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  1. Bowhica

    Has anyone heard about this? Limcroma Safaris / SBS Logistics

    I think I read on here somewhere to make cards with your information to put with the animals. Helps with keeping track. Has this been used by anyone?
  2. Bowhica

    Has anyone heard about this? Limcroma Safaris / SBS Logistics

    What are the steps taken by outfitters to help reduce the chances of losing or mixing up game?
  3. Bowhica

    Has anyone heard about this? Limcroma Safaris / SBS Logistics

    That's one of my biggest fears when dealing with taxidermy/processors and what led me to processing my own game in Texas. I went to pick up my meat from a local processor and noticed my order was missing some back straps. The guy turns around and grabs some back strap packs from another bin...
  4. Bowhica

    Has anyone heard about this? Limcroma Safaris / SBS Logistics

    Come on MAN!!!!!!! HA!!
  5. Bowhica

    Has anyone heard about this? Limcroma Safaris / SBS Logistics

    Yes I doubt my cull baboon will turn up missing!!
  6. Bowhica

    Has anyone heard about this? Limcroma Safaris / SBS Logistics

    On a side note, I'm not bashing Limcroma. Just feeling out the forum. Everyone expects their trip to SA to be smooth and seamless. My expectations would be the same.
  7. Bowhica

    Has anyone heard about this? Limcroma Safaris / SBS Logistics

    We have a trip planned for SA in April and our agent had us booked to use Limcroma, but we wanted to stay with the PH we originally planned to use. Then I get a link in my news feed about Limcroma. I wonder if there will be any impact on the hunters using them this year? Has anyone had issues...
  8. Bowhica

    From SE Texas!!

    Thank you for all the warm welcomes and insight!! I approach each hunt in this way. I'm paying for the experience and if I am lucky enough to harvest an animal.....that is the bonus for the trip. I'll be 1/2 way around the world from Texas with a good friend. Its a Mancation with the option of...
  9. Bowhica

    From SE Texas!!

    They have a newly acquired property in Moz that we have an option of hunting from what I here. We've only received a few emails back and forth so far, but details are on the way. I typically only hunt with bow unless its a good old Texas meat harvest (MLDP) or a hog eradication, then I'll use...
  10. Bowhica

    From SE Texas!!

    I live in Katy, but I'm currently working North of Pecos on a gas plant. What's a guy got to do to work in Saudi?! What's your role in the UAE?
  11. Bowhica

    From SE Texas!!

    A friend of mine recently bid on an African 2 man hunt with Theron Safaris over in Mozambique and won it. He called me and asked if I would share this potentially amazing trip with him. I took the day and considered the impacts financially. My beautiful bride fianlly told me I would be crazy to...
  12. Bowhica

    Inbound to Mozambique in 2017

    Inbound to Mozambique in 2017