Search results

  1. AustinL

    Remington and Winchester bases

    I have on set of warne steel two piece bases for a Winchester model 70 never mounted $25 One set of Burris Xtreme Tactical two piece bases for a Remington 700 or model 7 $25 Will ship to the CONUS my dime
  2. AustinL

    Recommendations BC black bear hunt

    In the research and planning phase of considering a BC black bear hunt. Looking for recommendations on guides and outfitters to look into
  3. AustinL

    Custom Gun Case Maker

    I am looking to have a custom gun case made with some alligator accents from hides off of alligators me and my son have harvested. I am in the Texas hill country but could ship to maker if needed. I would potentially like a belt and some wallets or other items made as well. The gun case...
  4. AustinL

    Starting off with a Bang 23/24 season

    I have done a chronicle so to speak of our hunting seasons for the past several years so this one should be no different. Pre season this year started as they always do with work on family properties throughout the summer. One notable change for this year was the decision not to run trail...
  5. AustinL

    Rudolph Optics

    This past weekend at a charity event my wife got a-little excited and purchased a scope in the live auction. The scope was a Rudolph Optic V1 2.5-15x50 IR. Just so happens I won a Rem 700 5R in 300win mag in the raffle that night. I have found out some about the company but not the amount...
  6. AustinL

    USA: 22 / 23 Season Follow Along

    Well it’s time to start this years season long thread to chronicle the adventures of me and my son. He has been going and sitting in the blind with me since he was 4 years old and harvested his first deer at the age of 7. From that point on I have mostly acted as guide, skinner, and camp...
  7. AustinL

    Off season project

    Me and my son have been working on these cornhole boards as time allows for the last month. Wife cut the decals and we laid them on and got the first coat of finish on them tonight. Going to try and get a coat on each night this week and do a final sand and install the legs next weekend...
  8. AustinL

    USA: Quick Axis Deer Hunt

    I had an invite for me and my son to go out and hunt a property not far from home for axis this past Sunday and we took full advantage of it. About an hour into the hunt I got my son in front of this bruiser of a buck and he made a great shot dropping it with his 6.5 grendel. We hunted hard...
  9. AustinL

    USA: Another Season Is Upon Us

    Well this year started off like so many others with a busy schedule at work and big plans for the upcoming hunting season here in texas. We have access to multiple properties across the state which always makes for a fun hunt. In addition to the normal properties we hunt we also made our...
  10. AustinL

    Wanted Gerber Bolt Action Exchange Blade Knife

    So I have this gerber exchange blade bolt action knife from the early 90’s that my dad gave me. While I have many nice custom fixed blades I love this folder it had a drop point and a saw blade. With minimal work it will shave hair and holds a edge. I would love to find a duplicate to give...
  11. AustinL

    Cleaning out the freezer

    With another hunting season fast approaching it was time to make room in the freezer and use up the last of our scraps so I whipped out a 25lb batch of summer sausage. Still need to wrap up a few batches of jerky to carry through.
  12. AustinL

    Alligator Hides

    My son and I recently had a successful alligator hunt, I have fleshed and salted the hides and am preparing to ship them off for tanning. I am currently looking for the best options for makers to turn the finished hides into leather goods
  13. AustinL

    USA: Texas Hunting Season 2020 / 2021

    So It’s that time of year again. Hunting season in Texas is soon to be in full swing. Going to use this thread to post recaps of this seasons hunts and adventures. Dove has been slow for us here in the hill country but last weekend we did make a run up to a small family parcel in Coleman...
  14. AustinL

    The Fruits of our Labor

    Pulled a tenderloin out of the freezer off the Sambar stag I shot on the Powderhorn WMA last February for the grill over the weekend Made for a mighty fine meal.. looking forward to this coming season to restock the dwindling supply of venison
  15. AustinL

    Impala wall pedestal

    Got the message along with a picture from my taxidermist of my wall pedestal impala. Can’t wait to go pick it up.
  16. AustinL

    Making Room

    As a hunter I have definitely made my way through the 5 stages of a hunter and am now very much in the “sportsman stage” where the experience and time spent with family and friends hunting mature deer is what I cherish. That said my journey to this stage has left lots of great memories and...
  17. AustinL

    Texas Deer hunting season 2019 / 2020

    Well here we are again on the kicking off another hunting season in Texas and it should be full of adventure. Rifle season opens in the morning but we officially kicked it off last weekend at a buddies ranch with our annual father son hunt where my son made an excellent shot on his first...
  18. AustinL

    Taxidermy Progress

    Our safari with Rudolf Graupner at Molopo Kalahari Safaris was last September. Here we are less than a year later and I just received some progress pictures from my Taxidermist. Both my springbok rug and my gemsbok tail fly swatter are complete and ready for pickup. He will be starting on my...
  19. AustinL

    Odor from Skulls and Horns

    Having received our crate from Africa I have all of the hides at the taxidermist for prep and tanning. I am working on reprocessing all of the skulls and horns for display as European mounts until the taxidermist is ready for them. I noticed both the horns and skulls have some odor to them...
  20. AustinL

    Christmas in April

    Well the day has finally arrived our crates got released late last week and my dad made the run to DFW to pick them up from coppersmiths at 8:30 both crates were loaded and he was on his way to my house by 9:00. I met him at the house and we unloaded them into the garage in case the chance of...
  21. AustinL

    Trophy shipment to insure or not

    I just received word that our trophies are ready to ship. The quote provided to me by the shipper did not include insurance. What says the AH crowd do you insure your dip / pack shipments and is it worth the cost?
  22. AustinL

    One step closer

    Well I received the invoice on my dip pack fees from our September hunt. Definitely a pleasant surprise for five trophies total came out to $560 for skulls/horns along with capes on 4 of them 1 flat hide and 1 backskin. Now to see if we have to deal with Ben Dover at the shipping company.
  23. AustinL

    USA: My 2018 Texas Deer Season

    I should have started this some time back since we have been hard at it since the benginning of October but with all the rain things have been relatively uneventful. That changed this weekend, I primarily hunt two properties our family place in Fisher co and then we do a lot of culling of does...
  24. AustinL


    Loaded the kids up and grabbed some ice cream then took a drive out to check some of the low water crossings out of town A normally docile river was raging and water was still rising. There are some areas that have had it a lot worse in the last 24 hrs and the rain is still falling.
  25. AustinL

    Meat processing

    As our deer season opened this weekend we spent the day knocking out a 50lb batch of sausage that will be smoked and dried. All links are stuffed tied and resting in the fridge. We will smoke them in the morning and start the ac after that. Should be done in about a week to 10 days
  26. AustinL

    SOUTH AFRICA: First Safari In The Books

    Well this trip was a lifelong dream for my dad and I, one that I honestly thought might never happen. Once it was determined that we were going to set all things aside and make the trip happen I chronicled our preparations in thread Titled the Journey...
  27. AustinL


    And I am not talking about cigarettes, had to fire up the pit for an event this morning and figured since it was hot I might as well keep the smoke rolling and cook a brisket. Threw the brisket on about 9:00 this morning as we proceeded to cook and hand out close to 300 sausage wraps. Brisket...
  28. AustinL


    We are about 20 days out from our first Safari and aside from the hunt preparations I have also been looking at taxidermy forms and photos to get some ideas. I will have a few shoulder mounts and a few European mounts hopefully. I am considering a flat hide on my blesbok and additionally have...
  29. AustinL

    Euro Mounts

    So we moved South from the panhandle 3 years ago. I have finally got enough other projects done I was able to devote some time and unpacked a box of European mounts. Instead of taking the time to build a bunch of plaques I put this together on one room in the garage. Some of these deer were...
  30. AustinL

    .375 Winchester Brass For Sale

    I have one box of 20 once fired .375 Winchester brass. It was included in a lot of some other items I purchased awhile back and I am trying to clear out in need items from my work space. If you can use them they are yours $8 will cover shipping anywhere in the continental US via USPS flat...
  31. AustinL

    Trophy shipment

    So I have received some conflicting information and am looking for clarification. I will be hunting various species of antelope plains game, no DG , no Cities or other exotic species. We will be hunting warthog. I know that warthogs have to be shipped to a USDA facility IF they are...
  32. AustinL

    Our Family Property

    I was going through my photo albums and thought I would share some pictures of some of the game me and my dad have killed on our family land. We bought the property back in 06 and that was our first season to hunt it. We have been very selective with the deer we take usually of which we...
  33. AustinL

    Flying with guns/ammo

    Ok let's beat this dead horse one more time. I know it has been discussed in length and I have read the old threads on the subject and still have some unanswered questions. Me and my dad will be traveling delta from San Antonio to Atl then direct to Johannesburg SA. Then returning in...
  34. AustinL

    Spearfishing just what I need another hobby

    I love to hunt... I love to fish... why not combine the two, there are very limited species which can be spearfished in Texas fresh waters and many of them due to water clarity are not conducive to it. This past summer a friend and my self discovered a gin clear stretch of river that hosts a...
  35. AustinL

    The Journey

    This September myself and my dad will be headed down to South Africa for our first safari. This is a trip we have dreamed and talked about for the past 25 years. Many times I felt it was just that a dream one that would never materialize. College came and college went and so it was time to...
  36. AustinL

    Greetings from Texas

    Thought I would take a quick moment and introduce myself. I have my first Safari scheduled for later in 2018. Currently reside in central Texas and do the bulk of my hunting in the hill country and also rolling plains area of the state. No stranger to western big game hunting as well...
  37. AustinL

    Trophies what to keep

    New to the forum and hunting Africa as this year finds me preparing for my first safari. Among they myriad of questions I find my self trying to decide what to do with the trophies. Shoulder mounts on some is a given, euros on others. What are some of the unique items that you all have done...