Search results

  1. Ryan

    Knives and assisting in animal breakdown?

    Nope, but vegetable oil is edible and regular bar oil is petroleum based and inedible. I knew a guy who used the same set up to cut up road kill moose that was going to be ground up and go to the local food bank. Got the moose off the road and traffic going in record time.
  2. Ryan

    Paperwork to Import Rifles into South Africa

    You have the patience of Job. If I didn't have to fly 30-plus hours from Alaska and arrive at nearly midnight I think I'd be up to the task. In my case the permit processor and its fee assured any mistakes were corrected well before arrival when I may not be at my best to correct things. The...
  3. Ryan

    Paperwork to Import Rifles into South Africa

    Within the past year is the worst I have ever heard. If it were the day of I wouldn't have been flying with firearms this past January since I started flying at 4 AM, arriving at the airport at 2AM. Anchorage Customs is closed at that time. I had mine done a month plus prior, so a different...
  4. Ryan

    KMG Hunting Safaris 2021 Season Photos

    Darkest and longest bushbuck I've seen. Impressive. Maybe Grandpa was a sable ;)
  5. Ryan

    375 H&H Question

    Going with the 300 grain bullets is the best call, I did that this January for buffalo and four species of plains game using Peregrine Bushmaster bullets out of a 375 Ruger. The Accubonds would probably be better, but I find it interesting that 180 grain Partitions out of a 30-06 were the...
  6. Ryan

    Knives and assisting in animal breakdown?

    There's at least two threads about knives, one fairly recent. Show Us Your Hunting Knife Your participation is not mandatory. My first two trips were to a farm run by the owner/outfitter/ph and I did help load animals...
  7. Ryan

    375 H&H vs 375 Ruger for everything

    From a manufacturers standpoint the 375 Ruger wins that fight. It uses a standard instead of magnum action. Everyone makes a rifle in 30-06, in both right and left handed, but few make magnum actions, often only in right handed. Ruger is still selling it in lefty, which tells you it's selling...
  8. Ryan

    375 H&H vs 375 Ruger for everything

    Performance wise, the Ruger wins by a hair. You can get 50-100 fps more out of the 375 Ruger typically. That said, the animal will never know. I used a 375 Ruger for a buffalo and a few plains game this past January. Zero complaints. The 375 H&H wins for availability of brass and ammo, but I...
  9. Ryan

    Who inspired your interest in hunting?

    My family wasn't much into hunting, so I kind of went at it on my own. My parents supported me when I wanted a bow and 22 rifle as a kid, but they weren't the inspiration. That said I recall going through the Fred Bear museum back when it was still in Grayling, Michigan as a single digit midget...
  10. Steelhead Fishing

    Steelhead Fishing

  11. Ryan

    Fishing Addiction Group

    Mid September until the end of October when the season closes is your best bet for Anchor river, Deep Creek and Ninilchik river steelhead. And like @WAB said you may be dealing with ice in October. I too have had guides and lures ice up while dodging chunks of the stuff coming downstream.
  12. Coho Salmon Fishing Anchor River Kenai Peninsula Alaska

    Coho Salmon Fishing Anchor River Kenai Peninsula Alaska

  13. Ryan

    Fishing Addiction Group

    That's actually why I went. I have caught a few over the past few years. The picture below was last years. But then, of all the things I crammed in my truck I completely forgot my waders. So I couldn't cover a lot of the water like I usually do for steelies. The pools I did hit only gave up this...
  14. Ryan

    Fishing Addiction Group

    Did a quick trip down the Kenai peninsula last week. Dropped a line in Anchor river for a bit and pulled out a dime bright silver salmon for the grill.
  15. Ryan

    Show Us Your Hunting Knife

    Yep, the above two knives and the 'Vickie', Victorinox paring knife is used everywhere.
  16. Ryan

    Show Us Your Hunting Knife

    Yep, when I'm in southern Africa I let the skinners do their jobs with whatever they prefer, which so far has mostly been various general purpose knives like the Victorinox paring knife and a folding box cutter with disposable razor blades. All quite effective in their hands. So, I leave the...
  17. D. H. Russel Belt Knife & Custom Damascus Steel Knife

    D. H. Russel Belt Knife & Custom Damascus Steel Knife

  18. Hunting Knife

    Hunting Knife

  19. Ryan

    Show Us Your Hunting Knife

    I tinkered around with that handle a bit before it ended up here. The three finger groove comes from the D. H. Russel belt knife from Canada. It allows the pinky to hold the knife well and the other three to move around as needed. People don't think about the pinky much, but it's critical for...
  20. Ryan

    6.5 Creedmoor

    I'd go bonded, and a Scirocco II bullets are tough to beat there. Remington Premier Scirocco. 130 grain Scirocco II bullet, 2750 FPS Midway USA claims they are Overdue but Coming Soon, so there is hope there for ordering.
  21. Ryan

    Show Us Your Hunting Knife

    No experience with Wootz, but I purchased a billet of Damascus steel a dozen or so years back and made this one by stock removal. I was particular on the steels used in it since not all Damascus is great for blades. In this case it was a mix of 15N20 and 1084 steels. I used it a couple/few...
  22. Ryan

    Unicorn Bongo in Central African Republic

    I had a similar offer on a mouflon hunt, they had one or two known to have a broken side. and I say the same thing as a few people above. On my first hunt, no, on a second hunt, maybe. And knowing my budget it's only happening once.
  23. Buffalo Hunting

    Buffalo Hunting

  24. Buck 110 Knife

    Buck 110 Knife

  25. Gemsbok & Springbok European Mount Taxidermy

    Gemsbok & Springbok European Mount Taxidermy

  26. Ryan

    AH Members 2021 Dangerous Game Successes

    Buffalo with @LIMPOPO BIG GAME SAFARIS back in January, so one of the first of 2021. Limpopo region using a 375 Ruger with 300 grain Peregrine Bushmaster bullets...
  27. Ryan

    What was your first African Game?

    A fine Gemsbok. Not surprising since my first trip was in Namibia.
  28. Ryan

    Show Us Your Hunting Knife

    At the moment I have three knives I have made and use with this blade with slightly different handles. This one with redwood, box elder, and dyed maple burl has been my go-to the past two seasons for caribou. After that it's a Buck 110 with plastic handles scales. I recall it called a buck lite...
  29. Ryan

    Deer hunting with a .458 Win Mag

    You mention going down in velocity to 45/70 range, well I dropped a fallow deer with a 45/70 and can say the meat damage was no worse than my 30-06, though it went exactly nowhere upon contact. And if the large bullets caused such amazing damage on light game how is it so many steenbok have died...
  30. Savage In 7mm-08 With A Vortex Scope Rifle

    Savage In 7mm-08 With A Vortex Scope Rifle

  31. Ryan

    What gear would you never buy again?

    My Savage in 7mm-08 with a Vortex scope has caused me no problems. Shoots better than I do and filled the freezer a couple weeks back. So that's two grumbles I don't go along with. To each their own I suppose.
  32. Ryan

    What’s everyone using for Buffalo?

    375 Ruger with 300 grain Peregrine Bushmaster bullets.
  33. Ryan

    What gear would you never buy again?

    Burris optics of any sort. Bought one scope, gave me more problems than I want to recall. Sighted dead on, went hunting and shot over a deers back twice with it, etc. etc. Chucked it, haven't had any such issues since.
  34. Ryan

    on a lighter note...

  35. Ryan

    Second rifle for Plains Game and Dangerous Game hunt with .416 Rigby

    Has no one suggested a 35 Whelen yet?? Ha ha ha Since long range isn't a concern in your understanding, what do you prefer in the 30 cals? Whatever your favorite 308, 30-06 or 300Win Mag is in the gin safe, go with it. Got two favorites, flip a coin. The animal will never know the difference.
  36. Ryan

    Looking For A Ruger #1 in 300 Weatherby Mag Or 300 Winchester

    That's no fun. Hope it all works out.
  37. Ryan

    Antler knife handle?

    If you can boil an antler to the point it's center is soft enough to punch through you've probably made the rest of the antler brittle too. It's strong stuff but antler is still just bone, which is minerals and proteins holding it together. Boil it too long and you break those proteins down...
  38. Ryan

    45-70 for RSA?

    45-70 was originally created to kill people. It was used on bison because that was what people had available. It has it's limitations and not many people actually use them in Alaska for moose or bear because there's a lot better choices for both. Alaska Department of Fish ahd Game actually have...
  39. Ryan

    Jason Stone

    Not to get too side tracked, but you don't have to kill the rhino to collect the horn. So farmers are raising them and periodically trimming them for sale.
  40. Ryan

    Where do you stop with your /06

    Not telling you any different than a few above, but anything including eland with good ammo and within reasonable range. I used my 30-06 with 168 grain Barnes TTSX bullets to take eight animals total on my first and second hunts in Namibia. Smallest was a springbok, largest included two kudu and...
  41. Ryan

    Most surprising/had to have animal on your first Safari

    On my first trip to Namibia the most surprising to everyone I showed pics to was a red hartebeest. Most people brushed it off until they really saw one. I think they're awesome looking and underrated. They can be quite spooky, never giving me an opportunity with a bow at water, so I used my...
  42. Ryan

    Anyone use the .270 Winchester?

    My first outfitter told me about a client who used a 270 for her hunt including a zebra, which is in my opinion is one of the tougher animals regularly taken on a plains game hunt. They're rounder in cross section than a kudu or gemsbok. I've also read of a few sable downed with a 270. So, yes...
  43. Ryan

    Jason Stone

    Sad, but I'd say some blame goes to Murray for never having any of these animals measured by anyone but the outfitter. Anything going official should have been measured by someone unbiased and unafilliated. Personally I am curious about one animal I've taken and if the first measurement by the...
  44. Ryan

    .308 Win vs .260 Rem/6.5 Creedmoor

    First rifle, stick with the 308. Definitely a better all purppse round. You can hunt any plains game out there with it, including eland with the right bullet and reasonable range. The 6.5 is not meant for heavier game. As for long range applications, it's been used in long range competitions for...
  45. Ryan

    Looking For A Ruger #1 in 300 Weatherby Mag Or 300 Winchester

    There's a Ruger #1 in 270 and 300 Weatherby on GunBroker right now. Just look up Ruger #1 Weatherby. I was thinking of getting a Ruger #1 270 Weatherby for a while so I saw plenty of 300 Weatherbys. Then I happened across a nice one in 300 WM and walked away with it, saving a lot on brass in...
  46. Ryan

    375 H&H Solid/Soft Combo Run Off

    Peregrine monolithics. They sell a 300 grain VRG 3 Bushmasterer expandable and a solid copper bullet in 375, both with the same ballistics and meplat nose. I used the Bushmaster on my buffalo this past January with great success.
  47. Ryan

    Would you ask to hunt with the new Professional Hunter?

    I wouldn't ask for a newer one, but I would also have no issues hunting with one. New PH or old should have the same land access as the outfit they work for, so that's a moot point to me. If they don't that's an issue with the outfit, not the PH. As for experience, they may have less...
  48. Ryan

    30-06 load questions

    Looking around the net the available choices are sparce. A little patience and that will change. Or if you were wanting something now check out the Norma Oryx 200 grain bullets available at Midway or Brownell. It's a well made bonded bullet that will take care of business safely. There's load...
  49. Ryan

    30-06 load questions

    You'd be much better off if you can find either a 165/168 monometal bullet such as the Barnes TTSX (my choice in my 30-06 for two hunts to Namibia) or a bonded 180 grain bullet such as the Nosler Accubond or Swift Scirocco 2. All of those will perform well with either of those powders and for...
  50. Ryan

    KMG Hunting Safaris 2021 Season Photos

    What time frame is rut?