Search results

  1. Philip Glass

    Opinions please: Pros/Cons of .375 Ruger vs .375 H&H

    Ruger brass is easy to find. Just ask the AH crowd for help!
  2. Philip Glass

    Opinions please: Pros/Cons of .375 Ruger vs .375 H&H

    It just depends on the rifle you want for the most part. .375 Ruger is superior in every way to .375 H&H but H&H has the nostalgia. Practically I like the shorter .375 Ruger cartridge. To me it's just kinda like a fat .30-06!
  3. Philip Glass

    Trophy care. Salting/Dip and pack?

    When a skin is properly fleshed, salted, and dried it will last for years barring any insect damage. I learned this nervously waiting on my lion years ago. Believe me I asked everyone questions about this subject.
  4. Philip Glass

    DSC Update from the CEO

    Does anyone know why the convention is 3 days some years and four days others? Am I reading this wrong? I am a life member and did get the email. FYI
  5. Philip Glass

    DSC Update from the CEO

    So is it to be a joint convention or not? Do we not know yet?
  6. Philip Glass

    DSC Update from the CEO

    Yea I can't figure that one out. 2030
  7. Philip Glass

    DSC Update from the CEO

    Thanks so much! We do have an awesome lineup of entertainment at our events. I'll be in DC with SCI lobbying congress for our rights in May. I already have my plans made for Nashville for next year. I hope to see yall there!
  8. Philip Glass

    Clothing? + gaiter recommendations

    I use the Boyt canvass gaiters at home and away. I prefer them. You will likely just need a jacket and not much cold weather gear. Have a great safari!
  9. Philip Glass

    DG calibers/energy laws versus rifle competency

    The say Americans are bad about "admiring the shot". The excitement of Safari makes many just forget to reload. It is a very common thing even for experienced hunters.
  10. Philip Glass

    Trophy care. Salting/Dip and pack?

    Salted will last for many years with no problems.
  11. Philip Glass

    Zimbabwe Elephant Hunts “Management Bulls” -

    You should contact @DALTON & YORK SAFARIS . They have some good quota that will be exactly what you are looking for at a good price. The .375 is fine but will likely guarantee that follow-up shots will be required.
  12. Philip Glass

    Selling My Tikka

    Excellent set up here! I love Tikka!
  13. Philip Glass

    Bringing 2 guns on a dangerous game hunt?

    It will depend on what the PG situation is like and what your prospects are. For me most of the Zim hunts are time consuming on the DG part which does not leave a lot of time for PG. I feel a bit uncomfortable carrying a small PG rifle there in the field. My .300 with 180g TSX gives some peace...
  14. Philip Glass

    Ethical Use of Hounds in Leopard Hunting: A Structured Analysis

    Europe has a time honored tradition of driven hunts for all game animals. I'd love to give it a try. The only problem I'd have with running deer is that I would not be interested in eating deer that had been run! With leopard you don't put the dogs out unless you are sure it is a big lone male...
  15. Philip Glass

    New member researching their first safari

    I can not recommend going on your first safari with an unknown outfitter. You must realize there are maybe thousands of outfitter's in RSA all scrambling for the US dollar. Do your research and ask for references who have hunted Africa multiple times with multiple outfitters. Anything else has...
  16. Philip Glass

    Crazy! Cow Elephant charge!

    I just watched that last night! I would never second guess Buzz. It can happen anytime. Those cows are crazy and smart at the same time.
  17. Philip Glass

    New from Texas

    Welcome from a fellow Texan!
  18. Philip Glass

    Flight Questions

    I like Patrick!
  19. Philip Glass

    Flight Questions

    Ditto all of that!
  20. Philip Glass

    Flight Questions

    Ok flying from the West coast you have a myriad of options. I fly Delta and Qatar primarily. You will use Airlink to get from JNB to East London. I definitely recommend calling Jennifer at @TRAVEL EXPRESS , our AH Sponsor, and let her know your dates and destinations. She will give you all your...
  21. Philip Glass

    Opinions on 1” Quick Detach Picatinny Rings

    I've discussed this a few times. I have used Talley, Warn, and Alaskan (gunsmith mounted) on my journey following the "conventional wisdom" of needing to remove my scope to take down a charging beast. The one time I did face a charging beast there were milliseconds and that just was not enough...
  22. Philip Glass

    375 Raptor cartridge

    The major appeal of this cartridge is to be used at subsonic velocities. I have had several people say it was a great choice for deer hunting. Of course, none of that applies to Africa.
  23. Philip Glass

    Flight Questions

    We will need more information! What is your home airport?
  24. Philip Glass

    Opinions on 1” Quick Detach Picatinny Rings

    I don’t use QD rings with the exception of the blazer R8. I have had too many issues over the years.
  25. Philip Glass

    So dumb question about a pelican

    You can try to clean the area with Dawn soap. This may be able to remove that finish that the Vault has when it's new. Then if they won't stick put them on with box sealing tape. You will not have this problem after a few trips where the case gets dirty and scuffed. This case will last you...
  26. Philip Glass


    Packs stay on the truck.
  27. Philip Glass

    Handgun Buffalo

    If you know your gun you will likely be fine. In your situation you will need a perfectly broadside shot and at the distance you are comfortable with. I would only add to be ready to follow up. The sarcasm comes from the fact that more hunters/PH's are killed or wounded by buffalo than anything...
  28. Philip Glass

    Update from DSC annual meeting

  29. Philip Glass


    I Take a dedicated sling pack. At times I'll clip it on the rack in the back of the bakkie. I just need ammo, binos, headlamp, batteries, etc. I DO NOT use my carry on for a day pack. You may if you wish but please follow my procedure for departure. Ammo and empty brass will always be left in a...
  30. Philip Glass

    DSC thread Deleted

    Yes I will see you in Nashville!
  31. Philip Glass

    Update from DSC annual meeting

    Thanks @Dave Fulson !
  32. Philip Glass

    Dangerous game safari info

    That would be a game farm hunt you are describing and it is fine. I believe you sound to be leaning towards something like a Zimbabwe Safari. I would suggest you look at @DALTON & YORK SAFARIS for a 2028 buffalo and tuskless hunt. This is the type of hunt you are looking for and one that I have...
  33. Philip Glass

    Dallas Safari Club Convention Summary

    They still have not polled their members. I guess they don't care what people think of the goings on of late?
  34. Philip Glass

    Dallas Safari Club Convention Summary

    I heard they didn't want to change their dates and that limited their choices of venues. Looks like Atlanta for two more years then somewhere else.
  35. Philip Glass

    Dallas Safari Club Convention Summary

    I am not sure exactly what you are looking for or why SCI didn't suit you but consider TTHA in Dallas. I am sure you would like it.
  36. Philip Glass

    Dallas Safari Club Convention Summary

    It would probably be for the best. How many competing orgs do we need?
  37. Philip Glass

    Recoil reducers

    No Ive normally called or emailed Kevin and asked his opinion on the actual reducer and then sent the stock to him for installation. Some guns are easy to do your self. It has worked for me!
  38. Philip Glass

    $25,000 in Africa excluding, flights, tips, and trophy shipment what would you do?

    For me I would go hunt buffalo and tuskless with @DALTON & YORK SAFARIS
  39. Philip Glass

    Recoil reducers

    I use Edwards Recoil reducers in all my larger rifles.
  40. Philip Glass

    Kenya Airways?

    So not one thus far has used them with guns. Hmmm. I'd call @TRAVEL EXPRESS and see what they say.
  41. Philip Glass

    TAJIKISTAN: Marco Polo & Mid Asian Ibex Dec 2024

    Thanks for sharing this great adventure! These booking agents need to feel some pressure. There are hundreds of horror stories from these MP hunts and other Asian hunts. At least you were able to hunt your MP. A story was related to me last year about one outfit that has all the sheep killed...
  42. Philip Glass

    Suppressors in Africa

    Yes it is a gray area. That is the truth.
  43. Philip Glass

    El Paso Saddlery web cartridge belts?

    I am sure they are good. I am a Murray Custom Leather fan myself.
  44. Philip Glass

    Ear Muffs

    I have Walkers electronic from Midway USA. They have a great selection.
  45. Philip Glass

    Capes destroyed and useless

    I think you and others should post a report on your taxidermy experience in Africa. I have had good luck lately with Bushman's River/Frontier Safaris taxidermy as far as quality and time.
  46. Philip Glass

    Ethical Use of Hounds in Leopard Hunting: A Structured Analysis

    This is a very informative article. People opposed to hound hunting are just opposed to hunting! Man has been using canines to join them on the hunt since the beginning of time. My opinion is that governments should not be concerned with methods but simple the total take.
  47. Philip Glass

    Ethical Use of Hounds in Leopard Hunting: A Structured Analysis