Search results

  1. Beck

    Reloading Bench

    Looking for a recommendation on a reloading bench - all suggestions are welcome
  2. Beck

    .505 Gibbs

    Good day. Is it possible to re-barrel a CZ-550 in .416 Ribgy into a .505 gibbs? Does anyone make a .505 gibbs barrel?
  3. Beck

    Elk Rifle

    Thinking about putting together an elk rifle. Looking for suggestions on rifle, scope and caliber - anything smaller than 7mm need not apply
  4. Beck

    Leopard Gun?

    So this is my Leopard set up. .300 Weatherby - Sako AV - Meotpa R2 2-12x50 - 180 Nosler Accubonds going 3200 fps - I think it is a perfect setup, but open to recommendations
  5. Beck

    Sako 90 Finnlight - with Dangerous Game Teaser!?!?

    That appears to be a dangerous game rifle on the wall in the background. I don't recognize it either
  6. Beck

    Zeiss Conquest V6 - 1-6x24mm - illuminated

    Please see photos below. Scope has been on one trip to Africa, some faint scope rings on it, like new condition. It's the 60 reticle version with a 30mm tube. Asking $1500 shipped to the lower 48
  7. Beck

    Gun Cabinet?

    Anyone have a suggestion on a place to find a decent gun cabinet? Looking for something that I can put in my office that is relatively secure, but allows me to display a few firearms
  8. Beck

    CZ-550 .458 Lott - Custom Work Recommendations

    Good day. I have a CZ-550 in .458 lott. It has not had any custom work done to it at this point. It seems to cycle shells well, and the bolt is pretty smooth. My question is who should I have do custom work on the rifle, and what should I have done? My initial thoughts are to shorten the...
  9. Beck

    Krieghoff Big 5 - .470 Nitro Express

    What is a used Krieghoff big 5 in .470 nitro express worth these days?
  10. Beck

    SOUTH AFRICA: Headed To The Free State Tomorrow

    I will leave St. Louis tomorrow morning with my father to hunt three cape buffalo in the Free State South Africa with Cabassa Safaris. It is sure to be a good time, I'll post photos, and a report.
  11. Beck

    RMR on Krieghoff

    Does anyone have a trijicon RMR mounted on their Krieghoff double, if so what mount do you use?
  12. Beck

    MNR Custom

    Anyone does business with this company before? They appear to have some crazy good deals in their used rifles section
  13. Beck

    Firearms Insurance

    Hello, I am a relatively new homeowner and I just realized that my homeowners insurance policy only covers $5k worth of Firearms - clearly not enough. Does anyone have any experience with this? Is running this insurance through your homeowners policy the way to go, or are there cheaper options...
  14. Beck

    Siting in a Trijicon RMR

    Does anyone have any suggestions on easy ways to site in a red dot site for my rifle? I always find it a bit difficult to be as precise as I would like to be when siting in a red dot. Thanks in advance
  15. Beck

    Sako Kodiak + Zeiss Scope

    This looks like a hell of a deal to me - comes with a Zeiss Scope, and two extra magazines
  16. Beck

    Meopta MeoStar R2 1.7-10x42mm 30mmTube

    Does anyone own one of these? I am looking at buying one, but they are impossible to find in stores. I am trying to determine the dimensions of the turret on the right hand side of the scope, would appreciate any help I can get
  17. Beck

    Blaser R8

    What is the take on these rifles? There is what appears to be a really good deal on one at Cabelas right now, link below. Why are people so crazy about them?
  18. Beck

    .375 Ruger African

    For sale: Very lightly used .375 ruger African - Been the range twice, less than 50 rounds fired through this gun. Asking $1100
  19. Beck

    .416 for plains game?

    Has anyone done this? Bullet Recommendations? I have heard people say ".416 Rigby/Remington/Ruger is great for planes game" granted most of these people have never actually used a .416 for plains game.
  20. Beck

    .416 Ruger

    For anyone who has been looking, there are a ton of .416 rugers on gunbroker right now.
  21. Beck

    .416 Ruger

    I know some of you have been looking for one of these
  22. Beck

    Kevin Robertson Bullet Selection for African Hunting

    It's a long video. Cliff notes below. I've never used the North Fork Bullets, but he seems to be a fan. For cats - North Fork PP bullets are # 1, and Nosler partition is #2. For thick skinned game - he emphasized the importance of sectional density, and again praised north fork bullets -...
  23. Beck

    BRNO Double in .416 Rigby

    Came across this thing on Gunbroker. Anyone have any experience with one? Not a bad price
  24. Beck

    Sauer 404 In .404 Jeffery

    For Sale: Sauer 404 in .404 Jeffery with Rings/Bases included - Asking $6500 - Leupold VX-6HD Red dot not included, but would entertain offers. I am the original owner of this gun, its put less than 75 rounds down range. Gun is in excellent overall condition, but has been on two safaris. Some...
  25. Beck

    Ideal Jungle Rifle

    What would your ideal jungle rifle be? In my mind you'd want something capable of taking both plains and dangerous game. Something relatively short, light, durable, and not too fancy. The closest thing I have done to jungle hunting was in Mozambique - I did that trip with a blued Ruger...
  26. Beck

    9.3x64S Brass Wanted

    Anyone have something for sale?
  27. Beck

    Tiny Ten Mounts?

    I was lucky enough to shoot a common Duiker and a steenbok on my last safari. I had intended to do full body mounts on these guys, but the taxidermist is asking $1500 for each one. Does anyone have any recommendations on alternative, preferably cheaper, ways to display these little guys?
  28. Beck

    Dangerous Game Scope

    I have several Leupold's in VX3HD, VX5HD, and VX6HD. I just bought a new .458 lott, and I need to buy a new scope. My Leupold's have always performed well, but I want to try something new. Any recommendations? I want something in that 1.5-5X or 1-6X range that has an illuminated reticle...
  29. Beck

    .416 Ruger

    I know someone has been looking for one of these. Looks like Cabelas has a used one in stock, link below.
  30. Beck

    Murray Customer Leather Ammo Belt vs. Murray Ammo Slide

    On my last trip to Africa, I noticed my PH's ammo belt was getting old, so I gifted him my Murray custom leather belt. I am now looking to buy another belt, from Murray, but I am also looking at their Ammo slides (rifle shell holder). The rifle shell holder essentially slides onto your regular...
  31. Beck

    Sako 85 - Discontinued?

    I am hearing that Sako is discontinuing the Sako 85 line. Anyone else hearing the same thing? Anyone know what they are planning to replace it with?
  32. Beck

    Varmint Rifle

    I have been thinking about buying a varmint rifle, something I can bring to Africa. As far as a cartridge I like the .22-250, but I am not sure if that is a good choice because of ammo availability? I hand load so in theory it shouldn't matter, but any recommendations?
  33. Beck

    Sako Kodiak In .338 Wanted

    Anyone know where to find one?
  34. Beck

    .375 Ruger Alaskan

    I had been searching for these rifles for over year, and several of them just popped on gunbroker. For anyone interested they might want to search around on gunbroker.
  35. Beck

    Magazine Pouch

    I am looking for a recommendation on a magazine pouch - I am going on Safari later this month, and I am taking a Sako Kodiak in .375 H&H Magnum - The gun has a detachable magazine, and I am looking for a good belt attachment to hold my extra clip. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
  36. Beck

    Wanted .375 Ruger Alaskan Or Guide Gun Right Handed

    Any one have one for sale, or know where to find one? Would like to get one with a muzzle break.
  37. Beck

    Wanted .416 Rigby RCBS Dies

    Just bought a .416 Rigby, looking for RCBS dies, as I have experience crimping with them.
  38. Beck

    Reflex Optic Advice for Krieghoff .470 double rifle

    Hello AH Community. I recently purchased my first double rifle, a Krieghoff Classic Big Five, and I am looking for a red-dot or reflex site to mount on the gun. Do any of you have suggestions on optics, and mounting systems?
  39. Beck

    Wanted Good Used .470 Double Rifle

    Looking for a good used .470 NE double rifle. Would like to stick to Merkel, Krieghoff, or Heym - I am on a budget of 10-12k which I doubt will afford me any fancy engravings.