Search results

  1. C

    Midway USA .416 Taylor brass

    Just got a ping from Midway. Quality Cartridge brass $50.75/20 box NOW.
  2. C

    .416 Taylor brass at Grafs

    I just got a ping from Grafs from a “notify me” I put in a long time ago that they have five 20 count boxes left of Quality Cartridge .416 Taylor brass at $50.75 each.
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    Seasonal Holiday Beer

    For those that partake, here are two of my favorites brewed only for the holidays by the Bristol Brewing Company here in Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA. The Winter Warlock Oatmeal Stout is not for the timid with a FULL array of roasted malts and 6% alcohol. It makes Guiness taste like Bud...
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    Browning X Bolt Maple w/ Rosewood cap $820us

    I was perusing Bass Pro’s website and they have these “new” Browning models for $820 regular price. If I hadn’t JUST bought a .300WM X Bolt synthetic, I’d be buying one today. Their walnut stocked hunter models are mostly discontinued and MIA. If you find one they’re 1K. Go figure.
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    Hornady’s Online Reloading Manual

    So, I pulled up Hornady’s online reloading manual a couple of days ago. I was looking at the .458WM vs. .458 Lott. With 24” barrels and 500gr. bullets, the manual showed the muzzle velocity at the low end using H4895 in the WM and RL15 in the Lott at 1950fps in the WM and 1900fps in the Lott...
  6. C

    Factory ammo prices in freefall?

    Some of the factory ammo prices I've seen recently on Midway seem to be falling fast. Barnes 225gr. .338WM $55 with a LOT of other brand choices available. 6 mos ago you couldn't find ANY .338 ammo under $100. Barnes .300WM $50 and Federal with the same 180gr Barnes TTSX $40! It was $78/box...
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    What's up with todays' gun shops?

    Where I live everything is 90% black guns and pistols when I go into the shops looking for USED hunting rifles. They all have new rifles for sale with 99% camo synthetic stocks and many seem to have a SMALL handful of bolt action rifles but half of those are WW2 military rifles. Try and find...
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    Factory .416 Taylor Rifles

    What would you pay for a factory Ruger Hawkeye African (or Alaskan, Guide Gun) or Winchester M70 Safari chambered in the .416 Taylor cartridge? In the early '70s, Bill Ruger and Winchester built prototype rifles for that cartridge and then Winchester dropped the ball on manufacturing factory...
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    Necking down .416 Ruger brass to make .375 Ruger brass?

    I recently bought a .375 Ruger but the brass is MIA. I CAN find .416 Ruger brass. I would think just reducing the neck using a .375 Ruger die would be sufficient? I really don't want to have to mess with the shoulder with new brass. Any issues the MANY reloading experts here see with this? Right...
  10. C

    Price check for .416 Ruger brass?

    What would be a fair price for new Hornady 50ct. box of brass? I don't have a rifle (yet) in that cartridge, but I've found some brass.
  11. C

    Opening Dove Season!

    Headed out tomorrow morning 50 miles east of here. A guy I used to work with has some acreage to hunt on. Been going there for the last 22+ years. He said with all of the rain we’ve had, he’s never seen so many wild sunflowers. I really just want to see that more than even the dove hunting. I...
  12. C

    "Speckling" on Factory Ammunition Brass Cases?

    I purchased this Barnes ammo from Bass Pro a couple of months ago. When I took it to the range last Thursday, I was surprised to see they were using Starline brass and then the speckling on the cases. I know it doesn't affect anything but I don't recall seeing that on brand new factory ammo...
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    Massive Asteroid Strike Found Under the Australian Continent

    I was reading today where geologists believe they have found a 300 mile long asteroid strike under Australia, specifically under New South Wales that occurred some 450 million years ago and wiped out 85% of the species living on Earth. If found to be correct, this would be the largest asteroid...
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    Flaming Gorge Reservoir, Wyoming Lake Trout

    For my father in laws 80th birthday, we went to Flaming Gorge. He caught a 32” Lake Trout (biggest fish he ever caught) and my son in law caught a 41”. I caught two 26” ones and my father in laws buddy caught a couple of 24” trout. Kinda rainy and cool much of the time but we had a great time.
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    Old National Geographic Magazines

    So, I rescued these from a school I used to work at about six years ago. They were emptying out a storage closet and we’re going to throw them away. I’ve had them stored in a box and they’re in remarkable shape. Mixed month editions from 1934 through 1946. The war year photos and commercials to...
  16. C

    Savage's Floating Bolt Head

    I was reading some articles last night about the proprietary floating bolt head designed by Savage in 1958. I had bought a Savage 110 (my first Savage) about eight months ago in .25-06 and recently a 110 in .308. I knew about the floating bolt head, but thought it was just for changing from a...
  17. C

    .360 Remington Buckhammer!

    OMG! ANOTHER new cartridge. A necked up and blown out .30-30 case. And how is this different than the .350 Legend? It NEVER ends! Makes me want to go out and buy a Creedmoor! LOL
  18. C

    My original Colt Trooper long ago sold and now returns!

    In the middle '70s, I bought this Colt Trooper new on sale because it had a nickel finish and I guess back then nobody cared for that finish. I wasn't 21 yet, so my dad (now deceased) actually purchased it and I gave him the money to buy it. I soon had a local gunsmith parkerize the gun as I...
  19. C

    FYI Midway Has .257 120gr Nosler Partitions & .308 165gr Sierra SBT On Sale

    The Noslers are 67% off @0.35/bullet. Factory overrun, not blems. You probably couldn't find Chinese lead bullets for that price. LOL The Sierras are 39% off @0.26/bullet. ALMOST, prices of yore! FREE shipping! Your welcome!
  20. C

    Has Midway USA stopped selling ammo and reloading components (bullets, brass, powder, primers)?

    I was just on their website and I couldn't find ANY of the above? Twilight zone?
  21. C

    Field Dressing Big Game

    For many years, we field dressed big game the old fashioned way. Slit the skin on the belly from the neck to the groin and down to the paunch and then "roll" out the stomach and cut around the penis/vulva and hope you didn't get a hole in the stomach and/or feces/urine on the meat. Leave the...
  22. C

    Binocs for African Plains Game hunting?

    I have always carried a pair of older Bushnell (mid '70s made by Bushnell) 7x35 binocs for hunting elk, deer and pronghorn here, mainly DIY public land hunting. They are quite clear and enough magnification for the distances I have hunted. For my first African PG hunt this past June, I bought a...
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    Stanley Cup Finals

    Getting ready to watch the Colorado Avalanche take it to the Tampa Bay Lightning tonight and win the Stanley Cup!
  24. C

    Browning A Bolt bolt

    I was cleaning my A Bolt today and removed the bolt without pulling the trigger first. After cleaning, I attempted to install the bolt and it wouldn’t go in because it was cocked. With no owner’s manual available (I bought it used) and after messing with it for thirty minutes, I saw a hole on...
  25. C

    Buying From Optics Planet?

    So, I ordered two boxes of Hornady Outfitter .338WM ammo from Optics Planet back in February for $87/box. First, the delivery time was 14-24 days. A week later, I received an email stating they were on backorder with no time set for delivery. I just checked the order today. The NEW order was for...
  26. C

    Domestic Airline Fares

    So, my wife wants to see Miranda Lambert in concert in Las Vegas in September. Get this, the round trip airfare quoted on Southwest is $538 from Colorado Springs to Vegas! It was $99 not too long ago. Outrageous! I'm not feeling to bad now for the cost of my airfare to RSA.
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    Well boys, what's your temperature like now?

    It's 10F here, minus 5F wind chill, and I'm grilling chicken on the barbee. Yahoo!
  28. C

    Pheasant Hunting

    Hunted pheasants this morning with my father in law and his buddy at a game preserve about an hour east of my home. My father in law has three German Shorthairs, but only two are in the photo which his buddy took. Not really my thing to hunt at a preserve, but with limited time constraints, it...
  29. C

    Midway Barnes 180gr .300WM In Stock

    FYI. They have this in stock for $78.00. I think it's overpriced, but after browsing MANY ammo sites and in todays ammo shortage environment, it IS a fair deal. I bought three boxes. I haven't seen Barnes for sale in a while for under $90-100/box in this cartridge.
  30. C


    This thread is all about nothing, really, unless your bringing eggs, milk and/or a Marlin 336 .30-30 or Schwinn bicycle with you on your hunting trip. But, I find it interesting to see what we, our parents or grandparents paid for things back in the day, compared to relative prices now. This is...
  31. C

    .450 Vincent Long and Short

    I stumbled across this. Looks like an interesting wildcat based on the .404 Jeffrey?
  32. C

    Texas—Safe to travel there?

    This is just me being my facetious self, but never having been to Texas except through the airport, I was curious as to the “lay of the land”, so to speak. We’re heading out to Port Aransas Saturday from Colorado Springs pulling our fifth wheel. My wife wants to go here because of the beach and...
  33. C

    Interarms Whitworth Proof Marks

    So, I have a Whitworth .375 with express sights manufactured 5/88. I’ve recently acquired a Whitworth .458WM manufactured 5/85. The barrels are the same contour and length (24”). They have the same scrolling of caliber on the barrel. The proof marks look similar, except the WM has a “N” at the...
  34. C

    BIG Mountain Lion

    My brother in law sent me this photo of a mountain lion taken by an acquaintance of his on his family’s ranch here in Colorado. It’s the largest mountain lion I’ve ever seen ?
  35. C

    2.76" Remington Magnum case?

    Would anyone know what intended cartridge would be made by cutting down a .416 Remington Magnum case down to 2.76"? There's a seller on GB that bought these from an estate sale and I am really curious as to what cartridge they could have been cut down for? Maybe the guy that cut the cases was...
  36. C

    USPS Incompetence!

    Well, I didn’t think it would/could happen, but the USPS has “lost” my Certified Mail letter containing a USPS MO for some ammo I purchased from another member here. I/they (since it’s certified and in their computerized delivery system) mailed it on 4-8-21. I had told the seller no hurry on...
  37. C

    Heym For Sale On GunBroker

    I just saw this on GB this morning. I don’t know anything about doubles, but I enjoy reading/learning about them. The seller seems to have added a number of addendums to this ad due to buyers’ questions.
  38. C

    Barnes 600gr. .458?

    I didn’t know Barnes ever made these?
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    Useless (full) Trivia?

    If you turn your binoculars upside down, they are now a magnifying glass. Works well. That's it.
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    Preferred Shotgun Actions?

    My preferred action type in a shotgun is a gas operated semi auto. The main reason is reduced recoil when shooting heavier loads and/or several boxes of shells at a time. My first was a 12ga Remington 1100 (2.75” chamber) in the early ‘70s. I bought a Remington Lightweight 1100 20ga for dove and...
  41. C

    6.5x.300 Weatherby

    I was looking through my 1971 Sierra reloading manual this evening and found loading data for the 6.5 x .300 Weatherby. I thought this was one of the latest and greatest "new" 6.5s? Apparently not really new?
  42. C

    Overpriced Reloading Components?

    I’ve seen some crazy asking prices for reloading stuff lately, but these two items actually sold last night on GB. I contacted the seller of the dies after they sold. He was amazed too and told me he just wanted $30 for the dies?
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    Crf Rifles Encountered While Hunting?

    This is mainly a quasi survey for U.S. hunters, but how many CRF actioned rifles have you seen while hunting? In thirty plus years of hunting in Colorado and Wyoming, I've seen one (unless the Ruger M77 counts as semi?) after observing and talking to many, many other hunters. Just interesting.
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    GEW 98 vs. K 98?

    Difference in receiver quality/strength for a build or in a used rifle? Thanks!
  45. C

    Best way to pay for a Safari?

    Never having been on a Safari to Africa, what is the best/common practice to pay for it? I’m not privy on how to “wire” funds internationally although I’ve sent funds domestically through Western Union. And once you’re there, cash, Travelers Checks, for expenses, hotels, food, tips, etc...
  46. C

    30mm vs. 1 Inch scope tubes?

    I have 1” scopes on all of my rifles for the hunting I’ve done in North America forever. I’ve read here a lot where 30mm tubes are recommended? Are they worth the extra weight and/or better for lower powered scopes? I’m asking because I have a .375 and .416 I’m wanting to put scopes on. Thanks!
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    Colorado Get Together

    Just wondering who the Colorado members here who might want to get together for a shooting day? I’m a member of the Frontier Sportsmans’ Club (It’s on line) east of Colorado Springs and can take a couple of guests when I shoot. PM me.
  48. C

    African Hunting Dogs?

    I have read here and have seen videos of Jack Russell terriers used for finding game in Africa. Whatever happened to the Rhodesian Ridgeback breed? I thought they were originally used to hunt lion in Africa? Now and again, I see them here as pets in the U.S., but have never heard of them...
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    CZ 550 “HA” Hunter?

    Does anyone know what the “HA” model is? Never seen one before?
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    .454 Casull primers?

    This is probably a stupid question, but I’m real adept at asking these? I recently purchased a Ruger in .454 Casull and notice the cartridge uses a small RIFLE primer. I have a couple thousand Federal AR Match small rifle primers. Will these work? Thanks!