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  1. Ryan

    Odds of arrowing these animals in limpopo

    First thing, talk to the outfitter and ask them their take on this. The Limpopo region is pretty diverse and they know their land and animals far better than we do. I don't think August gets much rain, but it's something to find out. Their website doesn't tell me much so make sure they know...
  2. Ryan

    Posted for amusement only - Plucked this off the net

    Sounds like every chihuahua and min-pin I've ever met. Same as a buffalo Lie on the ground Let her hit you Ha ha.
  3. Ryan

    Posted for amusement only - Plucked this off the net

    How to survive a buffalo charge: Don't follow any of these suggestions.
  4. Ryan

    Camera advice

    I'm in the same camp as @Inline6. I brought a Nikon with a couple lenses on my first and third trip and ended up using my phone along with a photo editting app for probably 95% of my photos. A little editting goes a long way. Anymore a phone camera beats out what I did even 10-15 years ago with...
  5. Ryan

    Short Term safaris

    I was about to say on my third trip I did a 7 day safari and then 9 days of touring afterwards. But really safari means more than just hunting. So I honestly did a 16 day safari with a week of it involving hunting. That said, there was a Canadian gent who showed up with me and left after five...
  6. Ryan

    Alaska hunt...

    Honestly, I worry more flying out on a hunt than my time on the Bering on fishing boats working for NOAA. Over 1000 sea days in five years, I've been in some interesting weather. But when you hop into a Super Cub for a fly out you quickly realize that for all intents and purposes you're flying...
  7. Ryan

    Alaskan Hunter destined for Africa

    Him or possibly the Osbournes/Versfeldts who have Windpoort Farm in Namibia and always go to the shows here. I've been with them twice.
  8. Ryan

    Alaskan Hunter destined for Africa

    Hello from Anchorage. Actually my preferred flights over are here to Frankfurt and then straight down to JoBurg. Possible in the summer via Condor and now Eurowings. Otherwise down to Seattle and then to Frankfurt once. Last time, in January '21 originally I was going to Atlanta, but of course...
  9. Ryan

    375 H&H Bullet for all Game

    Any high quality 300 grain bonded soft point or monolithic expandable. A-Frame, Trophy Bonded Bear Claw, TSX, Peregrine Bushmaster, etc. On a buffalo it has a large heavy body where they fully expand while the smaller animals light frame doesn't cause the bullet to expand much, if at all, thus...
  10. Ryan

    Alaska hunt...

    As an aside, with all the talk about bear protection, here's a picture of the animal that threatens more people with bodily harm and puts more people in the hospital up here. A cow moose. If she feels you are threatening her calf she will chase and pummel you with her front hooves. I have been...
  11. Ryan

    Alaska hunt...

    I've known several people to start with a 338 WM and 300 WM and then after a couple/few years moved to a 308 or 30-06 for their day to day hunting. There's of a lot of moose, caribou, sheep and deer that has ended up in the freezer by the unpretentious 308 up here. Use the right bullet and put...
  12. Ryan

    Alaska hunt...

    My go-to for years was a 30-06 for anything but brown bears, which I don't hunt. Rifles have been a Thompson/Center Encore and Ruger #1 in that. I have picked up a 7mm-08 Savage 10 in stainless a few years ago for caribou and deer. For brown bear the two most common rounds I know of friends...
  13. Ryan

    Deer Ridiculous

    From the minimums of the 31st Edition.
  14. Ryan

    When is the Eland rut in northern Namibia-Etosha

    I contacted the owner/outfitter of the farm I hunted just outside Etosha. He says rut is usually February/March with calves born in October/November. It can vary since he did say last year they had calves in September, which was way early.
  15. Ryan

    Deer Ridiculous

    Considering Boone and Crockett minimum is 160, and they have a high standard I'm wondering what spot in the world you manage to see them all the time. Not in the places I've lived in Michigan, Florida or Georgia. In many areas a 130-150 may be a fine animal. Consider yourself fortunate. As for...
  16. Ryan

    Broadhead sharpening

    I use a Lansky system for anything fixed blade including stropping the blades of my SlickTricks with a fine stone. I keep it simple, 25 degree angle.
  17. Ryan

    Africa is just not for me

    While not quite as bushy as this one my last two PHs use them as did I for some stalking with a bow.
  18. Ryan

    Africa is just not for me

    I can think of two. I read an article in one of the shooting magazines probably a dozen years back of a group trip that the author and a couple friends did. One of the group (don't recall which) was totally unimpressed. He had hunted elk and plenty of other things in the west for days to weeks...
  19. Ryan

    late season bowhunting mid sept to mid October

    I'd rank that far higher than land ownership. I've hunted with two outfitter that didn't own the land they hunted. They both had a lot of bowhunting experience and I had great hunts. They focused on the hunting side of things and worked with land owners who focused on good land and game...
  20. Ryan

    late season bowhunting mid sept to mid October

    Any good outfitter spreads the pressure out thoughtout their properties so that part shouldn't matter so much. The weather will vary depending on where in South Africa. I hunted the Eastern Cape in late August/early September in '18 and I recall thinking of trying into October to take something...
  21. Ryan

    HUNTING Bushpig

    No, while they are both in the same family, Suidae, they are two different species. Bushpig- Potamochoerus larvatus Warthog- Phaecochoerus africanus
  22. Ryan

    Best bang for the buck

    Can walk, just not long hikes. That leaves a lot of tree stand or blind hunting open. I mentioned Texas hogs, but honestly Florida is a good one for hog hunting too. It will be a long drive from PA in either case.
  23. Ryan

    Other things to do in Africa

    I did nine days touring after a hunt in the Grahamstown area in '18. Got a rental in Grahamstown, headed to Addo NP, then into the Karoo, back to the coast and Klein Karoo and down through the wine country to Cape Town. South Africa has a lot of national parks, check out the SANParks site for...
  24. Ryan

    Eye catching pictures...

    That's a big hummingbird.
  25. Ryan

    Lead core vs all copper

    By choice, copper. Peregrine Bushmaster for expandable work. Peregrine Solids for solid work. . Under current availability, I'd use Swift A-Frames or Trophy Bonded Bear Claws for exandables if I ran out of the Bushmasters I have for my 375 Ruger.
  26. Ryan

    SOUTH AFRICA: 10 Day Buffalo/Plains Game Safari With KMG Hunting Safaris July 15

    Heck of a black wildebeest there. I have two and I could hunt another happily.
  27. Ryan

    120gr TTSX in 7x57

    I have a 7mm-08 using 120 TTSX at 3000 fps muzzle velocity. It drops 250-350 pound caribou without issue. I dropped a bull heading towards me at an angle last year, hitting and breaking the the base of the neck and it still went on through the vitals and some of the stomach where I found it intact.
  28. Ryan

    SOUTH AFRICA: Eastern Cape Hunt With Nick BOWKER HUNTING SOUTH AFRICA July 2022

    I'd go along with that for breakfast. I saw this in a little shop while touring the Cape in '18. I couldn't quite take the plunge on it for my toast.
  29. Ryan

    Masai shield being eaten by bugs

    Your bug guy probably got everything on the outside of your home but there's some things that sneak indoors unnoticed. It's probably a type of dermestid beetle larva. They're often small enough to go unnotice depending on the species. Try the products mentioned above or these...
  30. Ryan

    Best bang for the buck

    Best bang for the buck in Texas would be pigs. IMO 100-125 lbs is about perfect. Smaller ones starts to turn into a lot of work for not so much meat and bigger starts to get into a gamble for whether it will be a strong tasting boar. I've killed larger that were very good but you are rolling the...
  31. Ryan

    Javelina Euro Mount

    The meat I have had was good and mine was a matue male. The biggest factor is don't touch that gland on their back. Skin the whole hide off, which will take the gland with it, and then deal with meat.
  32. Ryan

    The All Around Rifle Caliber....

    Well, if you need a reason, that works. But that 30-06 is #1 in Alaska. I own a 375 Ruger now because I needed it for giraffe and buffalo, not bear. I would be taking that 375 if someone wanted me to go with them bear hunting as their back up. Until then anything but bears has me grabbing my...
  33. Ryan

    Javelina Euro Mount

    They aren't a rat or rodent. Every now and again someone says that, though I'm not sure why. Easiest way to disprove that is when was the last time you saw a hooved rat, mouse, squirrel etc? They are a suiform and distantly related to old world pigs. Great work on your skulls. I hunted them...
  34. Ryan

    In Need Of Ammo For a Hunt In August

    The gun doesn't have powder or primers. Whole different ball game when you talk things that go BOOM!
  35. Ryan

    Wanted 375 Brass

    375 H&H or Ruger? I've seen new 375 H&H on the shelves
  36. Ryan

    First Safari advice needed!

    Totally agree. Coming from Anchorage Alaska I have gone through Frankfurt three times with most of the day as a layover going to Namibia twice and South Africa the other. I loved it. I Got out and checked out Frankfurt twice and hopped on a bus service to Heidelburg the other time. Walked...
  37. Ryan

    .308 Rifle help

    Never had a Tikka, though I've heard nothing but good about them. I have a Savage 110 stainless steel (formerly Weather Warrior, now Storm) in 7mm-08 and it has worked great for five years now. Love it for caribou. Factory barrel and hand loads shooting a hair under MOA for all that matters to...
  38. Ryan

    Dirt Nap DRT Single vs Double Bevel BROADHEAD BATTLE

    I wonder if bleeders to the rear would work out better. Like the Kudupoint + version. Also makes for a stronger ferrule.
  39. Ryan

    Sticky situation with outfitter - advice appreciated

    Actually the animal is a sable, a wee bit larger. And the walk is two hours, not miles, each way. My (and I suspect @WABs) point is if it's the outfitters own land and he can recover it, he can drive closer than a two hour walk to the area. It's suspicious, that's all.
  40. Ryan

    Sticky situation with outfitter - advice appreciated

    Things definitely need to get aired out or both sides have a good chance of walking away less than pleased. Sounds like neither side is working with much room for error. I understand not wanting to bring up the outfitter by name but the secondary animal makes less sense to me and makes...
  41. Ryan

    Dirt Nap DRT Single vs Double Bevel BROADHEAD BATTLE

    The bleeders are not a gimmick since they will assist in cutting more within the cutting diameter of the blades while the single bevel appears to help split any bone better. I'll take that any day. Though I'm not a huge fan of how this broadheads bleeders were placed within the ferrule. Seems to...
  42. Ryan

    Hello from the Last Frontier

    Welcome from another of the Alaskans living up in Anchorage, though I have a few acres in Ninilchik I'll be building on some day.
  43. Ryan

    Dirt Nap DRT Single vs Double Bevel BROADHEAD BATTLE

    I find the amount of spin on the single bevel interesting. Sometimes people make a big deal about how much spin and increases trauma single bevels do because of the spin. But 25 degrees over 10 inches isn't much. In that case four laded heads cause a more trauma. That said these are four blade...
  44. Ryan

    Hello New From Tucson

    Welcome, from a former Tucsonan now Alaskan.
  45. Ryan

    World First! African Lion Hunted With A PCP Air Rifle

    What is you take on this @NamStay?
  46. Ryan

    Want To Buy LH 375 H&H

    As a lefty I can say you'll need some patience. I personally went the 375 Ruger route because they chamber it in left handed M77. And it's worked great. But I understand the allure to the H&H. I actually saw a lefty Win M70 in 375 H&H a month or so back as the guy tried to sell it to Sportsmans...
  47. Ryan

    .375 Epstein?

    I have a friend with a 375/338 and talks highly of it. I think he forms his brass from 338s, as you can. The only downside I can see if you ever head to Africa is finding brass with the Epstrein head stamp in case someone in the police or Customs checks headstamps on your ammo. It hasn't...
  48. Ryan

    Unicorn captured in the wild!

    Another unicorn.
  49. Ryan

    Hatari! 60th anniversary; help needed for food ideas

    I've seen it a couple maybe three times and can't recall specifics for dinner. It looked like a decent spread once but we'd all have to guess. Given the location it's meat and potatoes. Either beef or game meat and all the usual trimming per early 60s. Plenty of drinks, looks like beer along...