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  1. Ryan

    Is there a game that only can be hunted in Russia and not in Europe?

    Legal to hunt in Alaska too.
  2. Ryan

    NAMIBIA: BOWHUNT: Bowhunt In Namibia

    That's a beast of a bull. Blue shoulders with that thick mop of his head. A great mature bull.
  3. Ryan

    Who's perfectly content with their firearm collection?

    I am. I can count all mine on two hands and have left over fingers. This gives me everything I need for hunting and any other purpose I have plus a couple I just like without dust collecting safe queens.
  4. Ryan

    John Wayne - Hatari

    Interesting article, thank you. Always like the movie. His choice of rifle calibers is interesting to me. While the Weatherby isn't as common, yet another vote for a 30 caliber for plains game.
  5. Ryan

    Broad Head for plains game

    I agree, shot placement is the most critical aspect. But assuming the exact same shot a Y or X shape wound causes more damage than an I shaped wound. Also makes for a larger entrance and exit wound, so easier to track.
  6. Ryan

    Broad Head for plains game

    I won't argue Asby's point that you can't have enough penetration. I will say a well tuned modern compound will give you it. A 60 pound bow now has more energy than a 45-50 pound bow 30+ years ago when I was new to the sport and there were a lot of pass-throughs with 3 or 4 bladed broadheads...
  7. Ryan

    Intro from Arizona

    Welcome to AH from an Alaskan born in Michigan, who grew up in Tucson.
  8. Ryan

    Trophies not received

    Yep, that's the problem. Everything is locked down from the exporter to the offices issuing permits to the aircraft. I have a shipment packed and waiting in Port Elizabeth.
  9. Ryan

    First Trip To Africa

    Yeah, getting a Garand in would be interesting. The 300 WM is an excellent choice, stick with it. There's a lot of great choices out there in that caliber for factory ammo if you are unsure of the Bondstrike. And aside from we've covered Swift loads factory ammo in 300 Win Mag in 180 grain...
  10. Ryan

    First Trip To Africa

    First off, why go away from the Bondstrike? It is built well, shown to expand fast, but retain weight and should do the job just fine on all species mentioned. Since it is built for longer range shooting it could be argued it would expand too much at closer ranges, similar to the Nosler Accubond...
  11. Ryan

    My Top Ten Gear Items For Safari

    Yes, for those purposes a good phone camera will work just fine. That's exactly what I used two years ago. Well I have a Samsung, but same idea. And my PH at the time used his phone camera for trophy pics too. All the pics from my last hunt report were from a phone camera. As an example I...
  12. Ryan

    What cartridge have you thought about the most, but never owned a rifle in it?

    270 Weatherby Magnum in a Ruger #1. I see one pop up for sale every now and again and ponder. Laser beam flat shooting rifle that would work marvelously for caribou, sheep or goat. But honestly my 30-06s and 7mm-08 has done the trick nicely for the sheep and several caribou so it would be a safe...
  13. Ryan

    What are the most common calibres in Africa?

    How is the 30-06 not classic? Over 100 years old, used by countless hunters including Hemingway. It's older than the 375 H&H, which is pretty 'Classic'. The 7x57 is even older. The 270 is over 90 years. Heck even the 308 and 223 are over 60. All have great track records for taking game within...
  14. Ryan

    First Trip To Africa

    South Africa doesn't have any issues with suppressors. Heck, they like them. So talk with Customs here and make sure you have documentation lined up to prove it's yours to get it back in country. Others around here have done that. But perhaps things have changed. The issue of muzzle brakes has...
  15. Ryan


    And this.
  16. Ryan

    Leather Restoration Question

    Ok, just chatted with a friend who's big into horses and deals with a lot of tack. Here's what she said: Saddle soap has glycerin so it won't kill mildew,it'll make it worse. He needs to clean and dry it really well with water and Lexol Cleaner or similar, only use each cloth on one area to...
  17. Ryan

    What kind a rifles being used in Africa Hunting in late 18xx and early 19xx?

    A lot of changes in that time. I recall reading Selous' book (below) which was from 1871-1880. He started with a 4-bore cap lock and by the end had progressed to a Farquharsen falling block rifle, in .461 Gibbs. Quite a change in just 7 years. It's a long book, but quite interesting.
  18. Ryan

    Lansky knife sharpening system

    I own a Lansky, I started with the basic 3 stone and added a course diamond for when I want to put the first edge on a knife I've made. That diamond will take a lot off fast, but I can control it a lot better than using a belt. Then I typically go to the medium and maybe the fine. I use one...
  19. Ryan

    Bows through Zurich Switzerland

    Hello all, I'm attempting to rebook flights that got postponed in March/April to a hunt in South Africa this fall. I have to rebook by June, so looking now. Going over is no problems, going via Frankfurt. But right now the the reservation has me coming back via Zurich, Switzerland. Is there...
  20. Ryan

    First Trip To Africa

    Looking at Norma's info on the Bondstrike bullet it appears to be a well made bonded bullet. I'd seriously consider sticking with that out of the 300 Win Mag. You know it works out of that rifle and you're comfortable with it. I dropped my eland with a 300 Win Mag using 180 grain PMP basic...
  21. Ryan

    First Trip To Africa

    Nothing against the 9.3x62, if you want it get it. As a lefty myself I can say you'll have a rare gun. But for what you are hunting it isn't needed. First I thought just use the 30-06 you want to rebarrel, but I see you have a 300 Win Mag. Go with that. I've used both calibers to drop everything...
  22. Ryan

    How to choose your next Plains Game safari?

    What do you already have and shoot well? Every place I talked to said something like "what are you comfortable with?" Or "do you own a 308, 30-06 or 300 win mag? Bring it". They want those shots to be accurate so bring what works well for you. I took a 30-06 with a 3-9 scope shooting 168 Barnes...
  23. Ryan

    How to choose your next Plains Game safari?

    Since my third hunt was through this forum I go back to my first two hunts for that. For those (same place), when I decided I was going to do it I did a lot of looking and talking at the local sportsman show here in Anchorage and while none were bad one really clicked. Prior research was just a...
  24. Ryan

    Forging knives

    The quench is what is used to cool the blade rapidly for heat treament. (Most likely in a movie) When you see a knife, sword, etc heated to a red hot color in the fire then dipped into water or oil, that's a quench. But again, avoid water. Too much of a thermal shock for most steels oil is a...
  25. Ryan

    Forging knives

    I forgot, you'll need a quench for it to harden the steel. Do no use water! That will crack your blade. Use oil. So old frier grease from the kitchen or old motor oil, in a metal bucket or pan. A bread pan fits a knife nicely. Goddard had some crazy mixture of jist about everything as I recall.
  26. Ryan

    Forging knives

    A guy named Wayne Goddard did a book about this exact subject. Wayne Goddard's $50 Knife Shop. Since getting the book may prove challenging at the moment let's see what I recall. Tools. A ball peen hammer Old vice grip pliers A mill file or two, sandpaper. Or a grinding wheel is a huge plus...
  27. Ryan

    Wondering what animals you can shoot with a .22 long rifle?

    Shoot? Anything. Kill? Small game as mentioned. I've hunted and killed wild pigs with one. But we were using dogs and I was able to put it in exactly the right place on its head from a foot away. I saw a guy put a 22 into the neck of a pig to spine one and all it did was stun it for a few...
  28. Ryan

    How You'd Do A Whitetail Deer Grand Slam?

    Yep, and then get people wound up as bad as everyone hoarding TP now or 22 ammo a few years ago. The various sheep slams, like the North American Grand Slam of four sheep and worse, the Grand Slam/Ovis of 9 species/subspecies in this continent alone has pushed sheep hunting out of the realm of...
  29. Ryan

    Broad Head for plains game

    So many good choices. If the Top Cuts can stand up to North American animals they can stand up to plains game. My two choices for 125 grain head of current manufacture are the Slick Trick Magnum and the Muzzy Trocar HBX hybrid. The Slick Trick is fixed bladed and built like a tank. They've...
  30. Ryan

    Nosler Partition vs Barnes TTSX

    I agree with Art on most points including how it excels with magnum speeds, though I'd say 30 cals in general are the most recommended riunds with the 30-06 and 308 besting out the 300 WM. But that's splitting hairs. My first two hunts in Namibia I used my 30-06 with 168 grain Barnes to take...
  31. Ryan

    No-Tox rifle bullets

    Lehigh Defense.
  32. Ryan

    HUNTING Bushpig

    As someone who took one with a bow at night from about the same distance with similar lighting (some red LED lights above them) I can say you biggest problem is seeing your own sights in low to no light situation. I used a luminous peep and lighted fiber optic pins. For using one of the...
  33. Ryan

    Scope Advice Not Finding What I Need

    Optics have come a long way, even in the past decade. But you're still asking a lot. Anymore 4x to 5x range is common but 8 times magnification range is stretching it especially going from 1x, and takes a lot physically to accomplish properly. Personally I am very happy I found the Leupold VX...
  34. Ryan

    KMG Hunting Safaris 2020 Late Season Offer

    Send him a private message on AH. He replied to a post here earlier today, so he'll see it soon enough.
  35. Ryan

    Rifle rentals, how much?

    The same could be said of musical instruments. But there isn't a good guitar player out there who owns multiple personal guitars that hasn't had to pick up an unfamiliar guitar and jam on occasion. A little tuning and away they go. I own my rifles to use them whereever I can and be proficient...
  36. Ryan

    Rifle rentals, how much?

    I'm glad some outfitters have replied. It's good to know everyones perspective. And thank you Marius @KMG Hunting Safaris for allowing me to use your rifles last hunt, it was greatly appreciated. I would love to bring my own rifle. Honestly I would. As a left hander I have more incentive...
  37. Ryan

    Missing Trophies

    Yes, If they really push one or tell you that's the only choice. Some just have preferences.
  38. Ryan

    Missing Trophies

    I won't say don't use who your outfitter recommends, but it should be taken as a recommendation and nothing more. In the end all of the service providers should be your choice. Whether you get dip and pack done there and work completed in the states or all the work done there talk to those...
  39. Ryan

    Possible Safari Delay Questions

    That's when I rescheduled so I think it's possible. But I haven't got plane tickets yet so not definite. It will be mid spring down there at that time. According to Accuweather it was in the upper 70s to upper 80s F during the day and 50s to low 60s at night for the Limpopo at the beginning...
  40. Ryan

    Curious to see what action people are taking for the Coronavirus

    If this is still going strong in the summer I can see fishing effected in Alaska. Lets not forget you're in pretty close quarters on a charter boat of 6+ people for halibut or salmon on the salt. Then of course the road system fishing for salmon can be shoulder to shoulder in the popular spots...
  41. Ryan

    Rifle rentals, how much?

    I was supposed to go through Frankfurt. That used to be easy if transiting. Don't touch your firearm, goes from one plane to the next and no one worried. Now they have a transit permit. I was told it would take a week to get it back, so I applied for it a month prior. this was in February, back...
  42. Ryan

    Rifle rentals, how much?

    It's of more interest as transporting a firearm get tougher to do. Imagine being a left handed hunter. For my latest hunt, multiple permits extra baggage and firearm charges turned into a big enough mess I am renting a right handed bolt action for a buffalo hunt. Not ideal, but that's where...
  43. Ryan

    Rifle rentals, how much?

    As the visiting hunter I can say we hunt because we want to, and we're content with the fees for the hunt services and animals. But we rent the rifle because we have to, so seeing extra fees that add up are definitely seen and remembered as a negative. Like @mark-hunter has mentioned keep this...
  44. Trout & Bird Knife

    Trout & Bird Knife

  45. Ryan

    Sharp knives

    A good friend grew up in Canada, so he has a couple. I tried them both and then picked up their kit and put some spalted box elder scales and mosaic pins on one. And I have a 110 in 7mm-08. Also a great one.
  46. Ryan

    Sharp knives

    The original Grohman is a bit large to me but the bird and trout is a favorite of mine. Great design.
  47. Ryan

    Sharp knives

    I had one. Considering I even got the diamond stones for it I'd like to say it impressed me. But it didn't work so well on the tip area and for fine work I need that. So unfortunately it go shelved. So I am back to using a good Lansky crock stick set for the kitchen day to day. 25° has worked...