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  1. H

    Any 41 magnum shooters?

    @Wyatt Smith - i believe the .41mag was developed with input from Elmer Keith and designed to give Law Enforcement more power then the .38 & .357 revolvers they normally carried but in a more manageable load then the .44 mag. Smith & Wesson built them on their “N” frame (same frame used for...
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    For Sale Remington 7600 Magazine New

    Fair price and would buy in a second - except I’ve already purchased two (from other online sources) and NONE will fit my Remington 760 Gamemaster….even though they are supposed to. For a 7600 or 7400 they might be fine —- but I have a 760
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    Choke preference

    @Daisy: agree, only positive of extended chokes = easy to change by hand plus look at and know “what choke” (IC, M, F etc..) is in. Some give a better pattern but Not all. Other then that “costly” and UGLY and make the barrel look like a “Plumber fixed a pipe”
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    Do the 577 and 600 nitro really offer anything?

    @ActionBob - 3 FEET of trunk before reaching Elephant brain? is that an “Up the Nose shot”? Or maybe it’s the angle, Hunter on his back, Elephants foot on his nuts, one shot left - straight up it’s trunk and HOPE reaches Brain?
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    Choke preference

    @BeeMaa some top competitive shooters shoot autoloaders and Beretta A400 tops the list along with some autos from Fabarms. Autos generally shoot “softer” and while they have a different balance point/feel vs. O/Us they are no less effective….they are also less expensive. As well as you shoot...
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    Choke preference

    @PCC600 - the most OVER thought part of shotgun shooting must be “chokes” and while no one can argue that chokes can tighten or open a “pattern” the affect of clean hits or misses on Clay Targets is minimal….BUT on wild game “cripples” can be a result of “too open” a pattern. Yesterday shooting...
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    New Weatherby Rifle

    Bob, certain posts make remind of my age more then others and now that a “wood stock” is considered Nostalgic (I thought a Damascus exposed hammer shotgun was “Nostaclgic”??) —- I’m must admit I’m a product from a bygone era ……but I was damn cool in the 1980s !!
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    Choke preference

    @BeeMaa - shoot a Modified choke for Sporting Clays next time and you will be a “force-to-be-reconed-with”. Dusting clays with a Turkey choke is good shooting but Hitting those 4”x1” clay birds will still be a challenge enough w/Modified and after that your Geese will look like “floating...
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    New Weatherby Rifle

    @McKenzie Sims: thanks for your post and making Me feel OLD - never heard of a WOOD stocked gun being considered “nostalgic” but then again I was born Before 1990 (well Before). Plastic stocks on a gun are like dating a Blow Up Doll vs. a real Girl….but I admit some are very durable, hold POI...
  10. H

    Do the 577 and 600 nitro really offer anything?

    Carry a .600 NE and avoid every being mistaken for a Woman
  11. H

    LH Model 70 416 Listed On Cabelas Website Today

    Wow - a thread just for us backward-wrong-handed LEFTY’s…..I thought I was the only one here!!
  12. H

    Recommendations for a range revolver in .38 Special

    @Saul : I think Taurus’ deserve and have “earned” their Bad Rap…. Just because they can be fired and don’t blow up in your hand donesn’t make them a good value. You may have one of the better Taurus’ and they are a functional & adequate revolver but their action & trigger are a clear step...
  13. H

    Blaser Branded Pelican 1700 Case For Sale

    @BeeMaa very nice case, the “lock holes” even have steel around them and I don’t think the newer Pelicans are as good. Also, your foam cut-outs look like they will fit a rifle like a glove !!
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    Rough Camping & Survival Tips

    Ridge, if You can’t start a fire with Lighter fluid & matches you’d best stay home or in a Holiday Inn Express. Camped & backpacked for years without lighter fluid then carried some fire-starter-sticks and realized how stupid I was for doing it “the Boy Scout way” for so many years….it was easy...
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    New Weatherby Rifle

    @Bob Nelson 35Whelen - hard to even type a reply…”flinching” just thinking about it
  16. H

    Rough Camping & Survival Tips

    Observe: If anyone is capable of “bush crafting a Bow & arrows” with only a knife — then they should just “bush craft” an Airplane and fly home !
  17. H

    New Weatherby Rifle

    Bob, i thought that distinction went to the .460 Weatherby Mag? The only rifle that can break your shoulder, knock out molars, and part your eyebrow in One Shot.
  18. H

    New Weatherby Rifle

    Ed Lilly: sounds like you now have a great & durable hunting rifle —- but you took a Beauty Queen and had her grow “warts and a beard”….what a shame - and all because she “couldn’t cook”?
  19. H

    One rifle for North American big game?

    Hunter-Habib: Certainly the .338wm is great and can also give the shooter that very “distinctive” Magnum Eyebrow —— a Look that proves they shoot a Big magnum
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    One rifle for North American big game?

    Biggie: It’s already been done - also a Book written about it…30-06. It’s easy to select another dozen or more calibers that could do it just as well — .308, .270, .300wm etc…. Just focus on bullet “placement” and pick a caliber you like and can find ammo for. Have fun and enjoy your hunting !!
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    This guy might want to work on his form a bit

    i could Never laugh if someone dropped my rifle like that —- even a cheap one with plastic stock
  22. H

    Your 3 favorite hunting cartridges of all time

    AKCoastie: the .22lr fits the bill but those other “odd ducks” will soon be extinct
  23. H

    Time to go long on CRF rifles?

    EST.1970: I have a Ruger MII .25-06 in Left Hand, it is very accurate and I use 115 or 117gr bullets and get sub inch MOA….but I would prefer a push feed for calibers below .375. I only used this rifle on one Western hunt, bought it in 2005 and mainly because it was Left Handed and had nice...
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    Rough Camping & Survival Tips

    RidgeRunner: is that “really” suppose to be helpful?? First off where the hell is a Tin Can these days and especially one with a screw-on-lid? 2nd - if you have a can of Lighter Fluid AND a match or lighter to ignite it ….Then you can throw out the can & saw dust etc… Because you already have...
  25. H

    Who hunted bear with a knife?

    Now that’s one Funny Fairy Tale — a 4” knife and a “knock out punch“ to the bears nose. I am more then skeptical about this story —- but it is a good “Bed time story” for me to tell the Grandkids !
  26. H

    What is the purpose of carrying a knife out in a safari..

    Hoyt: I was never called a “Liberal” before —- sounds like a dirty word these days, Now “I’m hurt”….gonna have to pretend to be offended, whine about my “feelings”, maybe get an interview on NPR or MSNBC??
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    QD sling swivels

    Ontario: That is a great looking rifle stock !
  28. H

    Shotgun weights

    Ontario: When you quote a gun weight - every manufacturer lists the guns weight Empty. So when you claimed owning a 10lb A5 — sounded unusually heavy, now you’ve explained it (in your special way) and the error is understood. Regarding hunting and the motto “Never be prepared” Carrying a...
  29. H

    What is the purpose of carrying a knife out in a safari..

    HOYTCANON: But in Canada don’t you have very strict Handgun Laws to protect you ? I think they are (or were?) can’t carry a handgun concealed, No handguns with barrel less then 4”, must belong to a gun club or shooting range to even own a handgun, can only transport your handgun from your...
  30. H

    Shotgun weights

    ONTARIO: You weigh your A5 on a “bathroom scale” ? Unless it’s Obese or has a Fat Ass it’s possible it could “blame the scale” for it being grossly over weight (like Women do). Actually weighing the gun loaded with 3 shells is like weighing your self hold 3 Beers - Not accurate because both...
  31. H

    Scope Recommendation - Swaro or Trijicon

    KDF - I have a Swaro 3-9 x 36 and really like it’s trim, light weight, low profile….and of course the good glass but it is the Compact size that I really appreciate. I also own a Trijicon Accupoint 3-9 x 40 with illuminated “green dot” in center of standard duplex reticle - mounted to a Tikka...
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    Kevin: That Jag does it All and I remember my Father loved the “lines” of that car, he was an Architect (also did some painting) and appreciated that car for it’s looks.
  33. H

    Does the background affect you ?

    Chashardy: I would think Shotcam “must” impact barrel weight and only question would be “How much”? Sounds like you have a good routine for using it. Also think it is only one part of training - the other is use of a good coach and then specific practice drills vs. just shooting 1000s of...
  34. H

    Does the background affect you ?

    Null754: backgrounds will always affect shooting Sporting Clays and well set courses always have combinations of woods, open fields and blue sky target presentations — that adds difficulty and challenges shooters. I think trees and other hard-fixed objects help you determine distance because...
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    Tipping Guide

    OK BOB, I’d give YOU a Free drink or two at my Bar - likely for good conversation and interesting stories that could be told. But here in the U.S most waiters make minimum wage or below $7.00 an hour - tips are factored into their pay. In the 1980s minimum wage was $3.35 so I made a salary of...
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    Shipping a Disassembled Shotgun Question

    RR314: So are you “shocked” that their Insurance/Claims Department will fight a Claim?? We All need to make sure our Life Insurance Policy is in good standing because UPS & Fedx will fight our claims “to the Death”.
  37. H

    Shipping a Disassembled Shotgun Question

    I believe You and have No direct experience with any claim - this was what an FFL told me before I shipped to him based on his experience with claims — he said USPS paid out claims faster and with less of a fight….who knows?? No company wants to ever “pay out” on an insurance claim —— they make...
  38. H

    Shipping a Disassembled Shotgun Question

    Charles: It only “worked” because you were Not challenged and faced No questions. Had that package been damaged, delivered to a wrong address and turned over to Police - things could’ve been different. Any firearm “part” with a serial number “IS a firearm”. I think that mailing them “in...
  39. H

    Shotgun weights

    Typically the preferred balance point for competitive Sporting Clays & skeet shooters using an Over & Under is “at the Hinge point“ . Some might prefer a little barrel heavy and others the opposit. SO to answer your question - balance the shotgun the way YOU prefer it. You can add weight...
  40. H

    Shipping a Disassembled Shotgun Question

    I also ship only FFL to FFL for my peace of mind and possible liability protection - even if Not required it’s worth paying $40 for. Regarding insurance claims from carriers that lose or damage firearms in transit - heard that the U.S Postal service is the best at “paying claims”.
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    Tipping Guide

    Bob, having worked in the Service industry (Bartender in College and for 4 years afterwards) I’ve seen it from both sides. Our good customers were “sometimes” big tippers and other times just people we liked - they got the most “free drinks” and sometimes invited to stay after closing (as...
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    Shipping a Disassembled Shotgun Question

    Dirtdart - thank you and my recent deeper diver into ATF requirements “seem” to indicate that I can ship a firearm out-of-state as long as it goes to an FFL. Why I’ve had 3 FFLs dispute that — I have No idea: 2 were in Virginia but one was in Idaho. The Idaho FFL was someone that I previously...
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    Shipping a Disassembled Shotgun Question

    It’s Not the U.S. Postal Service I worry about - it’s the ATF, thats the agency that will become a problem if a law is broken. And you will note that the very bottom of the US Postal form refers you to the ATF
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    Shipping a Disassembled Shotgun Question

    Having recently shipped several here is what I’ve read and been told (by 3 different FFLs: Unless you have an FFL you can NOT ship any firearm even if you are sending it TO an FFL for repairs. The only exception is if you are sending the firearm “back to the same FFL you purchased it from”...
  45. H

    What is the purpose of carrying a knife out in a safari..

    Safari Dave, I like that you carry Two knives when you are hunting - so do I. I’m a bit unsure about the need to carry Two Knives AND a Pistol “everyday, even when Not Hunting”! Where do you live - jungle or next to a Biker Gang hangout ?
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    A Death Of Ethics: Is “Hunting” Destroying Itself?

    Tom: I’m very impressed and Not with your answer - but that you even bother to waste time answering a Question that is NOT really a question…it’s seeking to criticize whatever your response is and the “fake question” just opens the door. You sir are a very nice and patient man….better then Most !
  47. H

    Realistic alternative to hunt leopard on bait or with dogs?

    Ndumo: I would think that “tracking” - coming across a fresh track - allows you to somewhat judge size but not determine conclusively that it’s a male? Calling one in, during daylight, must be very low odds (1 in 50-100) and even then would there be time to judge the Leopard or is it more...
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    A Death Of Ethics: Is “Hunting” Destroying Itself?

    It is popular in Northern Maine - and apparently Not illegal. Maine does loose a lot of deer to coyotes especially during Winters with deep snow. The deer tend to “yard up” in large numbers and the State attempts to protect them by employing trappers to cut down the Coyote population by...
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    How do you steam dents out of a stock?

    Ontario - that’s some very fine work, takes patience and skill….looks nice
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    DNR detonates deer stands

    Fun - but stupid…even for a Government Agency that’s a surprising waste of $$, risk, and a Bad Look.