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  1. Nhoro

    Epoxy Cleanup

    And vinegar is a whole lot better for your health than acetone.
  2. Nhoro

    Shooting 458 Win Mag ammo out of the 458 Lott

    My cz was a win mag, now reamednto lott. I had win mag ammo which i ised with no problems. Chrono speeds were the same as the win mag chamber and accuracy was also the same. I just took a little extra care to clean the chamber after- you dont want the lott cartridges to stick in a dirty chamber
  3. Nhoro

    Reinforcing stock wrist - anyone done this?

    I would rough up the rod with the grinder all over and make some shallow notches around the rod to help key in the glue. That is why they used thread bar- for the bonding strength. I have also seen where a guy used a carbon fibre fishing rod instead of threaded bar.
  4. Nhoro

    Leopard Setup

    Zimbabwe have a 7 mm/ 3 kJ limit for leopard which is a 270 upwards. As much as we all like to pontificate over the best German glass and the perfect calibre. Let's be honest, that is just about who has the biggest weiner. Any rifle in the 7mm class that can hold 1 inch groups at 50 m will do...
  5. Nhoro

    Would a 450 grain .458 Win Mag be a perfectly acceptable standard for elephant?

    If you use conventional (lead) solids then a 500 gr solid can comfortably make 2150 fps. (Hornady factory ammo). If you choose a copper or brass mono, then I think a 450 gr bullet is better. I used to carry 450 gr copper solids in my win mag when I was guiding. I then had my rifle bored to lott...
  6. Nhoro

    What camo pattern

    1 then 5 then B. Darker colours are better. Yes you can get by with khaki but I prefer darker colours especially in SA bushveld. I wouldn't go and buy a whole bunch of camp but you have it so use it.
  7. Nhoro

    Question On Heart Shots

    I have never seen an animal drop from a heart shot. One strange incident, I had a client shoot a common duiker in the ear and it dropped instantly. When we ran up, it had no marks on it save a half moon missing from its left ear. He shot it again as it was still kicking. I do think that animals...
  8. Nhoro

    What tricks to put on light weight 416 rem mag to help reduce recoil

    Any weight will help, I do not see any value in Mercury reducers- in fact I think they are less effective than a lead weight. I would take a look at your stock, determine the balance point currently. The old standard of balancing just in front of the trigger guard will guide you. Then tape some...
  9. Nhoro

    Big Elephant Reportedly Taken in Tanzania

    You beat me to it. There was an anthrax outbreak about 18 years ago at the park my brother works at. They started burning carcasses but then switched to burying because they were struggling to get enough wood. The whole story sounds like a greeny making a few bucks for his Easter holiday. Maybe...
  10. Nhoro

    How hard is too hard?!?!

    it is a disadvantage of big tube scopes. The extra MOA in the 30 mm tube comes from a larger range of movement in the reticle or lenses in the scope. So there are longer springs and adjusters. So small tubes with limited range of adjustment have less to go wrong. As said above, low mag or fixed...
  11. Nhoro

    Tetra hearing aids/protection

    I would agree with your wife, the expensive fitted ear plugs are more comfortable but not really more effective. The cheap silicone sealed one probably keep noise out better but they do make your ear uncomfortable after a while. Over ear muffs are the best. Best plan i saw was cheap ear plugs...
  12. Nhoro

    165 or 180 grain bullet for 3006

    Thats a whole other discussion. Cup and core, without a doubt bigger and heavier is better. Much more reliable at slower velocities. And pure copper/ brass need speed to open, so they are opposite. Heavy mono's dont have the speed and energy to open properly. Just what you say.
  13. Nhoro

    165 or 180 grain bullet for 3006

    I am sure the calculations say more recoil with tje heavy bullets but i find it more tolerable too. Same with my 458 lott, heavier slower bullets are easier.
  14. Nhoro

    165 or 180 grain bullet for 3006

    I use 180 gr and 220 gr in my 3006. I find heavier bullets have less felt recoil, a slower push vs quicker punch. Range and trajectory don't matter much as I won't face long shots and a range finder deals with distance anyway.
  15. Nhoro

    US sanctions Zimbabwe president Emmerson Mnangagwa over human rights abuses

    What Lon says is wisdom. Don't play games with customs in any country. And I can tell you that Zim has not even noticed sanctions changing and has no thoughts of changing tourism. I would go out on a limb and say the only reason they may be interested in ammo is because you do not pay duty with...
  16. Nhoro

    CZ 550 American 416 Rigby

    Very nice rifle- my brother has a 416 and i have a 458. My stock is very similar to yours. If i may suggest a few things- take the action out and check how the main recoil lug is bedded. Mine had a crummy plastic bit so i bedded the barrel lug and main recoil lug with epoxy. I also stripped the...
  17. Nhoro

    Cz550 sight question

    I have 2 CZ 550's- 458 lott and 30-06. Sights are different- 458 is express sight with a shallow V and 2 mm front bead. I got a brass 3 mm bead fitted on the existing bead so the centre of the bead is unchanged. That is dead on at 75 m with a combat hold ie the centre of the bead is where the...
  18. Nhoro

    ZIMBABWE Hunting Information

    Silencers are illegal in Zim
  19. Nhoro

    How do you sharpen your knife?

    I use a silicon carbide two sided stone for the kitchen knives with water. I had a nice stone from my dad in a box my grandfather made but my sister purloined it. I also have a lanky which I use on my sheath knife but I don't own any decent blades, I have lost/ had a few stolen. So I buy...
  20. Nhoro

    Reamers .458 Lott vs. .450 Watts

    Or do the sums on a win mag reamer followed by a lott. That might be the same thing. And it seems a headspace gauge would answer your questions. Surely measuring the go and no go gauge would give you the chamber length ?
  21. Nhoro

    Reamers .458 Lott vs. .450 Watts

    I thought i should clarify my post. My cz 550 started life as a win mag. My smith was doing some other work and offered to ream to lott for free. The bonus is that i could access different powders in the lott because of more space in the case. The longer throat of the win mag allows me to seat...
  22. Nhoro

    Reamers .458 Lott vs. .450 Watts

    458 lott is a factory round and has SAAMI approval/ specs, the others dont. Interestingly, 458 win mag has a longer throat than lott so if you ream a win mag to lott, you have a longer throat and so can load longer brass and copper bullets out a bit., longer col. I would stick with lott as you...
  23. Nhoro

    Distance to sight in an optic on a 22 rifle

    If you zero at 50 m, you will be 1/4 inch low at 25 m and 2 1/2 inches low at 75 m. So thats how my 22 is zeroed. I suggest downloading an app that dods ballistic calculations like the hornady app. Then you can adjust the zero distance and see how it affect your up/down
  24. Nhoro

    "Who Builds a Magnificent 500 Jeffery"?

    I handled a Satterlee- pretty rifle and it functioned perfectly- very accurate- very smooth. And as others have said, proper dimensions/ magazine followers etc are needed for good feeding
  25. Nhoro

    on a lighter note...

    With one eye shut and a dry heave occasionally. Damn i am gkad i grew up.
  26. Nhoro

    Phones for gifts to African friends

    Having also been in the industry, most trackers etc will sell knives,binos etc for cash and then buy what they need. So my advice is cash tips. The tracker will get better value. For a tracker, swarovski binos are pretty difficult to get full value. So you give a guy 1k and he gets 300. What you...
  27. Nhoro

    on a lighter note...

    So he has never met his dad then, 10 mm socket is always awol
  28. Nhoro

    on a lighter note...

    Bet he has a Blaser with a Swarovski scope on it too.
  29. Nhoro

    on a lighter note...

    I dont remember them making a sound but i sure do remember the confused bovine making a sound.
  30. Nhoro

    Thoughts on Peregrine Bullets for Dangerous Game

    I use 510 gr vrg in my lott. I used Vv 135 and 133 in the lott as well as I would suggest contacting the manufacturer. I talked to them, they have a great deal of reloading info and are very helpful. The copper solid has driving bands and seems to need relatively little powder to achieve good...
  31. Nhoro

    .333 Jeff - Resurrecting an old soldier

    I used food colouring after removing the polyurethsne varnish and then boiled linseed oil, sanded in with wet and dry can see the results somewhere on the forum - I did a little write up. I parked it next to a VC double the other day and mine was impressive. The main thing is attention...
  32. Nhoro

    CZ550 vs Ruger Hawkeye African in 416?

    I think the CZ is a better rifle but 2x the price ?? Most big bores are not shot much so maybe a second hand rifle shot 30 to 100 rounds is considered pretty much new but i cant get past that price. A CZ in 416 rigby hold 3 rounds in the mag.
  33. Nhoro

    Wanted 70 lb Elephant

    Matetsi has potential for Botswana Ellie to some across. I would talk to outfitters that operate there, I wouldn't rank it as a prime area and would say it is pretty variable. Our seasons in Zim have been very variable and predictions are difficult. I would say 40- 55 pounds would be a trophy in...
  34. Nhoro

    416 Rigby Brass Issue

    Your brass looks really rough above the crack. I would be very careful- you say regulation was off and manufacturer left some kind of machining damage at the muzzle. You also seem to have a headspace issue and chambers that look like they were reamed with a drill bit. I suggest that you dont...
  35. Nhoro

    Opinions on a particular reticle...

    I have a similar Vortex crosshair on my 3006. I am happy with the crosshair. I won't use windage but 200 300 hash marks will be better than a thumb suck and it is not a Christmas tree reticle. I like it.
  36. Nhoro

    Powder Selection: I want to be sure I understand the theory

    I think you have the correct thought process. You are basically balancing several factors for best result. Most benchresters aim for a slightly compressed load for more consitent ignition. Also in VV powders, the 5xx series is double base powder. It will produce more velocity for same pressures...
  37. Nhoro

    OEM stocks cracking and or breaking

    I have a 2017 CZ 550 in 458 win mag now reamed to lott. It has two crossbolts. It has a double recoil lug- one on the barrel and the conventional recoil lug. The conventional lug had a plastic tab behind it and i was not happy with that. I epoxy bedded both lugs and tightened the crossbolts. I...
  38. Nhoro

    Buying Ammo in Africa

    In Zimbabwe,Harare, I can send you to 3 gunshops and between them they will have .308, 30-06, 375h&h and 458 win mag and lott. They will usually have a choice of 3 or 4 brands- usually Hornady, federal and Norma. Bulawayo also has a few gun dealers with stock.I could also source most calibres...
  39. Nhoro

    Need some advice on firing posture and hold..

    Check your elbow position as you fire. A low elbow doesn't create a proper pocket in the shoulder for the rifle butt and it slides down onto the bicep. A higher elbow is better. Also check that the butt is not mounted too far out on the shoulder- get it between the shoulder muscle and chest...
  40. Nhoro

    To Sling or not to Sling a Dangerous Game Rifle, That is the Question

    I have gone to and fro on this. Initially I carried my rifle in my hands, left or right and pointing muzzle down. I do a lot of guided walks with 5 to 10 people and it was difficult to keep the muzzle from covering a foot or ankle. So I use a sling, muzzle up. It is only a second to get into...
  41. Nhoro

    Eland Cartridges for recoil sensitive shooter?

    I have seen a 308 with 180 gr ammo take a huge old Eland cow and a 30-06 with 180 gr ammo take a huge Mozambique bull. My boys have shot my 3006 with 220 gr ammo since the age of 9 or 10 just fine. Muzzle brakes are not a help- the muzzle blast and noise are more likely to cause flinching. A...
  42. Nhoro

    458 win mag barrel swap from a M43 mauser action to a VZ24 action

    I reckon just shoot the rifle as is or buy/ build a new rifle on a new action and sell the old rifle. It is seldom economic to move barrels around with the work needed- threading/ re-chambering/headspacing/ getting to feed properly. If you want a different action or rifle, it is easier to sell...
  43. Nhoro

    Safari boots opinions

    I have walked behind hunting clients many a mile and definite views on shoes. Hiking boots are bad, the soles are stiff and clomp down loudly whilst also making grass and sticks crackle like cornflakes. They also seem to give blisters more than they should. They are designed for ankle...
  44. Nhoro

    458 Swift A Frame 450 Grain for Buffalo

    Balistic calculator shows 1.7 inches less drop at 2400 fps than my usual load of 2195 fps. This is at 300 yards. My usual load is a 515 gr solid. 500 gr bullet will perform better and the trajectory is pretty much the same- a rainbow. I looked at it a while back and decided it wasnt worth it.
  45. Nhoro

    Hornady DGS/DGX feedback

    Generally bullets travel straight intil their velocity decreases to the point that they become unstable and then they tumble. I would guess that bullet lost energy as it penetrated the skull and then started tumbling towards the end.
  46. Nhoro

    Magazine Spring Issue???

    I found the deeper feed lips stop any rounds from popping out. You just need a fraction of an inch to make a fifference. But to complicate matters, the feed ramp height also impacts the round staying in the magazine. Higher ramp = earlier feed/ pop out. The ramp is also the recoil/ bolt bearing...
  47. Nhoro

    Magazine Spring Issue???

    I used a drill and rotary rasp. You could use a dremel and stone. You grind from the feed lip down below the contact area where the cartridge case touches the cartridge ( basically come down the radius of the cartridge.) Bit be aware this makes the cartridge move further left or right while...
  48. Nhoro

    R8 3 accidental discharges, human error or?

    Very true, almost impossible with a mauser flag safety. i have seen two nd with a cz 550 however. The safety must be pushed forward and the natural result is the index finger pulls back. Try it youself- thumb moves forward and trigger finger back. So if you have your finger on the trigger-...
  49. Nhoro

    Culling belts and cartridge slides

    I am with Red Leg. At the point where my cartridges are about to break, I fear that I may have bigger problems on my hands. I envision a buffalo trying to insert its horn into my midriff and figure damage to my cartridges would probably not worry me much. I use a leather 10 round holder-on my...
  50. Nhoro

    Thoughts on Tuskless Hunting

    You are welcome to pm me for a copy of the national parks act and regulations. I have studied both and tutored learner hunters for their exams. The laws have not changed regarding spotlights or night hunting or PAC since 1975. National parks do not administer communal land and the two have...