Search results

  1. CM McKenzie

    For Sale Browning HP 40 S&W LNIB

    Good deal! I’ve been trying to talk myself out of buying it all day. Now I don’t have too.
  2. CM McKenzie

    For Sale Browning HP 40 S&W LNIB

    I’m tempted. Let me see what I can sell.
  3. NAA Mini Magnum From  Provo Utah Handgun

    NAA Mini Magnum From Provo Utah Handgun

  4. NAA Mini Magnum From  Provo Utah Handgun

    NAA Mini Magnum From Provo Utah Handgun

  5. CM McKenzie

    Trade Handgun For Scope

    It’s an NAA Mini Magnum out of Provo Utah. This is one of the early limited run guns finished by Turnbull. I will include the holster, it is one I made. I carried it as a last ditch for about 2 years in my pocket or on a necklace. There is some honest fade to the case color. Cool little gun!
  6. CM McKenzie

    Trade Handgun For Scope

    This may be a long shot, but does anyone have a spare Leupold 1.5x5x20 for this little guy?
  7. CM McKenzie

    Free Zebra Hide

    Can’t believe I didn’t catch this! Congrats! I have been wanting to build a set of batwing chaps out of zebra split right down the back bone. Let me know if you change your mind!
  8. CM McKenzie

    Scrum cap buffalo

    You bet. Due to my own personal financial circumstances; a Cape buffalo hunt would only be the result of me standing on the street corner and begging for one. Therefore if someone took pity on me and granted me a Cape buffalo hunt, I could not be to picky about the buffalo I hunt.
  9. CM McKenzie

    Scrum cap buffalo

    Beggars can’t be choosers. Speaking for my own situation.
  10. CM McKenzie

    Farquharson 450/400

  11. CM McKenzie


    Glad to hear that!
  12. CM McKenzie

    Namibia Top 10 With Khomas Highland Hunting Safaris AH Special

    Let me know how it goes Sir. I was supposed to go this spring but bumped it to next. I can’t wait to hear about it.
  13. CM McKenzie

    Any Other Interests???

    It’s easy. Just remember not to neglect your edges. That is where everything flows from. And saddles are one of the easiest things to build. It’s just slapping a bunch of wet leather over a chunk of wood. Smaller items like belts and sheaths can be far more complex. Some of my most difficult...
  14. Leather Bag

    Leather Bag

  15. Leather Saddle

    Leather Saddle

  16. Leather Weapon Holster & Knife Sheath

    Leather Weapon Holster & Knife Sheath

  17. CM McKenzie

    Any Other Interests???

    Thank you much. I’m hoping one of these days I will get it all ironed out.
  18. CM McKenzie

    Any Other Interests???

    I like to build a saddle every now and again. Sometimes I like to whip up some other odds and ends.I also like to restore and sharpen one and two man crosscut saws.
  19. CM McKenzie

    Which rifle do we crown as the best looking ever?

    I had this rifle made for me! This is the only rifle I regret selling. I actually have some funds set aside in a separate account if the new owner ever decides to part with it.
  20. CM McKenzie

    Elk hunting For Non resident

    You may consider one of the remote wilderness camps in the Greater Yellowstone area. There are no shortage of big bulls up here, and some really good outfitters. Look at Yellowstone Outfitters website for a good representation of the area. There are other camps, but I’m biased towards them...
  21. CM McKenzie

    Doo doo doo lookin out my back door

    I do have to say I’m pretty lucky.
  22. CM McKenzie

    Doo doo doo lookin out my back door

    From my dining room. Wyoming
  23. CM McKenzie

    Genuine Cowhide Rugs & Pillows For Sale

    That’s a pretty cool idea you had there. The quilted rug is pretty neat!
  24. CM McKenzie

    What to use for grouse

    Anyone else like to use a handgun? I like to use an old Colt Single Action Army. It makes for fine sport in elk camp.
  25. CM McKenzie

    AWD vehicles in snow opinions

    It doesn’t matter which one you pick so much as getting a good set of snow tires. I like Blizzaks, but there are other good options.
  26. CM McKenzie

    Reduced/Practice Loads for DGRs

    I use the H4895 60 percent rule in my 9.3x62 cast loads. I have not tried it in any larger capacity cases.
  27. Leather & Skin Backpack

    Leather & Skin Backpack

  28. CM McKenzie

    Photos/ideas of what to do with extra hides/leather

    Thank you much! One of these days I will get it figured out.
  29. CM McKenzie

    Photos/ideas of what to do with extra hides/leather

    It’s just a brindle cowhide. I hand picked it, so I got a decent one.
  30. CM McKenzie

    Photos/ideas of what to do with extra hides/leather

    Don’t forget the wife. Here’s a backpack I recently made for mine. Not exotic leather, but you could substitute anything.
  31. CM McKenzie

    Working Rifle

    Here is a better answer on my thoughts. “Working rifle” insinuates a job to do. To me, a job isn’t worth doing unless you are going to do it well, and take pride In your work. For some that pride overflows to the tools they use, either out of necessity to gain the best quality in a finished...
  32. CM McKenzie

    Working Rifle

    I view them as any other tool. I buy the best I can afford. I use it, but I don’t abuse it. I
  33. CM McKenzie

    The Fine Things In Life

    A fine horse between your knees. Custom brass looped Decker pack saddles. Waxed hemp mantee and sling ropes. A finely tuned vintage perforated lance tooth cross cut as it sings through the pine. A hand forged, hand ground, razor sharp axe head
  34. CM McKenzie

    Epic M98 build photo heavy

    You and Jesse are a pretty good team!
  35. CM McKenzie

    Has anyone hunted on horseback

    I pretty much exclusively hunt horseback in Wyoming. I have found using horses useful in finding game. They usually spot game before I do.
  36. CM McKenzie

    40 S&W cartridge- how good?

    I would say there is not a huge practical difference in any of the three with quality bullets. You are right about most agencies going back to the 9mm. The unspoken reason they are going back to the 9 because it’s easier to qualify with. They were loosing a lot of new recruits during...
  37. CM McKenzie

    Flat skins

    Anything you want. Backpacks, duffle bags, inlays, benches seat for an old pickup, things for the wife. Your imagination is the limit. I’ve already decided, I’m going to build a black walnut gun rack with a blue wildebeest background after my hunt next year.
  38. CM McKenzie

    2 New builds in progress custom M98's

    Nice work Stuart!
  39. CM McKenzie

    Ugly question: 9.3x62 vs .338WM

    9.3 for me.
  40. CM McKenzie

    Can hair be removed from a tanned skin?

    I have never tried to remove hair from a hide that has already been tanned, but I think it would be a tough go to get the end result you have pictured in your mind. When you pull hair on a raw hide you are pulling hair out at a certain stage of decomposition by the follicle. Being tanned hair...
  41. CM McKenzie

    Leather Restoration Question

    Looking at the picture, I would say it’s in pretty good shape. There is no reason you cannot do everything that needs done by yourself. The only thing I can about bet for sure is the old linen thread is probably dry rotted. It will hold until it doesn’t. If it comes apart stitch it back...
  42. CM McKenzie

    Leather Restoration Question

    A mild diluted solution of oxalic acid should clean up any mildew stains on the leather. It will also remove any old protective sheens they may have used. It will need a couple of good coats of protectant anyway afterwards. Use a cream or wax based leather conditioner on a case; it will help it...
  43. Leather Box

    Leather Box

  44. Leather Box

    Leather Box

  45. Leather Box

    Leather Box

  46. Leather Handbag

    Leather Handbag

  47. Leather Handbag

    Leather Handbag

  48. CM McKenzie

    Curious to see what action people are taking for the Coronavirus

    When it started life; it was going to be a range box, and it was going to be made a little different. As the work progressed on it, my wife decided it should become a jewelry box.....for her. So we compromised, and it became a jewelry box. I’m currently building the jewelry trays for it, but she...