Search results

  1. Tanks

    Now that Trump won, I am leaving the country next year...

    Africa for lion, hippo etc. Argentina for doves, and Tango Sweden for red deer. I might swing by Turkey for a driven boar hunt if I have time.
  2. Tanks

    We have a puppy

    Got an email from Ryglen Gun Dogs that there were two males in a recent litter four weeks ago. They have been whelped this week and I will go and get him next month. I get to pick first as my deposit has been there the longest. Here is the pic of the two males.
  3. Tanks

    Midway has 450-400 NE ammo on sale...

    I just bought 5 boxes of 450-400 NE DGX ammo and there is a 20% discount coupon that shows up at checkout. Another thing to mention is that Hornady does not run 450-400 NE ammo that often and once it is gone, it could be gone for a while. If anyone is interested in the cartridge, I'd jump on...
  4. Tanks

    Passport Renewal...

    Well, my passport was going to expire in July. I have an international trip planned in May, so it was time to renew. Went and got a haircut and a beard trim as the picture would be there for ten years. On March 1, I sent my renewal application to the PA passport office. They picked it up from...
  5. Tanks

    My mother turned 90 last month...

    Some months ago I contacted my mother to ask if she would like me to rent a hotel ballroom and invite people for a big party to celebrate. Her response was that she liked to travel and would like to travel to Dubai as she had not been there except to pass through the airport on the way to...
  6. Tanks

    So, I found a knifemaker...

    A friend of mine told me about this knifemaker overseas. I stopped at his shop last year and talked to him. An interesting guy, a fourth generation blacksmith. I mentioned that I'd like a unique knife and asked to have an elephant engraving to boot. Well, he went all out. The knife is a couple...
  7. Tanks

    Buffalo tanning to leather - HELP...

    I just talked to my taxidermist. The tannery they have been using for clients' buffalo and elephant skins to be tanned to leather went out of business during Covid. Their other contact does commercial wholesale and takes over a year. They have been telling their importers to get the leather...
  8. Tanks

    One of my hunting videos went viral, but so much hate…

    Almost 30 million views, a lot of negative comments from all over the world. I am crushed ;)
  9. Tanks

    Upgraded my Leica Rangefinder after eleven years...

    Not the kind of rangefinder you think though. I have been a fan of Leica rangefinder cameras and used them for decades. Last purchase was the Leica M (typ 240) and Leica M Monochrom some ten years ago. When Leica relased M11 a year or so ago and I was intrigued, but wanted to wait for a couple...
  10. Tanks

    My new Rand's hat is on the way...

    Just got an email that the hat I had ordered last year is ready and being shipped Monday. Here are the pictures they sent. I wanted it to be ready before my October hunt and they exceeded my expectations. Drover style 20X beaver with custom bead hat band with a light distress.
  11. Tanks

    Ordered my LAST African Safari rifle at DSC this year...

    Last year, when I went to SCI, I stopped at Wesley Richards booth as I wanted to place an order for a double and an extra barrel. They said they were all sold outand the earliest I could have one would be in 6 years, 2028 when I would be 71!!!. That was not acceptable, and I was disappointed...
  12. Tanks

    Bookings for 2023...

    Yes, I am an addict for elephants. Sent the deposit today along with the signed contract to CMS for a trophy elephant hunt. This is a special area where they get 2 licenses a year. Kazuma forestry area for October 1-15. Average has been 30+kg a side for the last several years on these hunts. Big...
  13. Tanks

    Looking for a lion hunt...

    I am looking for recommendations for a wild lion hunt. RSA is out for obvious reasons. If I were to go to Zimbabwe I would hunt with Buzz and CMS again, so recommendations for a Zimbabwe outfitter is not needed. Though, after two years in a row in Zimbabwe I would like to try other countries...
  14. Tanks

    Shooting technology for a gearhead...

    In the past I would range a target, look at my dope that was developed days/weeks prior and take the shot after adjustments. I am building a rifle specifically for prairie dogs next May, I already have upgraded my Leica rangefinder to Leica Geovid Pro 32 binoculars with Bluetooth and AB...
  15. Tanks

    Qatar Airways Ammo Weigh-In...

    I am flying Qatar to Zimbabwe in less than a month. I never had an airline weigh my ammo on an outbound trip including Emirates last year (inbound yes, but then I am very light ;) ). So, I have questions. Do they weigh ammo as a rule (I am flying from LAX)? If they weigh it, do they let you...
  16. Tanks

    Leica Geovid Pro 32 - Availibility

    I was intrigued by this range finding binocular after the announcements at SCI and DSC. I even handled it at the SCI show, very compact and handy. The announcement from Leica is on the thread below...
  17. Tanks

    Covid-19 Test to Return to USA

    I just spent a month overseas and finally at home after a very long flight. Of course, I needed a negative Covid test 24 hours before the flight. I used BinaxNOW Covid-19 test remotely guided by Abbot labs. All you need is an internet connection, a smart phone/table and of course the test kit...
  18. Tanks

    Prairie Dog hunting

    I am in the process of building a prairie dog rifle in 6mm Dasher. Does anyone have recommendations in NM, AZ or TX? Looking to hunt 2-3 days in May 2023 or a bit later.
  19. Tanks

    McMillan Heritage LH CRF .375 H&H For Sale

    I had ordered this rifle a while ago and NEVER even fired it, so for all practical purposes it is brand new. It has been a safe queen ever since I received it. Here are the build specifications: LH G30 CRF 3-Position safety .375 H&H Jewel Trigger 24" barrel 1-12 twist Heritage Stock 14" LOP...
  20. Tanks

    Leica Geovid 10x42 For Sale

    I just bought a Leica Geovid 10x42 at the end of November. Since then I have decided to go a different direction. As you can see in the links below the retail price is $2,999. It can be yours for $2,599, shipped. My finickiness is your gain ;) The only usage was to install the battery...
  21. Tanks

    Wanted 404 Jeffery Dies, Etc.

    Hi, If anyone has .404J dies that they are willing to sell or brass for that matter please let me know.
  22. Tanks

    Blaser R8 barrel longevity...

    Does anyone have any data on Blaser barrel longevity? I am specifically interested in 6XC barrel. Thanks in advance.
  23. Tanks

    Building another big bore...

    Last year I had plans to build a .300 RUM rifle for plains game. I ordered a Defiance Machine Deviant Hunter long action in LH, CRF with 3 position safety with Trigger Tech trigger. However, due to possible time delays on getting it built I ended up buying a Blaser R8 with a .300 RUM barrel...
  24. Tanks

    SAA Update

    Just got an email from Chase Travel that for ticked bought for travel in August 2020 for my girlfriend the ticket price (mileage plus a bit of cash) has been refunded to my account. Took over a year but got done. A month ago I had gotten another email that they had gotten a response from SAA.
  25. Tanks

    Booking for 2022, ~5 weeks in Africa

    Well, I have been back for about a month from Zimbabwe and ready to head back. I just finished nailing down dates with CMS and @spike.t . I will be in Zimbabwe, specifically, Nyakasanga for buffalo and tuskless elephant August 1 - 14, 2022. Then I head out to Lusaka, Zambia on the 16th to hunt...
  26. Tanks

    ZIMBABWE: My 21 Day Safari With Charlton McCallum Safaris & A Pair Of Double Rifles

    Outfitter: Charlton - McCallum Safaris aka CMS - PH: Keith Wall Main Game: Leopard, Buffalo, Tuskless Elephant Hunt Area: Zambezi Valley and Dante East. Rifles: Heym 88B 9.3x74R (scoped with Swarovski Z6i 1.7 - 10X BT), Heym 88B .500 NE with 1MOA Trijicon. Day -4: Covid...
  27. Tanks

    My Heym 88B in 9.3x74R is in my hands finally...

    The rifle arrived at my FFL about 12 days ago and I went through the CA registration process and finally picked it up today (10 day wait plus weekend). So, 6 months and a week from order to in my hands. Overall very happy with it. Fits real well. It has the claw mounts and once at the range I...
  28. Tanks

    Trijicon on my Heym .500 NE

    Getting ready for my upcoming hunt I finally installed a 1 MOA Trijicon RMR. Heym comes premachined for RMRs and all one needs is the base that goes with the particular red dot. It took me 3 shots to sight it in (basically 13 clicks up). Then, a fresh target and simulated field shooting...
  29. Tanks

    Wheels Up in 9 weeks, here is my checklist...

    I reworked my Safari checklist for the current conditions and the 21 day hunt I will have in Zimbabwe. I usually pack everything and check it off the "completed" column a couple of days before leaving. I do weigh it just in case, but usually quite a bit under the limits. PCR test result will be...
  30. Tanks

    Did a little handgun shooting...

    My CCW was up for renewal. In CA for renewals one has to sit through a 4 hour class and requalify with all of the handguns on the permit. 72 rounds from primary and 20 rounds each from the rest. Due to the pandemic I had suspended USPSA competitions since March 2020 so went from 60K rounds a...
  31. Tanks

    A small upgrade for my VC 450 NE

    I was so happy with the work done on my Heym that I sent the stock for my VC 450 NE to the same gentleman for the leather wrap. While at it I sent the barrels to JJ to put his low mount for a Trijicon as well. Here is the stock.
  32. Tanks

    What is the release time period of Lion into a hunting area in South Africa?

    What is the release time period of the lion into the hunting area? I read anywhere from 24 months by one law (might have been just a proposal) to 96 hours, so have no idea what the actual number is. Thanks.
  33. Tanks

    Flight PCR testing getting easier...

    I was concerned as Zimbabwe requires a negative PCR test 48 hours prior to arrival as opposed to 72 hours for other countries. My flight from departure to arrival to Zimbabwe has via Emirates is 40 hours of travel time (15 hour layover at Dubai). That doesn't give me much time. Basically I...
  34. Tanks

    A small upgrade of my Heym 88B

    I needed a slight adjustment to be made to the LOP of my Heym 88B .500 NE. While at it I figured I'd get the recoil pad wrapped in leather. Chris Sells recommended to me the gentleman that does that work for H&H in the USA. Got it back today and it looks and feels awesome. I chose the classic...
  35. Tanks

    Peter Hofer Video

    I just noticed this video. I had seen his work at SCI shows, but the video shows multiple examples of his work. Amazing stuff, unfortunately most likely out of my price range.
  36. Tanks

    Americase vs SKB, decisions...

    I found an Americase double breakdown case. Wondering how it compares in regards to airline travel with the SKB. Here are pics, the soft lid shown is available for both sides. Which would you prefer? Assume there will be no internal movement of gun parts within the case for both.
  37. Tanks

    Americase Is No Longer An Option

    Based on reviews etc. I called Americase for a double rifle takedown case for two rifles. As of January 1 they are no longer manufacturing gun cases. They said their instrument case business is off the charts and gun case sales were low and did not have as much of a margin so they decided to...
  38. Tanks

    An Interesting Rifle

    Ran across this rifle by Krieghoff. A single shot, Mannlicher style stock ordered by a local here. I didn't even know Krieghoff made these. Hmmm...
  39. Tanks

    An interesting pair of guns

    Ran across this, a pair of H&H in 12 and 20 gauges, lefty cast to boot. Westley Richards Maybe @Red Leg or other shotgun gurus can tell me if it is good value. :unsure:
  40. Tanks

    South Dakota Pheasant Hunt...

    I am considering heading to SD for a pheasant hunt after the election and subsequent riots in November ;) . Anyone has done this hunt before? If so, any advice? I figure it would be a good opportunity to bloody the pair of Grulla SxS guns I had recently acquired. Here is the outfit I am...
  41. Tanks

    Another Sporting Shotgun

    I felt like I needed a backup as I had sent my other sporting shotgun to factory to fix a couple of things that were damaged during shipment. Ceaser Guerini has engraving that I like on their Invictus III line, but I really like case coloring on the background instead of silver color. They...
  42. Tanks

    Journey continues...

    Couple of days ago I went to pick up my pair of Grulla 12ga SxS. Lo and behold there was this 20ga Aya 53 SxS. Tried it and it fit really well and so light to boot. Bought it, guess I am ready for doves in the fall. Pick it up in another week. @Red Leg is right, once you start appreciating fine...
  43. Tanks

    I had to say goodbye to my Aya No. 2 SxS...

    I was at Pacific Sporting Arms for adjustment of the stock of an O/u I had recently purchased and saw the pair of shotguns pictured below, a numbered pair of Grulla 210s. So sleek, so beautiful and lovingly cared for. Fit almost perfectly, though stock will have to be adjusted for a lefty cast...
  44. Tanks

    Guess RSA is not opening anytime soon...

    Just got notice that my July 28th departure to J'Burg and August 21 return flights are canceled by Turkish airlines. I was expecting it, but still disappointed. If Zimbabwe opens prior to August 15th I will take Emirates to go there. After that it does not give me much time to get ready for...
  45. Tanks

    Going to Zimbabwe After All...

    I just got an email from my outfitter in Zimbabwe, he said Zimbabwe was opening up, and Emirates will start flying into Harare August 1. Onto WhatsApp right away as I had not seen any news from Emirates. His comment was that the PH association asked Emirates directly and that was the answer. I...
  46. Tanks

    Upgraded gun safe, now to fill it up...

    Currently I have five rifles and four pistols in Pelican cases etc. all around the house with more firearms on the way. Girlfriend is getting mad at me for taking valuable closet space with all the gun cases ;) It was time to upgrade my existing gun safe as over the years I have outgrown it...
  47. Tanks

    Joined the club...

    I blame @Red Leg . Just bought it today. AyA NO. 2 12GA Side-Lock Ejector, improved modified choke on both barrels. 2 3/4", double articulated triggers. 30" barrel. With CA 10 day waiting period going about 18 days nowadays should have it towards the end of the month. They will use the time...
  48. Tanks

    Double Rifle Handling Standards...

    Finally after an 18 day wait CA DOJ release my Heym 88B in .500 NE to me. I won't be able to take it to the range until middle of next week due to work commitments. However, as a USPSA competitor I am a big believer in dry fire practice, and spend over an hour a day dry firing my pistols going...
  49. Tanks

    For Sale .50 B&M Rifle

    Background: A good friend of mine, a world class pistol shooter (USPSA & IPSC) and firearms instructor, wanted an easy to handle big bore rifle for walks in Alaska and maybe take it for a DG hunt to Africa. I showed him the B&M class of rifles with 18" barrel and 38" overall length. He also...
  50. Tanks

    Want To Buy .450 NE 3 1/4 Dies

    If you have a set for sale please DM with a price. Thanks.