Search results

  1. J

    .458 Lott to .450 Ackley magnum conversion?

    When I was deciding on a cartridge for my next Enfield project, I looked really hard at the .450 Ackley. It's a great cartridge. It's basically ballistically equivalent to the .458 Lott. But, it has a neck. There's this micro shoulder that it has, and then it's a straight neck. Whereas, the...
  2. J

    .458 Lott to .450 Ackley magnum conversion?

    I called Ruger about it, way back. And they were mortified, and said "Mail it back to us NOW!" I bought it new, and it's been like that since day one. Call me dumb, but I was afraid of losing it in the mail. If you had the safety on when you shut the lever, there was never an issue. But with...
  3. J

    Elephant with a bow?

    Hank, I could well be wrong. I read this book 40 years ago, as a teen. My dad had it. I read Jack O'Connor's book about "The Rifle" or whatever it was called about the same time. I thought it was the 1890's, and these two guys basically used the equivalent of an old English Warbow. I do...
  4. J

    .458 Lott to .450 Ackley magnum conversion?

    My No. 1 is a .45-70. It's got a shorter throat than my Marlin 1895 Cowboy .45-70. It also goes off about 1/3 the time when you close the lever (the Ruger does), so I really need to get it fixed. Haven't shot it in probably 20 years. I'd like to do something with it. Thought about rebarreling...
  5. J

    Elephant with a bow?

    I read a book, long ago, written in the late 1890's, from these two guys that went to Africa to hunt elephant with bows. One had a 200lb draw long bow, the other a 180 lb draw long bow. Their arrows were wood, probably about 1/2" in diameter. Steel broad heads. They both got elephants. I...
  6. J

    .458 Lott to .450 Ackley magnum conversion?

    I think you are correct, but he loads it with smokeless powder and it's much more powerful than the original. A real animal. Uses 750gr bullets. Probably recoils pretty hard in a No. 1 :)
  7. J

    Favourite quotes - Here's mine, Quite a long list. What's yours?

    "No bucks, no Buck Rodgers."
  8. J

    .458 Lott to .450 Ackley magnum conversion?

    JD Jones.... 50x3 1/4 Sharps 750. It's a beast, and he can build it on a No. 1 :)
  9. J

    Found a few old photos of my 450 Ackley

    Very nice! Is the butt of the stock larger than "normal?" I only ask because I'm building my second A-Square Hannibal clone and use a copy of their "Coil Check" stock that has the enormous butt so that it shoves your entire upper body and not just your shoulder. It really works. I also put two...
  10. J

    2023 Model 70 win .375 h&h..upgrades?

    I pillar bedded my .375 Wby Enfield, cross bolted it, and glass bedded the action and part of the barrel. It's nice and solid. Will do the same on my .458 Lott Enfield build....
  11. J

    Offhand vs. Sticks

    I'm going to make a set like Tally Ho showed. At least start with them. They really are a smart idea. I'd just never used them before...
  12. J

    Offhand vs. Sticks

    I asked a question. I didn't brag up anything. I asked you guys for your advice about sticks or offhand. I guess we are done.
  13. J

    Offhand vs. Sticks

    That's great advice, Chile!
  14. J


    My KLR was a 2003 I bought new. I'd had it six months, and the "doohickey" failed. I think the technical term for it is "cam chain tensioner link." Stock they are made of pot metal. So I'm going down the road at 60mph and hear this almighty "BANG" and the backwheel locks up. I instantly...
  15. J

    Offhand vs. Sticks

    I like these. Simple, inexpensive. I might make one of these as my starter and go from there!
  16. J


    That's just like the "Moonride" guys. A bunch of them went from Capetown to Cairo. Then later they rode from Canada down to Tierra Del Fuego. They were on KLR650's. I met a guy in Moorefield, WV, USA one time with a little BMW 650 single. He had a sticker on the tank that said HO. I asked...
  17. J

    Offhand vs. Sticks

    I will check out all of these sticks you guys mentioned. Makes a lot of sense. BeeMaa, I was calling "Boomers" basically anything .375 H&H and up...only because that's what I have. A big .338 is probably in there too. "Mortal" is more like .300 mag and least to me. I can stand to...
  18. J

    Offhand vs. Sticks

    Chile, that was off a stand up "bench," not offhand. You guys really have me thinking now. I'd never looked at the tripod type. Only the two and four legged ones. And good point earlier about the recoil jumping off them. I hadn't really thought about that. As much as these things recoil...
  19. J

    Offhand vs. Sticks

    Hi everyone, I see a lot of discussion on here about using shooting sticks. I've seen some that have four sticks and these diagonal links that look really complicated. The ones I've looked at buying were either a monopod or more likely two sticks that form an "X" where the top legs of the X...
  20. J

    You Tube Hunting Couple Brown Bear Gone Wrong

    Scott, if I am ever fortunate enough to bring my .375 Weatherby I built up there and hunt with you (a brown bear is on my list), I don't want it to be over 100 yards. I'm thinking 50-75 would be better. Take care - Jim
  21. J


    Here's my bike: 2003 HD V-Rod. I really like it. Had a close enounter with a deer and got ripped to shreds and scratched the paint. I repainted it myself. It's 2010 Dodge Viper Blue metallic (with extra metal flake) and Wimbleton White....basically our LeMans colors. Have done 133mph with...
  22. J

    Best Solid for Elephant

    I bought a box of the CEB solids from the advice on here for my .375 Roy. Haven't gotten to try them out yet. Also got a box of their "Raptors" I believe they're called. I need to load them up...
  23. J

    Ghosts of Darkness 2024

    What size/caliber of rifle do you typically use for bushpig? Is a .30-06 enough? Or should you move up to .375 H&H? I once shot a Russian Razorback in the States. I took a .375 H&H, as I was a bit concerned about what the thing could do to me...I knew archery guys that got ripped to shreds...
  24. J

    .375 bullet weight

    I agree with Habib and 458. I only shoot 300gr out of my .375 Weatherby. I load them to 2885 ft/s, which gives me more energy than a .458 Win Mag. It groups nicely too. Now, I just need to actually take it to Africa... the dagga boys are mocking me :)
  25. J

    My first 375

    I shot a 230lb (small for here) Russian Razorback boar with a .375 H&H using a 300gr Nosler Partition. It blew completely through him. He fell over, kicked once, and was gone. The guide couldn't believe it (this was at a place in Pennsylvania) as he'd never seen a guy with an open sighted...
  26. J

    I joined the 505 Gibbs club

    Beautiful rifle!
  27. J

    Great American outdoor show

    Every year I think about going (I live two hours from it...actually took the EIT exam at that facility way back...) and every year I get talked out of it :)
  28. J

    The Great Colors Of The Central Savanna Buffalo In Central African Republic C.A.R

    I like how almost all of them look at you like, and you can see it in their stare...."You owe me money!"
  29. J

    I really don't need it.....but

    If you handload, then you can also just get Hornady Basic Belted Magnum brass, run it one time through the full length resizing die, and you just made .458 Lott brass. Last box I got was $40 for 50 cases. They do come out slightly longer than stock Lott brass, so you'll need to trim them if...
  30. J

    Great American outdoor show

    I only live two hours from there, but have never gone. Maybe this is the year....
  31. J

    An oldie & goodie....375 H & H

    Very nice rifle! I built a .375 (Weatherby) on a big Enfield action and am very happy with it. They are great actions. Am doing a .458 Lott on one right now. :)
  32. J

    Krieghoff Classic Double Rifle For Sale

    I have a pair of J.A. Henckel's knives that are very nice. After my wife used the 6" one to cut up a chicken, in a ceramic crock pot (what is one of the few things harder than forged German steel.....ceramic....) and completely destroyed the edge, which I have not in fifteen years been able to...
  33. J

    Boeing Aircraft

    I worked there when "MD bought Boeing with Boeing's money." They gave us a hamburger from the Boeing Cafe for lunch the day it all wrapped up..."The Merger Burger." We couldn't believe they didn't kick Stonecipher out. They made him the COO. That is when Boeing's corporate slogan changed...
  34. J

    Krieghoff Classic Double Rifle For Sale

    That is a very beautiful setup. I wish I could swing it right now... You might consider taking it to Africa yourself, in your dad's honor. Drop a buffalo with it, then sell it afterward. What a cool story that would be! Best of luck with your sale, and I wish you the best! Sorry I can't...
  35. J

    Rifle wait time woes

    I spent nearly ten years on my .375 Weatherby. But the first gunsmith was incompetent....the second one died (he was 300 miles away from me) and nobody contacted me. I nearly lost the entire project. He was the patriarch of his entire clan, and supported at least three households. When he...
  36. J

    Your favorite hunting rifle of all time

    Not to cheat...this was on here about page 2...but if no picture, it doesn't count :) My super custom .375 Roy :)
  37. J

    What do you think of the new Rigby Shikari?

    That's one pretty rifle!
  38. J

    Boeing Aircraft

    Redleg, I was a Boeing engineer back in the 90's. I knew guys that were on the taskforce to look at the remains of Flight 800. They told me, quite clearly, and showed me pics, that it was a missile hit with the warhead set to "not" detonate. It just punched a hole through it. Right by the...
  39. J

    New member from NC

    Welcome aboard! I'm in WV...a couple states from you. My good buddy lives in not too far from you. You'll find good stuff on here! I'll be "the first" to say it...look at a .375 H&H as your first one. Get a Model 70 Safari Grade and you're good to go :)
  40. J

    Ideal Couger bullet?

    Actually, I think white zinfindel is the preferred elixr :)
  41. J

    Your favorite hunting rifle of all time

    In the U.S., most states won't allow you to use a .22 centerfire for deer. Hogwash. They work fine. We've dropped scads of them with .22 magnums. You just hit where the ear joins the head. Never had one move. But you can also use it for squirrel and turkey. I have an Anshutz 164 that's...
  42. J

    Your favorite hunting rifle of all time

    A .25-06 was my second centerfire (after a .22-250)...both Remington 700 BDL's. I've slayed a ton of white tails with both. .25-06 is a good cartridge. My new oddball favorite is a Model 70 in .264 Win Mag. It rocks them :)
  43. J

    What Watch do you wear when you hunt?

    I said "generator"....I meant to say "air compressor." The thing was the size of a pick up truck. I pulled it home with my Ram 2500. It held 50 gallons of diesel, and sounded like a Huey hovering in the yard beside me. But it made lots of air :)
  44. J

    Blaser R8 - Why do African PH’s and Alaskan Bear Guides Choose Not To Use Blaser R8’s?

    Professor Mawla, I am currently building a rifle almost identical to yours. Main difference is mine is a .458 Lott. Same action and manufacturer. I'm glad to hear yours has served you well. I hope mine will serve me well too.
  45. J

    Wanted .510 Bullets In 570gr

    Do you still have the factory stock? I want to see some videos of you shooting it :) Ha ha...just kidding. Mine is in .45-70 and with a stiff handload it really whomps me. Yours' will be in a whole 'nother realm!
  46. J

    Wayne LaPierre resigns from the NRA

    Let me dream is to come to Africa and get a dagga boy....but for now it's rocks and cardboard boxes!
  47. J

    Wayne LaPierre resigns from the NRA

    I met Wayne in Seattle in 1997 or 1998. He wasn't a bad opening speaker at the rally we attended for this bogus Initiative 676 (I think it was) to ban handguns in WA state. The real speaker was The Man, Himself, Charlton Heston. My buddy and I got down there early so we stood 3' in front of...
  48. J

    .375 vs .404 jeffry

    Mine is a Remington Model 700 Classic. I forget the year, but they used to offer them each year in one caliber only, and it was different from year to year. It has a very narrow stock. I only run open sights on it. The gun itself is only about 6.5 pounds, and just about 7 when loaded. I've...
  49. J

    Suitable versatile Rifle types for mixed Bag

    I have over $6K in my full custom M1917 Enfield build in .375 Weatherby. I wouldn't trade it for anything. My current clone in .458 Lott is coming along nicely. The are MY rifles, built to fit ME. I'd like a Heym 89 double in .470 or .500 Nitro....but am not sure that they are actually better...
  50. J

    .375 vs .404 jeffry

    So, not to change the subject, but I'm building a .458 Lott on an A-Square Hannibal stock. M1917 Enfield action made by Winchester with a 26" McGowen barrel. I think it will be superior to the .404. I already have a 375 Weatherby that I shoot well and really like....I also built it on a M1917...