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  1. P

    Rolex- the stupidest, lamest company

    I like nice things - just never been into watches . When I lived and worked in Asia over 30 years ago every second person had a gold Rolex ( often bejeweled ) . Put me off Rolex for life. A decision between a Rolex and a Rigby or Westley Richards rifle ? No contest a rifle will win every time .
  2. P

    Rifle Actions (Ranked)

    Lee Speed / Enfield - tough / reliable . Is that the sound of silence that I hear ?
  3. P

    Rifle Actions (Ranked)

    Lee Speed / Enfield - tough / reliable . Is that the sound of silence that I hear ?
  4. P

    Help me complete my 3 gun collection

    I always thought the 6.5 Creedmore was the answer to a problem solved long ago . The 6.5x55 Swede is terrific .
  5. P

    Help me complete my 3 gun collection

    HH - I neglected to say I recently used a borrowed MS 6.5x54 rifle for pig shooting . A really short barrel only 16 inches ( from memory ) with a peep sight . Loved it .
  6. P

    Help me complete my 3 gun collection

    HH - thank you for your compliments . I have seen the Fraser’s built on the MS action . They are beautiful . I have a MS stutzen 1952 model in 30-06 with the original Kahles scope fitted at the factory . Have used it for red deer but only shooting the 180grain pills . A very nice light stalking...
  7. P

    Help me complete my 3 gun collection

    As classic as it gets . A wonderful combination of rifle and cartridge .
  8. P

    W.J.JEFFERY & CO. Hand Crafted Big Game Rifles

    I just have a thing for .50 calibre rifles .
  9. P

    W.J.JEFFERY & CO. Hand Crafted Big Game Rifles

    Go and see Hartmann and Weiss in Hamburg and see what they charge for a bolt action . It is not just the Brits who know how to charge big $.
  10. P

    W.J.JEFFERY & CO. Hand Crafted Big Game Rifles

    But these rifles aren’t garish and they are to my taste . I own and regularly hunt with similar rifles - don’t care if they get a bump or scratch . If I like it I buy it - and I like these rifles .
  11. P

    W.J.JEFFERY & CO. Hand Crafted Big Game Rifles

    Bloody beautiful . I’m going to ask my wife to buy me one for my birthday . She’s bought me a Purdey , a Holland Royal , 2 Westley bolt actions and a Rigby Shikari . A WJ Jeffery 500 shouldn’t be too much to ask of her .
  12. P

    W.J.JEFFERY & CO. Hand Crafted Big Game Rifles

    I got a price for a Purdey double rifle in 2020. It was $400,000 plus before any special extras !
  13. P

    W.J.JEFFERY & CO. Hand Crafted Big Game Rifles

    I am just having another look at these rifles . It is wonderful to see small details from the 1920s versions of these rifles being being replicated . Most notably on the rear sights - island sights on the 404 , and a short quarter rib on the 500. Looks like original large sling eyes suitable for...
  14. P

    Storing rifles

    Not me . Always barrels down .
  15. P

    W.J.JEFFERY & CO. Hand Crafted Big Game Rifles

    You’ll need some dynamite too !
  16. P

    Ruger RSM .416 Rigby

    I sold my Ruger Safari Magnum in 458 Lott last year . I paid $2000 for it in 2003 and sold it for $4500. I used it on several trips to NT and it took 6 buff . No runners . A very nice rifle once I added 3/4 of an inch to stock and a Kickeez pad . My sense is a 416 Rigby might be more in demand...
  17. P

    W.J.JEFFERY & CO. Hand Crafted Big Game Rifles

    FZH also build the actions for H&H . Very good .
  18. P

    Can we please stop talking about "flat shooting" cartridges

    All my scoped rifles - 303 , 7x57 , 30/06 , 375 H&H , 425 WR are set for an inch high at 50 yards . Nail everything at my hunting distances . Flat shooting who knows / who cares - but I have shot a real lot of things .
  19. P

    Double Rifle:Hard bullets=Barrel separation?

    You can’t go wrong by referring to Graeme Wright’s book “Shooting the British Double Rifle “. The Bible for determining what to shoot through older doubles . His other book written in conjunction with Geoff McDonald of Woodleigh Bullets is also a must have .
  20. P

    LOP question

    Good point about instinctive shooting style. I do a fair bit of driven pheasant shooting - I go fairly well but not so good on clays . My guns are fitted to me . On my big rifles all the ones I have commissioned have been fitted . 14.5 inch LOP , a fair bit of cast off and appropriate drop ...
  21. P

    LOP question

    Agree 100% . I normally slip on a Pachmayer . But it is strange nonetheless .
  22. P

    LOP question

    What I have never been able to comprehend is why US made rifles come with really short stocks while rifles made everywhere else in the world have an LOP at least an inch longer . I had a Ruger Safari Magnum in 458 Lott - a really nice rifle but a bitch to shoot . Added an inch to LOP and a wider...
  23. P

    Fill this Rifle Gap

    my old horses used to love the sugar in the Coke . Never gave them rum - probably why I have outlived them .
  24. P

    Fill this Rifle Gap

    Always wanted one too and then this wonderful example turned up with a 425WR takedown as a pair . Grabbed both and have never regretted it . Woodleigh are back in production and with Bertram brass and Australian powders I have not had problems feeding either rifle - but this could just be good...
  25. P

    Fill this Rifle Gap

    You are correct in your assumption that not much milk is used . Rum and milk was the staple of every cattle mustering camp in southern Qld and northern NSW in winter . Have a hit , jump on the horse and go .
  26. P

    Fill this Rifle Gap

    Oh no no no . As a good Queenslander I am addicted to Bundy Rum and Coke ( out of a bottle ) with ice and lime in a tall glass in summer. In winter it is Bundy and milk for Breakfast , Lunch and Dinner . Been keeping up this routine for 55 years with no apparent detriment to my health (?!!!)
  27. P

    Fill this Rifle Gap

    425 WR a must have .
  28. P

    Fill this Rifle Gap

    And Coke for the Bundy ? My idea of heaven .
  29. P

    Fill this Rifle Gap

    318WR - just a fantastic cartridge . 250 grain pills . Consider yourself enabled .
  30. P

    Any Aussies had a 425 WR built?

    You might want to contact TSE (Total Solution Engineering) in Brisbane . They made a great 505 Gibbs barrel for a rifle of mine that was made by Bob de Vries at Kudu Services. As I understand it they geared up just for this rifle . 25 inch heavy profile - shoots like a dream .
  31. P

    thats why I dont like doubles (have one)

    I have watched this video a couple of times - not a good look all round . The first shot should not have been taken . The other thing I noticed was 2 shots from the scoped rifle were too high - the initial hit and a later one which went over the buff when it was in close . I wonder if the scoped...
  32. P

    Let’s see your pup

    Our 3 beautiful Boxers . Absolutely useless but wonderful pets .
  33. P

    thats why I dont like doubles (have one)

    I was surprised by the original shot with the other buff so close . Looked to me like he hit both .
  34. P

    Techniques for heavy recoiling rifles

    Always shoot my big rifles “in” using a standing bench . Never ever use a lead sled . Standing benches allow you to much more readily absorb the recoil . Of course the rifle weight must be suitable to the cartridge size and stock fit is spot on .
  35. 1929 Made 375 H&H Flanged Magnum Rifle

    1929 Made 375 H&H Flanged Magnum Rifle

  36. 1929 Made 375 H&H Flanged Magnum Rifle

    1929 Made 375 H&H Flanged Magnum Rifle

  37. P

    The .375 Holland & Holland Flanged Magnum

    Yes I have . Water buff in Northern Territory Australia . Used a H&H Royal in 375 flanged magnum . Shot 2 - same process for both . Got down wind , kept quiet and used trees to get in close . Used tree as a rest . 300 grain bullet into heart lung - buff skipped up in air and got the left barrel...
  38. P

    The .375 Holland & Holland Flanged Magnum

    Here are some pics of my 375 H&H flanged magnum . The original and the best . Made in 1929 . As with most double rifles in early 20th Century it went to India and was sold through Manton & Co . Has all the contemporary Royal features - bolstered action and hand detachable locks . Happily shoots...
  39. P

    The .475 Nitro Express (Straight)

    I guess that’s why you post as Certus . A fascinating rifle .
  40. P

    Rimmed (only) Cartridges

    Agree 100% .
  41. P

    My new (to me) .303

    Love the 303 . Here are the 2 I have currently . A Purdey double rifle which happily Shoots 180 grain pills at 2550 fps . Made in 1898 . Great for deer . Also a Lee Speed by BSA & M in their No1 Pattern - pre 1897 manufacture . Shoots 215 grain pills circa 2200 fps . It is brilliant on pigs ...
  42. P

    Rimmed (only) Cartridges

    303 - just a great cartridge magazine or bolt action - got 3 rifles in this . 375 H&H flanged magnum ( the other 375 H&H magnum - brilliant on water buff. 450/400 3” NE - another ripper on buff - got 2 rifles in this . 500NE - has some real authority - got a double in this and another coming...
  43. P

    450 Grain in 416 Rigby

    Good advice - but get a 505 instead .
  44. P

    450 Grain in 416 Rigby

    Load everything with 2209 . Use Woodleighs for everything too. Used Geoff McDonald and Graeme Wright’s book to work up my loads .
  45. P

    Boer or Brit?

    Yes I do get a bit tired of the pizzling the 303 gets . It really is a great cartridge and it turns up in some really spectacular rifles . In OZ the sporterised and plain military rifles have taken more buff and crocs than any other cartridge/ rifle combo . I suspect plenty of dangerous game in...
  46. P

    Any Aussies had a 425 WR built?

    The Rewa is something else . A buff was shot with it head on . A soft nose bullet used . Bullet exited the back end and is still going .
  47. P

    Boer or Brit?

    I am a huge fanboy for both the 7mm Mauser and the 303 . My 7mm was my working rifle when I owned cattle / sheep farms around OZ . In a BRNO VZ 24 rifle with an old Pecar 4x scope I shot countless deer , pigs and dogs - all pests to me . No head mounts - pure culling . Just a beautiful rifle /...
  48. P

    Boer or Brit?

    Absolutely spot on !
  49. P

    Boer or Brit?

    A 303 will do anything a 308 can do .