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  1. Nhoro

    Got the CZ blues

    You are completely correct-All rifles should feed conventional ammo. I help out at the Zimbabwe PH shooting exams 3 times a year (and watch some youtube hunting videos). I can tell you that this is not only a CZ problem- all manufacturers have problems. Without being too technical, the width of...
  2. Nhoro

    Red Dot/Reflex or Low Power Scope for 416 Rem Mag?

    A reflex sight shines (pardon the pun :ROFLMAO:) in quick snapshot situations ie good for a PH or if you are charged. It is good for action but maybe less suited to first shot exacting acuracy. Scope shines in first shot accuracy or off the sticks, taking a careful first shot ie hunter...
  3. Nhoro

    Quiet Muzzle Break

    I would question how that I agree, muzzle breaks redirect gases to counteract recoil. That means upward and or rear movement of the gun. To do that you need to push gases up and backwards ie straight at your ears. Normal muzzle noise requires ear protection to avoid damage to your hearing...
  4. Nhoro

    Tarnished bullets

    If it is green/blue verdigris, I have used a cloth with a little vinegar on it to clean cases/bullets. If it were a long range bullet, you may notice a little difference but I very much doubt that a little rough surface will show any deviation at 300 m. Don't use ammonia based bored cleaners or...
  5. Nhoro

    Heym or Dakota?

    My vote would e the Heym, purely because of the looks and IMHO better workmanship. Have you considered a CZ from AHR. They are basically a factory that works over CZ actions so a sort of custom rifle with a company backup (CZ and AHR) I think they will stand by their workmanship.
  6. Nhoro

    Got the CZ blues, no mas

    Glad you came right. IMHO it is the best solution. Does yours feed flat nose solids ? Useful if you ever go after elephant.
  7. Nhoro

    Got the CZ blues, no mas

    Unfortunately that still doesn't work I tried spacers. The CZ action is big-thats why people use them for 505 gibbs and 500 Jeff. The bolt is big, the lugs are big and so the angles to get from the magazine to the chamber are steep because of the longer distance the cartridge needs to lift up...
  8. Nhoro

    Got the CZ blues

    I did exactly the same with my win mag. I agree 100% with your gunshop's advice. I studied the problem for a long time and I think you have made the right call. The CZ action is large and that short win mag round just has too much space. The Lott straightens out the feed and mine even feeds a...
  9. Nhoro

    Another Sporting Shotgun

    Tanks if that is your backup shotgun, what does you primary shotgun look like ? That is a beautiful shotgun.
  10. Nhoro

    Single-Tusked & Tuskless Elephants By W. R. Foran

    That is interesting. I have a little understanding of the different causes for tusk differences. The tusks are after all a modified tooth and elephants dont have orthodontists ! These examples are the hillbilly bubbas of the elephant world ! 1/ Tuskless-this is usually genetic. It is more...
  11. Nhoro

    (NAMIBIA) Fight On For Buffalo Farming

    Many properties in Namibia are big enough to be almost free range. Obviously, an animal fenced in cannot be truly free range but it does allow Namibian game farmers another revenue source to keep hunting open and cheap. I see that as positive. I think with full disclosure from farm operators...
  12. Nhoro

    .458 Lott recoil is no joke

    (y) But you will probably need to change barrels to a faster twist on those heavy for calibre bullets. Fun to think about but without the 20 pound 50 BMG rifle with semi auto absorbing recoil, it would need someone recoil impaired to fire it !
  13. Nhoro

    Is the .375 caliber minimum for dangerous game outdated?

    The 9,3 x 62 with A Frame is just short of legal minimum at 3544 ftlbs at a velocity of 2362 ft/s. If you can handload to 2504 fps, you will make legal minimum for Zimbabwe. Obviously you would need a solid for elephant. Maybe some reloaders can comment on whether they can realise that velocity...
  14. Nhoro

    .458 Lott recoil is no joke

    Well super snipers use the 50 bmg because it is brilliant at long range. Trick would be find bullets-dont think anyone does high BC bullets for the 458.
  15. Nhoro

    .458 Lott recoil is no joke

    550 gr bullets are less felt recoil than the 500 gr IMHO. The lott case limits the powder so guys can only get 2100 fps or so. I am shooting 515 gr and working up loads. Fired a round 2 weeks ago with S321 powder at 2345 fps-I felt it ! I find velocity conributes more to recoil than bullet...
  16. Nhoro

    458 Lott and 321 powder

    Julian did you come right ? I have been playing around with a similar problem-515 gr Pergrine solid. S321 is the best powder for me but I cant get any Somchem powders at the moment-2345 fps. I was loading my round and the guy I load with had success with Vihtavuori VV550 and the 550 gr...
  17. Nhoro

    A Trip Down Memory Lane For Us Older Hand Loaders

    Ok so I reckon that round must have been lying around in rain for at least 13 years or so.
  18. Nhoro

    A Trip Down Memory Lane For Us Older Hand Loaders

    At least they have gone back to the steel jacket with the copper coating now with their solids. I picked up a 458 cartridge in my back yard about a year ago. Very corroded old Hornady round that someone had dropped in times gone by.It was in a pile of old junk so maybe it was a victim of spring...
  19. Nhoro

    What to do with a giraffe

    I cant believe I overlooked the best use- BAIT !! Add a hyena/leopard/lion to your hunt and you have a great use for that giraffe meat along with a little extra hunting.
  20. Nhoro

    What to do with a giraffe

    I am actually in Zimbabwe and about 1/4 Afrikaans-my kids must be around 3/8 as my wife has more Afrikaans blood than I do. But regardless of heritage, you are completely correct-cheap cuts with bone and marrow make the tastiest stew. In our family, we fight about marrow-my wife and kids love to...
  21. Nhoro

    What to do with a giraffe

    Rookhawk you are completely correct. We have lost some of the tastiest meat to 'fast food'. We only use quick cooking cuts because we are in a rush. Although KFC figured out early that fat=flavour when they deep fry everything. I love doing a potjie with the family. 6-8 hrs stewing cheaper...
  22. Nhoro

    What to do with a giraffe

    :X3: I thought Vodka was supposed to be one of the purest spirits. That looks like chocolate milk !
  23. Nhoro

    What to do with a giraffe

    I just gotta ask what the heck is in that glass next to the hip flask ? Coke and milk ?
  24. Nhoro

    HUNTING Buffalo

    Side on is better as you are likely to take heart and both lungs with a decent shot. 10-12 inches diameter for the lungs and about 6 inches for the heart. Front on is more challenging because you can get heart with no lungs if dead centre or one lung and no heart if you are off centre. For me...
  25. Nhoro

    Is the .375 caliber minimum for dangerous game outdated?

    The legal position in Zimbabwe is quoted below from Zimbabwe National Parks Law. 9,3 x 62 might make legal energy for elephant with hot reloads. One thing not mentioned here yet is the size of the hole made in the animal will determine how quickly it goes down. Simply put, the bigger the...
  26. Nhoro

    Chinese given exploratory permits for coal mining in Hwange National Park and surrounding hunting areas

    I see that Zimbabwe's EMA (Environmental Management Authority)has filed an urgent court order to stop the prospecting (drilling). Lets hope.......
  27. Nhoro

    Anyone Recommend a Company to do Hunting Videos?

    Hi All, Anyone recommend a good videographer for producing hunting videos ?
  28. Nhoro

    What is a proper "stopping rifle" and load for dangerous game?

    Opens up a can of worms though- Guys are going to be arguing whether to use grape shot or ball on buffalo. Elephant is obvious, ball only. Lion is also obvious-grape. But buffalo is that in between decision. I vote grape shot first shot and ball from then on.
  29. Nhoro

    What is a proper "stopping rifle" and load for dangerous game?

    I think a muzzle brake is in order.
  30. Nhoro

    What is a proper "stopping rifle" and load for dangerous game?

    I do believe that would 'turn' any animal on the planet. Probably turn him into a pile of strawberry jam ! And I don't think the taxidermist could fix that little eansy weansy hole !
  31. Nhoro

    30mm vs. 1 Inch scope tubes?

    Good informative post (y) Also, keep in mind that with age, the eyes ability to OPEN as well as close the pupil decreases. So at 20, your eye could adjust from 2 mm to 7mm. At around 50, you are reduced to 3.5 to 5mm. At 70, even less. At 43, I can already notice that I take small fiddly...
  32. Nhoro

    Got the CZ blues

    I help out with the PH shooting exams in Zimbabwe. I have seen at least 100 rifles of all makes, CZ, Winchester,Whitworth, Remington and Weatherby. Wichester and CZ are most common. Only seen a couple of push feeds and both the guys were well practised and flew through the exam.Rifle...
  33. Nhoro

    Got the CZ blues

    I had those same problems, it hangs up on the chamber mouth.M70 has a coned breech or chamber mouth and so doesnt usually have the problem. I did a thread on this site of my work to get it fixed. You basically have a short cartridge which will not go around the corner and into the chamber. Rigby...
  34. Nhoro

    Any book recommendations

    The Ivory Trail by TV Bulpin African Fury by George Michael A Hunters Wanderings and Big Game Hunting by Fredrick Courtney Selous Anything by Ruark and Jim Corbett Memories of a Game Ranger by Henry Wolhuter- Early Kruger National Park Wankie by Ted Davison- First warden of Hwange National Park
  35. Nhoro

    Looking for: What do you think?

    Almost all of those animals will need soft points only. Hippo is the only exception where you may use a solid. So go with Swift A Frames. Solids are then Swift as well by default. No point choosing bullets based on solids which you probably wont use anyway.
  36. Nhoro

    .458 Lott recoil is no joke

    My rifle started as a win mag. I have shot 450 gr peregrine copper mono @ 2250 fps and 480 gr same @ 2143 fps win mag ammo + 500 gr cast lead @2000 fps. All pretty similar recoil. The 450 gr did seem a little sharper or maybe faster. Then Lott I am loading 515 gr &500 gr peregrine copper monos...
  37. Nhoro

    .458 Lott recoil is no joke

    You made me smile. I have been working up a reload for my Lott. I got some Peregrine copper monlithic solids- I ordered the 500 gr bullets but then found out they are 515 gr. So went to see a friend of mine to reload and started trying different powders. So about 4 different powders are not so...
  38. Nhoro

    416 Rigby bullet recommendations

    My two boys insisted we dig in the bank at the range to find some bullets after I had been shooting at a target. So they got a stick and dug. Then they got tired and made me dig. So we went about 10-12" into a loose shale rock/gravel bank until we found three bullets.Front all mashed up but 100...
  39. Nhoro

    The good old 7.92 x 57 Mauser

    Thanks I have just seen an old gun-the recoil lug has a J stamped on the bottom so pretty clear that it is the .323 barrel.
  40. Nhoro

    Dangerous Game Follow Up - Client and Professional Hunter roles?

    Hi All, Touchy subject-Please don't lay into PH's or clients, but how do you guys see the roles of client and PH in a wounded dangerous game animal follow up? My thoughts are that a clients role is to finish what he started. He should stand beside the PH and attempt to kill the animal as fast...
  41. Nhoro

    New bullet test (unbiased)

    Ray B, it seems a few people are a bit grouchy at the moment ! I think that your tests can produce useful information. I was thinking last night about soft points and impact velocity. Think of a Swift A-frame or monlithic copper bullet. They can only expand to the partition or solid part of the...
  42. Nhoro

    The good old 7.92 x 57 Mauser

    Red Leg Do you know how to tell between the .318 and .323 bore and does it matter ? Can you shoot modern ammo through both ?
  43. Nhoro

    ZIMBABWE: Has Anyone Hunted With Green African Safaris?

    Then there were a few questionable news articles that popped up-maybe read them too. Our dentist friend taught the world that it can be an expensive mistake if you choose the wrong PH/company.
  44. Nhoro

    ZIMBABWE: Has Anyone Hunted With Green African Safaris?

    Google is your friend- Philip Mafuta- African Hunting Gazette interview and then some news articles. You can't believe everything you read in the news but do a little research and see what you think ? You can also check on Zimbabwe Professional Hunters and Guides website for members and contact...
  45. Nhoro

    Read this Elephant Charge

    The PH who does a lot of examining for Zimbabwe PH's (chief examiner I guess ?) told me that he thinks that elephant is where most prospective PH's are really tested. So he purposefully exposes the candidates to elephant to see how they perform and reads the candidates body language. They need...
  46. Nhoro

    Read this Elephant Charge

    I worked for a wildlife film maker for a while. We did mostly lions at night ( I did the lights) but also filmed quite a bit with elephants during the day and at night. Literally driving in among a cow herd (which of course was used to us and not threatened and not in a hunting area !) I will...
  47. Nhoro

    Choosing powders for 458 Lott from Quickload/Gordons Reloading Data?

    Thanks Alistair, that is exactly where my thinking was going.. And what are your thoughts on the accuracy of Gordons ? Compared to Quickload, it look like it predicts higher pressures and higher velocities than Quickload. I am guessing all programs have a built in safety-predict higher pressure...
  48. Nhoro

    Choosing powders for 458 Lott from Quickload/Gordons Reloading Data?

    Complete about turn on the powder. I have done a whole lot of playing with loads and powders. It is quite interesting to be able to play with powders and get some kind of indication of performance.The program suggests Vihtavuori N530 and N133 are best of the VV line but best of all was S321 ie...
  49. Nhoro

    Double Rifle Cartridge Belt

    My leather pouch has 10 rounds and my rifle holds 5 in the magazine andwear a backpack so can always chuck extra cartridges in there. As for Sullivan, I am happy to say that the only similarities are that my cartridge holder is made out of leather !
  50. Nhoro

    Double Rifle Cartridge Belt

    The every other spacing is very useful. I used it in my National Parks exam but with a 10 round leather holder-it works really well for grabbing hold of the next round -or two if you are a double man. I also like the canvas of a culling belt-less verdigris on your brass. The leather has...