Not that I am one' but when did being a rich white guy become that bad. The United States was built by rich white guys. The American dream was built on the fact you could go out take some risks bust your but and get rich. They try to stereotype them in to this evil group. This is the same...
They don't understand . People think the animals are shot the head cut off and the body is left to rot. I'd think that was bad if I didn't know better.
It's amazing. That's all they do is try to shame people. When they get a little taste of their own medicine they act all wounded. I like my veggies but not the only thing I'm looking for.
Meat it's what's for dinner!
It is hard to understand the dangers of getting stuck on your tractor and walking home. The head is part of the remains which should help the identification process. Seeing it and reading it doesn't make it any easier to comprehend. Those things are so far from most peoples everyday reality.
Sadly there will be some one to take their place if convicted. As it was said in Trophy. Trying to convince the Asian population that their medicine doesn't work is like try convince the Christians there is no Jesus Christ.
Welcome Sir lot's of great people and information here. With the respect you have already shown, you will be well received. Look forward to hearing the hunt reports that come out of your company. Good luck.
I see it both ways. As far as Africa is concerned unless the animal has worth the Eco system is not even thought about. If the animals are poached out then the cattle will be brought in and overgrazed the the Eco system is gone too. A very complicated place Africa is.
I think here in the...
Local grocery store makes a mixed venison sausage that that is Axis from New Zealand if I remember correctly. I've seen where in Texas they are trapping hogs and selling them to slaughter houses. So I'd say it is being done in some fashion now.
Just finished watching, the credits are still rolling. Phillip I thought you did a great job. I have learned some much in the last several years reading and being educated by the experience we have hereon this site. One of things I have learned is one point that Mr. Hume said in the debate...
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