Search results

  1. Dan W

    Where and who are you hunting with in 2016

    I plan on shooting the oldest, orneryist, and ugliest Cape Buffalo in Niassa with Kambako safaris.
  2. Dan W

    Who's the best for a first timer

    If you haven't already done so, I would recommend going to the SCI or DSC convention and meet your thee finalists face to face. That is what I did as a "tie-breaker" when I picked my first outfit. Each of the outfits had great folks working their booths, but I really clicked with one particular...
  3. Dan W

    NAMIBIA: Omujeve Safaris

    I hunted with them in 2013 and everyone there was great. That 60" Kudu in my picture was taken in their Omatendeka concession. I cannot recommend them highly enough!
  4. Dan W

    Greetings from the American heartland

    Hello everyone. My name is Dan and I've hunted since I was quite young. As for Africa, I've hunted Namibia and just recently booked a Buffalo hunt in Mozambique. Counting down the days.