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  1. Nhoro

    Bullet yaw in this Youtube video

    Hi all, just watched this video posted by Garand Thumb on YouTube. Pretty amazed at how much the bullet was beginning to yaw and maybe tumble after a fairly short trip through ballistics gel and plastic bones.
  2. Nhoro

    1 MOA accuracy less common than you think ?

    Something I have been thinking about for a while now, many will boast that they can hold a 3/4 " group all day. But very few people can step up to the firing line and put 5 bullets in 1 inch around the bull. $1000 prize and it took 5 days before someone took the money. I hope the youtube link...
  3. Nhoro

    Hunting distances- how far is too far?

    I read ti's statement in Magnum magazine " Remember that shooting small groups from a solid bench-rest position may satisfy you, but it can also give you false confidence in your shooting ability. Your biggest grouping (not the smallest) from a field shooting position at any given distance...
  4. Nhoro

    Boiling to remove carbon

    Hi all, had an interesting observation today. I bought a brno .22 that was made in 1948 and have been fixing it up. I was struggling to get it to group and so I started cleaning the barrel with solvents and bronze brushing. I probably soaked solvent 15 times for an hour or two each time. I...
  5. Nhoro

    Closer Eye relief on scout scopes

    Hi All, quick question for those with experience on scout scopes- can you set them up with normal eye relief and does that have any negatives. I am looking at a vortex crossfire 2 scout 2-7x 32 to fit on my Cz 550 30- 06. I will set it up for max eye relief but it will not be a traditional...
  6. Nhoro

    Would anyone like to star in a Hunting Series?

    Hi All, Just asking if anyone would be part of a hunting video series like TIA or something similar on youtube. There is no money to be made from youtube revenue because it is hunting but I see that many people like to share their stories and it helps publicize hunting and videographers. I am...
  7. Nhoro

    The Age old velocity vs heavier bullet for solids on thick skinned game- Nice video illustration.

    Hi All, Came across a video that tackles this old battleground. Give it a look and lets see if it sparks some discussion. If you search Youtube for Thesylvanshadow, he posted a practical video called Energy vs momentum Part 2. He uses a pcp airgun to explore velocity vs bullet mass with regards...
  8. Nhoro

    Oil on scope mounts -rust prevention ?

    So here is a question I had- how many people wipe down scope mounts and the action dovetails with oil when they mounts scopes. And if you dont oil the dovetails, how do you deal with rust prevention ? I had my CZ 550 apart -had to get the barrel 'fingerprinted' by the Police firearms section as...
  9. Nhoro

    Professional Hunting Videographer

    Just a general discussion about how popular it is to have your hunt videoed by a pro. Do you have any specific preferences in the process. Do you request 4K video or normal HD ? Do you talk in the video ie like you are presenting your own hunting show or do you just want a record of the hunt ?
  10. Nhoro

    Does removing all oil in a barrel reduce first shot variations?

    So I was thinking, if you use something like electrical switch cleaner spray to get all the oil out of the bore before going hunting, does it reduce the first shot flyer ?
  11. Nhoro

    Primer backing out due to aeroplane altitude pressure changes?

    Saw an interesting disscussion on Facebook. A guy was saying he had primers on unfired cartridges backing out or becoming proud of the base after a flight. He was wondering if it was due to pressure changes during the flight. This was then followed by a comment that compressed loads can also do...
  12. Nhoro

    Correct scope mounting

    Hi all, I bought a second hand rifle and took the scope off. I saw all sorts of things that I would change but maybe I am being a bit ocd. Vertical reticle was perfect when checked with a plumbline. 1. Front mount is at a slight angle to the scope. Surely this will bend the scope tube when you...
  13. Nhoro

    Pressure vs Velocity

    Hi All, Looking at Quickload and Gordons Reloading tool as well as some reloading data from my range sessions, I have seen a pattern developing and I wanted to start a discussion. First off I know it is dangerous to assume, no hard and fast rules etc. I just see an interesting trend. So for...
  14. Nhoro

    CZ 550 with 220 gr bullets

    Hi All, Just trying to tap into the collective wisdom of the forum. I bought a 3006 recently. Rumor has it that CZ 550 shoots quite well (or maybe shoots better than other manufacturers) with the 220 gr bullets. I believe that the CZ has a slightly faster twist rate than standard and so is...
  15. Nhoro

    Mauser 7x57 or Brno 7x64?

    Hi all, I have to choose between a Mauser 7x57 approx. 20 or 30 years old but in good condition and a 7x64 Brno with a hair trigger in fantastic condition. The brno is an extra $200. What do you guys think ?
  16. Nhoro

    CZ scope mounts- Are Brno/CZ .22 mounts the same as CZ 550?

    Hi All, I ask the learned gun nuts on the forum if CZ 550 mounts are the same as Brno/CZ .22 mounts. Initial investigation indicates they are the same size -17 mm. Seems possible. I just bought a .22 but will have to go through licensing procedure before I have it in my hands and I am trying to...
  17. Nhoro

    Rust blueing questions

    Hi all, anyone out there have experience with rust blueing ? I have a few questions: 1. I am thinking of fixing some rusty worn areas of factory blueing with rust blue.anyone done that and got pictures ? 2. Normal procedure is rust/boil/card 4 or more times. Can you rust/card over and over...
  18. Nhoro

    Anyone Recommend a Company to do Hunting Videos?

    Hi All, Anyone recommend a good videographer for producing hunting videos ?
  19. Nhoro

    Dangerous Game Follow Up - Client and Professional Hunter roles?

    Hi All, Touchy subject-Please don't lay into PH's or clients, but how do you guys see the roles of client and PH in a wounded dangerous game animal follow up? My thoughts are that a clients role is to finish what he started. He should stand beside the PH and attempt to kill the animal as fast...
  20. Nhoro

    Big Bore Shoot at the Range

    Hi All, Little bit of Fun at our local range on Sunday. About 14 competitors- 6 shots to count. First video is the course. Basic idea is first shot is the target to the right of the 'charging lion'. That starts the 'lion' charging for you second shot. Then two targets to the left-reload and two...
  21. Nhoro

    Choosing powders for 458 Lott from Quickload/Gordons Reloading Data?

    Hi all, Some theory questions to the experienced reloaders: When choosing powder for a certain bullet/cartridge combination, what do you look for ? So I have Quickload data and Gordons Relaoding Tool freeware. So looking for a certain velocity, you can use different powders. Some produce the...
  22. Nhoro

    458 Lott with Peregrine Solids Load data?

    Hi All, anyone have load data for 458 Lott wit Peregrine 500 gr VRG-2 solids and VRG3 softs with Vihtavuori N550 powder or maybe willing to run a Quickload for me ? Also anyone used Gordons Reloading Tool ? Freeware copy of Quickload it seems. If I can get a Quickload file, I will compare it to...
  23. Nhoro

    Big bore rifle penetration- Anyone experience underpenetration ?

    Hi All. Anyone have actual data where the bullet was on target but didn't make it to the target- ie it under penetrated ? I am talking bullets on the perfect line for the brain or heart/lungs and they either underpenetrated or turned/tumbled and so the animal was wounded. Specifically, the...
  24. Nhoro

    Dangerous Game Rifle Lubrication ideas-Grease or not?

    Hi all, I have some thoughts on lubrication of dangerous game rifles and would like to know what everyone does with their rifle- maybe mention if you are a PH or if you are a client. I do kids camps in the bush so plenty of walking/ dust and sweat but little action. My basic thinking is to have...
  25. Nhoro

    Flat nose vs round nose solids - What are the actual facts?

    I am really struggling to find facts and this really bothers me. I have searched the internet and I find conflicting reports and very little scientific data. So far I have found Charlie Haley's tests of round nose fmj vs round nose monolithics. He give almost identical results in a very...
  26. Nhoro

    DIY Hand Rubbed Oil on factory CZ stock

    So lockdown fever struck, even though I am still working during the week but less hours. So I have tackled a few jobs around the house and a few just for pleasure. So I started one evening sanding off the finish on my CZ 550. Didnt have any paint remover and hardware shops are shut so I bit the...
  27. Nhoro

    458 Lott factory chamber vs a reamed from Win Mag chamber

    Hi All, While doing some research, I noticed some differences between a factory chamber and a reamed from Win Mag chamber. This would impact developed hand loads and is something for hand loaders to be aware of and take extra care when using other peoples loads. If you look at the SAAMI picture...
  28. Nhoro

    458 Win Mag comparison to its peers-375,416,404

    Hi All, The debate has raged about the 458 win mag for years and I just wanted to cut through the bull doo doo and try to compare some well loved calibres and the math behind their reputation. In the picture below, I have put down some facts and figures that are used to compare ballistics...
  29. Nhoro

    Trigger weight and sear overlap for Dangerous Game

    Hi all, quick question. Does anyone know what weight trigger pull your DG rifle has and how much sear overlap ? I tend to err on the side of caution and safety, mine is about 3,5 lbs and the sear has 1,5 mm before it trips. My thoughts on sear overlap is that a super safe trigger will have creep...
  30. Nhoro

    Zimbabwe Professional Hunters and Guides Shooting Test May 2019

    Hi All, I helped out with the Pro Hunters and Guides shooting tests this weekend. The other thread,, has had a lot of interest so I thought I would post my experiences and...
  31. Nhoro

    Mauser Action Feeding Work - CZ 550

    I wanted to put down my thoughts,opinions and actions that I used to tune a CZ 550 in 458 win mag, from what I understand, that caliber is particularly difficult being short and fat. I searched the internet and there was not much to be found. Duane Wiebe has posted a brief process on another...
  32. Nhoro

    Smooth up CZ 550 bolt action

    Hi All, Just thought I would share my experiment in smoothing out a brand new CZ 550 in .458 Win Mag.Please note this is what I did, it is not intended as a definitive how to guide, use this information at your own risk ! I may add or change things as I think about them. I searched the internet...
  33. Nhoro

    Wanting .458 win mag chronograph results of factory

    Hi all, has anyone put 458 win mag factory ammo over a chrono ? It would be great if you gave some actual readings with an idea of your setup ie rifle make, barrel length, ammo make and bullet weight. I am mainly interested in solids but please let me know what you know!
  34. Nhoro

    Ruger M77 Mk 2 action reliability vs mauser 98

    Hi all, Some discussion on the thread about Zimbabwe PH tests has got me thinking and i did some google research but cannot find the answer. Perhaps someone can help. In the article, Don Heath says the Ruger action ejector does not seem to spring back quick enough to eject if the action is...