Search results

  1. mdwest

    DSC Board Elections

    Voting has supposedly now opened for DSC board elections. Sadly it doesn't appear DSC has gotten its act fully together. I received an email on Feb 20th saying that on the 21st I'd receive another email from "YesElections" with a specific title, and that voting would be opened.. No follow...
  2. mdwest

    Which one of you is guilty? There’s no way these trucks made it to Laramie without one of you “enthusiasts” being involved! :D
  3. mdwest

    Glock 26 Mags

    Who needs a pair of new, unused (but not in the original packaging) G26 mags? $35 shipped to your door.. The first "Ill take it" gets em.. Thanks! also listed at one other place..
  4. mdwest

    AR 10 Mags

    Who needs some AR10 Mags? Ive got 2x Amend2 AR10 Mags (10 rounders). Nothing wrong with them, I bought them when I couldn't find PMags anywhere so I'd have something to shoot with.. I've now got a dozen or so PMags and these arent getting used.. so Im moving them out of the safe to make room...
  5. mdwest

    Chest Holsters

    this could be an outrageously long post... so I'll do my absolute best to keep it to a minimum... Im giving some thought to investing in a small business that makes chest holsters (among other pistol related things).. I currently use a "litepath" chest holster for my G40, 10mm Glock made by...
  6. mdwest

    Who wins on water? Bear or gators?

    Surprisingly…the bear! Honey Badger now has a challenger for the annual Don’t Give a Shit award lol…
  7. mdwest

    Sightmark Wraith HD 4-32x50 Digital Day-Night Vision

    Who needs a NV optic to get into nighttime hog hunting on the cheap? Up for grabs is a Sightmark Wraith HD 4-32x50 Digital Day-Night Vision Scope. These retail for about $499 most places these days. I think they were about $599 when I bought this one a couple of years ago. Its been used a few...
  8. mdwest

    Who wants to attend a Professional Hunter course?

    @Bos en Dal SAFARIS will be hosting a PH Course at its lodge/property from Sept 18-27th (10 days), 2025. The course will be presented by Game Hunters/Gerhard Steenkamp $1850 per person for an all inclusive course (housing/accomidation = 2x...
  9. mdwest

    Free Booze and Food! January 11th, 2025

    Its that time of year again! For those that will be attending TTHA in Dallas in January, the mdwest house will be hosting another @Bos en Dal SAFARIS party at our home the night of January 11th (Saturday). This will be the third year we've done this (the past two years we did the event...
  10. mdwest

    Best Unsuccessful Hunt Ever

    We just got back from an 12 day trip (3 days of driving each direction, plus 6 days in the woods) to hunt elk and deer in Northern Idaho.. Long and the short of it is.. after about $6K invested, almost 2 weeks off work, and damn near killing ourselves humping up and down incredibly steep and...
  11. mdwest

    Federal LRP in stock

    Get them while you can (this wont last long)...
  12. mdwest

    Panama Recommendations?

    Ill be spending a few days in Panama in November on business.. Ive spent a good bit of time in Panama over the years, starting in the early 1990's.. but the last trip I made to the country was around 2018.. and Ive never hunted or fished there (always in Panama for work, with no down time on...
  13. mdwest

    SOUTH AFRICA: A Week With The Beasts... Bos en Dal SAFARIS 2024

    Location: @Bos en Dal SAFARIS , NW Province, RSA Time: July 2024 Rifle Used: Musgrave 7x57 / Swaro Optic (camp rifle) Who: @mdwest, wife, youngest daughter & @Goopy I'll start with the same typical disclaimer up front that Ive made with other Bos en Dal hunt reports.. I obviously have a...
  14. mdwest

    How are your trail cams looking this year?

    We've got a lot more hogs coming in this year than last... my buddy and I that share a lease plan on trying to hammer them hard in Sept and early October and hopefully run them off before they start to impact our deer herds... As usual we have an abundance of does (we really need to cull the...
  15. mdwest

    Hornady CX Bullets

    Ive seen a few posts here and there from guys have started shooting Hornadys CX monometals.. so I thought I'd ask... who all is using them? to what extent? and do you like them? Im a dyed in the wool Barnes TTSX and TSX guy.. I really like monometals.. they seem to fly extremely well in every...
  16. mdwest

    LaRue Tactical LT101 Riser & Rings

    Not sure this will have a lot of appeal on AH... but thought I'd offer it up here just in case.. Whats up for grabs is a LaRue Tactical quick detach Picatinny Riser, LT101 (5/8") and a set of Weaver 1" 6 screw rings.. The riser retails for $199.. the rings retail for $61 and change.. So $260...
  17. mdwest

    Who Needs Pistol Primers?

    Ive got a surplus of pistol primers.. It seems that during the summer of mostly peaceful protests I went a bit overboard and bought WAY more primers that I could ever use in the course of the rest of my life (after selling these off I'll still be sitting on more than 10K LPP and several thousand...
  18. mdwest

    Anyone headed to the TX SCTP Championships this week?

    Our youngest is competing in the Texas State SCTP championship tournament this week at the National Shooting Complex in San Antonio.. We're headed south in a few hours and will be there through Sunday (awards ceremony).. If youre around, coffee is on me... I'll be pretty easy to find.. look...
  19. mdwest

    Hog Hunting Banned in Kentucky?????? Im not so sure their logic is sound here.... I get that their INTENTION to to slow the advance of pigs... but not so sure banning hunting, so that trapping is easier...
  20. mdwest

    300 BLK Upper

    Anyone in need of a super affordable way to hammer hogs? Or maybe just have a different caliber to play around with at the range? Up for grabs is a Suarez International AR15 complete upper (with charging handle, BCG, etc) in 300 Blackout. To my knowledge this upper has never had a round...
  21. mdwest

    Hodgdon buys RCBS This is pretty interesting news... I didnt think Vista would spin off RCBS at this time (I thought they were trying to package things up for larger acquisitions from fewer buyers).. Should be a good move on...
  22. mdwest

    Buy Ammo & Reloading Gear – Get A Free Rifle

    Another “hog hammer” and everything you need to smoke pigs/deer/black bears for a very long time is included.. What Ive got is: 350 Legend AR: Bear Creek Upper PSA Lower Upgraded with Ergo pistol grip and stock 2x 10 round magazines Ammo: 120 rounds of federal 180gr JSP Power Shok 80 rounds...
  23. mdwest

    Free Rifle With Ammo Purchase!

    Bottom line up front, I love this rifle, but have decided I need to consolidate some calibers (maintaining the logistics to support 24 different rifle calibers and a half dozen pistol calibers is a PIA), and since this one is really somewhat singular purposed for me (built to be a hog hammer)...
  24. mdwest

    Shout Out - Briley

    People are quick to leave negative feedback when they are wronged or think they didnt get good quality service, etc.. I think its equally important to let people know when a company provides exceptional service or does something extremely well.. So.. Briley in Houston really stepped up this...
  25. mdwest

    CZ Sells stake in Vista Outdoors I had high hopes on the Vista/CZ relationship.. looks like it fell apart..
  26. mdwest

    Who Needs 308 Brass?

    After reading/posting in a couple of recent threads about ammo and reloading supply stockpiles, I took a look at my inventory and realize I have a surplus of a few things WAY beyond what I'll ever need (like a couple of thousand pieces of 308 brass.. in addition to about 200 rounds of factory...
  27. mdwest

    Idaho Tags Looks like things are changing in Idaho.. I am suddenly super grateful that we grabbed elk and deer tags for the 2024 season a couple of months ago when we could… things are about to get more challenging moving forward I believe..
  28. mdwest

    Winchester Model 70 .375 H&H Magnum Composite Stock

    Up for grabs is the factory synthetic stock that comes on a Winchester 70 Stainless Classic. This one has the barrel channel for a factory "heavy" barrel (i.e. 375 H&H). For 2 piece bottom metal.... further specs are available at the link below.. Theres nothing wrong with the stock at all.. I...
  29. mdwest

    Truck - what do you drive, and why?

    Im in the market for a new(ish?) truck... To be honest, I have zero knowledge of what is "good" or not so good these days.. I typically buy something 1-2 years old (let someone else take the depreciation) and then drive it until the wheels fall off of it... I bought my last truck in 2013...
  30. mdwest

    Candles & Safari Prints

    I wasnt quite sure where to put this.. but believe this is probably the best place? apologies in advance for what I know is going to become an extremely long winded post as well... I've had a fairly large number of members ask me about "Candles for Conservation" as well as about access to a...
  31. mdwest

    1969 FJ4 Land Cruiser up for grabs in Dallas

    Auction is in 5 days.. looks like its in pretty good shape.. thought about going after it myself, but Ive got a few other projects in the works that need my attention at the moment.. hope someone here gets it! :)
  32. mdwest

    Where does Steiner get their glass?

    Ive exhausted my google fu.. so Im hoping someone here might know the answer to my question.. does anyone have any idea where Steiner gets the glass for their scopes and binos? an assumption would be AB Schott since most of the high end German and Austrian manufacturers go there for their...
  33. mdwest

    Idaho Bound!

    Had to sit in front of the laptop for 3 hours this morning in the queue trying to get out of state elk and general deer tags for Idaho for the 2024 season... but... We were SUCCESSFUL! THe wife and I pulled an elk tag and a general deer tag for the panhandle, and then managed to get another...
  34. mdwest

    One seriously tough Nyala!

    The Honey Badger has some competition.. Nyala dont give a give a shit lol...
  35. mdwest

    Free Booze and Food! January 11th 2024

    Its that time again! Open invitation for AH members... Thursday, January 11th (Opening night of DSC) 2024 from 7PM until whenever we are done.. the mdwest family will be hosting a @Bos en Dal SAFARIS house party at our home in Allen, TX (DFW suburb). We'll have plenty of South African wines on...
  36. mdwest

    Shout out for Sightmark

    There have been a few threads recently related to Day/Night vision and thermal optics.. I try to make it a practice that when a company truly impresses me with customer service or product quality to note it, and then share that information with others. Its pretty common for people to go...
  37. mdwest

    Kimber Custom Shop Ultra CDP II 9mm

    Ive got another Kimber Custom Shop pistol up for grabs (getting out of the 1911 game (again... Im sure I'll end up regretting it and getting back "in" the game at some point in the future (again) lol)... So who needs a classy gun for CCW? Up for grabs is a Kimber Custom Shop Ultra CDP II in...
  38. mdwest

    Who Needs A Sitka Discount?

    I belong to Sitka’s pro program. They have sent out 5x “friends and family” promo codes that get you 40% off MSRP until November 7th. If any of you guys are looking to buy some new gear and like Sitka, shoot me a PM and I’ll provide you with a code. First 5 only… I’m out of codes after that...
  39. mdwest

    Who needs trail cams?

    Ive got 4x Spypoint cams up for grabs.. All are new.. never been deployed.. 2 are the new LM2 cameras that were just released this year, 2 are very similar Link Micro (the LM2 is just the newest iteration of the Link Micro line). These cameras all work on the Verizon network. In a nutshell...
  40. mdwest

    Thermal Optics

    Im assuming a few guys here are running thermal optics of some sort on pig/predator hunting rifles? Ive got a very nice thermal monocular (pulsar axion 2) thats great for sitting in a stand and spotting game and/or finding downed game that might have run a distance into thick woods.. Im now...
  41. mdwest

    Trail Cams 2023-2024

    Bow season is open in TX.. and rifle season is right around the corner... Whose got good activity on their trail cams this year? We've got a few small bucks snooping around so far.. theyre still mostly nocturnal though.. and no monsters have shown their faces yet.. Doe are a different story...
  42. mdwest

    An AH Booze Cruise

    In light of how popular the Whiskey Appreciation thread has been... I thought I'd ask about other spirits... Whats everyone's preferences? Any particularly excellent bottles out there that are little known or heard of that you really like or enjoy? When a fine whiskey isnt available, or...
  43. mdwest

    Kimber Custom Shop Ultra CDP II 45 ACP

    So who needs a gun for CCW that doubles as a bear country side arm? :) Up for grabs is a Kimber Custom Shop Ultra CDP II in .45 ACP. Included is 1x USGI mag, 5x Kimber Kim-Pro 7 round mags, and 2x Chip McCormick 7 round mags (8 mags total). 2 of the Kimber 7 round mags are standard 1911 mags...
  44. mdwest

    SpyPoint shout out

    There are plenty of companies out there that routinely disappoint us with poor products, poor customer service, and general assclownery.. and we're usually pretty quick to make sure everyone knows when a product fails or a company treats us in less than an exemplary fashion.. I think its...
  45. mdwest

    What else is in your trophy room?

    Other than the obvious (trophies) what else is in your trophy room(s)? We've got several mounts all over the house.. the answer for us in most cases is that we dont really have a trophy room.. we have a trophy house.. so all of the typical house accoutrements are present (furniture, rugs, wall...
  46. mdwest

    Cotton seed as deer feed/attractant?

    Does anyone have any experience using cotton seed to feed/attract deer? I was at a hunting expo over in Ft. Worth a couple of weeks ago.. I won 8x 40lb bags of cotton seed as part of a drawing/raffle.. In TX everyone I'm aware of pretty much feeds either corn or protein pellets (or a combination...
  47. mdwest

    SOUTH AFRICA: BOWHUNT: 2023 Bos en Dal SAFARIS Hunt Plus A Lot More...

    The usual disclaimer.. if youre logging in on your computer (vice the app on your phone), its obvious I have a relationship with @Bos en Dal SAFARIS that goes beyond just being another loyal client (although I am very much that too).. I have acted as the outfitters US Representative for the last...
  48. mdwest


    On my previous 3 bows I have used a pretty typical 6" "Stabilizer".. to be truthful I've never really been able to tell much difference between shooting any of those bows with or without the stabilizer attached... They did a little to absorb shock I suppose.. but I never really felt like the bow...
  49. mdwest

    Bow over listed draw weight

    A question for you guys that have done a lot more bow hunting and are more familiar with archery than I am... Ive got an older model PSE bow (2007 model Mach X).. it is rated as a 60-70lb bow... The limbs are almost maxed out (but not quite).. and I am currently pulling about 75lbs.. my...
  50. mdwest

    Bos en Dal SAFARIS 2023 Hunting Season Pictures

    2023 has started strong... Will keep adding to this thread as more hunts occur... Enjoy!