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  1. Nhoro

    Recoil Mitigation

    I find the mental part is the core of the issue. Standing next to a chrono and deliberately shooting a round is way more difficult than if you have something else to think about. So I try to set up a little practical drill in my mind- maybe set up two targets 30 m apart and set up a timer. So...
  2. Nhoro

    WANTED: Zimbabwe Buffalo Hunt

    Try Lin Stanton at Mbalabala Safaris. He is a member here and I think he has an area near Hwange (1 1/2 hrs drive from Vic Falls). Otherwise PM me and I can reach out to some contacts in Vic Falls and get you a contact or 3.
  3. Nhoro

    CZ 550 with 220 gr bullets

    Nice stock- mine original stock is looking quite good. Just put a new layer of BLO on. I am interested in the 220 gr bullets because most of my hunting will be under 100 m and I was thinking less bloodshot meat. I am also looking at Vihtavuori as someone is a distributor here and I can get a...
  4. Nhoro

    CZ 550 with 220 gr bullets

    I don't think it is banded. I will check tommorrow before work if I remember.
  5. Nhoro

    450-400 vs 375 (and then flanged or belted) and new or used?

    Life is too short. Of course a double rifle is just as accurate as a bolt gun. The inherent engineering limitations of a double are a figment of my imagination. I have never seen or heard of a double rifle. In fact I am beginning to wonder if I even like shooting and hunting. Sorry op. This...
  6. Nhoro

    Heads Up - Gordons Reloading Tool

    I have been using it for more than a year. They work on calibrating it if you send them your data. I used it for my 458 Lott. It has become more accurate now as I think there is more data sent to them but it still predicts higher velocity (and I assume higher pressure) than the chronograph...
  7. Nhoro

    CZ 550 with 220 gr bullets

    This is what the rifle looked like before. Blueing is in pretty good condition but the wood.......
  8. Nhoro

    450-400 vs 375 (and then flanged or belted) and new or used?

    Red Leg you have pretty much stated exactly what I was saying. Old world nostalgia doubles are not suited to plainsgame. Modern doubles don't have the nostalgia but they have accuracy. So essentially you can't have your cake and eat it. I just see 'modern ' doubles as similar to a replica AC...
  9. Nhoro

    CZ 550 with 220 gr bullets

    I only have one 'before' pic of the horrible cz gorilla snot stock with scratches and dents on my phone.First thing I did was strip the varnish and steam out the dents. I also found a cz model 1 .22 LR. Again the stock was horrible but I negotiated a good price. Also been working on that stock...
  10. Nhoro

    CZ 550 with 220 gr bullets

    Sorry you are correct. 1 in 12. I have sourced some 180 gr ammo for now. Will see how that goes.
  11. Nhoro

    CZ 550 with 220 gr bullets

    Hi All, Just trying to tap into the collective wisdom of the forum. I bought a 3006 recently. Rumor has it that CZ 550 shoots quite well (or maybe shoots better than other manufacturers) with the 220 gr bullets. I believe that the CZ has a slightly faster twist rate than standard and so is...
  12. Nhoro

    450-400 vs 375 (and then flanged or belted) and new or used?

    WC86, I think that you really need to be honest with what you want the rifle for. If it is the pleasure of owning a quality double and shooting it at the range, that is good enough. You dont need to go to Africa or have plans for an elephant/buffalo. Just avoid being trapped in no mans land. A...
  13. Nhoro

    Martini .22

    See if you can twist the stock to open the crack slightly then rub some woodglue into the crack. The glue will bond stronger than the wood. Mix sawdust and glue and you will hardly see the crack. I just did a 22 brno model 1. Shoots fine.
  14. Nhoro

    404 Jeffery conversion issues

    I also used Von Gruffs useful post to get flat nose solids to feed in my CZ 550 Win Mag/Lott. Something so elegantly simple should be old news to manufacturers and gunsmiths but it appears that 100 yr old design is forgotten in todays world. Magazine width is vital for correct feeding and most...
  15. Nhoro

    Wife Advice

    No one else has mentioned, if she is going on stalks with you or sitting in the blind, get her a good pair of ear muffs with electronics. When taking pictures or filming, you look at the animal and get the fright of your life when the gun goes off- and you blast your ears. Then the second time...
  16. Nhoro

    Requesting Some Advice

    A rough check for LOP is to mount the rifle and then see how far your right thumb is from your nose. It should be 2 fingers +/- as many others have said, stock fit is important when dealing with recoil, as is the weight and balance of the rifle. You could put a red dot (RMR would be my...
  17. Nhoro

    When is enough gun actually enough?

    In short, yes you can have too much gun. Honestly, I shoot my 22 more accurately than my 30-06 and that a lot more accurately than my 458 Lott. For what I want to do, each has a purpose and I think I am competent with all rifles. I can hit a 5 " circle offhand at 40 m with my Lott under...
  18. Nhoro

    Banded bullets for especially larger calibre bullets in this case

    Mono metal bullets will have multiple 'grooves' because early designs that copied conventional bullets created high pressure as the bullet didn't conform to the rifling very easily. Modern designs have the grooves so that only a small amount of copper or brass needs to be engraved with the...
  19. Nhoro

    ZIMBABWE: 12 Days In Zimbabwe With Shangani Safaris

    My feeling is that your outfitter is to blame. It seems you were promised a racehorse and found out it was a donkey. The donkey trundled along trying to impress but fooling no one. I think if you knew you had booked a donkey and paid for a donkey, all would be right with the world. Zimbabwe...
  20. Nhoro

    ZIMBABWE: Of Cigars, Leopards & Cape Buffalo

    Mort I loved your report. Next time you should stop by and share a cigar and a little whisky before you catch your flight out.
  21. Nhoro

    Elephants with the largest tusks

    I have heard of 2 elephants exceeding 100 lbs per side in Zimbabwe in the last 10 years. One was shot in the hunting areas near Gonarezhou and the other was shot by an apprentice PH while doing Problem animal control. This was bordering the Save conservancy and needless to say the landowners in...
  22. Nhoro

    Elephants with the largest tusks

    Hi Mark, Don't get too stressed, IvW is giving you the correct information- a Problem Animal Control elephant would be done under a different permit that is not open to Non-Zimbabweans. I can see that you hunted the animal under a normal hunting permit- I would guess in a communal area which is...
  23. Nhoro

    Suggestions on binoculars

    In order of what I would buy if I had the money- Swarovski, Leica then Zeiss. If you are like me and need good binos for a more reasonable price then my advice is Nikon. They are definitely the best bang for your bucks in my opinion. I think the Prostaff range and in particular 5 and 7 models...
  24. Nhoro

    In memoriam - Bruce Moulds has passed away

    Sorry to hear the sad news. Bruce was a man of firm opinions but always the best of intentions. My condolences to his family.
  25. Nhoro

    Shorter barrel for 404 jeffery

    I think you are correct that the 404 has case capacity to make up for a shorter barrel. As for sights, I tried out a vortex 1-4 variable scope. On 1 power it was like a red dot, both eyes open. Then dial it up and you have magnification probably out to 200 m on plainsgame. I don't think a 404...
  26. Nhoro

    Solids for the .404J

    I have used 450 gr and 480 gr Peregrine solids in my 458 Lott, currently using 515 gr solids. My boys dug some of the solids out of a bank behind the target- a gravel/shale type bank. I posted the pictures on the forum somewhere- they were damaged but far less than I expected. They are tough !
  27. Nhoro

    Gun cleaning behind all copper ammo

    I read over my answer and realised I didnt fully explain. Ammonia does dissolve copper preferentially to iron- however I don't believe any commercial copper removers use ammonia anymore. Ammonia will cause rust and will react iron over a several hours or maybe days but will take out copper much...
  28. Nhoro

    Gun cleaning behind all copper ammo

    So all this talk of copper made me worried and I tackled my 458 Lott. It has been fed a steady diet of copper softs and solids with only the odd lead cast round. So I could see with the naked eye copper fouling in the barrel. Ran a copper solvent soaked patch through the barrel and waited...
  29. Nhoro

    375 Bullet Velocity

    Seems to me that the choices are pretty simple. Velocity should be in the manufacturers range of velocities. Too much and your bullet becomes a flat coin, too little and it is a solid. You need the Goldilocks velocity-just right for a perfect mushroom. As for longer distance, surely no one is...
  30. Nhoro

    L.O.P & Positioning?

    The rule of 'thumb' is 1 -2 inches between your nose and right thumb- I have seen mention of 2 fingers between your nose and thumb. I know that stock fit is a bit more complex but at least those rules of thumb put you in the right ball park-like the length of stock fitting inside your elbow...
  31. Nhoro

    L.O.P & Positioning?

    Hi Daniel, How many times have you had the bruising ? Sometimes it is just a random blood vessel that gets a little knock. i had it once and then have been fine before an after. Mine didn't hurt much. So yes of course correct technique is important but sometimes it just happens and it looks...
  32. Nhoro

    New 404J Build

    Cross bolts and bedding-yes. It will help the stock stand up to recoil. I would put a scope on it, I am quite liking the Vortex 1-4 or 1-6 red dot scope. I tried it on 1x and it is like a red dot reflex sight-shoot with both eyes open and then you can dial it up when needed. With regards to...
  33. Nhoro

    Zimbabwe Professional Hunter and Guide Exams Nullified

    Hi All, I think a little perspective is needed in situations like these. These incidents happen to exam bodies around the world and no country is immune. People are dishonest everywhere in the world and many exam bodies would rather turn a blind eye. Researchgate puts the average cheating...
  34. Nhoro

    What about a .375 Wby?

    I think Weatherby realised that their 375 was too close to the H&H and so created the 378 Weatherby (correct me if I am wrong there). Marketing wise, it didnt offer the 'Weatherby' advantage ie a significant increase in velocity over the standard cartridge. They realised everyone was saying...
  35. Nhoro

    Mozambique Airways

    I lived in Moz for a couple of years. Do not try to find logic in any of the procedures or inspections. Just relax and operate on manyana time (tommorrow time). I flew on Moz airways a couple of times. Pretty normal standard experience. Better than Kenya airways in my experience.
  36. Nhoro

    458 Flat Nosed Solids For Elephant

    Model 70 actions are often said to feed flat points better than other actions. They bevel the mouth of the chamber so that bullets bounce in off the chamfer. CZ have a pretty sharp corner which catches bullets. That said, a friend of mine has a Model 70 (pre 64 I think) and it will not feed...
  37. Nhoro

    Wanting .458 win mag chronograph results of factory

    Restores your faith in suppliers and humanity ! 458 Win mag rounds doing what it says on the box.
  38. Nhoro

    458 Flat Nosed Solids For Elephant

    Before I had my Win Mag reamed to a Lott, I was given some Peregrine flat nosed 450 gr bullets loaded to 2300 fps in Win Mag cases. The guy who gave them to me is on a conservancy and they had culled 20 + elephant with that combo. Big bulls included. He had no reservations recommending them to...
  39. Nhoro

    Rigby "Big Game" Model in 450 Rigby

    Not as I understand the use of open express sights. I simply get the round dot of the foresight to sit in the V as if it were a ball rolling to the bottom of the V. Then put the dot on your target and shoot. I use normal open sights-post and u or V back sight exactly as you described but not...
  40. Nhoro

    338. for Lion?

    I agree with Lon, it is a good calibre for lion. A relatively high velocity as compared to large bores so it will expand quicker which is an advantage for lion as they don't have the big bones and heavy mass of buffalo and elephant. So pick a relatively quick expanding soft.
  41. Nhoro

    Gun cleaning behind all copper ammo

    Interesting chat- Here is my 5 c. Copper is less reactive than iron/steel. So reagents like ammonia or other oxidising agents will react with iron in preference to copper. If they are very clever, they may use chelating agents to prefer copper in their reaction mechanism but I am not sure there...
  42. Nhoro

    Rigby "Big Game" Model in 450 Rigby

    For target shooting I can understand the flat post but for a quick snap shot at a charging animal- round bead is much easier. So in a smaller caliber, you may have a point but on a 450 Rigby, I think bead is the way to go. My front bead is 3 mm brass (cos I just have a CZ 550 and not a Rigby...
  43. Nhoro

    Which hunt would you choose?

    Going through beitbridge is not pleasant. It is a very long process usually. Firearms wouldn't be a headache but the border post is what would put me off. Fly - it is a pleasure compared to hours in the blazing heat.
  44. Nhoro

    Mauser 7x57 or Brno 7x64?

    Yes I have had a couple of depressing days. I just wanna buy a gun!
  45. Nhoro

    Mauser 7x57 or Brno 7x64?

    Well I have a second hand car to sell you- one lady driver.... I did say that it split a factory ammo case and had 3 out of 5 shots with a sticky bolt. Sticky so I had to stand up from the bench and hit it with my palm. Oh and it is $850,has about 50 % blueing left and someone used an angle...
  46. Nhoro

    CZ 550 scope rings?

    That is exactly what i am thinking. I want to to take a hippo with a 458 lott. I use that rifle with open sights for walks and dangerous game protection so just want to temporarily mount the scope for the hunt.
  47. Nhoro

    Flat nose vs round nose solids - What are the actual facts?

    I think the stable penetration of a flat nose solid is worth getting your rifle sorted out. But a round nose in the chamber beats a flat nose jammed in the breech !
  48. Nhoro

    Flat nose vs round nose solids - What are the actual facts?

    Yes- that is exactly what started this thread. Round nose feed in almost any action. Is it worth the bother to get flat nose solids feeding. After this thread i worked on my rifle until it fed flat nosw solids - even loaded backwards. What i did is on another thread. A mauser action was designed...
  49. Nhoro

    CZ 550 scope rings?

    It was very useful and a very clear explanation of exit pupil. Can i ask you a question, are the scope mounts exactly the same for a standard action length and a magnum action length ? I assume the distance between mounts will be different but can you interchange mounts and scopes between actions ?
  50. Nhoro

    Mauser 7x57 or Brno 7x64?

    So i shot the 7x 57. Factory ammo and i had 3 of 5 shots with a sticky bolt. Primers were all nicely rounded but brass has shiny bits on the base and one case had a split right where the neck and shoulder meet. Something wrong there so decision is made for me.