Welcome from north east Wyoming! I’ve jumped between Star Valley and Moran for the last 30 years until it didn’t make financial sense to live there anymore. I tried to talk my wife into Dubois to no avail. I’m a little envious.
I pass through all the time. I’m partial to the Ale House, and try to time my travels correctly.
I grew up down around Encampment. There are a bunch of us from Wyoming on this site. There is an abundance of information here as well.
To be fair my 9.3 has a sister .416 I had built at the same time. Regrettably I sold the .416, and desperately want it back. Luckily it found a good home.
Honestly I’ve never put them through a chronograph. I found some accuracy and was happy with the load. They are not fire breathers by any means though.
It’s my favorite cartridge as well. It’s my go too. I tend to grab my 9.3 for everything. It has never let me down, and it has done everything I have asked of it.
I always figured that if I had a .30-30 and a box of cartridges, and for some reason I survived the first gunfight. There should be plenty of ARs laying on the ground if I ever felt there was a time I wanted one.
Not too many people cook them right on the branding pot anymore. I agree they are better straight out of the calf, and right onto the fire. We don’t even skin them first. Just throw them on the fire until they pop; set them on a salt block when they are ready; adds just a hint of flavor.
They are pretty much the same no matter where you go. We cooked up some Sable and Hartebeest nuts in Namibia and I couldn’t differentiate between any over here.
Mekaniks pretty well just covered it. Well done on the blue and the stock though. I just purchased a 1936 refinished in much the same condition for $595.
I love the model 12 though.
Sounds like you were at the Mink Creek camp. They have another camp at the head of Falcon Creek they use for early season hunts, and one at Enos Lake they rarely use. Rumor has it; they just bought the Wolverine Creek camp. That is one of my favorite camps in the Wilderness.
You are right…. The Hawks rest camp is hard to beat! I will have to dig around the photo albums and see if I can find a picture from the early 2000’s must have been 03 or 04.
On the third hunt we had a perfect storm come in, and we killed 10 bulls in 2 days. The smallest one green scored 353...
Which camp did you hunt out of? The bull looks like he might be up in the big game ridge area. Your second photo looks like you are headed down mink creek.
Nice bull by the way!
Small world!
I guided for Yellowstone Outfitters for quite a few years. I highly recommend them, but I’m a little biased.
The TX (Triangle X) is also a good outfit. They own the largest number of camps in the Teton Wilderness of any other outfits, and recently purchased one of my favorite...
I was supposed to go to the Kalahari after Black Wildebeest.
we were having so much fun at the main ranch we decided just to stay there.
Next time….. I guess.
Get on the wyoga website. There is a good amount of information there.
there are many good outfits here in Wyoming. A lot depends on how much you want to spend, and where you want to go.
An old cow puncher told me that when I was a kid. He had a years wage into his saddle. I asked him why he would spend so much, and that’s what he told me. I always remember that.
I like your philosophy. I have spent about 30 years of my life looking twix the ears of a good cow horse. A cow puncher may be a little vein; but a man who takes pride in his tools, takes pride in his work.
It’s on the list of things to get done last fall.
I’ve got to trench some electricity out to a few more tanks. I didn’t quite get her done before the ground froze.
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