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  1. H

    Why all the hate for CBL (Captive-Bred Lion) Hunting?

    IvW - agree and somehow they rationalize a “Fence is OK” but Not Dogs —-or “Dogs are OK for birds” But Not Mountain Lion —- or at least Not a Mountain Lion in a Tree? And a Pen raised Lion is “Not ok” but hunting Pen raised Pheasant WITH A DOG “is OK” (unless they go in a Tree??). There are a...
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    Just got engaged (again) now a question

    @RyanPalmer - nothing says “Love & Eternity” better then SILICONE
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    Just got engaged (again) now a question

    @Russ16 - I’ve worn my wedding ring for 30+ years, it was My Father’s and he wore it for 25+ years before me - never even notice it’s on my finger but would feel “naked” without it. It’s a plain gold band, comfortable and gets bloody & clean - same as my hands….it’s NBD. I would think the more...
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    Why all the hate for CBL (Captive-Bred Lion) Hunting?

    @Hunting Hitman - that’s a great wild lion and you must’ve been very pleased with that one !!
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    A thorough conversation with Swarovski - Conclusion: Rookhawk knows nothing and is wrong about everything

    @Josh P - I gotta give your post a “Like” even if I can’t fully follow it because it sounds “really smart” and therefore over-my-head. You are either an Ornithologist, Ophthalmologist, or Gynecologist a Smart guy regardless and knows a lot about anything In-A-Bush
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    Why all the hate for CBL (Captive-Bred Lion) Hunting?

    @Mark-hunter— you have nicely summed up the balance I’ve tried to strike between MY Hunting expenses and My Family & Kids priorities…Family comes first ! And I can live happily without ever taking a Lion
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    A thorough conversation with Swarovski - Conclusion: Rookhawk knows nothing and is wrong about everything

    @Aaron N - sounds great and Marketing genius - but your eye/pupil can Not use 7mm and from what I’ve read there is little to zero benefit for anything over 5mm. Now, that’s what I’ve read and I’m no Optomologist…but I can’t be the only person that has read that “formula”? I will have to I...
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    A thorough conversation with Swarovski - Conclusion: Rookhawk knows nothing and is wrong about everything

    @Ontario Hunter - there was NO qualification process - it was all about Who-you-knew to get in and if you had the free time at night…I had an “in” (friends did it and one of them shot no better then You) - my FT job didn't allow the time required. I did do “Deer Control” on State issued...
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    Why all the hate for CBL (Captive-Bred Lion) Hunting?

    @Ontario Hunter - as always “your way is best”….but you brag about hunting with your dog?? I guess now it’s the “Tree” that you draw the line at? And you’re clearly Not a Trapper - how would you suggest dispatching a trapped coyote/fox etc…(Punch it?). Anyway - poking fun at your expense a...
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    Why all the hate for CBL (Captive-Bred Lion) Hunting?

    @Lee M - it might be good that you stated this is your “last post on this”. Almost everyone - except PETA - differentiate between animals regarding value ie: a “worm” is Not equal to an “Elephant” etc…. So I got lost on your logic comparing released Pheasant to Lions. But, i still get your...
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    A thorough conversation with Swarovski - Conclusion: Rookhawk knows nothing and is wrong about everything

    @WAB - funny, I deer hunted in South Carolina in the late 1990s and believe they also allowed shooting until ONE HOUR AFTER sunset…..I was unable to see the ground 45 minutes after !!!
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    A thorough conversation with Swarovski - Conclusion: Rookhawk knows nothing and is wrong about everything

    @Ontario Hunter - there is No such thing as a “Professional Marksman” unless you go back to Annie Oakley or other Circus performers. The guys that shoot deer for pay are the same guys that hunt and fish with me —- and they don’t shoot any better then most good rifle hunters —- they just got a...
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    A thorough conversation with Swarovski - Conclusion: Rookhawk knows nothing and is wrong about everything

    @PerH - 8 x 56 “all rounder” - why would a 56m objective ever be an advantage? And if so, why not a 66 or 76….so we could shoot at Night by the light cast from Mars or Saturn ?
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    Why all the hate for CBL (Captive-Bred Lion) Hunting?

    @Sabre - my guess is that you already “understand” but your post should get things lively quick
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    Tag and Cabelas safari jackets

    @sgt_zim - I understand what you mean about some cotton shirts - they can hold moisture and take a long time to dry….But Not a tight weave “poplin” which is like a fine canvas and stays off-the-skin better and air drives quickly and that is the “weave” used by Tag Safari and some other high end...
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    A thorough conversation with Swarovski - Conclusion: Rookhawk knows nothing and is wrong about everything

    @rookhawk - i agree with you and have No use for large objective bell - 40mm is max for me and 36mm is near perfect. I also prefer a light - trim- scope and as Low a mount as possible, always use the lowest rings to barely clear the barrel. As for magnification 3 to 9 is my max magnification...
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    Cartridges you just hate

    @Dukeisok - I AGREE, if you need more then a .30-06 then go to a .375 H&H….or there about. Fine tune a Piano or a Bench Rest Rifle round —- No hunting round will ever be “perfect”, accept that and shoot what you have (within “reason”) for what you are hunting. Most important - shoot it accurately
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    Whisky appreciation

    @BeeMaa - agree, nothing special about Crown Royal except the bottle and Blue velvet bag…. Crown Royal is to whiskey as Chivas Regal is to scotch - All Marketing
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    Hats on safari

    @Safari Dave - OK, good point —but he EARNED IT
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    OK Boys, let’s play a little trivia!

    @Cls.44 - possible but while working on the set with Rock Hudson - he couldn’t stand him, he also didn’t like Mongormery Cliffon the set of “Red River” and referred to him as “that arrogant little shit”, Wayne felt the final fight scene between him and Cliff wouldn’t be “believed” by audiences...
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    OK Boys, let’s play a little trivia!

    True Grit 1969: John Wayne said to Glen Campbell
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    OK Boys, let’s play a little trivia!

    True Grit 1969 - Glen Campbell yelled to John Wayne before pulling him and Kim Darby up out of a hole
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    Tag and Cabelas safari jackets

    @BWB - I liked the older Cabela’s “Safari Jacket” it was a very tight weave cotton poplar, durable and had lots of pockets - handy to wear on the cool early mornings in the truck. As far as the “fashion look” it’s very understated, not much different than any travel vest and does Not scream...
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    OK Boys, let’s play a little trivia!

    @Tubby’s Canteen - “The Undefeated” with John Wayne & Rock Hudson (Wayne couldn’t stand Hudson)
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    OK Boys, let’s play a little trivia!

    @Tubby’s Canteen - you are outstanding at Movie trivia….(and I thought I was good) BUT I’ve seen Out of Africa a dozen times and didn’t recall that line
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    Tonight is going to be a very long night

    @CZDiesel - wow, expensive…My Son spent $12,000 for his Lab two years ago (dog swallowed a woman’s bathing suit) and 5 months later ate “another one”. Then my Son took out Pet Insurance. Sounds like your dog is recovering well - good news and happy for you, You certainly take excellent care of him
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    Hats on safari

    @Safari Dave - I can’t believe you mentioned a “Fez” hat…. My Wife and I went to Casablanca & Morocco for our 20th Wedding Anniversary and mostly because we loved the movie “Casablanca” and the theme song “As time goes By” was our Wedding song. While there we purchased Two “Fez” hats. To think...
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    Hats on safari

    @Safari Dave - Don’t do that Safari Dave - for your own safety do NOT wear a Leopard skin motorcycle jacket….. You’ve likely to pass a Motorcycle Gang and they would just kick-your-ass for the fun of it and then make a jacket out of Your Skin !
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    Tag and Cabelas safari jackets

    @jpr9954 - I like the older “Safari Serengeti” shirts so much - I’ve bought two USED on Ebay…I’d rather own a USED one then the new “crap” sold today in Cabela’s & Ass Pro !!
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    Live Animal Relocation to USA

    @Safari Dave I’m interested in why you think that? And since No One really knows “why” quail & grouse are declining — your guess could be as good as any. Wildlife biologists have been researching the decline of quail & pheasant for 30 years without answers and without being able to “fix it”...
  31. H

    Tag and Cabelas safari jackets

    @BWB: If your shirts are Cabela’s Safari Shirts from “many years ago” they are likely “Great quality” so hold onto them !! - those older Serengeti shirts were made of a durable cotton canvas with plenty of pockets and held up for many years. Their current shirts are real cheap “crap” and they...
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    Live Animal Relocation to USA

    @sgt_zim - never heard that about Fire Ants and sure they wouldn’t help anything but the “Mono Culture Farming” - Clean Farming, elimination of hedge rows, use of chemicals, Round Up herbicides etc… have all been studied and eliminated as the “cause” but all ADD to the problem. As You point out...
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    Live Animal Relocation to USA

    @ActionBob - there’s LOGIC in your comments, as one species increases it could come at the expense of another? But since no one has figured out an exact cause or solution - unlikely it is as simple as that….I certainly Don’t know. The speculation is endless and there is certainly a desire to...
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    Live Animal Relocation to USA

    @3chunter - makes sense because “ I can smell a WET Turkey” from 100 yrds away…they stink, I’d rather gut a deer then clean a Turkey
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    Hats on safari

    @Safari Dave — well Dave that “explains it” and if my Parents bought me something like that then you can bet “I would wear it too” on my Safari….YOU are a GOOD SON !
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    Live Animal Relocation to USA

    @wildwilderness - Coyote are the only predator that did Not exist “East of the Mississippi” before 1900 and are now heavily established in every Eastern State…but I agree with you that they should not be a signifiant predator of ground nesting birds and they might “off set” the damage they do by...
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    Live Animal Relocation to USA

    @BourbonTrail - I’ve heard those comment too but most have been proven incorrect (even though some logic is there). The reason is that even in areas where the landscape has Never “changed” ie: large parks and Non hunting areas that use to hold quail & pheasant but Now do NOT? Salt water...
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    Hats on safari

    @Safari Dave - gotta give you credit…You’ve got a lot of “confidence” to wear that hat while on Safari ——-only a “leopard band” could command more attention.
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    Am I the only one who has ever missed?

    @Safari Dave - I think that being able to shoot the “scrotum” off an Impala (without killing the impala) is one Helluva Shot - you should be in the Circus !
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    Live Animal Relocation to USA

    @sgt_zim - yes well aware of that and it was one of the most successful introductions of a Non native species Ever - they thrived for 80 years and appeared to be No negative impact to native species. Since the 1930s when hunting seasons were opened - the Pheasant still thrived and did well in a...
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    Live Animal Relocation to USA

    @3chunter - your observation on the “Quail” is the very reason that introducing ANY invasive species involves risk. In just the last 30 to 50 years the US has lost 95% of it’s Native Bobwhite Quail population on the East Coast and one “theory” is a virus introduced by releasing PEN RAISED quail...
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    Live Animal Relocation to USA

    @3chunter - as long as they are in a cage or fenced area (and clear from disease) it wouldn’t bother me….but I’d also have Zero interest in shooting one…reminds me too much of Great Adventure).
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    .308 Win in Africa - fan or foe?

    @Sabre, I also have a friend that always claims “recoil doen’t bother me” and says he shoots his .300 wm great and has taken running whitetail & many deer with it — and he has. But, when he hunted Elk and had a great Bull at 200 yrds ‘standing broadside’ and off-a-solid-rest he MISSED (twice...
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    Tungsten buckshot for leopard follow up?

    @DLSJR = sounds like you are lucky to live near good mountain lion areas. I do a good amount of predator calling and while my best success has been in Wyoming & Texas — Never called in a Mountain Lion, even in Idaho (Salmon River valley area = good lion population) with fresh tracks snow “good...
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    Am I the only one who has ever missed?

    @Stormy Kromer - YEP, I’ve missed AND wounded & lost animals in Africa. In fact, I missed or wounded more game in 11 days hunting in Africa then in the previous 25 years hunting Big game in the U.S. Why did I miss? — I’m fairly sure for the same reasons other African Hunter’s miss: 1). I was...
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    Tungsten buckshot for leopard follow up?

    @DLSJR: Although a Mountain Lion is a similar size cat to a Leopard they are Not known to be a dangerous cat and not an especially tough cat…..from what I’ve read and been told. I have no experience with Leopard but I do have a little with Mountain Lion - easy to kill and Guides I’ve used very...
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    .308 Win in Africa - fan or foe?

    @Bandera - the barrel heats up because you’re shooting Prairie Dogs in 100 degree heat & direct Sun —- and a .243 on Prairie Dogs is like an RPG on deer = More then enough !
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    Hats on safari

    @Russ16 - REALLY? Is that it? Makes U.S. infantry hats look absolutely “Brilliant” by comparison ——No brim on either side (ambidextrous)…. There’s got to be another reason —- something Kangaroo related maybe?
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    Hats on safari

    @Jack Stevens - I never got the point of the “snap up” on only one side of the Hat? Can someone explain the purpose?
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    .308 Win in Africa - fan or foe?

    @Doug Hamilton - Yes, just like the .300wm is “just a .308 with 35% more recoil and 8% more killing power”….or there abouts.