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    HELP NEEDED To Find Scott van Zyl Gone Missing In Zimbabwe

    My prayers go out to Scott and his family. I can only imagine what they must be going through. Thank you to everyone that is involved in helping to find Scott, it is wonderful to know we still have good people in this industry. I hope Scott is found safely soon.
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    Congratulations on your trophies. Looks like you had a great hunt.
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    ZAMBIA: SOUTH AFRICA: My Hunt With Takeri Reserve, Diekie Mueller Safaris & Coenraad Vermaak Safaris

    Best of luck to you. I am eagerly awaiting your pics and stories.
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    Greetings from Canada

    Welcome Spydr, I hope you enjoy the site.
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    New member from NZ

    Welcome ZG47 Hope you enjoy the site. You won't be bored anymore. Lots of interesting topics to keep you busy on this forum.
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    Greetings from Lagos

    Welcome Kent, all the best in Lagos. If you ever wanted to hunt Africa now is the perfect time. What a great opportunity. And for the next 4 years. You lucky man! This site will serve you well in any info you might need on hunting Africa. Should you wish to hunt Southern Africa, you can...
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    Greeting to the AH community from beautiful Cape Town

    Welcome to AH. I hope you enjoy it.
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    Hello from Vermont

    Welcome Gary. I hope you enjoy the site.
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    New Kid in Town - Paw Print in Canada

    Looks like great fun. Thank you for sharing the story and pics!
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    Lurker steps through the light....

    Welcome Redruff. Good to have you on the site.
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    Wintershoek Safaris South Africa

    Welcome to the site. I am sure everyone here will enjoy your inputs and like to pick your brain about hunting South Africa.
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    In memoriam - Dr. Ian Player Grandfather of Conservation Passes Away

    My condolences. Our prayers and thoughts are with his Family and Friends.
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    African giraffe faces extinction after population dropped 40%...

    I definitely do not agree with those bogus research numbers. They obviously weren't in Limpopo when they did their research! LOL!!! What a load of bull!:eek: If anyone ever wants to spot the nearly extinct Giraffe, you are welcome to come to Limpopo, SA. :ROFLMAO:(y) :LOL:
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    In memoriam - Professional Hunter Hartley Combrink Passes Away

    Our prayers and thoughts are with his family and friends. Condolences to everyone who knew him.
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    Record year of rhino slayings as Africa's big animals targeted

    It is sickening how they slaughter these poor animals. We hunters get fleck for putting a price on their heads by legally hunting / green hunting them, and thus protecting them. Now, the only thing that can save them is private landowners forking out a lot of money to protect them and provide...
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    Tanzania villagers slaughter six rare lions

    That is disgusting and a great loss. Now this is where the Animal Rights guys should intervene and do something helpful for a change.
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    Great news. It is just a shame that the cats are still closed. It is the main attraction for Zambia and their best selling point: Wild Lions. I am sure the government will come to their senses and re-open Lion hunting soon.
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    Guns and Fly Fishing

    Welcome Hennie
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    Hello from New Mexico

    Welcome Gail, You have to the right place for an abundant of info about hunting all over the world. I am going to be true to myself and recommend Limpopo. LOL!!! I hope you find what you are looking for. Let us know if we can assist with anything. Regards,
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    New guy from Ohio

    Welcome to AH Jordan, You find all the info you need and more on here. Planning your trip is just as exciting as getting over to Africa and experiencing the hunt! Have fun and let me know if I can assist in anyway with the planning. Look forward to your questions and your hunt report in 2016...
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    Hey from East Texas

    Welcome to AH Philip! Great choice on which forum to join. Loads of information on here from great people! I hope you find what you are looking for and the 2016 hunt becomes a reality. Shout if you need any info, myself and everyone else on here are more that willing to assist where we can...
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    Trophy hunters, San unite against Botswana hunting ban

    They will come to their senses and re-open hunting in Botswana, maybe just with a bit more regulations and less tags on the big ticket items such as Elephant (this will drive the prices up anyway). It is the same thing that Zambia did; they closed hunting because they thought trophy hunting...
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    WARNING to Hunters, Hunting Outfitters and Agents

    Thanks for the warning! Will be sure to make our clients aware of this.
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    Spiral Horn Safaris

    Thanks, really looking forward to him. Can't wait! Another little hunter in the making I hope.
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    Hello from India

    Welcome to AH Sultan, if you are looking to hunt Africa soon, you have come to the right place. You are sure to find whatever and whoever you are looking for on this forum. Be it South Africa or any other country, you name it, we've got it. Good luck, and let us know if you need assistance...
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    Spiral Horn Safaris

    Hi Buff-Buster, I am sure Louis will appreciate you stopping by. Unfortunately I can't attend this year. I am expecting our first little one and I am too far along to travel. Soon I'll have 2 Louis' to keep in line!!! ;) LOL!! Hope to see you soon?!
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    WANTED: Cape Buffalo hunt for 4 hunters 2016

    Hi there, We still have some availability in 2016 in Limpopo South Africa. If you are still looking you are welcome to contact me at: If the dates you are looking at match with what I have available, I will gladly work out a customized quote for you. Kind Regards,
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    Spiral Horn Safaris

    Hi Ty, Thanks for the friendly greetings! We miss having you! Can you hear that faint call in the's Africa calling you back to her. ;)
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    Spiral Horn Safaris

    Hi CAustin, That is a touchy subject and a dangerous topic to venture on, luckily I like danger, so I just might. LOL!!!
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    Hi from Argentina

    Welcome to AH Emiliano. Happy Hunting for 2015!
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    Spiral Horn Safaris

    My goodness Phil, Now that you mention it, I remember that. Small world! It is a shame that we never met. I hope that we can meet sometime, maybe at one of the shows or back in Africa. Even if it is just to put a face to the name. Kind Regards,
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    Hello from Spear Safaris

    Welcome to AH! I am sure you will enjoy being on the forum and meet lots of great people through it.
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    New Member Old Hunter

    Welcome Brian, It is good to have someone like you on board. I am sure there are loads of hunters that would appreciate picking your brain about South Africa and hopefully you could save them from a bad experience.
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    Spiral Horn Safaris

    Thanks for the welcome. Sshh, you aren't suppose to give away my secret! Bahahhaa!! :p:LOL:
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    Hey from East Texas

    Welcome to AH Phillip. You sure joined the right forum. Lots of great outfits on this forum and a good place to find tips about do's and don'ts from fellow hunters. I hope you find the right Outfit for you and that we will soon be reading about your amazing hunting safari in Africa!
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    Hello from Sun Africa Safaris

    Welcome to AH Pierre.
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    New Member from England

    Welcome to AH. Looking forward to reading about your hunting adventures past and future.
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    New member from Canada, Eh

    Welcome to AH, I am sure you're gonna be hooked!
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    Welcome to AH Will!
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    Hello from British Columbia

    Welcome to AH Michael.
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    Spiral Horn Safaris Show Schedule 2015

    Hi everyone, Come and join us at your nearest exposition for 2015! We would love to meet you in person. We will be exhibiting at the following locations: International Sportsmen's Exposition Sacramento - 8 to 11 January 2015 1600 Exposition Boulevard, Sacramento, CA 95815, United States Booth...
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    Spiral Horn Safaris

    Hi everyone, I am new to AH but my husband Louis van Bergen and Spiral Horn Safaris have been members for years. We love hunting and serving the hunting community. Based in the Limpopo Province of South Africa we are blessed with beautiful animals and great views. I just want to introduce...