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  1. Nhoro

    Round jumped out of magazine

    My brothers 416 Rigby started doing the same thing. His friend at the range had a 458 lot and we started swopping parts. Magazine spring/follower etc. Then we noticed the magazine box walls were bowed inwards. Under recoil, the magazine gets compressed and the walls can bend inwards. He bent...
  2. Peregrine 450 gr Bullet Performance

    Peregrine 450 gr Bullet Performance

  3. Hornady 480 gr vs Peregrine 450 gr Bullet Performance

    Hornady 480 gr vs Peregrine 450 gr Bullet Performance

  4. Nhoro

    Mauser Action Feeding Work - CZ 550

    So, I was doing some practice drills and.... had a jam ! Retried,another jam. The bolt handle was a little hard to lift on that round too, on a dummy round. So I had a good look and noticed the bullet was pushed back into the case. Fixed the problem and all was ok. It started me on another...
  5. Nhoro

    Mauser Action Feeding Work - CZ 550

    I enjoy this forum too. Loads of information and experience and generally people just want to help. Hopefully my post will be helpful to someone out there.
  6. Nhoro

    Mauser Action Feeding Work - CZ 550

    T Thanks Gert. I am a teacher by training but have been involved in building mining plants for the last 10 years. My mind just can’t leave a mechanical problem alone until I have the solution. Just built that way. I would love to study gunsmithing but there is little chance in Zim.
  7. Nhoro

    Mauser Action Feeding Work - CZ 550

    I would have taken it to a gunsmith but there are none around ! I am amazed that there is very little info online and what there is available is posted by the grey heads amongst us. I have to say that I enjoy doing things myself but it did cause a fair amount of marital friction.
  8. Nhoro

    Mauser Action Feeding Work - CZ 550

    Over Christmas, I had some time to think about why manufacturers don't use the info that's been around forever. With .458 win mag, there is a load of space in the front of the magazine (or the back depending on how you load) So do the engineers design the magazine box to fit the belted rim when...
  9. Nhoro

    Mauser Action Feeding Work - CZ 550

    Quite a few, but not that I can access. Online, JBelk does a good mauser extractor article on another forum (not allowed to post a link). I am sure a search will turn it up. Von Gruff posted on this site about proper magazine layout and lists these books : Ludwig Olsen's Mauser Bolt Rifles and...
  10. Nhoro

    Large caliber's on a standard length action

    Wow, the pics say it all. Is that about 5 mm off the lug ? The new lug shape looks pretty thin, I guess it works but as you say, it is just a matter of time.
  11. Nhoro

    Bullet choice for dangerous game

    Tim isnt that why you own your rifles, to enjoy them ? I figure that two guns through airports and customs is the same trouble as 1 gun, so bring it over to Zim and enjoy it !
  12. Mauser Action Feeding Work - CZ 550

    Mauser Action Feeding Work - CZ 550

    That really bent my brain, running the bolt left handed and upside down !
  13. Mauser Action Feeding Work - CZ 550

    Mauser Action Feeding Work - CZ 550

    It has done about 250 feeds of dummy rounds without a problem. I have been doing drills and trying every funny angle I can think of.....
  14. Mauser Action Feeding Work - CZ 550

    Mauser Action Feeding Work - CZ 550

    I wanted to put down my thoughts,opinions and actions that I used to tune a CZ 550 in 458 win mag, from what I understand, that caliber is particularly difficult being short and fat. I searched the internet and there was not much to be found. Duane Wiebe has posted a brief process on another...
  15. Mauser Action Feeding Work - CZ 550

    Mauser Action Feeding Work - CZ 550

    I sloped the feed ramp to give a shallow angle of entry into the chamber but beware, the back of the feed ramp is the locking lug surface. A shallow angle of entry means that the camming of the bullet that slides it up the bolt face and out of the feed lips is easier. The bullet should enter the...
  16. Mauser Action Feeding Work - CZ 550

    Mauser Action Feeding Work - CZ 550

    I used the rim diameter + diameter of the bottom round at that point to calculate proper width of 24 mm. I stopped removing material at 23 mm or there about because the round no longer sprung back and chambered every time for 100 + tests. What is interesting is that the article said that Mauser...
  17. Nhoro

    Mauser Action Feeding Work - CZ 550

    I am visiting my brother and he has 416 rigby on the same cz 550 action. His rifle was setup by a good ( now deceased) local gunsmith. He solved the problem in a different way. He made the left rail release the round 5 mm before the chamber. The case engages the bolt face and extractor and feeds...
  18. Nhoro

    Mauser Action Feeding Work - CZ 550

    I live in Zimbabwe. Probably a little far for people to come see me for favors it is also the reason that I tackled it myself- no gunsmiths around here. I have had my learner PH licence for 21 years and decided to finally finish it off( university and life intervened). Before I can can get a...
  19. Nhoro

    6.8 lb?

    When I went to get a new mountain bike, the latest carbon fiber,space age alloy parts etc saved a couple of pounds off the weight. I decided it was cheaper and healthier to lose 25 pounds off my lardy ass than buy the fancy bike and save 3 pounds. (Not to mention that I bought the bike to lose...
  20. Nhoro

    Mauser Action Feeding Work - CZ 550

    And another thought, I think that this problem goes away with spitzers.only blunt solids/flat meplats show up the issue. So we can say .375, 416 Rigby, 458 wm and 458 Lott are the only cz models affected. Lott and Rigby are longer, 375 is slimmer and longer. I think the angles are easier and so...
  21. Nhoro

    Mauser Action Feeding Work - CZ 550

    Something I didn't mention but that I kept at the forefront of my mind when I did this: Controlled round feed- For true controlled round feeding, the case must be held under the feed lip of the magazine until the bullet nose enters the chamber (Duane Wiebe). Then the rim is cammed up and out of...
  22. Nhoro

    Mauser Action Feeding Work - CZ 550

    I think there are a couple of reasons: Money- I probably have 16 to 24 hrs in this work including research and sketching. Any rifle company that adds $500 of gunsmithing to their rifle ?? arent going to sell many. CZ did leave extra steel in all the right places ie a gunsmith can remove...
  23. Nhoro

    Mauser Action Feeding Work - CZ 550

    It has done about 250 feeds of dummy rounds without a problem. I have been doing drills and trying every funny angle I can think of..... That really bent my brain, running the bolt left handed and upside down !
  24. Nhoro

    Mauser Action Feeding Work - CZ 550

    I wanted to put down my thoughts,opinions and actions that I used to tune a CZ 550 in 458 win mag, from what I understand, that caliber is particularly difficult being short and fat. I searched the internet and there was not much to be found. Duane Wiebe has posted a brief process on another...
  25. Nhoro

    Buffalo and shooting sticks

    Did the shooter have a scope ? Maybe at 20 yards he just saw a blurry black mass because he was on 10 power- or even on lower power his sight picture may have been poor. Even sticks can’t fix that.
  26. Nhoro

    Velocity Issue

    Randall, I think you are right in coming to the conclusion to try another powder. Different powders suit different case sizes. The Rigby is pretty large and so I suggest you search reloading manuals and some forums to see what info you can gather. Also keep in mind that you can get lower...
  27. Nhoro

    Smooth up CZ 550 bolt action

    Stage 2- i didn’t take any pics of this action polish because my wife was chasing me to get ready for a birthday party for my friend daughter. I also don’t think I would do it again. It didn’t make as much of a difference as the stage 1 polish. In summary, I removed the sear/cockinlinkage,the...
  28. Nhoro

    Smooth up CZ 550 bolt action

    It wasn’t too bad but a little bit of work has made it better. I do agree that cz could do themselves a favor and polish those few surfaces. I am sure they would sell more rifles.
  29. Nhoro

    Smooth up CZ 550 bolt action

    Mine wasn’t bad at all and probably would have smoothed up with use. But my 1 hr with 600 grit has made a difference and pretty much for free.
  30. Nhoro

    Smooth up CZ 550 bolt action

    I found the bluing on the bolt was exactly like dykem. Also the radial polish on the bolt shows the lengthwise high points. I have used a permanent marker in place of dykem too but I didn’t need it this time.
  31. Nhoro

    Smooth up CZ 550 bolt action

    Sure I could have used Wd 40 or carb cleaner. I was just concerned that I could really get into the action to clean without loads more work. I usually find that simple little jobs take days once you make a mistake and then have to fix it! Call me a nervous nelly. I was tempted to try your method...
  32. Nhoro

    Smooth up CZ 550 bolt action

    One thing I left out, The ejector slot needs polishing inside and deburring along the corners and edges. This makes a lot of difference as you first start the bolt moving forward.
  33. Nhoro

    Smooth up CZ 550 bolt action

    Hi All, Just thought I would share my experiment in smoothing out a brand new CZ 550 in .458 Win Mag.Please note this is what I did, it is not intended as a definitive how to guide, use this information at your own risk ! I may add or change things as I think about them. I searched the internet...
  34. Nhoro

    The stock for rifle from 375 H&H and Up!

    IMHO the best place to get the concept is with shotguns. The have a fair recoil and generally a day of shooting involves quite a few rounds so shotgun shooters tend to pay quite a bit of attention to stock fit. I would suggest a minimum of drop at heel (above it was mentioned a straight comb)...
  35. Nhoro

    Action screws loosen with temperature changes - bedding?

    Can you check if the screws are turning and loosening or are they getting loose but have not turned. There are two possibilities: 1. The screws are turning themselves loose due to vibration (Loctite will fix this) 2. Screws have not turned but the wood has shrunk or shifted. If the wood of the...
  36. Nhoro

    Ruger No1 7X57

    Do a search on this forum and others about No. 1 accuracy issues. I have read something, somewhere about them but cannot narrow it down for you-Sorry ! I think it was something to do with the forend interfering with the barrel and so they need to be free floated.
  37. Nhoro

    What exactly is a "Big Bore" rifle?

    :ROFLMAO: I like it. The bore size of the rifle depends on the situation and generally the medium bore queen will be replaced with the latest greatest super-ultra spiderman bore for the next hunt !
  38. Nhoro

    Big bore practice ammunition

    Snap caps are a very useful tool for dangerous game practice. You can do an enormous amount of reload and muscle memory practice. Also, it helps prevent a flinch and allows you to concentrate on trigger control. It is a good and cheap addition to your training schedule.
  39. Nhoro

    Can plains game A Frames or TSX bullets be 30% lighter?

    Something to consider, does the lighter bullet expand to the same diameter as the heavier bullet ? A heavier bullet will be longer than lighter bullet(calibre and design remaining constant). That would usually mean that it will expand more'. Hollow points would have a shallower 'hollow' and...
  40. Nhoro

    FN Mauser style action not feeding

    Could be that someone replaced the extractor with a new part ?? Maybe the the old one was damaged (possibly by a dodgy smith)
  41. Nhoro

    WANTED: Buffalo Hunt In Zimbabwe Back To The Basics Rough & Tough

    You can hire Landcruiser D/cab complete with rooftop tent etc from Hertz(and probably other car hire companies). Looked pretty well equipped, I saw one that some germans had hired at Hwange a few weeks ago. Had SA plates so they must have driven from SA with it. Perhaps an option for you. Are...
  42. Nhoro

    Wanting .458 win mag chronograph results of factory

    Thanks Daga Boy. I see that the two round nose solids at the bottom have the canelure seated far out. How did you ensure that the bullets don't move under recoil ? I have seen people using monolithic solids with gas checks so that they can form a firm crimp into one of the gas checks.
  43. Nhoro

    Wanting .458 win mag chronograph results of factory

    Thanks Daga boy. Unfortunately, most rifles need a little work, especially with flat meplat bullets. I was at the Zim hunters and guides shooting exams. About 16- 18 people did the practise and there were probably 13 mis feed problems. Various manufacturers. I personally had problems with Ruger...
  44. Nhoro

    Wanting .458 win mag chronograph results of factory

    That will be very interesting. In the end, I have ordered a CZ 550 in 458 win mag. I can get it reamed to Lott if I find that necessary. Currently win mag ammo factory is roughly $12 cheaper than Lott and $22 cheaper than 416 rigby PER ROUND.. Essentially I can shoot 2 or 3x as many rounds per...
  45. Nhoro

    Wanting .458 win mag chronograph results of factory

    I would also add that Kynoch ceased production in the 1960's of the NE cartridges I think. I dont know if any other manufacturers picked up that baton during the 70's and 80's when culling was happening. Those 500 NE guns were probably 30 years old and the ammo 10 to 20 years old. Also, my...
  46. Nhoro

    Wanting .458 win mag chronograph results of factory

    Hi All, The only reference I have found to actual chrono measurements of 458 win mag. Aparently it makes 2140 fps with 24 " barrel and Hornady DGS ammo.
  47. Nhoro

    Wanting .458 win mag chronograph results of factory

    Hi All, Thanks for all your input and opinions. I had hoped to get some chrono results and some measurable facts. For those who own a 458 win mag and reload, I did find some interesting facts. Because the chambers of the 458 lott and win mag are different shapes, it does appear that many...
  48. Nhoro

    Wanting .458 win mag chronograph results of factory

    Sorry but I beg to differ-Don Heath aka Gunyana quoted from African Hunter and referring to Zimbabwe/Rhodesia culling operations- "For our elephant culling programmes we used .30-06 Springfield with 220gr A Square monolithic solids or Soviet armour piercing 7.62x 54R ammo. 30,000 elephants in a...
  49. Nhoro

    Wanting .458 win mag chronograph results of factory

    I have also found claims that Hornday DGS over a chrono with a 24 " barrel made the published 2140 fps. Can anyone corroborate that ?
  50. Nhoro

    Wanting .458 win mag chronograph results of factory

    Just to clarify,the difference is $18 PER ROUND not 90 c. He shot the elephants with a win mag, now has an ackley but is going back to the win mag.