Yes it is a great cartridge . I have used an old Jeffery boxlock shooting the 475 No2 Jeffery at buff . It certainly worked ! A really impressive looking cartridge .
I like your list . Some great cartridges listed. I wouldn’t be down on the 500s they are impressive and not that bad to shoot . 500 NE with 570gr pill at 2150fps in 11 lb rifle is awesome . 505 Gibbs with 600gr pill at 2150fps equally awesome but also needs 11lb rifle. Have not hunted with 500J...
A Farquharson Rifle . About 12 were built in OZ back in 1990s. It is in the Cal Pappas book on 600s. A 26 inch barrel . Only ever used it on buff in Australia . Devastating effect with shoulder shots and head on . Use 900 grain Woodleigh soft nose . A friend loads for me so not exactly sure of...
I had a Ruger Safari Magnum 458 Lott . It was a great rifle . Purchased in 2003 . Never had a problem . But it was definitely nose heavy . I fitted a wide base kickeez pad and put some extra weight in the stock. Really liked it .
Back to the original question - I have never shot or hunted with a 700NE. But I have used all the rest. Biggest disappointment was an unfired 500J made by Harald Wolf . I was test firing to buy - it jammed . Eventually got it shooting . No doubt a great cartridge but passed on the rifle . Can’t...
Love the 450 Rigby . I had a 3 point industrial diamond fitted to front sight . Works brilliantly - a bright white dot on dark hide if there is any light available . Cost me a couple of hundred A$ all up .
Funny story but I went to H&H about 15 years ago . I was in jacket and tie . I had every intention of commissioning a Royal double rifle in 500NE . I had always dreamed of owning an H&H double rifle . I did not need to ask the price . I made an appointment and the gun room manager basically told...
How could anyone ever get bored with a 425 WR or 404J ? 2 brilliant cartridges and generally in great rifles . I like the 425 so much I have 2 . Also a 404J and 416 Rigby. Much prefer the other 2 cartridges and rifles to the Rigby .
I have a Mauser Type A in 404J . From serial number it looks to have been made around 1925. Action is a single square bridge magnum . Waffenfabrik Mauser Oberndorff on action ( so action made pre 1920) . Thumb cut out on action . 24 inch barrel with zero blueing remaining . Originally from...
You will love staying at the Cavalry and Guards Club . It is fabulous . Try and eat in the dining room one night . They may have grouse on the menu , washed down with a Bordeaux . A very short walk up Piccadilly is Apsley House , still owned by the Duke of Wellington . A private museum housing...
Purdey made a few 303 doubles for deer stalking . I have one made in 1898 . A Jones underlever snap action non ejector with 25.5 inch barrels . Taking it out to knock over some Axis deer near Brisbane in early October . Shoots beautifully .
I have never had a problem with English double rifles whether they be side locks or box locks . The one common element for all is I use rimmed / flanged cartridges . Generally lower pressure ammo + rims means no extraction problems and all on face .
Owned 4 Jag XJs and XKs over the years . No problems at all . Audi A8 terrific . 2 Mercedes Benz - the greatest motoring disappointments of my life . All brand new cars
Most 450/400s are plain working rifles but occasionally you find a stunner . I have a Westley Richards side lock made for the Maharana of Udaipur in 1920 which is superb . 26 inch barrels . 10.5 lbs weight . A dream to shoot and accurate . It is a best gun in every respect .
I am new to this forum . Jerome Lanoue and Mark Newton were in Australia recently and showed me the Rigby Shikari 500NE double rifle prototype . I fell in love with it and ordered one there and then . Sadly I have a 3 year wait but it will be worth it . They are both gentlemen . For the record...
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