Search results

  1. Ryan

    Help me decide: which Plains Game Bullet for my 7mm-08?

    I own a 7mm-08 and load my own for it. i use Barnes TTSX and when I want heavier I go with their 140 grain, not the 150. The 140s still have the speed needed for proper expansion. I have a load that cloverleafs at 100 yards in my Savage and drops caribou DRT. I'd use it on everything on your...
  2. Ryan

    SOUTH AFRICA: Has Anyone Hunted With Monkane Safaris?

    Well, this started off interesting. @CCRhino and @Rfries, would you please elaborate. You are both new members with little to no history, so some more information would be useful.
  3. Ryan

    Left Hand Custom Mauser 3000 375 H&H

    I really hope there's a Lefty (aside from myself) that needs this..
  4. Ryan

    Recommended Ammo for .375 H&H?

    What I read is at worst heavier plains game like an eland, which honestly can be taken with a good 30 caliber round. The 375 is the heavyweight of medium bores. At that point, go with a spire point bullet to give you a little better ballistics for those 100-200 yard shots. If you hand load, a...
  5. Ryan

    Best taxidermy mounts? Needing some inspiration

    Everything African was done there. It worked out a lot better for me. That said, be picky, like anywhere, there is good, bad and ugly. The kudu and skulls were done in Namibia by a place I don't believe does taxidermy any more. The eland was done in South Africa by Relive taxidermy. I think...
  6. Ryan

    Best taxidermy mounts? Needing some inspiration

    Do a lot of looking. Check out lots of shops work, local and in Africa. And online taxidermy supply sites will help a lot too, giving you more ideas. One little thing I don't get is plain straight shoulder mounts. Straight out of the wall, looking straight ahead. Those typically look lifeless...
  7. Ryan

    Thoughts on Peregrine Bullets for Dangerous Game

    Yep, I got it and found Discrete yesterday. But if I put Peregrine bullets in a search what I get is for the US distributor. I still do. So hopefully Mr. Stark gets that ironed out and we get some reliable supplies soon. I'll give him a call sometime.
  8. Ryan

    Thoughts on Peregrine Bullets for Dangerous Game

    Yep, I get it since just about everything on his site has been out of stock forever. He set it up and then let it die. A real shame. I'll probably get some more of his old stock of 30 cal 165 gr Plainsmaster. I made a good load up for my 300 WM and honestly, for the amount I use that rifle I'll...
  9. Ryan

    Thoughts on Peregrine Bullets for Dangerous Game

    The name on my message is Herman Weidemann out of Gilbert, Arizona. He had the American site for the bullets I purchased 375s in 2019 and 30 cals in I think 21. I'll have to chat with David about a custom order. Not in a big hurry.
  10. Ryan

    What sticks in your mind about Africa?

    In Namibia, The sandgrouse in the morning going water then the crazy cackle of guinea fowl later. Oh, and being woken up by Orange River francolin perched on my thatched roof. That will wake the dead. Anywhere, the thunder of a herd of (various) antelope and zebra and the silent arrival of a...
  11. Ryan

    Thoughts on Peregrine Bullets for Dangerous Game

    I used 300 grain VRG2 Bushmasters in my 375 Ruger in 2021 to take a buffalo and four other plains game. They worked perfectly on all animals. No recovered bullets. Now, as we have all mentioned getting more as I get low is almost impossible. The retailer running the site in the states is a nice...
  12. Ryan

    Giraffe question from newbie

    Statistics. Yes they are hunted, but overall in much lower numbers. I took one on my first of four hunts in southern Africa. I still know and chat with my first outfitter/PH. They own and run their own farm in Namibia. Only dealing a few hunts a season, but over several years. That said, I am...
  13. Ryan

    Camo Illegal in Namibia?

    Not illegal, but also not needed. If you go with solid colors go darker than khaki, it tends to stick out. Olive drab or medium to dark browns blend better.
  14. Ryan

    Any gin drinkers here?

    Gin is not a particularly hard liquor to make. It's old school flavored Vodka. So, any smart distiller makes their version. In '18, post hunting with @KMG Hunting Safaris, I buzzed around the East Cape and Karoo and grabbed some great South African liquor. Of note was Grundheim in the Klein...
  15. Ryan

    Flying through London or Amsterdam

    I went through Amsterdam in January '21, which was a world of it's own. That said, all went well, but you do have to have a transit permit for firearms as I recall. No problems with it, but make sure you have it lined up. I went with Travel Express for my agency that time and we got it all...
  16. Ryan

    Wanted 375 Ruger Brass

    Sorry to hear you got burned. I sent an email out to Hornady recently asking them about 375 Ruger brass and sadly they sent back a generic "not this month" reply. I have enough to keep me OK, but seriously, they need fo step up to the plate.
  17. Ryan

    Scope Setting for Cape Buffalo?

    I have shot a grand total of one, so I'm no expert. But here was and is my view. Your job is to make the first shot count. So keep your scope on it's lowest power in case the animal ends up being close. But should that first shot end up being farther away don't hesitate to turn it up to get the...
  18. Ryan

    300 WSM, 300 WM, or 300 PRC for Freestate Plains Game

    As an Alaskan, take the coastal brown bear off the list and you have it with the 30-06. I have two rifles in it and I have lost track of how many others use one for everything up here. Honestly, with a heavier bullet you could use one on an interior grizzly bear. But something heavier is...
  19. Ryan

    Show Us Your Hunting Knife

    While I have a post from the beginning of all this with my own handmade knife I gotta add the one that keeps getting used when travelling. A Buck 112 Slim in orange. It's a tad shorter than the 110, which IMO is better. It's light and balanced. That is a big plus over the long haul. I recall a...
  20. Ryan

    Hello everyone I am new here and just wanted to introduce myself

    What's up Doc! Lots of free knowledge and support for your trip(s) to come. And any hunting stories are welcome.
  21. Ryan

    7mm Rem Mag

    I used Barnes Vor-TX 168 grain in my 30-06 for my first two hunts. Dropped everything from springbok to kudu and zebra. Nothing went far. That said, looking at what Midway USA has I'd go with the Barnes Vor-TX in 160 grain for a 7mm mag.
  22. Ryan

    Any place to hunt goats in USA

    Actually Aoudad is neither. It is an intermediary species between goats and sheep. But it's closer to goat than sheep. As one book I read put it, it's a goat with sheep traits. All true sheep have the scientific species name of Ovis. And a common name that includes the word sheep doesn't mean...
  23. Ryan

    Wild hog meat… do you eat it or is it too risky?

    I've eaten them, never had any issues. Largest was 230 or so and it was fine. It was also in north Texas and feeding on leftovers from recently harvested corn, which I'm sure helped a lot. Killed several with a guy who had a set of dogs in Georgia, none very large except a big sow that was...
  24. Ryan

    One gun or two? On safari

    In '21 I took a 375 Ruger for buff and 30-06 for plains game. Upon arrival my 375 shot great but my -06 was shooting a horrible group in the heat. Didn't worry about looking for other ammo, just picked up the 375 after the buff and proceeded to take 4 more plains game. You don't need the 308...
  25. Ryan

    Reloading for Dangerous Game

    I handed loaded for my 375 Ruger for my buffalo in '21, my PH on that hunt handloaded his 416 Rigby. I took my buffalo and four plains game with those, no issues.
  26. Ryan

    Travel to Namibia

    I've gone via Frankfurt twice and I believe Frankfurt is how my outfitter from those trips goes when they come this way to shows. Flights from Frankfurt and RSA seemed to be the most common into that airport, which is a pretty small one. My first trip in there in 2013 we arrived in the early...
  27. Ryan

    Large rifle primer availability

    Check out the one in Chugiak at the north Birchwood exit too.
  28. Ryan

    Large rifle primer availability

    If anyone from Alaska is reading this thread, both Winchester Large Rifle Primers and various powders show up to 3 Bears stores more regularly than anywhere I've seen in the state. They had bricks of primers available last time I looked a couple months ago. Magnum primers are still rare.
  29. Ryan

    Opinions please: Pros/Cons of .375 Ruger vs .375 H&H

    I own a 375 Ruger. Pro for me, it came in a left-handed M77 action rifle at a pretty reasonable price compared to the H&H's in Lefty I could find in 2011. In 2011 through around 2020 brass was readily available and I hand loaded up mine for giraffe in 2013 and buffalo and some plains game in...
  30. Ryan

    Ammo into JNB Question

    The other option is contact your outfitter and see what they have to rent. Take two rifles and rent a third. A lot of outfitters have a good 308 or 30-06 for rent cheap, if not free. While i have indeed used my own, I used a rental 300 win Mag and 308 on one of my hunts and it worked out great...
  31. Ryan

    Age of first African hunting trip

    42 for my first trip, 50 for my fourth, and last so far.
  32. Ryan

    How do you sharpen your knife?

    I have a few stones and methods. The Spyderco two stone ceramic set has to be my go-to for field blades in the field. It's maybe 4"x1", in a leather pouch, medium and fine stone. I've had it 30 years+, been used to sharpen countless knives and thrown in every hunting pack. No oil or water used...
  33. Ryan

    Rowland Ward VS SCI VS Species - Which Trophy Method Of Measurement Around The World

    Not talking about minimums, just method, If you're wanting to compare things I prefer SCI. I too think the mass should be taken into account. That said, as a gauge in the field Roland Ward wins. One measurement,length of the longest side, simple and easy. Personally that's what I use the systems...
  34. Ryan

    USA: Florida Safari-Blackbuck, Pig & Iguana

    In the beginning. The trial run. Cleaning up the smaller bag out of three from this trip. Will be breading and frying up these tomorrow and trying a chili sauce and jerk seasoning on them all.
  35. Ryan

    USA: Florida Safari-Blackbuck, Pig & Iguana

    Lake Okeechobee largemouth bass was a guide since a boat is the way to go for that. I can't say one service looked any better than the other. As for cichlids (peacock bass, Mayan, jaguar and midas cichlids) I decided to go DIY this time since I had a few days and a car. I watched a lot of...
  36. Ryan

    USA: Florida Safari-Blackbuck, Pig & Iguana

    I'd heard about the Brady ranch in the past, don't rcall exactly how. So tracking them down again was easy. Web searches for everything else. Though there's plenty of choices there for meat hogs and I would have gone elsewhere for that, I was after something big this go around. Iguana was also a...
  37. Iguana Dragon Hunt Florida

    Iguana Dragon Hunt Florida

  38. Iguana Dragon Hunt Florida

    Iguana Dragon Hunt Florida

  39. Iguana Dragon Hunt Florida

    Iguana Dragon Hunt Florida

  40. Bowhunting Pig Florida

    Bowhunting Pig Florida

  41. Bowhunting Pig Florida

    Bowhunting Pig Florida

  42. Blackbuck Hunt Florida

    Blackbuck Hunt Florida

  43. Blackbuck Hunt Florida

    Blackbuck Hunt Florida

  44. Bass Fishing Alaska

    Bass Fishing Alaska

  45. Peacock Bass Fishing Alaska

    Peacock Bass Fishing Alaska

  46. Peacock Bass Fishing Alaska

    Peacock Bass Fishing Alaska

  47. Peacock Bass Fishing Alaska

    Peacock Bass Fishing Alaska

  48. Ryan

    USA: Florida Safari-Blackbuck, Pig & Iguana

    Not sure why they didn't post, here'a the other iguana pics I wanted to show.
  49. Ryan

    USA: Florida Safari-Blackbuck, Pig & Iguana

    For those wondering about meat and trophies. I filled a cooler with boned out blackbuck and boar and I have three one-gallon bags of iguana legs and tail sections to make into 'chicken of the tree' wings. They are quite edible, check out some kill and cook videos on Youtube if curious. I caped...
  50. Ryan

    USA: Florida Safari-Blackbuck, Pig & Iguana

    And last but not least, dragons. So, I worked my way out of Naples, checking fishing spots along 75/Alligator alley without luck as I mentioned. The following day, the day before I was supposed to leave, I lined up a four-8hour iguana and Egyptian goose hunt with Florida Adventure Outfitters...