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  1. Tubby’s Canteen

    Probably another foolhardy idea…

    Now this is not advice, it’s not even a suggestion it’s just something to reflect on while your minds still clear… Dr. E.W.Hostetler played by Jimmy Stewart in the shootest. I’ve been kicking an idea around for awhile now and have been unsure how to broach the subject but it seems like as good...
  2. Tubby’s Canteen

    The rambling on of a pair of fools….

    @Ontario Hunter I wanted to address more of your comment but didn’t feel the on a lighter not thread was the place for them. In your above post you stated what I assume is your opinion about big bangs and star dust. Although we have have our differences I give you the benefit of believing...
  3. Tubby’s Canteen

    High end children’s cap guns??

    Evening gents anyone know a maker or supplier of cap guns for children that aren’t china and co garbage? My nephew started school this year and he definitely needs a quality double shotgun or good reliable rifle to burn caps through. I’d settle for a decent pair of six guns so he can properly...
  4. Tubby’s Canteen

    Anyone ever attempt a .303/.41 caliber wildcat?

    Evening all I was discussing what to do with a martini enfield with a ruined barrel today with my friend and gunsmith and he said he’d always thought about doing a wildcat using a .303 case blown out straight walled to .41. The more he talked about it the more interesting it sounded I know...
  5. Tubby’s Canteen

    Best watch in the 1000$ range?

    All the watch threads have given me the urge to treat myself to a quality watch as an added bonus I think I can make an argument for writing one off as a navigational aid for marine use. It worked for quality binoculars and a really nice compass anyway so it’s worth a shot. So that being said...
  6. Tubby’s Canteen

    New name same opinions

    many of you will know my previous user name here was skinnersblade, unfortunately there was an incident on another forum where it was used without my knowledge in a classified want add text message scam. Because of this I’ve chosen to retire that name across all of the forums I frequent. If you...
  7. Tubby’s Canteen

    Anyone mount a rmr on there scope

    From browsing threads on here I’ve noticed a trend towards RMR style sights on doubles and large caliber bolt guns. I was wondering if anyone has any experience with mounting one on a scope similar to how the three gun crowd is doing. I’ve got a tikka 300 win mag with a 4-12x50 Leupold I...
  8. Tubby’s Canteen

    Anyone own an Argo?

    Anyone own an Argo and have any experiences they can share ? There’s one forsale locally that I’m thinking of buying. Any experiences or advice would be greatly appreciated.
  9. Tubby’s Canteen

    Help identifying a rifle

    Good evening gentlemen I was hoping some of our Mauser experts can help identify a rifle I took in on trade today. Chambered in 6.x55 Swede. Appears to be either a carbine or short rifle of some kind. Unfortunately a set of vintage over and under rings seem to of been installed with both red...
  10. Tubby’s Canteen

    A thread derailed before it even began….

    Every once and awhile it seems a thread takes on a life of its own. Generally someone asks an open ended question and allows room for it to be speculative and then stands back and watches the madness. Several jump out at me that keep popping up “what’s your favourite three calibers” and “what’s...
  11. Tubby’s Canteen

    Xl trapper or stockman folding knife?

    Does anyone know of a company offering an xl folding stockman or trapper knife? Something in a six inch handle range. I’ve got quite large hands and unfortunately the one I’ve carried for years is now on the bottom of the Atlantic. p.s. If anyone’s interested in diving for a really great knife...
  12. Tubby’s Canteen

    .375 Taylor

    Good evening gents I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on this caliber. I have the chance to purchase a rebarrelled tikka t3x in this caliber. The rifle was originally chambered in .300wm and comes with the original.300 wm barrel as well as a 50mm Leupold firedot. I’m sure I could...
  13. Tubby’s Canteen

    Bobs gonna disown me for this one.....

    @Bob Nelson 35Whelen is probably going to disown me for this one but I bought a .243 yesterday and am looking for what loads works for whitetails. Rifles a Rossi matched pair in 243 22lr and 20 gauge that rolls up in a cloth case.
  14. Tubby’s Canteen

    H&R Huntsman .58

    Evening gents , I recently bought a .58 H&r huntsman. Well I’m waiting for Canada post to see fit to deliver it I was wondering if anyone had any experience with them?
  15. Tubby’s Canteen

    Has anyone got experience with browning bps slug guns

    Evening gents I was wondering if anyone had experience with a browning bps slug gun, there are rumours going round that Nova Scotia may become shotguns only and that is a perfectly valid excuse to buy a slug combo. I’m considering a bps in 20 because there ambidextrous but would also be open to...
  16. Tubby’s Canteen

    Black powder shotgun

    Good evening gentleman does anyone know of a company currently producing black powder shotguns or kits ? Preferably cap lock. The more I use my Lyman Great Plains rifle the more interested in BP shooting I seem to become.
  17. Tubby’s Canteen

    Wedding etiquette?

    Good evening gentlemen, I have a conundrum and was hoping so of you gentleman could share some wisdom. in early October I will be best man in a wedding, I have invited a date and am wondering if it’s appropriate to offer her money for wedding attire? It would be done with the best of intentions...
  18. Tubby’s Canteen

    Lyman Great Plains rifle

    Evening gents I bought a Lyman Great Plains rifle from an estate today that appears unfired. It was still disassembled in the original box and the stickers had to be cut to open it. I have used inline muzzle loaders but am not all that familiar with traditional ones could anyone suggest a safe...
  19. Tubby’s Canteen

    Reloading for waterfowl

    Good afternoon gentlemen, I was wondering if anyone reloads for waterfowling, with the price for quality 20 gauge non toxic at 2.30 a round I’m planning on making my own any input would be greatly appreciated.
  20. Tubby’s Canteen

    For Sale .375 H&H Zastava Left Hand

    Offering up my .375h&h zastava left hand for sale Less then a hundred rounds through the rifle, Leupold rings and scope 1x4x20 includes scope box with warranty papers and original rifle box also a bore snake and twenty brass. stock has been refinished with an oil based finish used by a local...
  21. Tubby’s Canteen

    .401 Winchester

    Does anyone have load data for .401 win autoloading? I have a chance to buy an original 1910 Winchester rifle in that caliber but can’t seem to find a source of brass or any reference in my manual. any information will be greatly appreciated!
  22. Tubby’s Canteen

    Weirdest animal shot and what with?

    Evening gents , @Bob Nelson 35Whelen and I were recently having a private conversation and the subject of weird game animals came up. After we got done laughing we decided to pose the question to the rest of the class. So hear it goes: what’s the weirdest animal you’ve shot and what with? p.s...
  23. Tubby’s Canteen

    Moose loads for .375h&h

    Evening gentleman I just confirmed today that I will be going on a cape Breton moose hunt this fall with the chance of a stumble on black bear. I'm wondering what loads you have used for moose size game? I've worked a load up for it but intended to use it on whitetails. 235 grain flat nose at...
  24. Tubby’s Canteen

    71/84 11mm Mauser

    Morning gentleman I recently bought a lot of guns, i orginally purchased them in order to get a cape gun. In the lot was an 11mm Mauser sportster. If anyone has any information about these rifles I'd appreciate the history lesson.
  25. Tubby’s Canteen

    J.P. Sauer Double

    gentleman tonight I Believe I made the deal of the year , I traded a Bakial double 12 and a cooey model 82 for a j p sauer and sohn double 12.
  26. Tubby’s Canteen

    Best upland bird dog?

    Good evening gentlemen I was wondering if there are any upland bird hunters among us and if so what breeds you gentleman are using. I'm considering a springer spaniel as from my reading there quite versatile and could due double duty for pheasant as well as puddle ducks in the fall. Have any...
  27. Tubby’s Canteen

    .450/400 2 3/8 modernized?

    Good evening gentleman, I have a question for our reloaders as well as our gunsmiths. Has anyone tried a modern loading for .450/400 3 3/8 @Von Gruff and I were discussing the cartridge and I believe it would be possible to build a falling block rifle in this chambering using a martini action...
  28. Tubby’s Canteen

    First range trip .375 Zastava

    Had the opportunity to sight in my .375 today rifle is a model 70 zastava lh with 1.5-4 leupold scope. Ammunition federal blue box .270 grain. The last five made a nice group next to the circle. Unfortunately I ran out of shells before I could get it centred. As soon as my dies come in I plan...
  29. Tubby’s Canteen

    A question for zastava owners

    Good morning gentleman, I have a couple questions this morning. - are there any fellow zastava left handed owners about - if so what did you use for a scope base I recently purchased a zastava .375 and my gun dealer is having a difficult time locating a base. Also I've not yet seen the rifle...
  30. Tubby’s Canteen

    .375 h&h for whitetails

    good morning gentleman, I was wondering if anyone uses there .375 on whitetails and If so which load they use. I'd also be interested in anyones experience with other North American game and the .375 load ect. Thank you all for shareing your experience.
  31. Tubby’s Canteen

    First .375 on the way!

    Well gents as of today I've joined the ranks of fellow big bore addicts on this forum. I blame gateway calibers such as .340 weatherby and .45-70 for leading me astray. In about a weeks time I will have a .375 h&h zastava lh. Out of curiosity do I just start looking for an action to build a...
  32. Tubby’s Canteen

    Zastava? Any good?

    Good morning gentleman, I've stumbled apon a .375 for sale it's a zastava. Does anyone have any experience with these rifles? Quility or concerns? I'm strongly considering purchasing this rifle if there isn't a reason not to. Thank you all for sharing your experiences.
  33. Tubby’s Canteen

    Shotgun to a Double rifle? Possible?

    Good evening gents I have always been fascinated by double rifles. My first guns were doubles albeit shotguns. That got me thinking father bought me a double 28 when i was a boy. Is it possible to commission a set of rifle barrels for a shotgun? I would not wish to damage the shotgun in any was...
  34. Tubby’s Canteen

    Predator calling Black bears

    Good evening gentleman I'm in the process of planning a canoe in bear hunt into the tobeatic. The tobeatic is a 250,000 acre wildlife habitat area in south western Nova Scotia. one can Travel in and hunt within the park provided it is all done with man power. No motors of any kind allowed. It is...
  35. Tubby’s Canteen

    What is the largest animal for a .340

    Good evening gentleman I'm looking to book my first safari for next year and wondering where I should draw the line with my current battery. I currently own two rifles a 700 Remington lh bdl in .270 And a weatherby mark v lazermark lh in .340 weatherby. What would you consider the upper...
  36. Tubby’s Canteen

    .270 vs .280

    Good evening gentleman I was at the range recently sighting in my new to me .270, while there another gentleman was also sighting a browning leaver action .22. We got to talking as ones generally does when two gun owners are togeather and he told me the .280 is a far superior round to the .270...
  37. Tubby’s Canteen

    Are .270s inherently accurate?

    Good afternoon gentleman, as some of you know I recently bought my first .270. I had planned to convert it to either .338-06 or .35 Whalen. I took the rifle to the rang today and was suprisingly impressed with performance. To this point I have always shot single shot rifles. First fathers .303...
  38. Tubby’s Canteen

    .270 conversion to .338-06

    Good afternoon gentleman I'd like to start of by saying your all a terrible influence on me. I was perfectly content to own only one rifle until such time as I started hanging around on here. So far I've bought two more. Today I bought a Remington 700lh chambered for 270. I really like the fit...
  39. Tubby’s Canteen

    .340 Weatherby

    Good evening gentleman, I was wondering if any of you had experience with the .340 weatherby caliber. I caught wind of one forsale in my area in left hand no less. Unless there is a pressing reason why I shouldn't , I plan to track down this unicorn of a rifle and buy it post haste. Thank you...
  40. Tubby’s Canteen

    Looking for 45-70 loads

    Good evening gents , I have recently taken the plunge and bought my first reloader. I am hoping I can impose apon some of you for load data on the 325 ftx bullets. I'm looking to replicate the hornady leaver evaluation load in the 2050fps Range. Also as I buy all of my supplies locally...
  41. Tubby’s Canteen

    .350 Remington Magnum

    Good evening gentleman I recently came across a rifle forsale chambered in .350 Remington magnum. The rifle itself is a model 600remington. Included with the rifle is the reloading dies and a hundred brass. I was wondering if our anyone could shed any light on this rifle/caliber as it is not...
  42. Tubby’s Canteen

    Knives north of the border

    Good afternoon gentleman, in viewing some of the beautiful pieces made by Von gruff I thought he may be interested in seeing some of the knives made here in Canada. Not wanting to hijack his post I decided to start my own.
  43. Tubby’s Canteen

    45-70 for plains game?

    Good evening gentleman I have had such a positive response to the last question I asked I decided to trouble you all with another, or in this case two. My first question is , Is a single shot 45-70 an acceptable rifle for plains game? My secound question is , how large of plans game would...
  44. Tubby’s Canteen

    Reloaders quality vs affordability?

    Good afternoon gentleman, I have a question which I'm sure has been answered many times but I'm going to ask it anyways. I am looking to purchase a reloading press , their is only one store that sells reloading equipment in the area so my options are limited. The gentleman who owns the store...
  45. Tubby’s Canteen

    Spanish 12 gauge sxs

    good evening gentleman new member here, although I've been reading on this site for several years. Earlier today I acquired a double 12 sxs made in Spain. The gentleman whom I acquired it from used it for many years as a deer gun until he lost the forestock. Included was a ball mold stamped 14...