60 caliber muzzleloader. Maker—I.C. Schefl of Graz, same family that made the barrel of the wheellock rifle of Emperor Leopold I, now preserved at the Met. Sometime during its working life, the same family changed the lock to a caplock...
  25. Tom Leoni

    New member from Italy

    Ciao, VolkFra--se hai domande, sentiti pure libero di mandarmi messaggi privati. Sono italiano, abito in USA e ho esperienza con la caccia in Africa (Sudafrica principalmente). Benvenuto al forum!
  26. Tom Leoni

    A Death Of Ethics: Is “Hunting” Destroying Itself?

    Hello, @Tam Dl - perhaps I'm mistaken, in which case I preemptively apologize, but from your post you sound like someone who's either never really hunted, who has a somewhat prejudicial view of the activity, or both. Many of your statements lead me to speculate that. Not that there's anything...
  27. Tom Leoni

    A Death Of Ethics: Is “Hunting” Destroying Itself?

    Hello, @HankBuck - what I was saying is that hunting is as much ingrained in our evolutionary psychology as mating. For at least a quarter million years, humans have evolved to hunt and reproduce, and for this reason both activities trigger a natural sense of pleasure and satisfaction. One is...
  28. Tom Leoni

    Spomer's new Parkwest falling block

    I have just visited the Park West factory. One of their main honchos is going on this hunt with Ron Spomer--an exciting hunt that also includes elephant. I was greatly impressed by their product, their staff and their manufacturing methods. If I were ever on the marked for a custom bolt-action...
  29. Tom Leoni

    1914 H&H Sling Swivel problem

    It looks to me that at least the studs are not original. British pre-war sling attachment are of the large eye type, made for thong-style leather slings. Every single British pre-war rifle I've seen or owned has them. See Rookhawk's picture for what they look like. Also, something about the...
  30. Tom Leoni

    Do the 577 and 600 nitro really offer anything?

    As little as I need or desire to own either of these rifles, those who have used them say that yes, they do offer quite a bit more insurance and knock-down power than cartridges in the .450-.500 class. In particular, the .577 NE seems to have been a favorite among professional ivory hunters...
  31. Tom Leoni

    Why no 375 RUM?

    The better question is not "why not," but rather "why?" I remember around 2000, when everyone was on the "faster, faster!" bandwagon. I managed the SAKO line back then, and we chambered the Model 75 in RUM cartridges and other ultra-fast numbers such as the 7mm STW. In the same period, John...
  32. Tom Leoni

    A Death Of Ethics: Is “Hunting” Destroying Itself?

    Re: the "hunting for ego" claim. This is what I say to non-hunters who ask me why I like to hunt. It's not ego. It's not misplaced "manliness." It's not an unlikely physical contest with the animal (which debunks the "why don't you make it fair and use a knife/spear" argument). It's what we...
  33. Tom Leoni

    A Death Of Ethics: Is “Hunting” Destroying Itself?

    Several considerations here. 1 - These are my opinions and my opinions only. As long as a hunter doesn't break the law, I will pause 100 times before judging him for his own ethics--we're all brothers here, even though we may disagree with some of each-other's credos. We have enough real...
  34. Tom Leoni

    ttsx in 375 caliber - i see nothing above 250 grains

    I honestly think that most if not all of today's .375 bullets in the 270-300gr range kill as reliably as the latest zippety-doo-dah number being marketed as "the thing." I see no real need for a monolithic that opens up to 25 times its original diameter, just like I see no real need for a...
  35. Tom Leoni

    Average Shot Range in East Cape SA

    Shots will be as far as you tell your PH you're comfortable with. Typically, you seldom will have to shoot past 250 yards, with your average shot being 50 to 200 yards. As for worrying about loss of velocity in a .300 WM with a shorter barrel, I wouldn't make much of it. If you sight your...
  36. Tom Leoni

    Holding the rifle canted or off level??

    With double rifles, all it takes is a microscopic change in the physics of the two barrels (and the soldering between them) to produce a rather substantial change in point of impact. A 2" spread at 45 yards is still a huge win in my book, especially for a rifle like the Baikal. Rifles costing...
  37. Tom Leoni

    Holding the rifle canted or off level??

    What caliber? What distance? A 2" spread, unless it's at 10 yards, would not worry me for a "fun" double rifle like the Baikal. I say just enjoy it and don't give it another thought.
  38. Tom Leoni

    500 NE 3" load data

    Here’s the .500 load page from Wright’s book:
  39. Tom Leoni

    Hotchkiss Rifle

    Hotchkiss rapid fire mountain howitzers were used most famously at Wounded Knee again (mostly) Miniconjou Lakotas under chief Big Foot in 1890.
  40. Tom Leoni

    Rimmed (only) Cartridges

    .375 H&H Flanged Magnum. Most useful cartridge in the world, together with its rimless belted twin.
  41. Tom Leoni

    Recommended Ammo for .375 H&H?

    Here's a different perspective from a .375 fanatic. Take it as you wish. I honestly think that the current factory offerings for the .375 severely limit the versatility of this wonderful chambering. The .375 is not exclusively a big/dangerous game round, and as such, should not be limited (or...
  42. Muskox Hunting Greenland

    Muskox Hunting Greenland

  43. Muskox Hunting Greenland

    Muskox Hunting Greenland

  44. Muskox Hunting Greenland

    Muskox Hunting Greenland

  45. Tom Leoni

    GREENLAND: Greenland Muskox Hunt With Traditional Gear

    @Nyati - Yes. It is my small and trusted iiia, my favorite camera, with a 35mm Summaron lens. I thought I'd bring it just in case my phone would completely run out of battery, as I had no way to charge it while in camp. Loaded it with ISO 200 film, set it on f/22 and 1/200, locked the focus ring...
  46. Tom Leoni

    GREENLAND: Greenland Muskox Hunt With Traditional Gear

    PART 2 - THE HUNT Base-camp for the hunt was a prefabricated cabin built around 50 years ago as a recreational hunting/fishing getaway for US servicemen working in the nearby base (since closed). Quarters were spartan but comfortable, with gas-powered cooking stoves, kerosene heaters and...
  47. Tom Leoni

    >35 Whelen versus. 338 Win Mag TKO values (modified)

    LOL - Well played, Bob! I know that the .35 is a splendid cartridge, as you rightfully say (and nothing plain Jane about it, BTW). I just have to keep up my "persona" as the biggest .375 H&H fanatic! :cool:
  48. Tom Leoni

    >35 Whelen versus. 338 Win Mag TKO values (modified)

    I greatly prefer the .35 Whelen to the .338 Win Mag--virtually identical ballistics with fewer pyrotechnics, plus the stamp of the good old Colonel (whether he designed it or merely approved of it). I don't own a rifle in this chambering--God knows I have enough calibers in my collection--but...