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    Thoughts on 44 Magnum

    For folks that arent large frame people, i'd imagine that the big magnums are useless as they're beyond their ability to control. I've been shooting my .460 since 2008. So much so that the compensator has terrible amounts of wear and needs replaced. I now own a .500 Bushwhacker, and ive already...

    Large Caliber Recoil Chart

    I wasnt asking for the numbers, i was asking if they would add it to their chart, which i have no access to edit.

    Would you like a Cigar?

    I had this vintage Macanudo yesterday. Outstanding smoke really. And yes, thats a metal ring on it.

    Large Caliber Recoil Chart

    You not gonna add my handgun to the chart? It ranks pretty high on recoil.

    Large Caliber Recoil Chart

    Well a muzzle device helps. There's other recoil management options. Noreen has a spring loaded stock on their .50bmg's thats quite effective. There's also spring loaded weight buffers i've heard of being installed in rifle stocks, then of course recoil pads, padded jackets for recoil and the...

    Thoughts on 44 Magnum

    I'm guessing you havent spent much time in grizzly country. A mad/hungry bear wont care about bear spray. Theres a good number of accounts of it. Bear spray is better than nothing, but carrying enough gun is the most effective way to stop an angry bear.

    Thoughts on 44 Magnum

    Thats fine, but it doesnt jive with your statement that says you would never consider a pistol a backup firearm on a DG hunt. Just because you havent seen a PH carrying one, doesnt indicate its not capable as one. A handgun with matched performance to a .500 nitro with 5 shots and not just 2...

    Thoughts on 44 Magnum

    Its a a handful until you understand how it handles. Its akin to learning to drift race. Once you learn how to control the slide, it becomes much more smooth. I have a video of me shooting it and you can see how natural it is for me to shoot. I'll share it here.

    Thoughts on 44 Magnum

    Even if the pistol is equivalent to a .500 Nitro Express?

    Large Caliber Recoil Chart

    I plead the 5th! The recoil, while enormous, isnt actually horrific. My .460 S&W is actually more painful to shoot than the .500 Bushwhacker. The main difference is the function of the recoil works differently due to the guns design. The .460 has a compensator to keep muzzle rise to a minimum...

    Thoughts on 44 Magnum

    To me, when encountering dangerous game, a backup needs to be complete and utter overkill. This is entirely just my personal viewpoint, so take it with a grain of salt. A .44 magnum has been prooven against almost every animal out there. However, in my opinion it is just too light to be my...

    Would you like a Cigar?

    Drew Estates are absolutely top tier. Even their factory smokes are a pleasure. I've tried many, including each in your haul there. Nothing better than a drink, a steak, and a cigar. It's my 1 bad habit my wife was unable to get me to quit.

    Bowhunting Africa from a Blind or tree stand, do it!

    To me, this is boardering on a full comprehensive list of the must haves and must not haves. It sure wouldnt be much to complete your list!

    Large Caliber Recoil Chart

    Wanna add my handgun to this chart? It weighs 5lbs, and shoots a 400gr copper solid at 2526.7fps. Its loaded with 85gr of CFE BLK.

    Your preferred DG cartridge

    My .500 Bushwhacker. All the power of the .500 Nitro, but with 5 shots, and it cost about 25 grand less than a. 500 Nitro double. So there's that.

    Big Bores for small things

    Great, now i have to use my 6 bore on a chipmunk.

    Big Bores for small things

    I amd guilty of shooting a jackrabbit and a prarie dog with my .460 Magnum. I have a .500 Bushwhacker now, and i think its time i try it on a prarie dog as well. For science of course.

    Heym 88B 500NE

    If i hadnt already purchased a handgun with the same power, i'd probably be after this piece. Absolutely gorgeous!

    I don't bring this up lightly...

    I dont have a dog in this fight, but i will say, that if a gun is represented as being perfect, it should be as new, no scratches or dings of any sort. However, the condition you sent the rifle in, (in my own personal opinion) is just fine, if not represented as perfect. It is clearly...

    Cape Buffalo With a Magnum Revolver??

    Trigger speed already tested! Lol

    Cape Buffalo With a Magnum Revolver??

    I have both a S&W .460 magnum, and a .500 Bushwhacker. The .460 would do the trick, but the .500 is going to be my absolute must have for stopping a charge. Same energy as a .500 Nitro, with 5 shots instead of 2.

    A Case of Use Enough Gun?

    Well i cant say i personally know of a .243 bullet design that when shot just behind the shoulder, wouldnt just decimate both lungs or take out the heart. Any .243 shots on deer that didnt die, in my opinion, is due to poor placement. I'm a butcher, i've seen more animals come across my table...

    A Case of Use Enough Gun?

    Howd these two score? The wide one is awesome for sure.

    A Case of Use Enough Gun?

    I'm not sure about "much less" but less for sure. A .243 can expand, but a .308 isnt getting any smaller. A .50bmg only leaves a 3cm larger permanent wound channel than a .30-06 (both with fmj ball ammo) 3cm is barely over an inch, and while it can certainly make the difference between dead and...

    A Case of Use Enough Gun?

    I think thats really a large portion of the issue when animals get wounded, no matter the caliber, that and shot placement, which i believe shot placement trumps bullet selection in any case.

    A Case of Use Enough Gun?

    So it seems MS 9x56 demands i keep it civil, but thinks its peachy to insult me instead of showing evidence supporting their claims. That isnt using intellectual discourse. Resorting to insults, indicates a lack of any meaningful material to add to the argument. Everyone else has kept it civil...

    A Case of Use Enough Gun?

    I could get multiple varieties for proper matching as well to test regular factory ammunition. I know that Federal has their Fusion line that has 95gr .243's at 2980fps and 180gr .300's at 2960fps. I believe that factory offering would be highly telling as well as others.

    A Case of Use Enough Gun?

    I do believe i'm up for testing this theory. It wont happen soon as i dont own either cartridges at the moment, but i may be able to sort that out down the road. I could do a shoot, side by side on ballistics gel and with slow-mo, we could easily see which leaves the larger temporary and...

    A Case of Use Enough Gun?

    I certainly agree the .243, with proper bullet selection, is more than adequate for deer, and i've even seen elk taken with it.

    A Case of Use Enough Gun?

    I have 0 hostility, and i do not call people names, to do so would yield nothing, and i apologize for it coming across hostile, as none was intended. I much prefer logical discourse. To those speaking of bullet construction, there is an insane plethora of .308 bullets to choose from. The .300...

    A Case of Use Enough Gun?

    Please, do inform me. And be sure to show the ballistic testing that shows a .243 does more damage than a .300 win mag.

    A Case of Use Enough Gun?

    How on earth do you think a .300 win mag would cause less damage than a .243? That has to be the most ignorant thing i've ever read on a forum.

    Big Bore Addiction Group

    Sounds like a good time! I'll be sure to have the cigars and whiskey out!

    Who’s done it? Cape buffalo or elephant with traditional large bore muzzleloader?

    I appreciateyour concern, but i'm actually fairly well versed on these. Damascus barrels arent actually weaker, they're stronger, however, their method of failure is more dangerous to the shooter than non Damascus barrels of the same era. 6 bore shotguns were employed in Africa for buffalo...

    6 Bore Rifles

    I see the Belgium proof, but i also see English proofs, and the proof i havent been able to identify, i've really wanted a more accurate date on this but dont have anything reliable. Anything anyone knows would certainly help! Thanks!

    Big Bore Addiction Group

    Its a Magnum Research BFR, 14" barrel. 85gr of powder, and they've actually used 87gr of powder for the same bullet, so there's still some spice left on the table. I'll likely be testing that 87gr load in the near future.

    What Have You Killed with the 7x57

    My 7x57 is a sporter made in 1894. Ive only ever taken a single muledeer with it, but my grandfather took countless deer, elk, and pronghorn with it.

    Big Bore Addiction Group

    Sir, i have a .500 Bushwhacker, which is a handgun with the same spice as the .500 Nitro you seek. We chronographed a 400gr copper solid, at 2526.7fps on the Garmin. Which is a very enjoyable 5,669ft/lbs of muzzle energy. I would love to have you out to shoot it. Its about as enjoyable as it gets.

    Big Bore Addiction Group

    I'm not sure where you're located, but that sounds like my kind of party. I have an english 6 bore double that would like to play! Lol

    Who’s done it? Cape buffalo or elephant with traditional large bore muzzleloader?

    Well i intend on taking hippo and cape buffalo with my 6 bore percussion double if i can sort out proper loadings for it. Its a damascus barrel, but seems to be built quite robust. Waiting on the Gunsmith to verify the safety of it before i try it out, as it is a 200 year old scattergun.

    Do you have a species price list? Thanks!

    Do you have a species price list? Thanks!

    6 Bore Rifles

    So size was the issue, my phone takes 108mp pics, and there's evidently a limit per picture. So i've resized em to about 13MP and hopefully this reply works.

    6 Bore Rifles

    Sorry, i keep getting an error trying to upload it. I'll try again tomorrow.

    6 Bore Rifles

    I know im not the one with the 7 bore, but here's a pic of my 6 bore.

    New here

    I dont see buffalo hunts, nor hippo hunts on your list. Any other game for me will be secondary to those two.

    New here

    I'm in AZ now. Didnt have any luck with finding property in Idaho. And yea, its a still off of my YT i took during editing. Thats my .500 Bushwhacker. Cant wait to record my 6 bore.

    New here

    My profile photo is actually from Idaho. I live in Golden Valley.

    6 Bore Rifles

    I havent weighed it, but i think thats about what my 6 bore weighs. A true 4-bore at only 18lbs would be brutal.