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  1. ScottG

    Muzzle Loading Guns For Sale

    Do you have a website?
  2. ScottG

    New member

    Welcome Sir. Will enjoy hearing your point of view.
  3. ScottG

    Dream rifle

    Westley Richards .375 H&H with a 450/400 extra barrel. Not much besides some wing shooting you couldn't bag. Then to have a work of art to show case in the trophy room. Classic Safari weapons.
  4. ScottG

    The Elephant & The Pauper The Ivory Debacle

    I think most people other than your hunters or people that have been around hunting will dismiss this video. They just don't get that hunting and conservation go hand and hand. The "glamor" species for the vast majority of Americans is a hunting taboo. I was taken that Kenya just let...
  5. ScottG

    H&H Royal .375 Flanged Nitro Mag For Elephant

    Beautiful piece of art. These weapons are timeless.
  6. ScottG

    What caliber would you choose........

    Dude! My dad's got an awesome set of tools. I think I can fix it.
  7. ScottG

    The Black Bra

    Humoris or sad. Maybe he needs a mistress or a girl friend.
  8. ScottG

    How Do Courtroom Reporters Keep a Straight Face?

    Laughed out loud. Good stuff.
  9. ScottG

    Ringling Bros. now becoming Cirque du Soleil

    One of my fondest memories as a kid was riding the elephant. While working on the road my wife tooky kids to see and ride the elephants. Always regretted missing that.
  10. ScottG

    Humor in court cont...

    She asked!:)
  11. ScottG

    Classic Waterbuck Taxidermy Mount

    I have this thing for the water buck, this one is really nice. Great job.
  12. ScottG

    First time poster, LONG time lurker

    Welcome and congrats on your trip have a great one!!!
  13. ScottG

    Beer Drinking Holidays

    ATF only has to visit once.
  14. ScottG

    Pillows Made From Back Skins

    sounds like someone needs to hire some help
  15. ScottG

    Boys - Love it...

    Loved it So true. I hate the TV commercials showing kids do crazy stuff. I would tell my kids, if you do that I'll whip your Butt's. We know dad was the usual resppnce.
  16. ScottG

    Beer Drinking Holidays

    You guys just missed one of the greatest non official holidays of them all. There is no party like Mardi Gras. New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Mamou. There are parades and parties for days leading up Fat Tuesday.
  17. ScottG

    Trophy Collection Pictures

    Wow that represents a lot of adventure.
  18. ScottG

    Not impressed

    Thanks, but not sure it's a win.
  19. ScottG

    Not impressed

    Got you both beat. How would you like to be from Southwest Louisiana. You Okie's and redneck Texasans are genius's compared to how we are pertraid.
  20. ScottG

    Going To Africa - New to AH

    Have a great time and enjoy your safari.
  21. ScottG

    Not impressed

    I like seeing the new places. Learning new things. I watch most everything about Africa. I can live vicariously through others. That place fascinates me. If it's not a good host I tune them out and take in the scenery. You can always learn something. Even if its what not to do or how not...
  22. ScottG

    Old lion hunt close call

    you seem to be right. No grass to tall grass. Made to look like the great white hunter and not the guy that almost got killed.
  23. ScottG

    China imposes one-year ban on ivory imports

    China is just joining the political correctness group. Trying to improve their image. Yep prices just went through the roof and there will be more poaching's than before.
  24. ScottG

    Some amazing(?) freakish ideas for taxidermy furniture

    Kool stuff. Lots of talent.
  25. ScottG

    Not impressed

    I've watched him. He seems to have the worst luck in the world. He plays that up in most times a self deprecating manner. If you've nor watched before it can be taken out of context. I have seen him be very gracious and complimentary to outfitters and people he has come across.
  26. ScottG

    Professional Hunter mauled by Lion

    Great news he will recover. Wow scary situation.
  27. ScottG

    Thank You

    Soak it all up and let us that haven't been know what it's like the first time.
  28. ScottG

    Warthog testicle anyone? No?

    A little flour some seasoning, deep fried with a cold Budweiser. Not bad stuff!!!
  29. ScottG

    The Elephant & The Pauper The Ivory Debacle

    It boils down to worth. They are worth nothing to the locals. Their land is being incroached upon. They are probably poached. The " conservationist's have moved on and left them vunrable. They still pat each on the back at parties and say they did tier job by saving the great apes. Passing...
  30. ScottG

    Outfitters & PH's have you ever been burned?

    Been in retail 20 years stopped trusting people after I became a manager. Had people steal from me I knew for years. Customers will lie cheat and steal every chance they get. Yes I sound jaded. Been burned too many times.
  31. ScottG

    The man who gave up sex for golf...!

    My problem is off the T, my middle irons, my short game and my putting. Other than that I knockem dead.
  32. ScottG

    The man who gave up sex for golf...!

    Qualify your customer.
  33. ScottG

    Hunting Pakistan

    Very nice. Very beautiful country.
  34. ScottG

    Man is it Cold

    34 in La this morning.
  35. ScottG

    Yup, some people just can't handle the truth..!

    Good ones, I had a teacher get upset, she said I'm about to mean and ugly, My friend said Your half way there! Yep went the the principals office.
  36. ScottG

    Why Use A Booking Agent?

    Really good info. These are some of the questions that I had in my mind.
  37. ScottG

    Buffalo has been completed

    Nice bull he looks great.
  38. ScottG

    Cape Eland & Livingstone Eland Pictures

    As I tell the wife. She had a head?
  39. ScottG

    Same outfitter or try something new?

    You want to say kick his butt, but you are right in another country with no means of transportation and who only knows what he tells the local police. You could not be heard from for a long time. Good info still, I wouldn't think that would go on. For a first timer this is valuable intell.
  40. ScottG

    Four Cape Buffalo Mounts Ready To Go

    Looks great. I also like the fourth one.
  41. ScottG

    Same outfitter or try something new?

    I can see the trust factor. Spending that much hard earned money going back somewhere you are comfortable with can be important. Doing your dudilagence is probably key. Referrals, from outfitters you hunted with or trust is probably the best way to start.
  42. ScottG

    Ready to Hunt Elephant

    I think we have to be humane but aware of possible repercussions of botched hunting exploits.
  43. ScottG

    Anti-Hunters Eat Your Heart Out Our Numbers Are Growing

    People see the girls as an easy target. It's like the two in the news lately are the only people that shot a lion in the last 20 years. They see it and jump on the band wagon. They don't have a clue but just like making trouble from the basement of their mothers house. They just spew hatred...
  44. ScottG

    Same outfitter or try something new?

    Not been, but I think I'd like to see the different areas. The Serengeti, hunting in the shadow of Mount Kilamengro, Kruger, the deltas there is so much to experience on that continent. It would be hard to go back to the same place.
  45. ScottG

    Wood stove in trophy room

    The big is screen is where you will show the slide show of your travels. It is an essential part of a proper trophy room.
  46. ScottG

    Wood stove in trophy room

    Windows have a solution also. If you have the windows special ordered you can install a UV protective film on the inside of the glass. Had it done on our sun porch, works well nothing will grow in it, also gases trapped between the glass insulate even further.
  47. ScottG

    Dog Impaled by Bushbuck

    Did Jackson make it