I have used them all. Depending on WHO is doing the work, every gunsmith has his preferences, contour, availability, quality, material. MY PERSONAL CHOICE...Douglas, Shilen, Hart. In that order, based upon everything in the mix.
SO I made it out to the range today....used irons only....I hate shooting from the bench! I took a box of this stuff and a box of Federal Blue 300GR Sp. My control was a box of Hornady 270, an ammo my Brno likes. I thought it was my eyes and maybe I'm just getting to that point, now mind you...
For any of you 375 shooters...here's a link to a sale on 375 H&H ammo. I talked with Colorado Buck by way of my friend Amy at Pro Hunt Concierge and he said the ammo is manufactured in the USA by a company in Montana. CTD is one of his sponsors and this is a promotion for the new line. I haven't...
Jaco, thanks for the response! I had not thought of that particular scenario....I am not sure that I would want to part with my rifle. It was 10 years in the finding of the model, caliber and condition....not sure I could do that...but it is worth exploring. Know any outfitters that could be of...
Okay here's the plan..........we, my wife and kids & I.....(yeah, I know how come a "seasoned fellow" like me has young ones), are planning a long term visit to SA. PE to be specific.
I have visited several times and owned a house there for a bit with the ex-wife.....any way I want to take the...
I am in my 36th year as a gunsmith. To address the feeding issue directly.....Mauser type controlled feed. The push feed issue is one of manipulation of the rifle.....you have to decide if your nerves and abilities, as well as your motor-control skills are what is necessary to operate the push...
Took this "bad boy" on my last trip over. He actually was a "bad boy"...had been causing mischief and attacked a few folks. Rifle was an FN Sauer 270, Leupold 6x. Head shot at about 120 +/- yards . Took a rest on the bakkie passenger door. Guide said I HAD to make a head shot....meat and hide...
Apply wax to all exposed metal, as you would your car! Repeat as necessary. Ballistol is a good way to remove the car wax. I probably have over 200 different types of gun-related chemicals or such in my shop at any given time. Some work great for one thing, some for another.
Wood should be...
AkMike is 100% spot on. I always recommend that my customers use car paste wax on their rifles. It is excellent for storage or foul weather. Good advice Mike!
Hi all!
That "special kind of stupid" will ALWAYS be with us. Anti "anything" people are a pain in the butt! I say if it's legal, leave the doer alone.
As to site security...I'm an old guy and don't know much about websites, but what about a membership fee to have any access to the board...
Now please keep in mind that the only thing I am an expert on is my own opinion, but...............
As regards the Whitworth....the actions tend to be just as rough as any mid/ lower end factory stock action, when new. Barrel softness....this is a statement that can be better clarified, in my...
Hi all....just thought to chime in on this as it is sleeting and I've nothing better to do. Beginning my 36th year as a gunsmith. (Good Lord am I getting old or what?) Almost everything written in that article is 100% FACT. Now try and sell that to US hunters that are A) Inundated with...
I have 200 rounds of Kynoch 470 Nitro Express brass. It is in the original cardboard boxes, each box holding 50 cases. They are unprimed Berdan cases. I would take $200.00 per box of 50 or $750.00 for all plus shipping. I can do Visa/MC/Amex for a couple of bucks extra.
Sorry for the slow reply....appreciate the welcome . I swear this IS the friendliest bunch of blokes I have met on the internet! How absolutely refreshing.
Docman, regarding torque on your action screws. Couple of things ....any barrel blocks or pillars? Torque is a guideline or a marker. You...
Hey guys, nothing here in the way of solicitation. (I'm usually behind 5 weeks :eek:) Any questions or gunsmithing issues I can help with let me know and I'll do my best to give you my help (or at least my best guess :D). I am heading into my 36th year in the trade.
Blessings and good...
Hey Cliffy, We were in SA for 8 weeks last year. Drove our rental from Cape to PE a BUNCH of times. Had my wife and three kids along for that trip. (Hunted some private farms in the Karoo.) We never ONCE felt threatened by ANYONE at ANYTIME, EVER! We rented a home on the beach in Plettenberg...
Cliffy, Cost to value ratio. You have to cut, mill smooth, spin round in a lathe, choose your anchor spot and reweld. This would be an un-fun thing to do to your CZ.
I am a full time gunsmith. 35 years. Just my .02 pard..:cook: Cheers Ornery!
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