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    Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous 2014

    YES - Merry Christmas and best wishes for happy holidays to everyone. You know, I participate on a variety of internet forums. But I have noticed that the people on this forum seem to be much happier, and far less argumentative, than anyone else on the planet. That's interesting isn't it -...
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    Lt. Col. J.H. Patterson's "Man-Eaters of Tsavo"

    Sounds like Patterson was a real character. It is ironic that he was played as being fairly prim and proper in the movie, when his actual personality might have been much more like what Michael Douglas played (though Remington was never there). :-) Upepo
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    Lion Charge

    i thought that hunt (in the video) seemed pretty well organized. although I was a little bit dubious about seeing so many guys with rifles in such close proximity when they are nervous. but in that lion charge - the hunters seemed to have a pretty good idea of where the lion was...
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    Which rifle for lion?

    alright - let me turn some heat up on this thread. but first I will be humble. I have never hunted in Africa ... and certainly not lion. perhaps i will be lucky and do some hunting in the future ... but more likely it will be bowhunting for antelope. anyway ... I would be curious about...
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    Black Mamba Pictures

    gi jane - yes they are beautiful snakes. I also like the green mambas. i have not run across any of those snakes in the wild. probably just as well because their camouflage is excellent. you would need to go to the forest areas to see those vipers I think - they are not easy to find on the...
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    Black Mamba Pictures

    "he was just a nice nyoka that didn't bite. " Hahahahahahahahahaha!!! nice nyoka ...nice nyoka ... down boy :-) [nice snake .... nicke snake]. Upepo
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    Black Mamba Pictures

    Alright - here's my Stupid Question of the day. How did those guys holding the mambas in their bare hands put the snakes down again - without getting bitten? I know there's the old trick of putting the snake inside a bag by lowering its body first (into the bag). But with a mamba involved...
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    1st Timer Advice Please

    my advice. not related to hunting. when you arrive - spend the first couple of days having fun, shopping, and seeing a few parts of the scenery. get a lot of good sleep. the trip down to Africa is long and tiring. After you have slept ... go on your hunting trip and have a blast :-) Upepo
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    'Rebel' hunting [poaching]-Africa

    a lot of western observers who see Africa tend to think in terms of "National Geographic videos". They have seen a lot of wildlife videos and they have a strong sympathy for the plight of the animals. That's fine and there is nothing wrong with those sentiments. But to actually stop poaching...
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    Here's what might be a touchy subject for a question.

    the comment about Omaruru was interesting. I wouldn't have anticipated that level of crime in a rural area of Namibia either. Red Leg - you did a very good job with spotting the problem and staying ahead of trouble. it is noticeable that criminals in Africa are evolving quickly. they are...
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    Here's what might be a touchy subject for a question.

    i managed to get many groups of clients through trips to Kenya (not hunting trips) without any victims from crime. it was always a bunch of hard work for me, though. most visitors don't quite grasp how the risks work and they are usually much too careless. i think a lot of the problems you...
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    Browning rifles

    "Have you ever noticed how many hunting show hosts are lefties? Way more than the population ratio in general. " there's a surprising number of people right here who are lefties. I wouldn't have guessed it. I'm a lefty also. what is it with LH people. do we just have a natural tendency...
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    1 Month and Counting!!!

    girls = love cultural events. there have to be some cool places for African culture in RSA. or take them to the lion park to cuddle a baby lion. Upepo
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    Hunting Hyena - How many have hunted one?

    Brian that's a BIG one. Hahahaha! I still haven't figured out why they are smaller in some parts of Africa and bigger in others. maybe it's the size difference between different species of hyenas. maybe there is some other regional difference. Upepo
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    Hunting Hyena - How many have hunted one?

    i think their behavior probably varies from one location to another. on the private game ranches in South Africa, they might definitely be more shy. I see them occasionally when I am living in rural Maasai villages in E. Africa. But generally not in the day time. they do avoid people then...
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    Hunting Hyena - How many have hunted one?

    "Upepo would have us believe that getting a hyena is easy. Its not." I've never hunted them, and have not stalked them during the day. So I've got no exprience about how close you could get doing that. I have seen them while on foot at night in Kenya, but I have been fortunate not to have...
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    Hunting Hyena - How many have hunted one?

    I don't think there's any great loss if someone wants to hunt a hyena with a bow. personally - I just never considered them a "worthy quest". but i guess that is very much in the eyes of the beholder ... or hunter. they are easy to lure in close ... if you toss them some scraps of meat...
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    Hunting Hyena - How many have hunted one?

    love that photo of the hyena behind the photographer. that's hysterical. it definitely looks like that guy could lose a chunk of his rump roast. that's a pretty good sized animal. i've got no idea why anyone would want to hunt a hyena. if they're a problem, I chase them away with a...
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    Global Rescue extracts members from Egypt after unrest

    Global Rescue I will send you a PM - just for reference. It's good to know what you can do. If hear that someone in Africa needs help and evacuation in a crisis zone - I will gladly point them in your direction. I'm sure your services will be needed in the future. cheers, Upepo
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    David Ommanney Professional Hunter

    great great stories!!! thanks for posting this. Upepo
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    Global Rescue extracts members from Egypt after unrest

    Yes - glad to know it went well. It's good to know what your firm does. Do you primarily do evacuations for staff from consulates, or do you also do private companies as well? cheers, Upepo
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    Links for News On Crime in South Africa

    I wasn't sure where to post this question - but I will try it here. Are there any South Africans here who can give me links to local sources that talk about crimes in South Africa? By "sources" I mean online news sources that discuss the details of crimes, or perhaps well-informed discussion...
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    Global Rescue extracts members from Egypt after unrest

    interesting post. i dont know if you can share this. but did you have any incidents where your staff was threatened, or put at serious risk, by people demonstrating in Egypt. th situation looks confused in media reports. but quite often the news stories dont capture the real "mood" - they...
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    What were some of your favorite meals while on your hunting safari?

    "Cape Buffalo's balls, wrapped in bacon, then fried. Served up with sudsa (meale meal). " this gives totally new meaning to tracking and finding wounded game. Hahahahahha! Upepo
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    What were some of your favorite meals while on your hunting safari?

    you guys have got to quite eating antelope. and forget liver altogether. I'm telling you that warthog steak is really good meat. it does not taste like pork. it tastes like a beef steak. my biggest surprise meal was when I paddled a group of people down the upper Zambezi River in a raft...
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    Black Mamba Pictures

    i agree. he should have bought a lottery ticket. that demonstrates how fast the mamba's actually bite. i just can't believe that guy did that - and lived through it. maybe Saint Peter doesn't want him in heaven. maybe his underwear is dirty or something. :-) Upepo
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    Black Mamba Pictures

    you're looking at the toes of a person who has MOVED ON. When Saint Peter stands at the Pearly Gates and says "Tell me the last thing you remember ... " Their reply is ..."Ummmm I do recall some big gray snake. It's all kinda blurry now." I assume the photo above is a joke. Clever editing...
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    NAMIBIA AFRICA: BOWHUNT: Bowhunt In Namibia

    Hey Buff-Buster. Yeah - Molon Laabe mate. I'm new here and just noticed that. I got it :-) HAHAHA!!! Upepo
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    NAMIBIA AFRICA: BOWHUNT: Bowhunt In Namibia

    thanks for posting. i really hope to do that sometime - as well as spending a bit of time visiting the Himba people in N. Namibia. The problem with this forum - is that too many things are going onto my "bucket list". Hahahahha!!! How much does it cost to hunt antelope in Namibia? Upepo
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    Best Trackers in Africa Today?

    if I do nothing else in my lifetime - I hope to spend some time with these guys. it's on my "bucket list" :-) Upepo
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    Black Mamba Pictures

    that's a great one :-) I so WISH I'd been there to take a photo like that!! What an awesome photograph. If I showed a photo like that to my wife - she would never ever take bath in Africa. Hahahahahahahaha!!!!! and by the way - that picture of the two mambas mating was also a truly...
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    Planning Future Buffalo Hunt

    "and saw lions hunting buff" a contest well worth watching. the outcome does not always go to the lions. it will if they can get a young one, but an old male buffalo is a different story. Upepo
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    Planning Future Buffalo Hunt

    "That said, it's not a hunt for the faint hearted or those who expect things to work to any kind of a timetable. " HAHAHAHA!!! My dearly beloved East Africa :-) Upepo
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    Hunting Lion

    a very interesting thread. I learned quite a lot about lions from some of you here. I hope we get to talk about them more. One thing that really surprised me - was that someone ate cat meat. it would not have even occured to me to try to eat lion meat. and frankly, I have eaten a lot of...
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    Planning Future Buffalo Hunt

    good luck - I wish you well. I know some hunters who stalked buffalo in Zim and they lost a friend doing it. this is "real hunting" for real men, and I have the greatest respect for those who take on "nyati". He is a tough enemy :-) I'm not trying to put you off - just be realistic and...
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    Old Faithful - My 7x57mm Mauser

    Great article. I don't know why I didn't think of this before - I need to have some coffee and wake up here :-) There must occasionally be some guys on this hunting forum who are retiring and would like to sell a good used hunting rifle. I'm in the market for one ... right now. The nice...
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    Best Trackers in Africa Today?

    well if i get a chance - i will try and spend a few days with these outstanding trackers the next time I am in Africa. it may be the first time that someone has hired a hunting company simply for the pleasure of going out and tracking animals ... but from my point of view - it would be time...
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    Best Trackers in Africa Today?

    i've seen similar accomplishments - but not on the scale you are describing. i do know a guy in Kenya who's pretty good at spotting animals (antelope, lions) in bush and thickets. I've driven past them a number of times, and then he's stopped me and made me go back. The camouflage of the...
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    Lt. Col. J.H. Patterson's "Man-Eaters of Tsavo"

    thanks for the recommendation on the Maneaters of Kumamon - wasn't aware of it. will definitely pick up a copy. i was going to add ... I think the actual site of the Tsavo killings is quite close to the Tasvo National Park, but maybe not quite within the park boundary. If you are in the...
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    Best Trackers in Africa Today?

    Nyati - thanks for the tip. the PH you're referring to there (Hannes Lamprecht) looks like he used to be a rugby player. Did he play for the Sprinkboks??? Hahahaha!!! Upepo
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    Bad safari customers-- is the customer ever wrong and what would you do??

    I'm new to the forum. I do not guide hunts. I have guided many safari's over the years. I must say that I am impressed - and somewhat amazed - that you guys occasionally donate a "hunt" as a promotion. That's a LOT of money - especially if the conditions of the hunt are somewhat loose and...
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    Lt. Col. J.H. Patterson's "Man-Eaters of Tsavo"

    "As a lion killer he was definitely an amateur but the book was certainly interesting. " Patterson may have been an amateur - but the lions were real professionals. HAHAHAHA!!! I give him an A+ for pluck and determination. By the way - the landscape at Tsavo West Park is largely volcanic...
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    Advice for a Safari hunt with those who do not hunt

    I've been to E Africa a lot, and southern Africa on a few occasions. You could certainly hunt in Tanzania and take your wife to Ngorogoro. That's a beautiful area and you would both have a terrific time. I would think that what you want to do can also be done in S Africa and Namibia. And...
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    Best Trackers in Africa Today?

    I'd be interested in hearing firsthand opinions about who are the best trackers in Africa today? I'm not talking about the legends recorded in books, but rather people you've actually worked with who know what they are doing. It could be local tribesmen, or alternatively it could be guides...
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    Black Mamba Pictures

    i'll pass on a quite different impression of mamba's here. I think it's important to step beyond the hoopla and paranoia about the snakes. yes indeed - they are both fast and dangerous. I have a friend in Kenya who is a local herbal healer. Hence he ventures into the bush quite often to...
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    Advice/input on archery safari country of choice

    I have been going in and out of Africa for almost 20 years. I do not guide hunts, but have taken many clients on wildlife trips and humantarian work. One of the comments on this thread said the following ... "I'm going to tell the honest truth, Africa is safe as long as you have common...