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  1. Landscape South Africa

    Landscape South Africa

  2. Giraffes South Africa

    Giraffes South Africa

  3. Blesbok South Africa

    Blesbok South Africa

  4. Blesbok Bow Hunting South Africa

    Blesbok Bow Hunting South Africa

    Arrow wound
  5. Bow Hunting South Africa

    Bow Hunting South Africa

  6. Bow Hunting South Africa

    Bow Hunting South Africa

  7. Bow Hunting South Africa

    Bow Hunting South Africa

  8. Buffalo Hunt South Africa

    Buffalo Hunt South Africa

  9. Hunt South Africa

    Hunt South Africa

  10. Blesbok Hunting South Africa

    Blesbok Hunting South Africa

  11. Blesbok Hunt South Africa

    Blesbok Hunt South Africa

  12. Hunt South Africa

    Hunt South Africa

  13. Hunt South Africa

    Hunt South Africa

  14. Steenbok Hunt South Africa

    Steenbok Hunt South Africa

  15. Hunt South Africa

    Hunt South Africa

  16. Impala Hunt South Africa

    Impala Hunt South Africa

  17. Limpopo Big Game Safaris Accommodation

    Limpopo Big Game Safaris Accommodation

  18. Limpopo Big Game Safaris Accommodation

    Limpopo Big Game Safaris Accommodation

  19. Buffalo South Africa

    Buffalo South Africa

  20. South Africa

    South Africa

  21. Limpopo Big Game Safaris Camp

    Limpopo Big Game Safaris Camp

  22. Limpopo Big Game Safaris Camp

    Limpopo Big Game Safaris Camp

  23. Buffalo Hunting South Africa

    Buffalo Hunting South Africa

  24. Buffalo Hunting South Africa

    Buffalo Hunting South Africa

  25. Buffalo Hunting South Africa

    Buffalo Hunting South Africa

  26. Buffalo Hunting South Africa

    Buffalo Hunting South Africa

  27. Buffalo Hunting South Africa

    Buffalo Hunting South Africa

  28. Buffalo Hunting South Africa

    Buffalo Hunting South Africa

  29. Ryan

    SOUTH AFRICA: BOWHUNT: Buffalo & Plains Game Rifle/Bowhunting With Limpopo Big Game Safaris In January 2021 RSA

    Day seven: impala This is my fourth hunting trip to southern Africa and the first for me to hunt impala. This kind of surprised everyone since they are one of the most common game animals around. But they actually weren't where I hunted in Namibia and I had other things in mind for the East...
  30. Ryan

    SOUTH AFRICA: BOWHUNT: Buffalo & Plains Game Rifle/Bowhunting With Limpopo Big Game Safaris In January 2021 RSA

    Day six: bow treestand and steenbok. The night prior we got some rain at the lodge and the morning started with a beautiful sunrise. It also had us wondering what happened at our waterhole stand. A phone call confirmed there had been rain there too. But we decided to try anyway. Upon arrival we...
  31. Ryan

    SOUTH AFRICA: BOWHUNT: Buffalo & Plains Game Rifle/Bowhunting With Limpopo Big Game Safaris In January 2021 RSA

    Day five: bow blind day On the way home the day prior we passed another concessipn Bossie had, also in the mopane but a little drier area with just a couple waterholes and notorious for warthog among other species. Bossie got an idea to put up a two man tree stand near one of those waterholes...
  32. Left-handed Ruger M77 African In 375 Ruger & Ruger #1 in 30-06 Rifles

    Left-handed Ruger M77 African In 375 Ruger & Ruger #1 in 30-06 Rifles

  33. PSE Expedite Hunting Bow

    PSE Expedite Hunting Bow

  34. Ryan

    SOUTH AFRICA: BOWHUNT: Buffalo & Plains Game Rifle/Bowhunting With Limpopo Big Game Safaris In January 2021 RSA

    Day four: Blesbok bowhunting We decided to pick up the bow again. Bossie has a concession he'd walked quite close to animals on while walking along a river bottom so we headed the other direction over the Soutpansburg mountains into the mopane woodlands. After meeting and greeting the owners...
  35. Ryan

    SOUTH AFRICA: BOWHUNT: Buffalo & Plains Game Rifle/Bowhunting With Limpopo Big Game Safaris In January 2021 RSA

    Day 3: Blesbok and Black Wildebeest With a few more days on my trip for plains game than anticipated I had a few choices. Warthog, blesbok, and black wildebeest were tops on the list. Bossie has access to black wildebeest on another concession also known for its blesbok and good warthog. I opted...
  36. Ryan

    SOUTH AFRICA: BOWHUNT: Buffalo & Plains Game Rifle/Bowhunting With Limpopo Big Game Safaris In January 2021 RSA

    Day 2: Relaxation and steenbok I'm in decent shape for 50, but our first day took it's toll. Both Bossie and I were sore from day one. And I had the added bonus of a sunburn for unwisely forgetting sunscreen. So we woke up late (0600! I'm a morning person) from our tented rooms and took it easy...
  37. Ryan

    SOUTH AFRICA: BOWHUNT: Buffalo & Plains Game Rifle/Bowhunting With Limpopo Big Game Safaris In January 2021 RSA

    Day 1: Buffalo Up early, 0530 coffee and rusks. Checked the rifle quick, spot on, and on the road to Peiters concession by 7. Morning was overcast and cool. Within a half hour we spotted a couple bulls crossing the road and worked up to them. The one we though was hard bossed disappeared and we...
  38. Ryan

    SOUTH AFRICA: BOWHUNT: Buffalo & Plains Game Rifle/Bowhunting With Limpopo Big Game Safaris In January 2021 RSA

    First things first. Everyone asks about equipment so here it is. It's summer in South Africa. I travelled in a pair of cargo pants but I was in shorts and a T-shirt hunting. Some mornings I had a canvas cover shirt on but not for too long. I didn't even bother with a coat when I looked and saw...
  39. Ryan

    SOUTH AFRICA: BOWHUNT: Buffalo & Plains Game Rifle/Bowhunting With Limpopo Big Game Safaris In January 2021 RSA

    This hunt was originally planned for March-April 2020, then postponed u to September-October 2020 for all the reasons we all know. So when travel finally opened this winter I figured out what hoops I had to hop through and took the plunge one more time. First things first- Travel days. With...
  40. Ryan

    Ruger African new in 375 ruger a good first Dangerous Game rifle

    I am left-handed and I just used that very model in on a buffalo hunt and it worked flawlessly. My scope is an older Leupold VX2 1-4. Factory ammo isn't as common as the 375 H&H but if you reload it isn't an issue. Brass is readily made by Hornady and it works well with many common powders like...
  41. Ryan

    GAOG Acquires Sportsman’s Warehouse

    I'd like to say this surprises me but I recall Sportsmans claiming bankruptsy and planning on shutting their doors in '09. Amazingly they got back on track. Then Bass Pro and Cabela's moved into Anchorage and I figured there wasn't room here for all three. So my guess was Sportsman's was going...
  42. Ryan

    Thoughts on this hydrodip pattern for 375 stock

    Hyrdro dip is commonplace on compound bows so I wouldn't be surprised at all if this were on a bow someday soon. Not my thing for a rifle, but neither is the various camo paint jobs some like. But if it's your thing, go for it. At worst you have it stripped and dipped in the latest and greatest...
  43. Ryan

    2 rifles same issue

    The majority of American firearms have always been engineering to a price point with the available technology. That's just the facts of the businessto survive. That said, technology has in general improved to the point most can be MOA or better out of the box from the factory. So it's sad to...
  44. Ryan

    Allure of the Ruger No1

    I don't know how the recoil is yet, I'm waiting for the scope to shoot it. I have a Leupold VX-3i 3.5-10X 40 mm on order for it. And since the local temperatures were hovering in the single digits (Farenheit) this past week I wasn't real anxious to head to the range anyway.
  45. Ryan

    Trouble at the shooting range

    I think I saw 80 a few times this past year. Oh wait, that was when I was working in Miami for a couple weeks back in the January. Sweltering....
  46. Ryan

    Allure of the Ruger No1

    It is. It's carved, and then checkered and stippled between the carving depending on the area. It has a better feel and grip to it than regular chekering in in my opinion. I messed up and doubled one shot, I meant to include the wring handed cheekpiece (I shoot correctly, AKA left handed). I'll...
  47. Ryan

    Allure of the Ruger No1

    Well, I decided to take a gamble on another Ruger #1. This one was on Gun Broker recently and I decided to give it a go. 300 Win Mag, Serial # has it from 1977, but the wood and carving/checkering is definitely a custom job. I need to see how it shoots. I'm hoping anyone who put the money in it...
  48. Ryan

    on a lighter note...

    Don't forget the silver bullets.
  49. Ryan

    Best Caliber for sheep hunting

    The rifle can certainly do farther, but under field conditions 300 is generally my limit. My partner and I were looking over two rams for easily an hour at 300-teens range I could have taken had either ram been legal. We had a good spot to shoot prone from with not a trace of cover between us...
  50. Ryan

    Best Caliber for sheep hunting

    I'm an amateur at sheep hunting, having taken a Dall sheep and a mouflon. I used a 30-06 with 150 grain Hornady Interbond bullets. No complaints out to 300 yards if needed, though neither shot was over 100. My rifle was a Thompson/Center Encore with a synthetic stock and a Leupold VXII...