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  1. C

    A Case of Use Enough Gun?

    Rumor mill has been going on since the M16 was adopted . Longest service rile of the US military , and when applied properly it has put a ton of bad guys in the ground so the argument is getting pretty old. Modern rounds have helped a lot like the now legendary Mk262 , Mk318 even the M855A1...
  2. C

    A Case of Use Enough Gun?

    Not trying to stir the pot , as I dont think the 5.56 is the greatest or the end all be all for much of anything . But a serious question. When we use 5.56 to hunt/ defend against some of the most dangerous creatures "human/bad guys" , we wouldn't we trust or use it on a deer?
  3. C

    A Case of Use Enough Gun?

    I get it and I like larger calibers most of the time . I also know that sometimes real odd things happen with bullets and the animal seems to have a vote in it as well. A relative of mine lost a black bear with a head shot from a 35 Whelen , lost the blood trail after looking for it for 3 days...
  4. C

    A Case of Use Enough Gun?

    That's too bad. I know my cousin ended up with my grandfathers so at least I know its still in the family. Grandpa gave me more than a few family heirlooms , one is my Great Grandfathers Savage 99 Featherweight in 308 .
  5. C

    A Case of Use Enough Gun?

    Yep the 25-35 and 25 Remington kept my Grandfathers family supplied with venison during the depression and WW2 years. My Grandfather had a Remington 141 pump in 25 Remington but couldn't afford or hardly find ammo for it, but his older brother who was off fighting in WW2 had a stockpile of...
  6. C

    A Case of Use Enough Gun?

    I'd like this post twice if I could.
  7. C

    A Case of Use Enough Gun?

    I find this all entertaining , especially with all the deer I've seen killed with 5.56. Shot placement is king, bullet design after that. P.S. Understand we are talking deer in the lower 48 state and not dangerous game in Alaska or other continents.
  8. C

    Any 41 magnum shooters?

    Blackhawk or Redhawk ?
  9. C

    Any 41 magnum shooters?

    Same . The 41 mag has a lot of history in my family as it was my Grandfathers favorite revolver cartridge .My Dad started collecting them and the only one he didn't have was a 4 inch 57. He sold those due to divorce and the only one he had left was a beat up model 58 that I have right now, but...
  10. C

    Any 41 magnum shooters?

    It is a parts gun build . Frame is from a model 28 , the cylinder from a nickle model 57 and the barrel from a blued 57 that was cut down to 5". The late John Gallagher did most of the work . It wasent quite done when I snagged it from the original owner for a real good price, replaced the...
  11. C

    Any 41 magnum shooters?

    I have a deep love for 5" and 3.5" N frames. The balance is just "right" with them. Here is my 41 mag with a 5" barrel
  12. C

    Winchester Alaskan .375 question

    I'm in the same boat of wanting a 375 H&H and trying to decide on the Alaskan or the Safari Express. I like the looks of the SE better, but the Alaska seems more practical and similar to what I have grown up with. . Either way I will be having the barrel cut to 22 Inches.
  13. C

    Lurked for years , finally joined

    I am rather fond of where I was born. Moved on to other handguns for daily use now but I still keep my very first 1911 that I got when I was 16 around . It's definitely one that will be passed on to my children or grandchildren one day. Notice your name has my favorite hunting rifle cartridge in it
  14. C

    Lurked for years , finally joined

    Not a problem , between this time of year and the "starving children" ,aint nothing in it ! :LOL:
  15. C

    Lurked for years , finally joined

    Well that is pretty boring lol . Just a country boy that loves to hunt and shoot about sums it up . Dream of hunting other places, but mostly likely will never be able to afford it.
  16. C

    Lurked for years , finally joined

    Well , I'm right on the other side of the border ;)
  17. C

    Lurked for years , finally joined

    Visited and read a ton on here over the years , finally joined.