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  1. Obi Wan Kenobi

    Why did you buy a 6.5 Creedmoore?

    Just because all the rage and the BC. The 6.5 Creedmore is like anything Taylor Swift touches right now. People are going to buy it but a year from now you ask yourself why.
  2. Obi Wan Kenobi

    Wanted Zeiss Diavari Victory 4-16x50 or HT 3-12x56

    Just wondering the other day why did Zeiss discontinue such a fine fine scope. The Conquest 3x12-56s just aren't the same
  3. Obi Wan Kenobi

    Shoot or Not Shoot?

    Read my story about this on another post. Just had this happen to me in Zambia looking for leopard bait. I wouldn't take any of those shots at that angle you posted. On a steady rest under 30 yards. Right between the eyes. Their heads are huge through a scope at that distance. But again its all...
  4. Obi Wan Kenobi

    Where Would You Shoot This Buffalo?

    375 H&H will do it. I know I just did it 2 weeks ago. He dropped like a car had been dropped from a crane. This is a loaded question because at what distance are we talking? I've killed 2 buffaloes, the one I shot last week was 44 inches. In 2021 I shot that buffalo in the neck at 40 yards. It...
  5. Obi Wan Kenobi

    Recommended outfitters in Zambia

    Youre question is kinda loaded and thats how Africa is. I've hunted in Zambia twice just got back. Zambia is fabulous for buffalo. I just shot a 44 inch bull there last week. Elephant is like so so, so what Ive been told. I shot an elephant there but it wasn't a big mature bull, it was injured...
  6. Obi Wan Kenobi

    Prepping for Africa - Shooting from sticks

    Blaser shooting sticks 2.0 are the best shooting sticks on the planet IMO. Yes they are 350$. I used them for the first time in Zambia a few weeks ago. FLAWLESS SHOOTING from my .375 and 300 win mag. If you believe in "You get what you pay for" buy these. They are worth every penny, you won't miss.
  7. Obi Wan Kenobi

    I hate a thief!!

    The thing with EWR they only have 2 runways which is incredible. I mean how does an airport right outside of NYC only have 2 working runways?
  8. Obi Wan Kenobi

    How far can you expect to shoot an elephant?

    I've killed one elephant on a nuisance/injured tag back in 2021. He had a injured leg and wasn't going to survive much longer. I got within about 30 yards for a side head shot with a 375 h-h. 2 shots he was down. Ironically I just returned from Zambia. An elephant showed up at my camp one...
  9. Obi Wan Kenobi

    I hate a thief!!

    Thats not necessarily true, EWR is a United hub, if you fly united yes. But you can fly through DC, BWI. Yes NY has tight gun laws but I have no problems flying through LaGuardia. Its been updated and rather nice there now. My wife and I spent our anniversary in May in NY. We went through LGA no...
  10. Obi Wan Kenobi

    ZAMBIA: Leopard Bow Hunt With Dzombo Hunting Safari

    Good luck to you brother and I sincerely mean that. I just came back off a 14 day leopard hunt in Zambia. Not a single cat showed up to a bait until the very last morning that I was leaving to fly back home. I shot a bunch of animals on my list but we only sat 1 night for a cat the entire time &...
  11. Obi Wan Kenobi

    I hate a thief!!

    I keep trying to warning you guys about hunters and people with guns and equipment flying through Newark.
  12. Obi Wan Kenobi

    Help me choose an airline

    Bethis I'm in Zambia right now as I type this to you. Here eating lunch, just shot a nice croc yesterday & a big baboon this morning for leopard bait. This is my 4th trip to Africa. 2 plains game hunts this is my second DG hunt. Trust me, fly with Delta. I know United has the big hub there in...
  13. Obi Wan Kenobi

    Can Someone Help Me Judge The Size Of This Croc

    I'm six feet tall l was in that sandbank a few days ago so I'm roughly guessing 3-4 feet. And he just showed back up again. Looking at it again if l stood in the water where he is now it might be 5 feet
  14. Obi Wan Kenobi

    Can Someone Help Me Judge The Size Of This Croc

    That bank is about 4 feet
  15. Obi Wan Kenobi

    Can Someone Help Me Judge The Size Of This Croc

    Hey guys and gals. I'm sitting here in Zambia on the Luangwa river been here since 6-17 fantastic start to the week so far. Ill have more on that later. But can any of you croc experts give me any idea how big this croc is? I just took these photos 5 minutes ago. He's 55 yards away from me. The...
  16. Obi Wan Kenobi

    Big 5 question

    Female leopards no way...........Im no expert but I do know Botswana has an elephant problem you maybe should look there for something affordable. I would think lioness would count. I have 3 of the big 5, 4 of the deadly 7. Lion, buffalo, elephant hippo. I got lucky to have a chance at a young...
  17. Obi Wan Kenobi

    Politics of Cartridge Minimums?

    Im in Africa as we speak on a leopard hunt. This is my 4th time hunting in Africa. All the PHs basically say the same thing. Americans and a lot of Europeans can't shoot worth a ____ so it a little wiggle room with something like leopards. I'm using a 300 win mag, PH said 06 or 375 would work...
  18. Obi Wan Kenobi

    Binocular Advice Needed

    Yes Steiner makes good glass as well.
  19. Obi Wan Kenobi

    Binocular Advice Needed

    Zeiss Conquest, not the super premium Zeiss but they are good binoculars. Zeiss Conquest
  20. Obi Wan Kenobi

    Delta vs United (higher end economy)

    Delta has better airplanes, better service, Delta is GUN FRIENDLY with my experiences. Its a lot of red tape dealing with United flying with a gun overseas from what I've heard. Especially if you are flying through Newark or somewhere in Europe. I'm flying out to JNB Friday on Delta. It will...
  21. Obi Wan Kenobi

    Barnes TSX review

    in the search bar look for a thread I made about 2 months ago on Swift Bullets.
  22. Obi Wan Kenobi

    Barnes TSX review

    I'm going on a leopard hunt starting next week. I've been assured TTSXBT will devastate any leopard. Nosler Accubonds are devastating as well for plains game.
  23. Obi Wan Kenobi

    Barnes TSX review

    Barnes TTSXBT, Nosler Accubonds for plains game
  24. Obi Wan Kenobi

    Preferred calibers for Rhino and Hippo?

    I'm no expert marksman. My second deadly 7 kill was a hippo at about 85 yards in Zambia in the water. 375 H&H 300 grain Swift A Frame. 1 shot 1 kill just like that. You need a steady rest & quality optics. Hippos aren't that hard to kill in the water with a brain shot provided you have a good...
  25. Obi Wan Kenobi

    Good African Safari Shirt?

    Thats one thing I really hate about Cabelas. Love the store but they make really good stuff then discontinue it. IDK why they do things like that
  26. Obi Wan Kenobi

    How far did you track your buffalo?

    4-5 hour stalk in Zambia in 2021. I was so out of shape then. My lungs felt like they were on fire. Tracking after the shot was 5 minutes he ran 60 yards because I shot my buffalo in the neck about 45-50 yards away. It was an incredible hunt for sure.
  27. Obi Wan Kenobi

    Got my first elk hunt this year - Help me pick a cartridge

    300 winchester magnum Nosler Accubonds 180 grain. Im not a not a know it all but there is no way Id hunt an elk with a 6.5 anything. If thats too much gun plenty of elk have fallen to a 30.06 or 308
  28. Obi Wan Kenobi

    Ammo cannot be packed inside luggage?

    Yea this was really weird, Ive never had a Delta agent do that with me. I know going up to Zambia you have to have a separate lock box but never heard of this from Atl to JNB on Delta
  29. Obi Wan Kenobi

    Ammo cannot be packed inside luggage?

    Been to Africa 3 times going again in June this year. Every time Ive gone my ammo is in my gun case. I only fly Delta through Atlanta to JNB never had a single problem.
  30. Obi Wan Kenobi

    375 H&H 300 Mag Almost Ready

    375 H&H almost ready to go. Less than three weeks until an adventure for croc, eland, buffalo leopard & hyena. 6 shots at 100 yards. The very first shot was a flyer. I've lost 75 lbs since August. The recoil is noticeable but I'm good. I've already got a good buffalo but I hope to put a Swift...
  31. Obi Wan Kenobi

    Swift Bullets

    :LOL::LOL::LOL:Ok........Im not flaming or trolling you. Swift has been saying this same thing since last October. I even called the company 3 or 4 times. Same thing they can't find anyone to work. But ok guess we'll see.
  32. Obi Wan Kenobi

    1 MOA accuracy less common than you think ?

    I'm not going to go on a bash session. But I quit watching this guy's channel a long time ago after seeing a video of him running down the 30.06 and the ridiculous things he was saying about 06s.
  33. Obi Wan Kenobi

    What's the best way to Fly to Zimbabwe with guns

    Get a Delta ticket and forget it my friend. Delta IMO is the best when it comes to traveling with guns. I would NEVER fly on United and please for your own sake DO NOT fly through Newark NJ EWR with firearms. If you're looking for comfort I guess the other airlines are better but I would only...
  34. Obi Wan Kenobi

    Best Scope for Baited Leopard Hunt at Night

    You said "the best". Zeiss, Swaro and Schmidt & Bender will be difficult to top for any night or low light hunting. I've used a Zeis 3-12x56 for years hunting legally 1 hour past sunset in the states. Used it in 21 for leopard hunt. The Schmidt & Bender Polar T96 is like wow!!! Im using one in...
  35. Obi Wan Kenobi

    Is the 7mm prc suitable for plains game?

    Nosler Accubonds, Barnes TTSXBT, you will be fine
  36. Obi Wan Kenobi

    Best Satellite Phone For Africa, Big 5 Targets?

    Hey there guys and gals. Who do you all recommend for "Great" satellite phone service for Zambia in that region of Africa. I didn't take a sat phone my first trip in 2014 that was in SA. I did in 17 and 21 the service with this company/carrier was awful. They just contacted me again I'm just not...
  37. Obi Wan Kenobi

    Tanzania vs Zambia?

    Its going to be hard to beat hunting around the Luangwa River system. It's natural and just game rich. Im going back there this June. Im on pins and needles can't wait. Got a nice buffalo there in 2021. But I will add I've never been to Tanzania but its a dream destination.
  38. Obi Wan Kenobi

    Anyone ever filmed their safari?

    I filmed my hunt in 2017 it was a lioness hunt and plains game. I can't remember the guy but I'm glad I did it.
  39. Obi Wan Kenobi

    It’s disappointing the decision made in Australia

    The government there is going to trap and kill 1,200 saltwater crocodiles per year the next 10 years. No “trophy hunting”. Instead of issuing permits to hunters worldwide they are going to hire local people to kill them. I’m not knocking Australia l don’t live there never been. But this...
  40. Obi Wan Kenobi

    How many .375 H&H's and/or .416's do you own and shoot?

    1 beautiful Cooper M54 416 Rem mag in the traditional wood with black barrel H-S Precision 375 H&H in synthetic stock. I plan on getting another 375 H&H in a wood stock at some point. I only shoot them when I get to Africa which is about every 4 years. I do plan on an Alaskan brown bear hunt...
  41. Obi Wan Kenobi

    What TV hunting personality?

    Craig Boddington in Mozambique in the Zambezi river system And Pam Zaitz in Alaska
  42. Obi Wan Kenobi

    What Will Banning Of Trophy Hunting Result In?

    Some people are just so damn stupid. It boggles my mind how people will go to Africa video and watch animals suffer. I mean suffer. They make videos animals getting brutally killed and eaten. While laughing at posting it on Facebook. Yet if me or you go ethically and humanely harvest an animals...
  43. Obi Wan Kenobi

    Spoke with Bill at Swift Bullets yesterday

    Maybe we should get some of these people legalized and PUT THEM TO WORK. I've read several of the comments and I guess its no wrong answer but I do know this. A lot of the young people are conditioned to want a job paying 100k a year, with benefits, 60 days paid vacation & work from home. They...
  44. Obi Wan Kenobi

    Spoke with Bill at Swift Bullets yesterday

    That’s a damn good question
  45. Obi Wan Kenobi

    Spoke with Bill at Swift Bullets yesterday

    Great point it’s just unbelievable
  46. Obi Wan Kenobi

    Spoke with Bill at Swift Bullets yesterday

    It really boggles my mind how lazy people are in this country (USA). We have totally lost our work ethic in this country. Swift has stopped producing .375 AFrames since October. The can has been kicked down the road yet another month. They said they would have ammo coming off the factory line by...
  47. Obi Wan Kenobi

    Not good news from Federal

    Something is going on because they aren't producing any .375 ammo and it really sucks
  48. Obi Wan Kenobi

    Super Excited My Buffalo & Hippo Arrive This Week

    Any day now they will be arriving at the house. Can't wait I'll be posting pictures when they arrive.