Search results

  1. maxtheflyinghorse

    CZ 550 .458 win

    Just saw this at my local gun shop. Thought it could help someone if they are looking for one. I have no attachment with the shop other than I bought my wife’s ruger lcp max from them. Shop is called Tanners and is in PA
  2. maxtheflyinghorse

    Trophies from UK to USA

    Hello there can anyone help me by giving advice on how to transport trophies from UK to USA. Moving there permanently and all are European mounts. Red stag , fallow buck , roe buck and muntjac
  3. maxtheflyinghorse

    Opinions please

    Anyone tried these ones ?
  4. maxtheflyinghorse

    Nosler partition

    Just bought this. Let’s see how this performs.
  5. maxtheflyinghorse

    Winchester mod 70 classic super express .375 irons

    I do have this beautiful Winchester mod 70 classic super express in .375 and I like to use the iron sights what would you normally zero it on ? 50 yards ? If yes will there be much difference in elevation between 50-100-150 yards. It’s only have one rear sight which is adjustable. I use 300...
  6. maxtheflyinghorse

    .375 group

    What will be the acceptable grouping for .375 H&H magnum at 100 yards ? Will you be happy with 2” shooting off a bench ??
  7. maxtheflyinghorse

    New rifle

    Got my first .375 H&H. Winchester mod 70 classic super express. Made in New Haven. Over the moon.