Search results

  1. P

    Australia for Retirement?

    Yes I have been chased quite a distance by a pair of Brown snakes when I was younger . Also had one fall out of a tree onto bonnet of a tractor I was operating . No cab and it wrapped itself around the wheel for what seemed an eternity . I climbed out over the three point linkage and stood on...
  2. P

    Australia for Retirement?

    I have no problems travelling with firearms anywhere in Australia . No licenses required . I shoot in Queensland , New South Wales , Tasmania . Main issues for hunting licenses are for Duck hunting ( I don’t participate ) . I shoot on my own properties or mates so I shoot anything I want . I own...
  3. P

    Australia for Retirement?

    Plenty of “Joe Blakes” around . Last year in Brisbane had an Eastern Brown in the swimming pool with me at one end and a python at the other . The Eastern Brown swam off one way and I walked on water the other direction . On a walk up pheasant and partridge shoot in Tasmania about 15 years ago...
  4. P

    Opinions on the 2300-2400fps velocity range in big game rifles

    Worth looking at the barrel lengths when the original velocities of classic cartridges were measured . Often barrels on bolt action rifles were 26 and 28 inches long . The original 416 Rigby, 505 Gibbs and 500 Jeffery were all on 26 inch barrels . 425 WR needed 28 inches to get the reported...
  5. P

    Opinions on the 2300-2400fps velocity range in big game rifles

    I think Gibbs and Jeffery fell for the high velocity big energy story when they originally introduced their 505 and 500 magazine rifles shooting at 2300 - 2400 fps. Modern loads from Norma are replicating 500 NE performance that is heavier (600 grain), higher SD bullets fired at 2150fps...
  6. P

    450 Rigby and whether to scope or not?

    My 450 Rigby is not scoped . A single square bridge magnum . Shoots like a dream . I do not notice recoil . The one thing I did was to put a 3 point diamond on front sight . It cost me $90 for the diamond plus some glue . Now have a bright front sight even in poor light conditions . It stands...
  7. P

    Robert Ruark Adventurer

    Yes the Humber Imperial Pullman - a seriously big car and we kids loved it . Could put the whole rugby team in the back section . The Triumph Heralds were popular here in OZ . They were a bit cheaper than MGs. Going from a Standard 8 to a Super Snipe would be like going from the out house to the...
  8. P

    Robert Ruark Adventurer

    Nothing wrong with the original Land Rover, Austin Trucks or Humber cars . All were very popular in rural Australia in 1940s , 50s and 60s . The original Land Rover motor was from the Standard Vanguard car and was also used in Massey Ferguson TE 20 tractors . We had an old TE 20 for use around...
  9. P

    Mannlicher-Schoenauer, history, models, performance, features, storys

    Here are some pics of my MS . It is a 1952 Model but made in 1954 . It has the proper MS factory scope mount . Scope is a Kahles 2.5-7x . Calibre is the great 30/06. It is a Stutzen with 20” barrel . Has a lot of very Germanic engraving featuring lots of oak leaves , a buffalo and a pig ( not my...
  10. P

    Mannlicher-Schoenauer, history, models, performance, features, storys

    Does she still have them ? A great selection of doubles and magazine rifles .
  11. P

    Mannlicher-Schoenauer, history, models, performance, features, storys

    A A nice battery being cleaned by John Huston
  12. P

    Mannlicher-Schoenauer, history, models, performance, features, storys

    A A nice battery being cleaned by John Huston .
  13. P

    Fell in love with a working girl

    I cannot understand why you would restore it at all . If it is tight and the rifling is good leave it alone . I think it is a lovely rifle as it is .
  14. P

    Fell in love with a working girl

    I have seen Army & Navy sidelock double rifles and shotguns . Best grade firearms in every respect . For what it is worth I think the rifle would most likely have gone to India rather than Africa . If you can find out the original owner you can also find out what regiment and the posting .
  15. P

    Further evidence of the decline of the 450/400 3"?

    For what it is worth the 577 Rewa that you refer to is an astonishing cartridge . Way way better than the 577 NE . One recently came into OZ as a pair of sidelock doubles with a 600 NE .
  16. P

    One gun or two? On safari

    I have been water buff hunting in the NT with another guy who pulled the trigger only to hear a mild bang . He extracted the empty cartridge chambered another pulled the trigger and blew up the rifle . He was using home loaded ammo - can only speculate that the first round had no or little...
  17. P

    .416 Rigby & .458 Lott - Equal Recoil?

    In my opinion the Ruger Safari Magnum 458 Lott - was a very poorly set up rifle out of the box . I purchased one new in 2003 . After some initial target shooting I sent it away for stock extension on 0.75 inches , a big fat Kickeez to replace the hard , narrow original recoil pad and a 0.5 pound...
  18. P

    500 Jeffery Club

    2 different rifles . One is a single square bridge while bottom is a double square bridge action .
  19. P

    500 Nitro Express 3.25” - newbie question

    A new edition will be out shortly .
  20. P

    Any gin drinkers here?

    I like Ophir a spiced Scottish gin . Over ice with a little fresh ginger , sliced red chilli and some cardamon and Fevertree tonic water . Absolutely delicious . Having said that a Bombay Sapphire and tonic is very nice too on a hot day .
  21. P

    Big Bore Addiction Group

    Thank you. I enjoy using them too .
  22. P

    Big Bore Addiction Group

    The guy with the largest big bore collection in Australia and world class at that is based in Perth - and he hunts with them . Next best is in Darwin - a big hunter .
  23. P

    Woodleigh Bullets

    The good news is that Woodleigh are back into it and making pretty much all types of bullets . But there is a big back log of orders to fill.
  24. P

    One cartridge to hunt dangerous game for the rest of your life and it can't be a 375, what are you going with?

    Go with the WR . Got one in 450/400 . A sidelock . Just over 10 lbs . Just a fabulous rifle to shoot . One with hand detachable locks would be fantastic .
  25. P

    Wild hog meat… do you eat it or is it too risky?

    That makes good sense . The wild pigs we shot and ate roamed across vast tracts of cattle grazing land and consequently were largely parasite and disease free .
  26. P

    Wild hog meat… do you eat it or is it too risky?

    I often eat pigs I have shot but only yearling type . Hind legs and back straps . Never eat the offal . When I was a kid we’d shoot a sow and get the suckers with dogs . Take them home , worm them and lock them up in pens and feed them up . The best suckling pig roasts .
  27. P

    One cartridge to hunt dangerous game for the rest of your life and it can't be a 375, what are you going with?

    You bet they do . Better than either the 416 Rigby or 404 J . A standout .
  28. P

    What Have You Killed with the 7x57

    RWS Geco are the main brand I use these days , 165 Gr soft nose . I also use S&B .
  29. P

    What Have You Killed with the 7x57

    I used a 7x57 as my working rifle on my cattle/ sheep/ forestry properties in OZ . A BRNO VZ 24 still with Nazi proof marks . An old Pecar 4x scope . Rifle was customized when I got it . Dealt with countless kangaroos , pigs and deer . I am talking in the thousands ( 300+fallow deer in a two...
  30. P

    Steel vs Tungsten

    I I also understand that due to the lower specific gravity of steel vs lead heavier shot needs to be used to get necessary momentum . This then requires a heavier cartridge and causes more recoil . I recently had my old Browning(1958) o/u converted from full / full to interchangeable Briley...
  31. P

    Were the Ruger RSM and CZ 550 Safari rifles the two most significant contributors to the 416 Rigby's recent popularity?

    My 404J was built in early 1920s . It is light at 8.5 lbs . The stock also has a very narrow butt with horn base . No recoil pad. No cheek piece . I have a 450/400 double - same size bullet and speed with metal butt. Weighs 10lbs and is a joy to shoot . I agree 10-10.5 lbs is correct weight for...
  32. P

    Were the Ruger RSM and CZ 550 Safari rifles the two most significant contributors to the 416 Rigby's recent popularity?

    I own a 404J it is a Mauser Type A using SSB magnum action . It is without any shadow of a doubt the most unpleasant rifle I have ever shot . Closely followed by a Mannlicher Schoenaeur 9.5x57 . That 404 of mine is just awful to shoot . But it certainly comes with a lot of history .
  33. P

    Big Bore Addiction Group

    Here’s a few pics I have on iphone . Left pic top to bottom: 500NE double snap action with rising bite 450/400NE WR sidelock double 375 H&H Royal flanged magnum double 303 Purdey double Right pic : A pair of Stephen Grant 12g sidelocks 500NE 450/400NE 375 H&H 425 WR 416 Rigby Will take some...
  34. P

    Big Bore Addiction Group

    I think dangerous game hunting has changed a lot too . Old timers were on their own and the double rifle was the way to go . Now hunting with a guide there can be a lot of lead flying - bolt actions with scopes the norm . I am still able to hunt water buff on my own from time to time so the DR...
  35. P

    Big Bore Addiction Group

    Not sure about strong or macho more lik old and broken down . I do like big bores . The first rifle I ever owned was a 458 Lott so never knew better - consequently no flinch . I shoot them all regularly . Really enjoy camaraderie at the range or in the hunting camp .
  36. P

    Big Bore Addiction Group

    You are right - it is functionally useless .
  37. P

    Big Bore Addiction Group

    My name is PCC and I need help . My big bore addiction is getting worse - fast . It covers a range currently restricted to : 600NE Farquharson falling block 500NE JA Shirley double with rising bite and snap action underlever 505 Gibbs made by Bob de Vries on a Dumoulin magnum action. 450 Rigby...
  38. P

    Rolex- the stupidest, lamest company

    I have a Corum Tides watch . I have owned boats with deep draft all my life and always keen to know what the tide is doing . Concept is brilliant but practicality - Zero . Forever having to reset dates / moon phases a complicated procedure requiring tide tables and needing jeweller instruments ...
  39. P

    Rolex- the stupidest, lamest company

    I cracked the glass on my father’s old Tudor shooting a 505 off a rest some years ago . Have never worn a watch shooting/ hunting since . Just look at my phone for the time . Fortunately was able to get the watch fixed .
  40. P

    Any point in a 'small' double rifle?

    And that is why the 303 is better !
  41. P

    Any point in a 'small' double rifle?

    I use a 303 double rifle with quick detachable scope . The 303 will do anything the 308 can do so a great all round cartridge . As you live in Canada there should be plenty of ammo available or you can reload . The 303 doubles were popular for Red Deer stalking in Scotland . You could use it in...
  42. P

    Hippo on land Vs. Buffalo for first Dangerous Game hunt?

    Hunting on your own - well done .
  43. P

    How many .375 H&H's and/or .416's do you own and shoot?

    Bob You’re a man after my own heart . WTF is it with the 6.5 Creedmore ? And I can’t stand 243 either .
  44. P

    How many .375 H&H's and/or .416's do you own and shoot?

    1. A CZ 550 Safari Classic 375H&H belted rimless magnum. 2. A Holland & Holland Royal double 375 H&H flanged magnum. 3. A 416 Rigby Big Game . All very capable killers .
  45. P

    Winchester Model 70 375 H&H vs CZ550 375 H&H

    Great article . Have a CZ 550 Safari Classic in 375 H&H . Has Talley QD scope mounts and a Leopold 1.5-4 x 20 scope . I have never used it above 1.5x magnification . Just a wonderful all round combo . Have taken many water buff with it . Never ever had a problem . From memory I have had 7 rounds...
  46. P

    Rifle Actions (Ranked)

    I have shot a 404J made by H&H and using a M17 action . It was a plain but very nice rifle made in the 50s . Apparently these were priced well under Mauser actioned rifles . I thought it was great .
  47. P

    BRNO ZK vs CZ 550

    The pop up peep sights on ZKK 602 are cool . But otherwise I’m not aware of major differences . My CZ 550 Safari Classic 375 H&H and BRNO VZ 24 custom in 7mm Mauser are my go to rifles .