Search results

  1. Robmill70

    Smith Corona 03A3 308 Norma Mag

    $750?? make an offer, I'll throw in dies & brass if you reload....trying to move some guns, have to pay for my next fix in SA!!
  2. Robmill70

    1953 Win Mod 70 300 HH

    Sold to AH member
  3. Robmill70

    Want To Sell Ruger #1 375 H&H

    Listing this one for my brother. Ruger #1 in 375 H&H, classic rugged rifle, some handling marks, not a safe queen, but shoots great! $1500 obo shipped?
  4. Robmill70

    Looking For 6.5x55

    Did you ever find another 6.5x55? Sending PM too
  5. Robmill70

    Smith Corona 03A3 308 Norma Mag

    Very nice shooting 03A3 chambered in 308 Norma mag. 4-12x scope. Will include dies and brass with it. $850 plus shipping
  6. Robmill70

    1953 Win Mod 70 300 HH

    I have several 30 cal magnums, so I'm thinning the herd a bit. Very nice 1953 model 70 chambered in 300 H&H. Pictured with the Bushnell scope (included if you want it) it now has a Vortex 3-9x with QD rings. $1850 shipped. PM me for questions or more pics
  7. Robmill70

    CZ 550 Safari 416 Rigby

    SOLD to an AH member!
  8. Robmill70

    Selling My S&W 45 ACP

    interested in any trading?
  9. Robmill70

    416 Rigby with Ammo and Rings

    Someone got a deal on this! There are no 416 Rigby bolt guns on GI or GB for under $2k good score!
  10. Robmill70

    Attempted scam on AH

    how did they slip into the discussion in the first place?
  11. Robmill70

    Want To Buy M70 Classic Stainless, any long magnum chambering

    I have a few pre-64 mod 70’s, 2 in 300HH and 375HH if interested
  12. Robmill70

    Wanted 404 Jeffery or 416 Rigby

    I have a 450 Rigby, 458 Lott, and a 416 Rigby, all CZ-550's...... going to sell 2 of the 3. (probably keep the 450R just cause it's bad@$$ :LOL: ). PM sent to you
  13. Robmill70

    Any Freemasons on this forum..?

    Past Master of Yelm 244 (2012) and past District Deputy to the Grand Master MWGL Washington
  14. Robmill70

    Redfield Base Rings (old) f/Pre 64 70

    I have several Pre-64's, I'm sure I can find a home for it.....I'll take em. PM Sent
  15. Robmill70

    MG Hunting Argentina Open Dates In The Red Stag Peak Rut Season Cancellation

    I sure wish the airfare wasn't so expensive to get down there, would love to go for some Stag!!
  16. Robmill70

    Springbuck Management Hunt 2024 & 2025

    Next year is available huh???? hmmmm.....
  17. Robmill70

    WW 375HH Brass

    If I'm that far off on the price, make an offer, worst I will say is no tank you. :LOL:
  18. Robmill70

    For Sale Winchester 70 Pre 64 300 WBY

    Unfortunately true
  19. Robmill70

    WW 375HH Brass

    Going through a bunch of reloading components and selling some of the extras. I have 2 boxes (minus 1 case) of new Winchester brass, 3 boxes of once fired Winchester brass and 15 pieces of Federal. All for $110 shipped to lower 48. If there's anything you're looking for, PM and I'll look...
  20. Robmill70

    Wanted for .416 Rigby ammo and reloading stuff

    I have some 416 Swift A-frames (400gr) if you're interested
  21. Robmill70

    Vortex PST II 1-6x24

    These are great scopes, I have one!
  22. Robmill70

    Carpathian Red Stag Trophy Hunt Package 2023

    Can you PM with the price please
  23. Robmill70

    CZ 550 Safari 416 Rigby

  24. Robmill70

    Model 70 In .300 H&H

    The animals won't mind a few dings in the stock! Lol. Beautiful rifle, GLWS
  25. Robmill70

    CZ 550 American in 9.3x62 With 2 Stocks

    This should go quick!! GLWS
  26. Robmill70

    1955 Winchester Model 70 In 270win

    Glad you're happy with it.!
  27. Robmill70

    Ruger M77 Tang Safety 7mm Mag

    Weekend bump
  28. Robmill70

    CZ 550 Safari 416 Rigby Talley QD rings To me, it kicks less than my 375HH with the brake on!
  29. Robmill70

    CZ 550 Safari 416 Rigby

    $2375 Shipped??? I can't be that far off.........
  30. Robmill70

    Ruger M77 Tang Safety 7mm Mag

    $825 Shipped????
  31. Robmill70

    1955 Winchester Model 70 In 270win

    SPF Thank you Jbird!
  32. Robmill70

    Ruger M77 Tang Safety 7mm Mag

    @ 100yds off a bag
  33. Robmill70

    CZ 550 Safari 416 Rigby

    14" LOP I don't Have any target pic, but I guess it gives me an excuse to go shoot it some more!
  34. Robmill70

    Savage 110 Chambered In 35 Whelen

    SPF! Bob has a new 35 Whelen friend! :D
  35. Robmill70

    1955 Winchester Model 70 In 270win

    Ok, here's the Model 70 in 270 I had talked about in my other postings, finally getting past the feeling I should keep it! Super nice pre-64, numbers all match, factory butt plate and sights, shoots awesome. As usual, let me know if you want more pics, info, video, or references (plenty of...
  36. Robmill70

    CZ 550 Safari 416 Rigby

    Ok, here's another I decided to put up to help fund my horrible hunting habit. CZ 550 Safari chambered in 416 Rigby with Leupold 1-4x (scope box included). Muzzle brake screws off if you're not into them, I will say it's a pleasure to shoot with it on, it really reduces quite a bit of kick...
  37. Robmill70

    Savage 110 Chambered In 35 Whelen

    I do have a Savage in 243, but haven't decided to sell that one, i love it, it's a laser beam!
  38. Robmill70

    Savage 110 Chambered In 35 Whelen

    She's grown and out of the house....... plus they would return her 10 minutes after reception! lol And yes, it is a sweet shooting rifle!
  39. Robmill70

    Ruger M77 Tang Safety 7mm Mag

    OK, got my taxidermy bill for last year and setting up my hunt for this year, so some rifles are going on the chopping block to pay for it all! Ruger M77 in the popular 7mm Mag with tang safety. All factory rifle comes with Redfield scope. The wood and bluing on this rifle are outstanding! As...
  40. Robmill70

    Savage 110 Chambered In 35 Whelen

    OK, got my taxidermy bill for last year and setting up my hunt for this year, so some rifles are going on the chopping block to pay for it all! Nice Savage 110 chambered in 35 Whelen, aftermarket composite stock, Timney trigger, 1" rings. As usual, let me know if you want more pics, info...
  41. Robmill70

    Custom Mauser Actioned 22-250

  42. Robmill70

    Custom Mauser Actioned 22-250

    OK, got my taxidermy bill for last year and setting up my hunt for this year, so some rifles are going on the chopping block to pay for it all! Really nice 22-250 on a Mauser 98 action, Shilen barrel, and set triggers (yes scope included). Look at the character of the wood on this rifle, looks...
  43. Robmill70

    Wanted Federal 375 HH Swift Aframe Ammo

    I thought I had some for you, but when I pulled everything out, I only had 416 Swift A-frames bullets
  44. Robmill70

    For Sale Calling All Predator hunters - .22-250 Ammo & NIB Electronic Predator Call

    Hey pat, I'll take the call and decoy setup
  45. Robmill70

    First hunt, short notice

    Let's get an update.....
  46. Robmill70

    Wanted 450 Rigby Reamer

    username for one of the members here
  47. Robmill70

    Wanted 450 Rigby Reamer

    Yeah, I'm tracking those guys, but was hoping Rifle57 would pop up, I know he had one at one point
  48. Robmill70

    Cz 550, 416 Rigby NIB Fancy Grade For Sale - Last One

    Are you looking for a CZ 550 in 416 Rigby?
  49. Robmill70

    Wanted 450 Rigby Reamer

    Anyone have a 450 Rigby chamber reamer they are wanting to sell?
  50. Robmill70

    416 Rigby 400gr Federal Premium
