Search results

  1. Kevin Davenport

    .358 Winchester

    As of this date I have taken whitetail, elk, and moose with both my .300 savage and .358 winn in Savage 99s. I'm not to worried about temperature as the places that I hunt in my home state of Texas average 100° in the summer, the temperature in South Africa where I would hunt is comparable
  2. Kevin Davenport

    .358 Winchester

    I will accept any and all load data that you happen to have.
  3. Kevin Davenport

    .358 Winchester

    Thank you sirs for your responses. Thank you Sandman for the load data!
  4. Kevin Davenport

    .358 Winchester

    I've just picked up a Savage 99 in .358 win, does anyone hunt with this round? If so what loads and ranges did you use it in? Also would this be a fesable round for African plains game
  5. Kevin Davenport

    .300 Savage

    Has anyone used this in Africa? I've used a .300 savage on whitetail, mule deer, and a small bull elk. I think it would be a decent cartridge for plains game up to Gemsbok, maybe a wildebeest.
  6. Kevin Davenport

    Cat in Texas

    Beautiful bobcat. I've only seen two in my area with no shot
  7. Kevin Davenport

    Greeting from Texas

    Yes sir, I'll be at HSC come January.
  8. Kevin Davenport

    Greeting from Texas

    I'm in Orange Tx as of now. I lived in Baytown until six years ago
  9. Kevin Davenport

    Awesome pedestal back!

    I'm with Skinner on this. It doesn't apeal to me
  10. Kevin Davenport

    Man mocks alligators, jumps in water and is killed in Texas

    That's in my neck of the woods, less than 5 mins from the plant I work at. The gators are agressive because people are feeding them, so the gators have no fear of people. Several have attacked at the peir, and follow boats as they fish. Every few years we hear of someone loses a hand while...
  11. Kevin Davenport

    Torn between two calibers

    CZ 550fs in 9.3x62 and a Merkel .450-.400 would be my pick!
  12. Kevin Davenport

    ZIMBABWE: My first Buffalo Hunt A Schoolboy Dream Come True

    Congradulations! I hope to have one as nice in a few years.
  13. Kevin Davenport

    What satellite phone or Wi-Fi would you recommend?

    Iridium 9555 with basic 60 plan is what I use when traveling.
  14. Kevin Davenport

    Which Big 5 do you want to hunt?

    As I have yet to make there, buffalo will be my first, followed by a lion on the next trip.
  15. Kevin Davenport

    Lonesome BULL Ranch?

    Has anyone hunted at the Lonesome Bull Ranch in Texas? I have an opertunity to hunt there in a few months and was wondering if it's a quality show. Everything I've read so far has been good, just wanted to know if anyone here has personal experiance with this ranch.
  16. Kevin Davenport

    Wanting a new rifle

    Thanks guys. We'll be looking at several rifles in Houston tomorow
  17. Kevin Davenport


    I've used this rucksack for several years now, and it has held up just fine on the many hunts and camping trips I've made.
  18. Kevin Davenport

    New member

    Welcome Texas Gator. There sure is a lot of us on here!
  19. Kevin Davenport

    Wanting a new rifle

    Spike.t, it is a .223 using barnes vortex 55gr tsx ammo. She has taken deer out to 150 yards cleanly
  20. Kevin Davenport

    Wanting a new rifle

    Thanks guys. We are going to look this weekend for her rifle. This will be her first bolt gun as she normally uses an ar15 for hogs, sheep, and whitetail.
  21. Kevin Davenport

    Wanting a new rifle

    It would be for my wife to use as she is not comfartable with the recoil on the rifles that I have
  22. Kevin Davenport

    Wanting a new rifle

    I have a .300 win mag that I'm going to take on my plains game hunt. I would like to buy a rifle to take smaller game with, what do y'all recomend?
  23. Kevin Davenport

    Greeting from Texas

    I'll have to swing by and have a chat with your people
  24. Kevin Davenport

    2 rifle combo

    Sounds like the .300 wm is my best bet. I've thought about buying a 6.5x55 to compliment it, but some of the places I would eventually like to hunt have a 7mm minimum
  25. Kevin Davenport

    Greeting from Texas

    I'm in Orange, Tx at the moment. I was transfered from Houston a few years ago by the plant I work for
  26. Kevin Davenport

    2 rifle combo

    I have a Cz 550fs in .270 and a Winnchester m70 .300 wm. What do y'all think of this combo for the small 10 up to Kudu? Any factoy loaded ammo that I should look at for my hunt?
  27. Kevin Davenport

    Greeting from Texas

    No I haven't settled on an outfitter just yet. I'm going to do a basic plains game package with Gemsbok probably being the largest. Just getting my feet wet before I plan a 20+ day hunt in a few years
  28. Kevin Davenport

    Greeting from Texas

    New guy here. I've lurked around for awile before deciding to join, enjoying the great information posted on here. Looking forward to gleaning more info as I plan my first plains game hunt in South Africa. Thanks in advance.