This is the only hunting Web site I frequent because of its integrity. The others are rude and obnoxious just like the rest of the web. Everyone here seems to have values and respect that we don't all have to have the same opinion. I
I like them. Would be quite the adventure to the countries you need to go. The terrain adds to it but I think it comes down to a basic question. Blonde, brunette or a red head. The eye of the beholder.
Seems like a great idea. The antis will never get it. Thier arrogance is what bewilders me the most. People are starving this will help. They aren't concerned about the starving children.
I regularly visit the explora . I was very saddened to hear about passing of Simon Cloud the director of Westley Richards. You could tell his passion for guns and hunting in his many posts.
This at is core is a lack of respect for each other as human beings. The lack of religion in the home is another. Most of us grew up in or around the country. The values are still taught in the home and in schools. Organizations like 4 H, and the FFA are positive influences in people's lives...
People just don't understand the situation in Africa. They think it is still the wide open uninhabited place. We are so smart and so uninformed at the same time.
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