Search results

  1. Saul

    The best Kudu hunt?

    I first dreamed of hunting Africa after watching the classic 1950 film “King Solomon’s Mines” starring Stewart Granger. What I cannot remember is how I came to have an almost singular focus on hunting Kudu. With that in mind, what advice would you give to someone aiming to have the ultimate...
  2. Saul

    375 Renner Belted

    Given the positive reviews of RJ Renner on this site, I thought I would ask if anyone has any experience or opinions of the 375 Renner Belted cartridge that he offers.
  3. Saul

    My New Sleep Routine

    I have found a new trick that helps me fall asleep. I just think about all of my favorite rifle cartridges from smallest to largest. Sort of like counting sheep but much more fun. Not sure what that says about me, but it works.
  4. Saul

    Checking back in

    Hello all. It has sure been a while since I last logged on here, though not from a lack of interest. I was treated for lymphoma a few years ago, and everything seemed to be back to normal, but then I started having the worst chest pain. I initially wrote it off as acid reflux, which has always...
  5. Saul

    Straight-Wall Rimmed Wildcat Ideas

    Curious if anyone has seen or considered any of the following straight-wall rimmed wildcats. More of a hypothetical than anything else but I do think there would be some practicality with these. It would be easy to blow out the case to the desired bullet diameter and all would use readily...
  6. Saul

    Been a Long Time...

    I have not been active here for a while but I am happy to say that I am finally able to come back. Starting in September, I started feeling severely fatigued and had progressively worsening shortness of breath. Soon, soreness, headaches, and sweating developed. I finally broke down and went to...
  7. Saul

    AR-type Rifles

    I thought it would be better to create a new thread instead of derailing the Tiny 10 thread. For those of you with an AR-type rifle, why did you choose the one you did? I am in the market for one and @Red Leg has me considering Daniel Defense...
  8. Saul

    375 2.5" NE

    Does anyone have any experience with this cartridge? I have seen some people making a wildcat version by necking up the 303 British, but the case length is shorter than the real 2.5" NE. Either way, I think it would make a great boar cartridge.
  9. Saul

    Anyone Use a Paradox Gun?

    Not too long ago, H&H restarted production of their paradox guns, so there must be some sort of market for them. The new ones are also quite exquisite pieces. I am curious if anyone here has used/still uses a paradox gun. I think it would be great fun, even if it does not offer a practical...
  10. Saul

    375 Ruger Wildcats

    Has anyone here experimented with a 375 Ruger wildcat? I know that there are a few 375 Ruger fans on here so I am hopeful that at least one of you has gotten a little too bored at the reloading bench. I am quite impressed with the case, seeing as it is basically a slightly shorter and fatter 375...
  11. Saul

    Hunting Rhino

    For those of you who have had the opportunity to hunt rhino, how hard was it to get permits and to import it? I assume it is quite the expensive hunt, so was the experience worth the price? How does the hunt compare to the other big 5?
  12. Saul

    If you could only have one...

    I was checking out the absolutely amazing thread on trophy rooms and it got me thinking, with all of the beautiful trophies that you guys have, if you could only have one, what would it be? Maybe it is the way you chose to have it mounted or maybe there is something about the animal that just...
  13. Saul

    Opinions on cheek pieces

    For a classic straight high comb stock on scoped rifles, do you prefer your stock to have a cheek piece or not? I am more of a shotgun shooter than a rifle shooter, so I tend to favor no cheek piece, but I can definitely see the advantage when using a scope. or
  14. Saul

    AyA Express R Monoblock

    Does anyone have any knowledge about this gun? I love AyA shotguns and so I was looking at their double rifles too. I contacted them and they said they could make one in .303 British which has always been a dream double rifle for me. I think it would be perfect for boar.
  15. Saul

    Is the .338 RUM Dead?

    As a fan of big .338s, I really want a new rifle in .338 RUM but it seems that no one is making it in this cartridge anymore. If the RUM is dead, I might as well just get a .338 Lapua, as everyone seems to be chambering it now. Thoughts on the life of the RUM?
  16. Saul

    Fusion Firearms

    Has anyone had a gun built from Fusion Firearms? I really want a 9x23 Winchester 1911 for carry and they seem to be the only one making guns in this cartridge. I am not sure, though, if it is worth it to have them make it or if I should just buy a Wilson or something and just get the barrel from...
  17. Saul

    High West Whiskey

    Any fans of High West whiskey here? If you have not tried it, pick up a bottle of their double rye or if you are a big spender, their rendezvous rye is to die for. The prairie bourbon is also a really solid choice. It is by no means the smoothest rye I have had but it is certainly the most...
  18. Saul

    Spear and Knife Hunting

    I know it is a somewhat controversial topic within the hunting community, but has anyone here participated in either spear or knife hunting, either in Africa or more likely in the US? I am getting really interested in doing this at some point.
  19. Saul

    Casamigos Tequila

    I was skeptical when I saw that it was George Clooney's tequila brand, but it is about the smoothest tequila I have ever had. Seriously, I have no problem just sipping this stuff all night. This is a great tequila to try, especially if you are not a tequila fan. Does anyone else like Casamigos?
  20. Saul

    Double Rifle Barrel Length

    In my thread about small bore double rifles, there was a disagreement over the proper barrel length for double rifles. Some think that anything under 25" is sacrilege while others think that anything over 23" is unwieldy in the bush. Anyway, I was flipping around on TV the other day and caught...
  21. Saul

    Small Bore Double Rifles

    I have recently become very interested in the concept of owning a small bore double rifle. Does anyone here own a double rifle in a small bore cartridge? Pictures would be highly appreciated of course.
  22. Saul

    Owning Multiple Rifles from the Same Manufacturer?

    So I think I am about to commit to acts of rifle sacrilege. First, I am looking at buying a non-Weatherby rifle in a Weatherby cartridge. Second, I am looking at buying the same model rifle that I already own. The rifle in question is a Dakota Arms model 76 in .257 Weatherby. I was just...
  23. Saul

    Hillary Clinton is not the problem...(rant)

    As some here are aware, I was a very liberal person until this election. Many of my liberal friends have been giving me a lot of flack for switching parties, especially to support Trump. I am not afraid to admit that I have supported and donated to both Clintons in the past. The reason why I...
  24. Saul

    Blaser R8 in .500 Jeffery?

    I recently saw a used Blaser R8 for sale in .500 Jeffery and I seriously considered buying it. My concern with a rifle like this is that the .500 Jeffery is such a powerful cartridge and I have heard of so many problems with the bolt coming off of Blaser rifles and hitting the shooter in the...
  25. Saul

    Professional Hunters, Oddest Cartridge a Client Has Brought?

    To all of the PHs out there, I would like to know what is the oddest cartridge that you have seen a client bring on a hunt? I got thinking about this after reading an article about how Hornady hunted African PG with their new Superformance 6.5 Creedmoor. Plus, we all know about Roy's African...
  26. Saul

    Road Rage

    Well, it has been a long time since someone has actually gotten out of their car to threaten me, but I guess that it just means that I was overdue. Seriously, though, I actually had a guy try to run me off of the road and then stop traffic to get out of his car and threaten to kill me just...
  27. Saul

    Bowen Classic Arms revolvers?

    I would like to know if anyone has any experience with Bowen Classic Arms. I have been invited to hunt in Alaska in the foreseeable future (nothing confirmed yet) and I have decided that I need (or maybe just want) a new revolver for grizzly defense. I have been looking at the revolvers made...
  28. Saul

    Uncharted by Jim Shockey

    Has anyone else watched the pilot for Jim Shockey's "Uncharted"? I just watched it and it was great. By far the best hunting tv show on air right now. Not only does it show exotic hunts, but it also shows great parts of the world. It is sort of like Anthony Bourdain's "No Reservations", but with...
  29. Saul

    Best Country in Europe for Hunting

    I am not sure that this is the right place for this, but I will try it here. I apologize in advance if I placed it wrong. Anyway, since I have been doing such an increasingly large amount of business in Europe recently, I have been thinking that it would make sense to buy a home somewhere...
  30. Saul

    Bowtech RPM 360

    I have been hearing a bunch of really positive reviews of the new Bowtech RPM 360. Supposedly, it has an IBO of 360 fps and can launch a 500 gr arrow at 300 fps. If this is true, this would be one insane bow for any plains game. In addition, the reviews I have read on the bow (including one by...
  31. Saul

    Cartridges Under .30 for Plains Game

    I have been researching a lot on African plains game cartridges and everyone seems to say that you should shoot the cartridge you shoot best, regardless of size, yet everyone also seems to recommend .30 cartridges or up, including super magnums like the RUM or .338 Lapua, which generate...
  32. Saul

    Choose Your Weapon with Jim Burnworth

    So I was watching Choose Your Weapon with Jim Burnworth from Western Extreme. I have always really liked him and his hunting advice. The thing that really rubbed me the wrong way, especially about this episode, is his gun recommendations. He normally recommends the .338 Lapua for hunting...
  33. Saul

    Important Firsts in Life

    I was recently thinking about the important firsts in my life (no, not the ones you're thinking of. Get your minds out of the gutter). I though it would be interesting to here about everyone's first: Car that you bought yourself Gun you bought yourself Record Animal you hunted I'll go...
  34. Saul

    New Car Jaguar F-Type R coupe

    I just got home from New York and got some terrific news: my new Jaguar F-Type R coupe is ready for pickup tomorrow. It will be replacing my Jaguar XKR as my main car. Anyway, I will hopefully have a full review of the car and some pictures up tomorrow.
  35. Saul

    Wilson Combat 10mm 1911

    I have just purchased a Wilson Combat 1911 in 10mm. I bought this gun because I wanted the ultimate combat handgun. My usual concealed carry handguns are the ruger sp101 .357 and the Springfield XDs .45. I have also been known to carry any one of my 1911s. Anyway, I chose the 10mm caliber over...
  36. Saul

    Ted Nugent

    I was in a sort of heated debate in a record shop over Ted Nugent and it got me thinking of him. Later, I went to a gun shop and was browsing and chatting with the archery section guys and mentioned my fight over Ted. Thinking I would get support from these guys, I was shocked when they told me...
  37. Saul

    Best/Funniest Mount Ideas

    Well, I'm going on my first safari soon and I was thinking about how I want my trophies mounted. I do have some unused space so I'm thinking about doing an africa diorama in my basement. Not only would this be an insanely cool way to show my trophies to people, but I can keep adding trophies to...
  38. Saul

    Best Countries to hunt Big Five

    Ive been talking to a bunch of different outfitters and when I tell them I want to hunt trophy plains game, specifically kudu and zebra, they all quote me a low price in south Africa. Then, when I mention that I want to hunt Elephant, cape buffalo, and lion, and that I want the lion and elephant...
  39. Saul

    Blaser Rifles?

    I was watching Dark and Dangerous with Ivan Carter and one of the clients with him was shooting a Blaser bolt rifle, if you can call it that. They were huntig leopard and I was very impresses with the accuracy from this rifle. So impressed, in fact, that I looked up the rifle and saw them going...
  40. Saul

    Bringing Cash to Africa

    How much cash should you bring to Africa for tipping and other expenses? Should you convert your money into the local currency or leave it US?
  41. Saul

    Deciding on Guns for First Safari

    It is my first time ever hunting in Africa and I want it to be absolutely perfect. I am taking my dad for his 70th birthday and I need to decide on what guns to bring. I will be hunting plains game up to kudu and eland, hippo, lion, cape buffalo, and elephant. Having never hunted these animals...
  42. Saul

    SOUTH AFRICA: Has Anyone Hunted With Three South African Hunting Outfitters?

    I am new to this site but read the forums and I still have not found the information I am looking for. I am planning my very first trip to Africa and I have yet to decide on a South African hunting outfitter. The three I've narrowed it down to are African Sky, Hunting Legends, and Frikkie du...
  43. Saul

    Greetings from Key Largo

    Hello everyone. I'm glad to have joined this site. While I have not yet hunted Africa, I hope to learn all I can before I go. I have been hunting all of my life and dreamt of going to Africa. I work as a corporate financial consultant and enjoy cars, planes, and boats, as well as hunting. -Saul