Search results

  1. ScottG

    Curious lion almost cost his life!

    Hippos are no joke even to a predator.
  2. ScottG

    What do you think about the HSUS "accurate and conclusive" survey?

    Not that I am one' but when did being a rich white guy become that bad. The United States was built by rich white guys. The American dream was built on the fact you could go out take some risks bust your but and get rich. They try to stereotype them in to this evil group. This is the same...
  3. ScottG

    Mass Poisoning Incident Near Ruaha National Park Tanzania

    We won't hear about this on the View. This would teach people about the complexity of Africa . Education is the enemy of the opposition.
  4. ScottG

    What do you think about the HSUS "accurate and conclusive" survey?

    They don't understand . People think the animals are shot the head cut off and the body is left to rot. I'd think that was bad if I didn't know better.
  5. ScottG

    Hyena hunting in South Africa?

    Great question I've not seen a lot of talk on the subject . Let us know how it turns out.
  6. ScottG

    Greetings from Tulsa

    Welcome. Love Tulsa, lived in Stillwater for 10 years. Lots to learn here. Enjoy!
  7. ScottG

    40lb Caracal / Springhare

    Very nice.
  8. ScottG

    Hi from SCI

    Great to have you here. Look forward to hearing your prospective on the issues of hunting and conservation.
  9. ScottG

    Gordon Ramsay Triggered Vegan Rage on Twitter With His PETA-Mocking Post

    It's amazing. That's all they do is try to shame people. When they get a little taste of their own medicine they act all wounded. I like my veggies but not the only thing I'm looking for. Meat it's what's for dinner!
  10. ScottG


  11. ScottG


    I'm a fan myself. Try the 10 yr Whistle Pig Rye. Make a great Old Fashioned.
  12. ScottG

    New Rockin G Ranch pictures

    Good stuff your place looks great.
  13. ScottG

    am new here and ready to learn

    Welcome lots to learn and some great people to learn from.
  14. ScottG

    Some Full Lion Taxidermy Mounts

    I especially like#2.
  15. ScottG

    Got my moose horns back (well my sons)

    They look great congratulations.
  16. ScottG

    South African lions eat 'poacher' leaving just his head

    It is hard to understand the dangers of getting stuck on your tractor and walking home. The head is part of the remains which should help the identification process. Seeing it and reading it doesn't make it any easier to comprehend. Those things are so far from most peoples everyday reality.
  17. ScottG

    Baby elephant throwing a tantrum

    Looks more like I've fallen and I can't get up .
  18. ScottG

    Bears in the Modern World

    Looks like me when I'm trying to change an electrical socket.
  19. ScottG

    African Hunting Targets

    I'd say you are a better artist than you think. I'd have a hard time hitting the stick figures in can't draw straight.
  20. ScottG

    Greenpeace activist gets arm bitten off after hugging a white shark

    Ahhhhhhh only read the headlines.
  21. ScottG

    Greenpeace activist gets arm bitten off after hugging a white shark

    Proof they just don't get it. Protect the sharks ok but all common sense and reason seems to be lacking in these people .
  22. ScottG

    Wayne Pacelle?!! Say it ain't so!

    Doesn't matter what happens to humans as long as the puppies and kitties are ok, and as long as someone else pays for it.
  23. ScottG

    Coyote Attack

    Can't teach stupid
  24. ScottG

    Weatherby is moving

    Maybe to Canada where they all promised. Sorry Brickburn.
  25. ScottG

    A kingpin smuggled ivory tusks and rhino horns for years

    Sadly there will be some one to take their place if convicted. As it was said in Trophy. Trying to convince the Asian population that their medicine doesn't work is like try convince the Christians there is no Jesus Christ.
  26. ScottG


    Welcome there are lots of great people and great information here.
  27. ScottG

    Study On Persuasive Hunting Arguments

    I agree. Steve responds with a level head and intellect. I also like his show because it's not a 30 minute infomercial for his sponsors.
  28. ScottG

    ZAMBIA: Leopard - 3rd Time A Charm?

    Sounds like a great adventure. Congratulations Sir.
  29. ScottG

    New Knife Website

    Very nice Sir. Good luck
  30. ScottG

    New outfitter/member

    Welcome Sir lot's of great people and information here. With the respect you have already shown, you will be well received. Look forward to hearing the hunt reports that come out of your company. Good luck.
  31. ScottG

    Crocodile raising

    Sorry but makes no sense. Can they not see the multitude of problems this will cause. What's a few dead people so little Johhny gets his pet.
  32. ScottG

    404 Jeffery V.2

    Looks great. I hope you enjoy.
  33. ScottG

    Happy New Year

    Happy New Year everyone.
  34. ScottG

    The Value Is The Ecosystem Not The Animal

    I see it both ways. As far as Africa is concerned unless the animal has worth the Eco system is not even thought about. If the animals are poached out then the cattle will be brought in and overgrazed the the Eco system is gone too. A very complicated place Africa is. I think here in the...
  35. ScottG

    Questions about African Artifacts

    I like the bag.
  36. ScottG

    A winters walk

    I lived in Oklahoma for many years. It got down around 0 degrees but being from Southwest Louisiana -29 is unfathomable.
  37. ScottG

    Are supportive of Market hunting

    Local grocery store makes a mixed venison sausage that that is Axis from New Zealand if I remember correctly. I've seen where in Texas they are trapping hogs and selling them to slaughter houses. So I'd say it is being done in some fashion now.
  38. ScottG

    A winters walk

    Dipping down in the low 20's for 3 to 4 days here. That's as cold as it's been in years. Looked like a nice walk.
  39. ScottG

    The new Trophy Room is almost finished

    Love looks great
  40. ScottG

    Hello Form Louisiana, United States

    Welcome Sir.
  41. ScottG


    Whistle Pig 10yr Rye in an Old Fashion and Nolets Gin either French 75 or Gimlet
  42. ScottG

    USA: Elk Hunt In Southern Nevada

    Looked like some good hunting and a great adventure. .
  43. ScottG

    Tanzania: Hunting Permits Reduced to Stem Elephant Decrease

    You always share good information. Thank you.
  44. ScottG

    Bongo IN CONGO, give it a go...

    That would be quite the adveture.
  45. ScottG

    Trophy - The Film

    Just finished watching, the credits are still rolling. Phillip I thought you did a great job. I have learned some much in the last several years reading and being educated by the experience we have hereon this site. One of things I have learned is one point that Mr. Hume said in the debate...
  46. ScottG

    For the New Double

    Congratulations they will make a stunning pair.
  47. ScottG

    My hunt on video with KMG Hunting Safaris

    I will watch it later when I get home. Thanks for sharing.
  48. ScottG

    Merry Christmas! Happy Hunting to all... 2017

    Merry Christmas to everyone and Peace on Earth!
  49. ScottG


    Thoughts and Prayers.