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  1. Ryan

    US Passport Update

    Mine is "In Process". Which is good to know that it isn't lost. On a humorous note I'm picturing some State Department employee working from home making my passport. Everything is printed on a laser jet printer, so forget anything anti-counterfeit. The photo will be hot melt glued and a little...
  2. Ryan

    How effective is the 25-06 with either of these bullets?

    Sir, I'm pretty certain @CoElkHunter was in a facetious mood at that moment. Very facetious.
  3. Ryan

    Change of plans anyone?

  4. 7mm-08 Rifle

    7mm-08 Rifle

    The 110 is proof sub-MOA performance can be mass produced. My 7mm-08 does just as well as hers. Boyd's makes a fine stock for it if she feels like something aside from synthetic.
  5. Ryan

    375 Ruger Wildcats

    Curious, does the .458 Ruger wildcat fit in a standard action? It's a small market, but that would catch some left-handers attention for a custom in 458.
  6. Ryan

    Rifle for Plains game

    The 110 is proof sub-MOA performance can be mass produced. My 7mm-08 does just as well as hers. Boyd's makes a fine stock for it if she feels like something aside from synthetic.
  7. Ryan

    US Passport Update

    I still have the postage receipt, one month as of yesterday, and counting. I'll try and remember to let you know.
  8. Ryan

    Wells Fargo sues Gunwerks

    I've nothing against them but they're going for a niche market. And like most people I can build what I need for a fraction of their cost. Heck, if they wanted to impress me they could start making a reasonably priced suppressor. If European companies can do it so can American ones. A can...
  9. Ryan

    US Passport Update

    Hadn't noticed this post until now. I sent mine in in early April since I may have a trip at the end of the year and like it or not most countries want at least 6 months left on it. This could get interesting.
  10. Ryan

    US citizens- Question-- Have you received your $1200??

    I don't qualify. But the former owners of the house I bought last year must since they contacted me through my real estate agent to see if the check had shown up in my mailbox. I found this rather humorous since they didn't seem to think updating their address with virtually anyone was important...
  11. Ryan

    Ruger No.1 "460 Weatherby"

    I won't entirely disagree with that, but you should be practicing with that rifle prior, and you will feel it then.
  12. Ryan

    SAA get a bailout

    BEE? Let's say I haven't memorized every acronym out there.... Anyway, I look at it in a weird positive way, if just for this year. If they are keeping it afloat then they intend on opening travel up to get tourist money back into the country. Maybe.
  13. Ryan

    10 Most Aggressive Animals in the World

    If cornered or threatened sure, but you don't actually hear of them going after humans or domestic animals and such. They actually do an amazing job of being evasive. There's a few known to exist on the hillside of Anchorage. And yet with all the houses and hiking trails very few sightings for...
  14. Ryan

    DIY Hand Rubbed Oil on factory CZ stock

    I used a product called CitriStrip to strip my Ruger #1 a few years back. All the wood, including checkering. It took a couple applications and I used a soft tooth brush in the checkering to get out leftover residue. Otherwise it worked well and isn't too bad to work with. I finished the whole...
  15. Ryan

    Ham Slam Hunt Package - Forex Linked Offer Valid For 2021 & 2022

    Well, you're right-handed, drive on the wrong side and call soccer football. So...... ;)
  16. Bow Hunt Bushpig in South Africa

    Bow Hunt Bushpig in South Africa

  17. Ryan

    Ham Slam Hunt Package - Forex Linked Offer Valid For 2021 & 2022

    It was well worth it. Hopefully some others will see this and take up the challenge.
  18. Hunt Caribou in Alaska USA

    Hunt Caribou in Alaska USA

  19. Ryan

    Obsessed With Ruger Rifles Especially #1s

    I gained one in 30-06 when Cabela's stocked a few a couple years back. No regrets.
  20. Ryan

    Draw Results coming in

    Alaska is straight up random. You just never know. And I for one prefer it that way.
  21. Ryan

    When you have run out of reasons, even to yourself

    Will I use it? For what is up to you, punching paper to hunting. But if the answer isn't YES then admire it and move on. No ifs, ands, buts, or maybe.
  22. Ryan

    Don't make this mistake while bowhunting

    The impala may have string jumped. An animal drops down to spring away so string jumps are almost always high. The other is probably a second guessing on your part. If you're unsure of the yardage people tend to aim high. Its common, i've done it. We aim center mass, which is actually too high.
  23. Ryan

    Draw Results coming in

    Alaska released that info a couple months back. I drew a mountain goat I'd been putting in for a couple/few years now on a whim because I know where they are. I just have no idea if I'll ever get a reasonable shot since they rarely get off the nearly vertical face of rock long enough and far...
  24. Ryan

    Why so many hunters in Cyprus and Malta?

    I knew a Cypriot in college 20 years ago. He talked a lot about hunting birds, mostly partridge. There is mouflon on the island, but he claimed they were protected.
  25. Ryan

    Ham Slam Hunt Package - Forex Linked Offer Valid For 2021 & 2022

    It's catchy. A great hunt for sure.
  26. Ryan

    Ham Slam Hunt Package - Forex Linked Offer Valid For 2021 & 2022

    Ham slam....Does that come with eggs and toast? ;)
  27. Ryan

    Best US made Africa Rifle

    The Savage is also available in left handed and the M10 for short action choices, both with a fair offering of calibers. Get an after market stock such as Boyd's and it's not too shabby of a looker and very very useful.
  28. Ryan

    Don't make this mistake while bowhunting

    Before D-loops became the common in the early to mid 90's your nock set up was the norm. The difference back then was the axle to axle length of bows made the string angle far less severe compare to modern bows so the likelihood of unnocking while drawn was low. A modern bow is in the low to mid...
  29. Ryan

    Best US made Africa Rifle

    I will admit I'd take a Bailey Bradshaw under those circumstances.
  30. Ryan

    Best US made Africa Rifle

    Hmm, Since I shoot Left-handed and I don't know of a currently produced 375 H&H aside from customs I'd go Ruger M77 African in 375 Ruger. Mine has been great. Otherwise I'd say a Ruger #1 in 375 H&H.
  31. Ryan

    7mm-08 a not so hidden gem

    I own a 7mm-08. I really like my 7mm-08. That said between it and a 308 (or 30-06, which is my 30 caliber of choice) the 308 wins for versatility. The 7mm-08 is a great medium game rifle, I love it for caribou, but you can get more out of the 30's if you need the bullet weight.
  32. Ginger Beer

    Ginger Beer

    I miss a good bottle of gemmerbier (ginger beer). Picked this bottle up from a roadside stand in the middle of the Karoo heading to Beaufort West. Nothing like sipping a cool drink from a recycled brandy bottle while driving. Ha ha ha.
  33. Ryan

    Official African Food Thread

    Yes. Namibia definitely has German and then English and Dutch influences from South Africa. South Africa less German but more Dutch and English. And I have a friend who works in Senegal and French influences appear to be very present there.
  34. Ryan

    Hawkeye African in Alaska?

    Coastal hunts tend to be the wetter ones, so if you're a non resident that would be blacktail deer and maybe black bear on some islands. There I'd go with synthetic or at least a laminate stock, though I know some people who use a wood stocked rifle for deer. You won't be brown bear, goat or...
  35. Ryan

    Survey: Your Favorite .30 Caliber

    30-06. I own two I hunt with and a third, an M1917, I just enjoy shooting. I will say I'd have bought my Ruger #1 in a 308 just as fast as the 30-06 it is if that's what it had been chambered in when I saw it.
  36. Ryan

    Recognition ties?

    Nothing against it but I'm trying to think of the last time I went to a wedding since that would be about the last time I wore a tie. Five, maybe six years ago. So I'm gonna have to go with the pin idea.
  37. Ryan

    Official African Food Thread

    I miss a good bottle of gemmerbier (ginger beer). Picked this bottle up from a roadside stand in the middle of the Karoo heading to Beaufort West. Nothing like sipping a cool drink from a recycled brandy bottle while driving. Ha ha ha.
  38. Ryan

    My Friend Guy Hopkins Estate Gun Auction

    I'll admit the #1s have my attention.
  39. Ryan

    Rifle for Plains game

    If ammo availability is a concern the 308 wins hands down over the 7mm-08. That said, anyone bringing their own rifle is also bringing ammo. And for all the concern over lost ammo, it's a pretty rare occurance.
  40. Ryan

    How many countries offer the truly wild African hunting experience

    @WAB, are you starting up an outfitting business?? ;) I've had to educate a few friends on the costs of just transportation up here and the replies to those numbers have been um....colorful. The $2K fly out I did in 2012 for caribou has doubled.
  41. Ryan

    Who would by .375 Ruger Ammunition by Barnes?

    Maybe. I'd say $70-80 is a safer bet since their Safari ammo in 375 H&H is retailing around $80. Now, will this be a good year to add to a product line with most peoples finances getting hit hard? Tough call.
  42. Ryan

    Everyone's home front hunting 2019?

    That's a heck of a bear there.
  43. Ryan

    Who would by .375 Ruger Ammunition by Barnes?

    Yes. The lack of their bullets loaded in that caliber is what got me into reloading. I actually emailed them and told them they were missing a good opportunity back when I bought the rifle in 2011. Didn't change their minds. But others besides Hornady are realizing it now and loading for it.
  44. Ryan

    The humble 308 Win still a classic Bushveld caliber

    It's turning into a classic in Alaska too. In the past the classic general purpose rifle up here would have been the 30-06. But I have a lot of friends who hunt with a 308 Win and they have a lot of moose, caribou, sheep, blacktail deer, and goats in their freezers using it. I know of more than...
  45. Ryan

    Rifle for Plains game

    Ask any outtfitter and PH out there and accuracy is what they want first. Anything between a 270 Winchester and 338 will work just fine for what you mentioned with the 30 calibers being the most common rounds hands down . Very good bet your outfitter owns a 308 Win or 30-06 for personal use or...
  46. USA Fishing

    USA Fishing

  47. Ryan

    Who's perfectly content with their firearm collection?

    I'm not sure I need one in Alaska, but I know for vaalies Marius could use one just like a....
  48. Ryan

    Sighting in your rifles for hunting

    It depends on the caliber and situations I will use it for. For my hunting in Alaska and southern Africa with my 30-06 and 7mm-08 I go for dead on 200 yards. It will be between 1.5 and 1.75 inches high at 100, which isn't enough for me to adjust for in a hunting situation under 225, I just aim...
  49. Ryan

    Is there a game that only can be hunted in Russia and not in Europe?

    Well now that I think about it, I think Snow Sheep are only endemic to Russia.
  50. Ryan

    Best Looking Safari Shirt?

    It looks like a fine hat, but it's felt. Personally, once I am moving and/or it is above 60, heck 55 if sunny it would be drenched in sweat and off my head. So aside from my cotton or silk ivy caps I own a Brent Black Panama...